(hy Mr*. OkarlM Fecund) vSICHmy .DaWeon celebrated her birthday on Thursday night by Inviting her schoolmates and tHmda to a party. The party was held in the town hall, r.ith about twenty children present. Games Wire played and ice cream and take Served. Ginny was the happy recipient of many lovely gifts, her grandmother and Aunt Gypsy from Lombard were also present at the party. •V Patsy Toole celebrated her jjflrttiday, too, this week. On Saturday af:<rnoon' she invited her £laMtnat< •• to her home for a l*rt*. r. •freshmen ts included a large birth d$j*"cake and sandwiches. P»t*y was presented with Jliany gifts. Those present were Dolores Alberts, Jenny Lennon, Charlotte Freund, Barbara Popelta, loan May, Sonia Komar, Joan %illiams, Kay Toole, Betty Mey- ,'m* and Judy Olsen. • -- Members of her club met at the home of Mrs. Frank May on Tuesnight. Five-hundred was playlet and prizes went to Mrs. Frank Tinney, Mrs. Ben May and Mrs. Charles Gillespie. A lunch was etrved after cards. Approximately fifty-five ladies Wtere present at St Peter's hall <m • Thursday night to enjoy a jlofr-luck sapper. A demonstration Oil the preparing of foods for deep freezing was a part of the entertainment and proved to be very interesting. The nuns, too, were Invited to this affair as there was also a pantry shower held for them. The hall and tables were decorated In autumn colors and flowers. A decorated sprinkling clan was suspended above a large tfcble piled high with an abundance of food for the nuns. They Were very grateful and wish to thank all who contributed and helped in any way to make this party sach a great success. > Mrs. Charles Freund served on the grand jury at Woodstock on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Tinney .attended the christening of their Bew grandaughter in Waukegan last Sunday. She was christened Lorretta Anna at Immaculate Conception church with Father Thomas Cannon officiating. Godparents Were Mrs.' Lorretta Steplyk and Frank A. Tinney, Sr. Our heartfelt sympathy is ex- Unded -to Ben Marks at the loss M his mother, Mrs. Anna Marks, Who passed away last week. Funeral services were held in Chicago on Monday. i After twenty-one years of service to the public, Mrs. Bertha £sh resigned from her position as post-mistress at Spring Grove post office. Needless to say, she Will be missed, as it seemed she Would always be a permanent fixtere in that. spot. Her genial maniOr and pleasant way of handling the public ifras appreciated by many. May she now enjoy her well earned rest. Miss Shirley May is acting poAt-mistress at the present time. Approximately sixteen of her classmates and friends were present at a shower , held for Miss Elaine Freund at the home of Miss Sharon Freund on Thursday evening. Hostesses were Misses Muriel Etten, Charlene Sheets and Sharon Freund. Prize winners in games were Elaine Freund. Carol Jones, Lillian Damniier, Georgia Bauer, Darlene Harris and Pat Busch. The bride-to-be was the happy recipient of many lovely gifts. Refreshments were served. Mrs. Ed Giltzow, who had just returned from a trip to Florida, stopped in for several days visit Tyith the Frank Tinneys before returning to her home in Chicago. Members of her club met at the home of Mrs. Frank Tinney on Thursday afternoon. Games of five hundred were played and prizes went to Mrs. William Britz, Mrs. William Engels, Mrs. John Smith, Mrs. Math Ximsgern and Mrs. Jake Miller A ldvely, lunch was served after cards. Mr. and Mrs. Pat Kehl and family have moved from their home one mile north of town to Burlington, Wis. The Russell Eisele family moved from the Ben Smith building to a house in Fox Lake. The Clarence Wegeners have moved to Adlen, 111. The Maxson family from Chicago have moved into the downstairs flat in the Ben Smith building. A meeting, for the purpose of forming a Catholic Youth Club was held at St. Peter's parish hall on Friday night About twentyfive young people were present and all were filled with enthusiasm and anxious to begin this type of organization. Another meeting will be held in two weeks and all young folks are urged to attend. Mrs. Charles Freund, daughter, Charlotte, and Dan and Vic spent Sunday evening in the George W. May home in Richmond to help celebrate Diane May's birthday. Birthday cake and ice cream were served. In the afternoon the children went to the stock car races in Harvard. r - " CHEMUNG WOMAN LOST CHANCE FOR SUPERVISOR POST I n r e c e n t a c t i o n , J u d g e Albert 0'8ullivan of Belvidere dismissed a petition of Ella Mourne in which she sought to be seated as assistant supervisor for Chemung township. A petition, had been filed by Mrs. Mourne asking for a writ of mandamus to be issued against the town clerk, a supervisor and assessor, directing them to isBue a certificate of election to her as assistant supervisor. The petition stated that Mrs. Mourne had received four writein votes at the April $ township election in Chemung and that *4 a result she should be seated on the board. She charged also that the town board refused to certify her election. James Weir, who represented the town board,' told the court that it was his opinion a vacancjr has existed for assistant supervisor since the 1940 census but that there had been no classification made by the county board as to the length of term and no. provision had been made last April for the election of an assistant supervisor. He added that before an assistant could be elected the board would need to determine the length of term of office. Had Mrs. Mourne been supported in her petition, she would have been the first wpman to serve on the county board, which at present has seventeen ^Supervisors and eight assistants. |U)VANCE NIGHT GUESTSWant ads, like freedom, are everybody's business. LICENSE RECORD Secretary of State Edward J. Barrett has announced that Illinois ' state automobile passenger and truck license1 plates Issued ta 1951 have surpassed all previous records. As of Sept. 87, he said, the automobile department in his office has sold more than 2,350,* 000 sets of passenger plates and 366,651 sets of truck plates, with, indications that the total for truek plates is expected to approach 380,000. In 1950, according to Mr. Barrett, the number of passenger license, plates issued was 2,285,000. Truck license plates sold last year, he said, totaled 362,975. Complete 11m of Beebe livestock remedies at Watflei Drag Store, McHenry. Stf DR. HENRY FREUND OPTOMETRIST Al 136 S. GrMn Stt--t McHwy (CloMd Thursday Afternoon) McHenry chapter of the ORDER 0F EASTERN STAR held Advance Night earlier this month at the local Masonic hall. Offic e r s a n d g u e s t s o f t h e c h a p t e r : p i ^ t the meeting. Back Row: Leslie Neff, Woodstock; Ed Cannon, McHenry; Walter Harris, Mayflower chapter; Betty Bohr, McHenry; Frances Kampert, Lounsbury; Edith Harrison. McHenry; Esther Kubley, Haven chapter; Carl Mitchell, Woodstock; and Gail Downing, Noma chapter. Second Row: William Hoeft, McHenry; Marion Cannon, McHenry; Aeola Underwood, Mayflower chapter; Gehevieve Roper, Woodstock; Alta Kelsey,. Algonquin; Alpha Bosselman, Harvard; Hattie Brockragge, Nunda chapter; Emma Pyritz, McHenry; Herb Uoworka, McHenry. Front Row: Alyce Hoeft, McHenry, Marion Harris, Mayflower chapter; Phyllis Nfhitz, McHenry; Mabel Sayles, Richmond; and Howard Erhke, Richniond. ORGAN MUSIC NITELY . HOOD FOOD Prepared and Served By ^ 'EDITH and BERGET " I P; M. To HtSO A. M. Freaek Fried Shrimp • 11JS • ST*E, Aw v,K"% S . --, CHOPS . iff H Chicken In Basket • IU0 -- SANDWICHES STUDENTS MUST r ADVISE BOARD Of SCHOOL ATTENDANCE Proof that a student who has bden deferred from military service has actually entered college and' Is attending classes must be promptly supplied to his Selective Service local board in the form of an official statement from the school, it was ordered today by Colonel Paul G. Armstrong, Illinois Selective Service director. The student himself is responsible for making sure his board receives the necessary evidence of his attendance, Colonel Armstrong warned. In the absence of verification by the college, the board will assume that he is noit in school and hence is not entitled to the deferment. What the college registrar must specifically certify to the local board is that the student is satisfactorily pursuing a full-time course of study leading tt> a degree. This certificate moat fce sent to the board on the college letterhead as soon as ^ possible after the fall term opens and classes actually begin. Copies dt Colonel Armstrong's order and a sample of the suggested certify cate form have been distributed to colleges and universities as well as local boards throughout the state. Boards were asked to check the files of all deferred students for verification of attendance. If a student leaves school or fails to pursue his course satisfactorily, the college will report the fact to his local board 'and the board will terminate his deferment, Colonel Armstrong said. Ronnd-The-W*rld Cleefc For those who want to know, the Kalex Corporation, 305 E. 48th Street, New York 17, offer* a new clock that tells the time in 124 cities around the globe. SKILL IN FILLING ALL PRESCRIPTIONS Skill in filling a prescription is as vita! as any ingredient used. So besides giving great personal care to each order, we assure you that only the finest fresh drugs are compounded according to specifications. NYE (Ocilqrecti Oi ucj Stci i 119 N. Riverside Drive Phone 28 SYES EXAMINED -- CLASSES FITTED VISUAL TRAINING -- VISUAL REHABILITATION COMPLETE VISUAL ANALYSIS HOURS DAILY: » to 12 A. M. aid 1 to S P. X. FRIDAY EVENINGS: t»00 to 8:t0 P. M. 2VENINGS RY APPOINTMENT PHONE McHENRY 452 S A V E Y#wr Uf#d Tires Are Worth Mors Whon You Buy TUtu TIRES Trade for famous Flreitohe Do Lux# Champions and SAVE! Even If your preseet °r® on,y partly worn you'll get FUU. ALLOWANCE for the unused mileage! Trade danger for safety -- get your car ready for sate summer driving! Don'* delay --LET'S trade tires todayj - -- 40% OFF ON ACL FIRESTONE SEAT COVERS BATTERIES We will allow you $3.00 for that old battery when you buy that new one in our store. TRACTOR TIRES CALL US FOR SERVICE RIGHT ON YOUR FARM. RETREADS ~ We now hare Retreads In All Popular Sizes. TRUCK TIRES MUD & SNOW TIRIS 44 WALTER J FREUND MAO STREET PHONE McHENRY 89* ^EST McHENRY TIRES - TUBES - BATTERIES - ACCESSORIES TIRE and TUBE VULCANIZING -- ALL WORK GUARANTEED . v . •; .'5£r u ilsks TAP ROOM QO A / 1 Modem laundry appliances take you off your feet! You can sit down and catch up on the reading you've been wanting to do... or polish off other household tasks... while laundry is being washed and dried iq your automatic clothes washer and dryer I Ironing is a sit-down proposition, too... the modern way. You finish your ironing tasks in no time at all, seated in front ef an efficient rotary ironer. With these three help* ers...your automatic clothes wosV-er ... automatic clothes dryer... cn<J automatic rotary ironer... youcaesit down all day Monday! • ' i : See the new , automatic faumfty of our nearest store or your deafer'* A £oologist with Peundatlon at thfc lege oi Lriatbn hu fcnaf \ _ octepui becomes fOrgemil If etrttbf poriftm ef MB teals aie eel <- la Vital Whether it'* guns or communica* ticmi equipment, food containers helmets, the finish is vital. In case of helmets, for instance, finish must be able to extremes of abuse: weather, sion, salt water--even frequent uae as a cooking utensil! In texture aa£ color, the finish must bland with the ground and must be ef extreme* ly low reflectivity. PH0FE?5l0n«l D I R E C T O R V DR. C. R. SWANSO!! : , Dentist .180 S. Green Street Office Hoars irflf Dally Except TharsdMT 1".^ ; t to 12 -- litO to (ill X«k, Wed. and FrL 7 to 9 Telephone McHenry IN E. E. PEASLEE, D.& Chiropractor 110 8. Green St, McHenvf . Office Honrs Dally except Thnrsda^v • to 13 -- 1:S0 to iifUfi.... Mon^ Wed. and Frl. Efeallf 7 to • Call McHenry StM For Appointment MlI I <4 l H Cor. VERNON KNOX tternejr at Law and Elm Sts* Tnesdcy and Friday Afternoons Other Days By Appointment Phone McHenry II W t H H H i M I H I I 11 (Hi ROBERT A. STUERlff ; Attflrney-at-law 604 Center Street Phone McHenry 268 McHENRY, ILLINOIS WILLIAM M. OARROLI* Att«rney-at>Law * HOVi Benton St. _ Phone Woodstock ltSl Woodstock, Illinois 1 1 1 1 W i l l i !< • # # > JOSEPH X. WAYNNU Attorney-bt'Law 809 Wankegan Read (RFD Bex) Phone McHenry 4M«W . WSST McHENRY, ILL. 11 i-K-ei-ei-tn 11 tin Sand Grave. VERN THUV Trncktaf LfmestoM TeL Track for Black VMfl McHenry 588<14 or MS-W^i Box 172, Rt 1, McHenry f ttlfH IU 1 Id I Mil l I I11 »| X_: A. P. FREUND SON! Excavating Coetrseton Trncklnf, HydranHa • had Crane Service • -- ROAD BUILDING TeL 204-M lleHeiry, tfk • O m i M l t l l 11 IMHH«» / INSURANCE EARL R. WALSH Fire, Anto, Farm k Life Insnrtnefe Representlnf RELIABLE COMPANIES When Yon Need Insnrance tH Any Kin* Phone 48 or 11841 Green ft Elm MdHeuy te 11 n umi i< n STOFFEL * REIHANSPERGEl Insurance afents fer.aH classes if property In the best companies West McHenry, Illinois Telephone No. M0 S07 Main St MeHe •••ww m 111 h SCHROEDER IRON WORKS „ Ornamental ft Strnctnral 8lesi Visit Oar Shoifreonu S Miles Sonth on Rt tl Phone 617-M-l ••••••tin meets ?" BIN G *8 PLUMBING AND HRATttG BOB FRISBY. JR. Qnality Fixtures . Radiant Heal* taf • Water Systems • Gas aai llectrlc Water Heaters • Wet# Softeners - Repairs - Free Bslfe mates. PHONE McHENRY I P'*-«IC SCRVICK COMPANY OP NORTHERN ILLINOIS ••'I' l"l"l H"1"H 1 t"l 1111 »ei»>M AL*S WELDING AND REPAIR SERVICE ill Main St, McHenry Electric Portable Wtldhlf Acetylene Welding and Cnttlef. ALEX W. WIRFS, Operator Phone C1&-W-1 or Mi ' MCHENRY, ELL. IliniH >I>H ||#. Hlfhest CASH PRieRS paid for Dead and Crippled Herses, Catfll and Hogs--Sanitary Power L#ad* Inv--Tankage and Meat Scraps for sale. Phones Arlington Heights 116 or McHenry SU. Reverse Charges. PaUtlae Rea4erlng Serf* foe. 0 ••••niiniiMi i|iumo» --WANTED TO BUY -- CALL AT ONCE 0|f 9141 •OGS, HORSES A*D CAT7t>l We pay ahone chatfM We pay 10 to for 0U ft#seft |MS for dowa horses awl fettle HAT-TS mSwStlir Jfthashnrg - Sprier Maef Phone JehnlhuR til :