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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 4 Oct 1951, p. 2

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;• n^i I >11. f"RP TT ••MM 3 f ; w * • ' . ' - i ' - . V • ; « • e f t « • Honored At tity feettinr The 8 and 40 Salon of McHenry Unty met at the Heforon Legion all Monday night, with members ftrom Hebron .Woodstock, Harvard, llcHenry and Crystal Lake present. | Poro^hy Ogle of Woodstock was Appointed chairman of for r§T«&ks who Gave/' to'iter#JSoring t* coming year: r Chrstine Krinn, McHenry report- •#•1 on the hoard meeting and the jbepartHiental Marche held in the jhtlmer Hdaae in Chicagp. - 5 Frances Flood, child welfare, Hh&irman, reported that iTie Salon *111 assist in the provision of a ed in the National TB hospital at nver, Col. She announced tJWU •• 40 an0 8 Voiture will cooper- Ate with the 8 %'nd 40 this year in Several projects. Helen Cowan, Betty Duff. Minnie Green and Christine Krinn attended t}ie DuPaee county installation at Westmont on Thursday, •ept 20, when Alice;; Beardsley Iris installed as Cfhapeau. r Laura Steffan .Hebron, retiring #hapeau passe, was presented with the pa#t chapeau win&s by ,^rs. Irne Shoes of Hebron. < The fall pouvoir meeting will %e held In Champaign and several members are planning to attend. The next meeting will be held Is the Crystal Lake Legion Home on Monday evening, Oct. 19. fitrrirt B«st. *• . "?o CoiTeptioB .r. R.X.A. raemhers are ^gain reminded that Harvard will be the flcene of the annual convention, to •e held Tuesday. Oct. 9. Riverview C$mp members desiring transportation should call Susan Justen, 125 Sf, pr A}ida Freund. 213-R. making the trip will meet at U»e bus depot at 12:30 oclock. Bridal Shower Mrs. George Krickl and Mrs. Boyd Knaack were co-hostesses at a pre-nuptial miscellaneous shower held at the former's home on Richmond Road last Friday evening, honoring Miss Nancy Rudin., J.'Pon recovering from her surprise as she greeted the guests Miss Rudin opened her niany beautiful gifts, which were placed on a table under a blue, decorated sprinkling can, from which hung blue streamers. Attending the, showers were Miss Margaret Cruickshanlt orf Ringwood.' Mrs. George Reiker of Pistakee Bay, Mrs. Howard S. Krickl of Broadview, 111;, Mrs. Robert Rudin, Jn, of Janesville, Mrs. Richard Douglas of Chicago. Mrs. William Humphrey, Mrs. Charles Humphrey and Miss Joyce Humphrey of Crystal Lake. Mrs. Richard Clark. Mrs. Gerald Miller, Miss Barbara Krickl, Miss Adele Froehlich, Mrs. Kenneth Ebey, Mrs. Robert Rudin, Mrs. George Kiddlesen. Mrs. Harold Steffan and Mrs*. David Boyle. Unable to attend were Mrs. Cornelius Quinlan, Mrs. LaVern Sund. Mrs. Ben Arvidson, Mrs. Harold. Smith, Mrs. James Althoff and Miss Joyce Huska of McHenry Mrs. George A. Krickl of Forest Park and Mrs. John Sharp of Hillsdale, III. hower Honored argaerft* J6hnsoa Mrs. C. H. Duker was hostess at ft ^re-nuptial shower held at her home l%st Friday evening, honor Ing M}ss Marguerite Johnson, a bride of the near future. Co-hostesses were Mrs. C. W- Gooddell and Miss Ethel Jones. The serving table was attractively decqrated for the occasion with bouquets of fall flowers. Bridge *'as enjoyed during the evening, with prizes awarded to Ellen Phalin and Gertrude Schaefer. Miss Johnson will become the birde of Clyde Hallowell, ir., of Maywood on Oct 18. Woman's ftub At Legion Koine Oct. IS The Woman's club will hold its regular meetiag on Friday afternoon, Oct. 12, at the Legion Home rather than at the C. W. Goo home as previously announced. The annual teachers' reception is being planned for Wednesday evening. Oct. 17, at 6:30 o'clock in the high school cafeteria. Committee members include Mesdames Eleanor Renard, Peter J. Schaefer, Fred Lieberson, Joseph Williams, Daisy Baldwin, G. Dale Dixon, Joseph Waynne, Anna Sand, James Smith, Nelson Davis, Mar) Burdahl,' Helen Foster, Len An t o n s o n , E l m e r ^ A n t o n s o n a n d Marie Schaettgen. -5» FREUND-NEISS VOWS EXCHANGED IN JOHN'S CHURCH f ^ In a beautiful wedding solemnized at St. John's church, Johnfcburg, on Saturday, Sept. 29, Miss Diane Freund, daughter of Mr. apd Mrs. Leo J. Freund of Johnsburg,^ became the bride of Mr. Carl Neiss, son of Mrs. Theresa Neisfc of McHenry. Rev. Fr. Blitsch officiated at the- nuptial Mass, which was performed fit lo o'clock. The lovely bride approached the altar on the arm of her father, attired in a white satin dress with long train. In liel* hair she wore a white headpiece, formed of petals and seed pearls, and carried a bouquet of white mums. Matron of honor was > a close friend of the bride, Mrs. fcdward Huss, Jr., and bridesmaids were Mrs. George Miller and Miss Doris Freund. All ttere attired in gowns of green net over ^affeta, with matching headpieces trimmed in pearls. MrS. Buss carried bronze mums, while the bridesmaids had bouquets, of yellow mums. Miss Charlene Freund serv< her sister as junior bridesmaid, wearing white net over yellow taffeta and carrying yellow and bronze baby mums. The best man was Norman Neiss of Pensacola, Fla., brother of the bridegroom, and groomsmen were James Freund and Glenn Peterson, friends. Mrs. Freund chose for her daughter's wedding a charcoalcolored dress, with which she wore black accessories. Airs. Neiss was attired in a navy bltft ensemble. Both had corsages of white roses and stephanotis. Breakfast was served to the bridal party at the home of the bride's grandmother. Mrs. Delia Miller, with dinner for twentyseven at 1 o'<i^6ck at - Hetter* mann's. A reception was ^eld after 3 o'clock at the V.F.W. clubhouse, with supper served to 230 guests at a o'clock. The couple left later on a wedding trip through the Southwest, after which they will reside in the Neiss home on Washington street. The bride is a graduate Qf the McHenry high school with the class of 1948 and has been employed at the McHenry State bank. Mr, Neiss graduated is 1947 from the local school r.;;a i» now an employee of the Public Service company. "' *' if' ' ' THE McHENHY PLAINDEALER •If.': Thursday, October 4, 195 ttiHNIIilillMHttWItmiltltllllllillUlltmiWttMllllHllHItll PERSONALS mmiiiiminiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiimiiiiitiint Circle ) At Thompson Hope Mrs. A- Thompson of F6* street ' will be hostess to members of Circle J of t|ie W.S.C.S. when they meei pn Tuesday. Oct. 9. The meeting frill begin at 1 o'clock. County federation At Cary Village Hall The McHenry County Federation of Wpman's clubs will meet in the village ball at Cary a> o'clock on Oct. 10. There will be a short business meeting, to ! followed by a fine program. Mem bers of the McHenry Woman's club are cordially invited to attend. 4 •$. ,g. 4. Residence Changes > if1 4* <"!• • Af f l 1 't •> <• •> Mr. and Mrs. John Unti have moved from Richmond Road into their new home on north Green street. W" ATTENTION MCHS CLASS OF 1941 Plans will be made for class reunion after Gajne, Qct. 12. fry tp a^ieiid M and place will bf announced at IOI uuniiijlP^BSS AMONG THR StOK George H||to«r of Sagina-w, Mich., has been visiting McHenry relatives for the past couple of weeks. Mrs. John R. Smith has been vacationing at the home of her .daughter, Mrs. Chester FraSier, at Grinnell, Iowa. Miss Clara Stoffel was a Chicago caller on Friday. Mrs. Fred Cooley has returned from Jackson. Miss., where she visited for several weeks in th6 homel of her 'daughter, Mrs. Opal WUiWms. ; Mr. and Mrs. John Goelzer, twp daughters and sort' of Walvrofth, Wis., called on McHenry friends Sunday. Mrs. O. <j. Murray and daughter, Marjorie, of Geneva we^e visitors of Kate and Tom Mcl^auglin on Friday. Mrs. George Farrell is visiting in the home of her sister at Wonewoc, Wis. Mr. and Mrs.. Otto Buenzll were weekend guests of Mr, and Mrs. Eugene J. Miller. Marguerite and Frank Johnson attended the football game at Champaign last Saturday. Miss Henrietta Henrys of Ridgefield visited Joan and Jean Welter last weekend. Mrs. Alida Mead of Skokie spent last week with her sister, Mrs. Peter H. Weber. Miss Mary Ann Karls is at present making her home with her brother, Johr^Robbins, at Kenosha, Wis. Mrs. Ida Mix of Woodstock spent the past week visiting in the Alton s Adams home. Mrs. A. L. Kosinskl and son, David, of College Park, Md., have returned home after spending two weeks visiting in the Ralph Bennett home. Miss RoVena Marshall and Mrs. A. L. Kosinski spent a recent day visiting in Chicago. BIRTHS Mrs. Jay Cristy of Ringwood underwent surgery at the Woodstock hospital last week- Jimmy Boyle of McCullom Lake i^nderwent a tonsillectomy at St. Therese hospital, Waukegan, last Saturday. Mrs. Frieda Hang, Shalimar. has returned hotqe from the Woodstock hospital, where she had been confined as a medical patient. A son was born last week at the Woodstock hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Buchert. Mr .and Mrs. Francis Schepers of Crystal Lake announce the birth of a son, Michael Paul, at the Woodstock hospital Sept. 14. They h&ve two others' sons, Francis, 4, and Anthony, 2. Mrs. Schepers is the former Marie Knox. Mr. a(id Mrs. Howard Dowel! of Woodstock are the parents of their second child, a son weighing 8 1|JS., bo;an at thp Woodstock hospital Sept. 29. Mrs.t Dowell is the former Marie Tonyan of McHenry. GERTRUDE WATKINS AND RALPH WHIr MARRIED SUNDAY Mrs. Gertrude Watkins and Ralph White, both of Wonder Lake, were united in marriage Sunday at 12:30 p.m. in the Methodist ctyurch. Greenwood, by (he Rev. Dale Sample. Present with the couple when tjiey exchanged their vows were J?r. and Mrs. Raympnd Watkins, who served as attendants. The bride wore a dark faille suit, a sheer pale blue nylon blouse and a blue hat. Her corsage was of orchids. Between 2 and 4 p.m. an "open bouse" was held at the home of the bride's son, Dr. Watkins, Lookout Point, tor about 100 persons. French pastries and coffee Were served from a table centered with candelabra With tall Vfhite tapers. Mrs. Floy Healy, Chicago, poured. The bridegroom's two daughters Were present. They are Mrs. Edith Pnoneger, Wonder Lake, and Mrs. Hazel Petsch, Racine, Wis. Out-of-town guests present included the bride's brother and his Wife, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Schiffelbein, Chicago; her sister-in-law, Mrs. Norfi Schiffelbein, Chicago; and her sister and hutfband, Mr. and Mrs. William Misch, Chicago. Also from Chicago were Dr .and Mrs. Frank Keefe and Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Healy. The Whites left the Watkins home at about 5 p. m. and started a motor tour for the east. They plan to be gone about three weeks and will visit in Canada and in New York state. On the agenda will be a visit to Niagara Falls. They plan to spend Thanksgiving in Canada which, In tliat country falls on Oct. 8. UPon their return they will reside in Indian Ridge, where the bridegroom recently added an entire new wing to his home. A prominent place in the new home will go to the TV set given them by Dr. and Mrs. Watkins. XH8. MOTES DIED Mrs. Wilmot B. Moyer of Wpodstock, who was seriously injured in an aqto acpident which invol-: ved the car driven by her;husband 9iU(l another driven by Sherman J3pencer of the McHeqry community, died Wednesday night, Sept. 26. The accident occurred at the Corner of North an<| Madispn streets in Woodstock on Sept. 13. EDWAi. ACTED HOST TO DISTmatnSHED FOREIGN SCIENTISTS T h e E d w a l L a b o r a t o r i e s o f jungwood were hosts recently to a gfcbup of distinguished foreign scientists who are inspecting American chemical plants in connection with the Young "Chemists Intentional project, sponsored by the Ford Foundation, and the seventy-fifth anniversary of the American Chemical society. The guests were Dr. H. N. Laug; controllttig officer, -Department Of Agriculture, of Denmark; Dr. J. M. Gripenberg, lecturer in organic chemistry, Finland Institute of Technology; Dr. H. Kloosterziel, research assistant, organic chemistry laboratory, State University of Groningen; Dr. L. M. Pesigan, food and drug administrator, Department of Healtl), Manila; Dr. T. Sison, chief assayer, Lepanto Consolidated Mining company, Mankayan, p. I. They were escorted by Df. S. S. Block, research engineer, University of Florida. ' r , / The visitors were received by Lester J. Perlman, Edwal Laboratories sales manager, and shown through the plant by Dr. J. F. Kaplan, plant manager, and Dr. E. B. Auerbach, senior • technical advisor. They said American chemical manufacturing operations %ere, in many respects, in advance of those abroad. y The guests particularly enjoyed picking apples from the tree on Edwal's -front lawn since, as the| commented, it was an unuamtf chemical plant that had trees in the yard. , _ ' gfif MARRLA6E LICENSES A'dolph N. Yinder Ehe and Patricia Kelly of Wonder Lake. PARP OF THANHS I wotftd like to take this opportunity to thank friends &nd neighliortfor visits, cards, Masses and 'prayers during the time I was donfined tb St. Therese hospital and since my return to my honte at EboUnd Lake. Everything was gn^atly appreciated. 2 f ' M R S . JOHN M. WAGNER 8u]bsctfto for The Plaindealer Observe Fire PrevenMon Week Oct. 7-18. A T T E N T I O N League Bowlers "pIQN yp NOW TO BE IN ONE OF OUR BOWLING LEAGUES PHONE 559-W-l STEV5 8t PAT McHENRY RECREATION t . > > > warrv9*Mb$? motor PERMAWBE CLEARANCE On AU Discontinued Swour Ypluo Colorp. ' •" : • $eg. • Sale Qts. $2.25 $1.48 PUfc 1.20 49 .70 JS$ Linol^ttin Varpiish Bfg, Sal? Qts. .......... $1.75 $145 Pfc, ......... M W- ^IVERSIPE PWfj ^ ' PHONE 782 Community Methodist Church Main and Center Streets Wide Coipxnunion Sundays Meditations Dr. Raymond Bond ^ Church School 9:30 A. M. Youth Fellowship 7:15 P. M. f"-: S A F t f Y t h i J BANKING TMI UNm states j'gii jft45 im+ i 1947 1948 \949 ' W r I/""." I' 'f "" '•inii'-i ^ sofe deposit box qt this bank is on important safeguard tigoinst losses from theft ^gr fire. Com| in ... s4« how easily you can •lent a ... fie bfcw many valuables a box will hokf.. . sf^/l>ow|l^w the cgfst. McHenry State Bank . Member Fedszal Systaai ^Member Federal Depbsit Insuranco Corpv InterMt Paid On Sariiigs Dopoillf PHONE 104q ^ o better time to change than nowt •, . , - • V •. t* THIS Fits S4HPU I WILL MOVE AUHT0UIK wiu unmMf! n you mmk\ VI YOU HOUY! ft 9«p«r with • nCM4 f* dlttinfMthra Mrvlci «of o»«r twilltyfiv* tmn. f«n ctn H*» -- M*« wofnr -- •* •cttMlly tow /o#l, wiiti MIESTOLINE. biy »• «ppl» tptcial ikill MfM. A m«nu. Ucturar'i GUARANTEE iliiMi poiitrv* lOOf PdOTICTlON ° far TEH YUKl *«nn.mb.r _ You btit whan vou u»« ASHSTOLINI -- for FU< or Slosina Rooh -- Iff 1KQH STEEL -- riU -- COMfOilTtON _ M ^RAVEL ROOM. Iggli IP Asbestolln^ £alss P. O. Box Rii^gwpod. IUj ^tkene Wend*r Lake ISIS ill llll MHJUijll • vtnt m smsnsw* r.z nenx^t4 GALVANIZED PAIL All purpose, slamUrd-weigbt M\ movant for m«ny u$ej. Kogvforly 79c tttgukirlf FLUOMSCENT FIXTi|R^ Two-light, white enamel, 4% up ffiar"" 6.95 MtDICINE CA^INtT Two built-in metal shelves, A 4 A Irror door in narrow frame. M IM Ite enamel ^V^L ROASTC* $2.50 vptof bailtrvf tpp. AiVv Uinl prim ' M s puiriii iHor 13-inch blue yarn mop. Detach wood handle and use at mop. Washes easily. ' Spociol roll* RUBBER FOKCE CUP A*. In. live rubber, kMB$ J|J|* * HX" shape. Threaded 24 In. hMflft. All* W For home plumbers. »V ^ ^LkbUUli Sptimlf, prkod ras™** JUgw Imr prkm 1.00 MW ^9^C|N FOLDINO 2nw2i Vi IN. ELECTRIC PRILL til ass?'* If. voitfo I^AP RAKE for ffcfs Uflf COCOA MAT ( Hlbbord STEP STpOL tin'0*' Swwps 898 Jwme 1.98 stool upho^twed Ift'Lutwf. 10.SS Sol* Starts Oct. 4 Ep<ls Oct. 15 B J O R K M A N ' S MVEBSIDE HARDWJLBE 1S8 RivenKde Dvive Pb^pe 722 ' IfcHeary, Ulinc^a • 33= JL v

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