Plaindealer Waht Ads No &d« counted lea» thftm 25 words. 75c minimum. i JtMrtion 76c .' s, Connct $ vordi per line) , %Sc lerrlw charge qa all blind ftda. Cash with order. ^ ,„.^y Cftrd of Thanks $1.00 Minimus^ Want Ads clo*er promptly at 10 ajn. Wednesday. 1 .. ' Y'L LJ McHenry Plaiadealer Published every Thursday at Mc- J^fnry, 111., by the McHenry Puk- JUfhiiif Cfcmj^ny,J&p^. • w ft BURFBINDT, Gen. Manager. ELS FROKHLICH, Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATE ITear ...........-- Entered as second-class matter at the postofflce at McHenry, 111.. UB^er the act of May 8. 1879. AUTOMOTIVE RKTLACEMENT P^RTS • P0& ALL CARS Accessories and Seat Corers dDMMTNITY AUTO SUPPLY 40t W. Elm Street men daring week • AJL to 7 PJi„ Sundays - t AJi. to 1 P.M. lltf i%R SALE -- 1938 Pontiac club coupe; radio; heater; good condition. $150.00 or best offer. Phone McHenry 521-W-l. *21 FOB SALE -- 1938 4-door Buic^ Special radio and heater. Good condition, tylce interior. QUI 568- M-2. *21 FOR SALE--1939 Chrysler; 4-dr. in; overdrive; excellent tires;1 irly painted; excellent condition. George H. Gorham, 427 W. Judd St Woodstock, 111. Phone 346-M. •21 FdR SALE--1938 Chevrolet; 1% ton truck. State tested. Excellent tires; excellent running condition. 12-ft box, high sides. Silliman's Welding Shop, E. Jackson St., Woodstock, 111. .... ....*21 >R SALE --i951 Packard Business Couge; driven less than 7500 miles. Best reasons for selling. R. W. Devore, Box 38. McHenry. Phone 171. *21 Btsnraee SBKVIOS -- i '.I iv i ... 'i RALPH L CLASS . Plane Technician Repairing Tuttttt •OS Garfield Road Harvard, IIL Phone 748-B MUSIC IKBTSVOTIOK In Your Own Some v Piano and Piano AceordaMk Classics or Popular ' Inglnnrrt or Adaneed Instruction SiJtL P. KOOH Phonp Plstakee 63S-K-1 PIAKO TCNING Also for sale high grade Spinet pianos, overhauled upright pianos. Prompt service. C. J. H. Diehl. phone WS-Tfr, Woodstock, 111. 51-tf BRING TOFR PHOTOGRAPHIC PROBLEMS TO US -- We can deliver anything from a snapshot to \arge murals, or free hand oil paiptings. Copying and framing. CAMERAS, PROJECTORS, FILMS AN® SUPPLIES. WORWICK'S STUDIO, 117 Riverside Drive, McHenry. Phone 275. 40tf EXPERT PIANO TUNING Repairing and Reconditioning. All Work Guaranteed. Formerly With Lyon and Healy. B. Zaboth, phone Lake Zurich 5341. J7-tf GENERAL CONTRACTING NEW HOMES REMODELING and CARPENTER WORK Satisfaction Guaranteed Estimates C. V. KINSET none McHenry 8M-J 47tf HOME REPAIRS We Specialize in all Home Repairs Low Monthly Payments Free flatipmtea McHenry Improvement Co. Phone 523-W-l McHenry 111. m SEWING MACHINES . Repaired or Electrified Inexpensively. 24-hr. Service, call collect SEWING CENTER Woodstock, Illinois 111 Newell Telephone 20f4 Authorized Xecchl Dealer 19-tf CRSSPOOLS and SEPTIC TANKS SERVICE G. A. DOUGLAS Phone McHenry 776-W lOtf GARBAGE COLLECTING --Let us dispose of your garbage each week, of oftener if desired. Reasonable rates. Regular year round route. John E. Hill, P. O. Box 274, McHenry, Phone 365. tt USED CAR BARGAINS 1949 Olds. Super 88 Sedan, Radio and heater. 1946 Olds. Deluxe Fordor Sedan. 9<7 Ford Sedan, radio and heater. 1942 Studebaker sedan, good buy. 19fl Willys Pickup truck, twowheel drive. McHENRY GARAGE WILLYS OVERLAND SALES <01 Front St TeL 408 21-tf nm,LS DRILLED OR MUTES WATER SYSTEMS -- We seil repair and install pumps. Bill Bacon, 206 Main 8treet, McHenry. Telephone 167. 26tf TIDY RUG CLEANERS * All services, approved methods. * Free day and evening pick-up and delivery. Phone Woodstock 162 18-tf DEAD ANIMALS -- Highest Cash prices paid for cows, horses and nogs; no help needed to load. Day and night, Sundays and holidays. Call Wheeling Rendering Works. Wheeling No. 8; reverse charges. S6tf FOB AAI$ ANTIQUES, MI8C. ITEMS--Clothing in Good Condition for the entire family. Formals. Open Tnes. through Sat 1 p.m. to It) p.m., Snn. 11 a.m. to 6 y.m. Mrs. R. Dietrich. Terra Cotta Rd. Consignment and Resale and Astiqne Shop, % mile west Terra Cotta factory which is on RL SI. Crystal Lake 1346-R-l. 51-tf FOR SALE--Few choice Yorkshire boar pigs; from 10 to 16 pig litters. Hickory Creek Farm, Leo Smith, Mgr. Phone McHenry 548- J-2. 20-2 FOR SALE -- Oement building block. All sices. Smooth and rock face. By stgpApip^ W. Waukegan Rd.. McHenry, HI. Phone 282-R or 893-J. 4-tf FOR SALE -- Factory Seconds; Women's Slacks, $2.35; Women's Skirts, $2.50 to $3.50; Dresses, $1.98 and $2.98; also Children's Slacks. $1.85. Riverside Mfg. Co., 600 Main St., West of North Western depot 15-tf FOR SALE--TYPEWRITERS, ADDING MACHINES. Servloe on all makes. Also ribbons for all makes, carbon paper. L| V. Kllta, Clay St Woodstock. Phone 549. 7t! FOR SALE -- G. E. refrigerator; large Nesco roaster; Hollywood broiler. Cail 499-W after 7 P. M. 21 FOR SALE--Excellent snow apples from well sprayed trees. Phone McHenry 883. 21 FOR SALE--Reconditioned Rexair cleaners; Hoover with attachments; Kenmore upright cleaner parts and repairs. Carl Barnlckol, phone 646-W-2. 21 fOUB BEST lp not necessary -- Necchi sews everything without attachments. Free florae Demonstration No Obligation. SEWING CENTER Authorized Necchi Dealer Wqodstock, Illinois 111 Newell Telephone 2064 $1 Dress 8ale Everyday at ottr Cotton Center. 21 FOR SALE -- Table model bottle gas etove; apartment size; in good condition, $10. Call 681-R-l. evenings. t 21 FOR SALE--% year old upright G.E. vacuum cleaner. Reasonable. Phone 611-J-l. 21 FOR SALE--4 new U. S. Royal 6- piy 16x600 tires with tubes, $25' apiece; 2 piece modern parlor set, $25. Wonder Lake 3373. *21 FOR SALE--3 55-g:al. oil drums with faucets, $12. McHehry 695- M-2. *21 FOR SALE--6 week old puppies, small dog breeding, $5.00. Evenings, Saturdays and Sundays. Judith Bastian, Hickory Falls, Wonder Lake north of "Vacula's Cardinal Store. *21 BUSINESS SERVICE The Candid Camera Photographs Specialists -- Candid Weddings Home Portraits and Commercial Photographs Years of Experience MAX F. KOLIN McHenry 566-W-l Chicago HA 64557 %EXAIIt SALES * SERVICE Vacuum cleaner parts and repairs RAM "Moyno" pumps CARL BABNICKOL-- Mohawk Service McHenry 21-tf Bir*INfi*S SERVICE -- Rugmasters' welcomes the following local business establishments as regiswed community representatives; Community Interior Service; M. B. Upholstery; McHenry Cleaners. Patronize them and recognize quality on Location Cleaning and Mothproofing Sgryjce. Rugmasters' "America's most'Foolproof Cleaning Service," 21 HAVE YOUR CESSPOOLS, catch basins septic tanks, cistern# cleaned by Eddie's Sanitary Service- Eddie Huff, Prop. Tel. McHenry 290. 29tf CARPENTER WORK DONE BY . DAY OR CONTRACT. , „ ItAN GUSTAFSON teL McHenry 748 21tT FOR SALE--JOHNS-MANSVILLE HOME INSULATION. Guaranteed not to settle. Installed by the Wallfill Co. Call Leo J. Stilling. 200 E. Pearl St., McHenry. Phone McHenry 18. 18-tf TREE AND BARN SPRAYING White washing or fly control. Phone McHenry 543-J-l. Frank Henkel, P. O. Round Lake, Res. Volo. 47tf FOR SALE FOR MALE--1947 Truscutt, 164 ft. mahogany runabout, 90 HP. Qragmarine. In very good condition. Cover, craddle, spotlight and other extras. Phone Hudson 3-5791. 459 W. 7»th St, Chicago 20. III. *21 HELEN WEBER SAYS: DON? BE THE BEST MAN IN THE END! P Ohe of the easiest Ways to be sure or first place always is to give your clothes a w£ll groomed outlook. Send them hare for expert cleaning and pressing. You'll appreciate the nice results on your clothes -- the nice results on your social life, too. S«vice That SATISFIES! McHENRY CLEANERS 103 E)M STREET PHONE 104-M HPHfWF; PL FOR SALE--1 like new model 81 12-gauge Remington pump gun, complete wi$ carrying case and cleaning ^nit $65.00. Phone 60-W aftor 5 P. A4. *21 Chevrolets This Week Liberal Trad»-Iit Allowances made on purchase ol new Nash or a later model used car.------- 25 Used Cm to eheoae lrom, all rtako and models. v."-?:' 1950 NASH STATESMAN. 4 Door 1850 NASH AMBASSADOR, Hydramatic 1949 CHEV. FLEETLINE AERa 2 Door 1947 DODGE CUSTOM. 4 Door Oihevs from $75.00 to $300.00 to '4! DOWNS NASH SALES 405 . ELM STREET McHENRY. ILL. -McHEWRY 484 ROR SALX FOR 8ALE--About 20 house windows; size 26x28, 75c each; also storm doors, $1 each. Bill StaineB, McHenry. Phone 53.-.J. *21 FOR SALE -- Purebred Holftein Bull; his dam has a%*erage of 4-1% test as a two year old. David Smith. Phone McHenry 548-J-2. * 10-2 HXLP WANTED WOMEN tfASTEfc -- Assemblers, wirers, solderers, packers and inspectors; also stockboys and janitor. Experience not necessary. Secure a position in an ever expanding radio-television industry. Employment office open Monday through Friday, 8 A. M. to 4:30 P. M. Admiral Corp., McHenry at Intersection of Routes 120 and 31. Bus service to and from plant. lS-tf HELP WANTED --- Pin spotters wanted, steady work for full bowling season. Good pay. Phone 559-W-l. McHenry Recreation. 14-tf MALE HELP WANTED 6RICRLAYERS WANTED \ At New Algonquin School Route 62 Algonquin LONG JOB TOP WAGES W. POTTER & SO>S, |pc* (•fneral Contractors PhOne Algonquin 3071 . 19-1 WANTED TO RENT' M AvrKit TO RENT--Couple wish apartment: furnished or unfurnished, for 2 months in McHenry or vieinitj^ .JEthone Richmond 90S. *21 LOST AND FOUND . (FOI'ND--Large black dog. Mcllenry 56S-M-2. HELP WANTSD HELP WA>'TED -- Experienced mechanic. McHenry Oarage, 604 Front St, Tel. 403. 17-tf HELP WA>'TEP--Bartender. Private club. Short hours. Write McHenry Plaindealer, Box 216. 20-3 HELP WANTED -- Pin^Spotters. Palace Recreation. Phone 349. 21 HELP WANTEJP--Girl for general office work; good salary. Address Box 221 in care of Plaindealer. 21 SITUATION WANTED SITI ATI0N WANTED - Young lady, experienced in general office typing, bookkeeping, reception, etc; desires steady work in McHenry. Write Box 220, o/o McHenry Plaindealer. 21 Call *21 WAMTED -- Jobbers and direct salesmen. Quality lines, with liberal commissions. Manufacturers representative. R. Duane Fowlar, Woodstock .Box 334. Phone 464-JX 4it! HOUSES WASTER We have cash buyers. List your property ' wI^^ypsT Quick action. »» > v SKIBA & CO.. Riverside Hotel Call McHenry 913 - -v vj ; WANTED , ; TT#iiir old treadle sewing machine to ship to Islands up to $r>o.oo Don't call -- send us your name, address, make of machine on a penny card. SEWING CENTER Authorized Necchi Dealer * 111 Jfewell Telephone $064 Woodstock. Illinois $1 Dresa Sale Every Day at our Cotton Center. 21 WANTED TO BI Y Small, gentle pony. A. B. Casey. Phone Llbertyville 2-171. *21 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE--Year round home, on Fox River. 6 * rooms, furnished. Gas heat Garage. 1 mile north of McHenry-; -- Bast bank. Phone 646-R-l. *21 FOR SALE -- In Meadow Lane Park in city limits of McHenry; new, modern homes; face brick veneer on four sides; 2 bedrooms; large living-dining room; kitchen with Youngstown cabinets and sink; complete bath with shower; large utility room; forced air; automatic oil heat; price $11,000 plus site. Haft Construction Corp.. State Route 31 half-mile south of Route 120. Tel. McHenry 749 Or 786. Jl-tf FOR SALE--Royal Blue Grocery and Market, Self-Service; Gas Sta-^ lion. 3 pumps; 2 car gargae, 2 lots. McCullom Lake, Illinois. Phone •iicHenry 345 or 570-R-l. 17-tf HEAL ESTATE FOR SALE--Store building, phis' 2 apartments; formerly grocery and market; suitable for any business or light manufacturing.' Chicago, Milwaukee. St. Paral transportation. Reasonable immediate possession. W rite Box 21»: c fyg, McHenry Plaindeafar. TQ **9 * '• ,r1 WANTED TO BtX -- Small pot typo oil stove;- can use hqt blast McHenry 695-M-l. *21 FOR SALE -- HOMES -- FARMS CHOICE LOTS -- BUSINESSES ^•"fVjtESORT PBOPERTT i Knox Real Estate 405 Richmond Road McHenry, III. Phone: McHenry 121-J Licensed IIL k Wis. Broker FOR SALE--Two H4 acre tracts, Ideal for ranch type homes, with large oaks, hickory and fruit trees, access to Fox River; one mile south of McHenry; on East River Road in Hillcrest. Price $.">,000.00 each. Write ,Ben J. Dietz, 350 N. Vermont Ave., Glendora, Calif. 19-3 FOR SALE OR RENT -- Mo-m 1 room tome in McCullom Lake; furnished or unfurnished; easy terms. Full basement, furnace beat, cabinet kitchen, tile wan with built-in tub. Write to Box 219, c/o McHenry Plaindealer, n FOR SALE--4 room house ^j|ir sale by owner. $4500 at Lily Lake; furnished. Take highway 120 to beach road; going from beach north one block, turn right; second house on north side. Be shown Saturday and Sunday. *2l A DREAM HOUSE Hnmediate possession; only $l^Mi down. $70 per month. 6-rooms on Fox River;, gas heat; garage; $12,750. McCullom Lake. 5 rooma; bath; automatic oil heat SKIBA ft CO.. Riverside Hotel Phone McHenry 911 ft I WANTED TO BUT--Old cars and I trucks for junk. We pay top prices. Bill Staines, phone McHenry 53-J. *21-2 TO BE GIVEN AWAY~ FOR SA^E--Year 'round home-- 6 room and bath and basement. Gas heat, 2 car garage and runway. Will rent for 6 months during winter to re'sponsible person. Pho:;e Wonder Lake 3322, Owner Eva Carroll, Back Bay Road. Wonder Lake. *21-2 FOR SALE--Real Estate vacant oa East side Hwy. 31; 2 corner lots, one on Grove Ave., one on Oak St., also 2 other lots on Oak. Reasonable. Phone McHenry 235-M. 21 SITUATION WANTED - I will care for your child by day, hour or week. Excellent references. Phone McHenry 695-J-2. 21 FOE RENT •UTDOOR MENAges 17 fo 35 for tree trimming ahd tree surgery work in Crystal Lake and McHenry areas, year round „ work, phone ^auconda 2238. *19-4 FOR 8AL|5 -- Round <w* dining room tawe with 2 leaves and buffet, $19 cpiRjplefe. Oftji 205-J. *11 FOB SALE -- Two car garage, 22x20; in good condition, $425. May he seen at 210 N. Green St •21 FOjl SALJS--1 J|jl2 rhf; ^12x15 two tone blue rug anil pa0. Phone 64-M, McHenry. *21 FOR SALE -- 7-tt DeLnxe Model Frigjdaire frith deep freeze unit; used 1% years, 3-yr. warranty remains. Call 717, or 4ftpr 5 P. U. calj 8f-W- 21 FOR SALE -- Sinfitr yacuum cleaner. Call 646-R-l. *21 FOR 8ALE -- Two-wheel trailer, enclosed, equipped for use as sandwich stand. May be seen at McHenry Garage. Tel. 403. 21 FOR SALE--Apartment site stove, $30, Call McHenry 674-R-2. 21 FOR SALE--10-inch RCA table model, AM and FM radio and television combination; antenna and accessories; very good con dition, $90. Duo-Therm with elec trie blower at^ebment, good condition, $40. Phone Mctienry 570- R-l. 21 DRESSMAKING -- ALTERATION COURSE FREE with year purchase of sewing machine that |ey? everything. Without Attachments Priced $160.Op to $200J* Liberal Trade-In Budget Payments SEWING CENTER Authorized Necchi Dealef Woodstock, iiiinois *•% 111 Newell Telephone 2j)£4 $1 Dress Sale Everyday at our Cotton Center. - . 1 19-11 FOR SALE--Console radio, $86; 52-pc. set dishes, service for 8 hand pflntetfi, $30; pull-ap chair; dinette set; black fur <»at, size 14-16, like new. ***; 1 blankets, fcall evenintrs or 8usday,' phone 766-J. 202H S. Green St Ring twice. *21 GIRLS WANTED--Ambitious girls wanted for our new plant. Pleasant working conditions. Riverside Mfg. Co., 690 Main Street, West of North wester* Depot, McHenry. 17-tf SALESMEN WANTED SALESMEN report earnings of $1000 per month selling steel fireproofed safes to farmers. Full or part time. Free sample offer. HAMILTON SAF|E CO ., Belolt, Wis. »21 FOR RENT--5 room flat, modern kitchen and bath, nice location near Johnsburg, Tel. McHenry 37. 20-tf FOR RENT -- Newly decorated rooms, home privileges, near depot and schools. 109 Main Street. Phone McHenry 100-R? 20-tf ?0R RENT -- 160 acre modern dairy farm In Northern Illinois. Available March' 1st, 1952 on share lease. FRED BUXTON, Route 2. Richmdnd, Illinois. Phone Richmond 593. .... *20-4 FOR RENT--5 room heated apartment. All conveniences. A1 Sevringhaus. Phone McHenry 194. *21 BRICKLAYERS I DAT WBEK! M Algonquin School . Highest Hourly Rate Come ready to work. Route 62 Algonquin FOR RENT ^ 4 room all yearround cottage; furnished or .unfurnished, all modern conveniences. Phone 544-J-l. 21 FOR RENT -- Two story yearround home OB Fox River in city limits; all modern conveniences. Phone McHenry 303. 21 & If. POTTER * SOUS. ttC. General Ceatraeters 11-1 WANTED -- Stewart to manage club. Full time employment. For further particulars. Call 867 after 7 P. M. 11 l|ELP WASTED--Qiri for bookkeeping and general office work; i small office: good salary. Address Box 222 in car# of Plaindealer. McHenry. 21 WANTED TO RENT WANTED TO RENT--Unfurnished 4 to 6 room home, (2 bedrooms), in McHenry vicinity; desire option to buy. Write Eugene Martin, 3815 W. Crystal Bt, Chicago 47, HI- *20-2 TO BE GIVEN AWAY-To a good home. Cocker Spaniel; house broke. Phone McHenry ;484. 21 ^REAITESTATE miiiHiitittiitiHNHiiuiHtiimtiiiiiiinniiniiiiiiiMiiiiitiiit TOWNE THEATRE GRAND AVENUE FOX LAKE 7-1611 FOR SALE -- HOMES -- FARMS BUSINESS PROPERTIES McCullom Lake--6 rooms, oil heat, garage, 3 lots, 150x150 on black top roftd. Pi^ce $9,0t|0.00 for appointraent (all our olhce McHenry 37. Modern ranch type » room home-- 2 bedrooms, utility room and garage. completely furnished, % mile East of Johnsburg. Price $1 .">.000.00. Call (Jim) McHenry 37. JACOB FRITZ In Johnsburg • . REAL ESTATE Tel. McHenry 17 20-tf The Beautiful la TOVAI •gauyiAL KM. & SAT.. OCT. (Technicolor) Iwl McCrea Dean Stockfre|l "CATTLE DRIVE" SUN. & MON„ OCT. 7-8 T* Con't* 2:15 P. 31. DMI Martin Jerry Lewis "THATS MY BOY" Now thej'r* IN college, Fannler than Ever. TUES^ WED. & OCT. ^10-11 David Brain Arle^e Dahl ^INSIDE StRAIGHTT nmmwnwwMWHiimiw y n>i»iiiimnMHimwwiH}m, FflrniLV OUTDOOR O H A Y S L A K E * R T , 2 0 1 1 ELM WAUCONDA ROUTE i7t PHONE g.1421 NOW OPEN ETERT DAT Skfw FrL, Sat* SaaM ItK Saaday Matinee 1:00 P. M .Cent TflURS^ FRL A SAT^ . OfT. 4-5-6 ! Jeff Chandler fetelyu Reyes flRftN MAN4* JCREfN . Come Regularly, Relax and Enjoy Privacy dAKvAQ I In l'our Cur With Yoar Family As Thfy v ™ Are. -- We Feature Finest Shows You All Will Like -- Rain or Moonlight. -- Open 7 P.M. -- First Show at Dark, 2nd after 10, • CHILDREN UNDER 12 IN CAR FREE! ^EDB^DAY^IL^AFIMDAYROCIR?4-5-6 TK*e mocmlight bay-ba/Th ose bay-eautifal times] st N. A MON\ OCT. 7-8 Matinee Saadiry 1:00 P. I. Coat Joel McCrea Dean Stockwell (Technicolor) "CATTLE DRIVE** f tl ES. 4 WED„ 6£t. ».l# "HIGHWAY I0r with S|»ve tochnia Virginia Grey FR1. & SAT., OCT. J. McCrea D. Stockwell -- in -- "CATTLE DRIVE" SUN. Si MON„ OCT. 7-8 S. Tracy D. Lynn -- in -- "PEOPLE AGAINST O'HARA" COLONY McHENRY, ILLINOIS Air Conditioned -- Concert 9fod Vision and SofM Doors Open at €:M Shew Starts at 7:M TUES^ WED. A THURS„ OCT. 9.10-11 J. Garfield S. Winters -- in -- "HE RAN ALL THE WAY" HEY KIDS ! 1 ! Starting Oct 11th ONE BJKE will be Given Away Each Week for 10 WEEff$i Asjt Merchants for tickets. NHIIIIIIIIIIIinillllllliltllllllllllllNIIIINIIIIIIIIIMMIUIIIUII '1 FRL ft SIT.. OCT. 54 William HoMen Nancy Olm Frank Letejoy •FORCE OF ARMS* fetor Cartoon ft Sport's Reel World Neva SUN. ft MOK., OCT. 7.8 Ray Miliand Jan SterlNr "RHUBARB" Color Cartoon ft Short Snhiad World News Sunday Matinee 2:M ConH. CLOSED ON TU^SPAT UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE WED., THURS. * FRL OCT. 10.11-11 G|jf>aa Ford Geno Ttcmy Ethel Barryaiere Zachary Beett "THE SECRET OF CONVICT LAKE" Also t Three Stooges Coeeiy Candid Mike ft Color Cartoon Fraak Lovejey SKYLINE DRIVE-IN Located V2 Mile North of McHenry, 111. . Off of Route 120 On Pistakee Road "V - • si -m : &*•;**** - Screen 52x70 Box Office Opens at 6:45 PJM. -- Screen Starts at THURS.. FRI. & SAT.. OCT. 4-5-6 IN TECHNICOLOR Starring Tec/tnt'co/or lUl DtMSTOOiQlMi Two Color Cartoons Also Two Short Subjects SUNDAY & MONDAV. SCT. 7-8 IN TECHNICOLOR ' - I »I * + •<« The savage Sioux in blazing actioal •m -m J - -"-sa^ss- - 4 ^ 'J Paramount Pncanb JUQ1 p > FUUST TTCBIUUTUm<. WARMTH Color by -»fttu KMSN Mitt TIFTUCM' ML*FNM C»KCCT(D 8> STROM HASIMM Color Cartoon and Two Short Subjects «riN JACK SMITH SCWCH N>R «r JACK ROSE and MELVILLE SHAVELSON _ (ftftCTCO •» ROY Del RUTH Mwca* PrfKio* Roy wai«i»>1 SUNDAY. MONDAY & TUESDAY. OCT. 7-8-9 "THAT'S MY BOY" with Dean Martin & Jery Lewis I'd1# 11 liil'<iil"li'l |]"H'il"l"l"l"li,i-W< •i|ili4"t"H H l li I I| I WEDNESDAY TO SATURDAY. OCT. 10-111213 "PEOPLE WILL TALK" Cory Grant & Jeanna Grain •#># 1 I 11 11111 1 >|n* Dae to uncertain weather conditions we are closing at aiidatyht Taenday. Oct. 9th< t'or the season and we wish to express ear elation to all of onr patrons for tkeir irrand support. TUESDAY. OCT. 9 (One Showing Only) STARTING AT 7:90 P. M. -- Come Earl? To See The- Complete Shew KATES OPEN AT «:*> P. M. ADMISSION FREE! IN TECHNICOLOR BARBARA RALE - Rl( HARB (. (1) "LORNADOONE" THE BOWERY BOYS (2) THE GHOST CHASlftS* y IF TOr HAVEN'T VISITED OHS NEW TREATRE NOW 19 THE TIME TO COME AND SEE McHENRY CftOTT^ ||1| DRIVE-IN. . ' - TT o i