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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 4 Oct 1951, p. 7

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5Z$iSj£» V4. - I ", -- -H» -*•» 0- ^ • 3 ' -tVt- k* * ' - J 7* Oj jk > ,/ fe , *#{ «/.* * ^isyw |T--- Thnridiy, October 4 pll > ^y '^i« * % ( *?. s *- ja,' *' * '* ; V" V& r>"*' ^ ^., ^ * » » i ( Jf'gS? ,fe;/i NEWS FSOll onder Lake By Tan esse Sells "•Vl^ For Little L(«|ie •\:'~;f'*<:"' football Games ,: * •>•" The McHenry county football Hfctle league (for boys between the weights of 80 and 125 pounds) *arhich is sponsored by the Wonder Lake Men's club, has established the schedule for the comiftg season. "" The first games, which will be played between Oct. 1-7 are Wonv der Lake vs McHenry; Johnsburg •b St. Mary's (McHenry); and Crystal Lake vs Woodstock. Bur- 1 ; Ibn's Bridge bjre. " v • The games to be played between Oct. 8 to 14: Crystal Lake vs apBurton'a Bridge; Woodstock vs ^Johnsburg; St. Mary's vs Mc- :• Henry; Wonder Lake bye. Between Oct. 15 and 21, Wonder Lake vs St. Mary's; Wood- Stock vs Burton's Bridge; Johnsburg vs Crystal Lake; McHenry bye. Between Oct. )2 and 28, Wonder Ltike vs Johnsburg; McHenry vs 'Burton's Bridge; St. Mary's vs Woodstock; Crystal Lake bye. A'Between Oct. 29 vs Nov. 4, • ^Wonder Lake vs Burton's Bridge; Crystal Lake vs St. Mary's; Johnsburg vs McHenry; Woodstock bye. Between Nov. 5 and 11, Crystal Lake vs Wonder Lake; McHenry Ts Woodstock; Johnsburg \i. Burton's Bridge. St. Mary's bye. " Between Nov. 12 and 18, Woodatock vs Wonder Lake; St. Mary's vs Burton's Bridge; Crystal Lake ijfrs McHenry; Johnsburg bye. In each instance the game will be played on the field of the first team named in the matches. Boys of Team The Wonder Lake boys on the little league team are given below V with the positions they play, tfeelr ages, and their weight complete with equipment which weighs approximately 8 pounds. The boys are Gary Vogt, 12, £back, 89 pounds; Randy Selleck, 12, back, 89; Bobby Biggers, 12, tackle, 95; Peter Bastian, 14, back, 108; Winn Davidson, 13, back, 117; Bobbie Cormier, 18, quarterback, 132 (captyin of team ; Billy Wright, 12, end, 115; B Spuehr, 11, end, 94; John Feyerer, 12, tackle, 107; T. Rotl, 10. back, 82; Rodney Benson, 10, back, 75; Bob Cecich, 10, end, 100; C Corrado, 11, guard, 89; P. Hoffman, 12, tpguard, 103; D. Lundborg, 11, baok, 94; Ra*er-B«ne<H*, 11, ffward, IWArthur Frenssen, 13, tackle, 123; Wayne Tronsen, 12, tackle, 93; J. Mahal, 12, guard, 107; A1 Horan, 12, center, 108; George Taylor, 12, center, 90; Walter Schimke, 12, end, 1S5; Johnny Wright, 11, center, 72; Jim Bell, 11, end, 96; R. Miller, 12, back, 98; Charles Ma- Jsrcik, 13, back, 129. • 'The league rules say that the :Wweight of the players must be between 80 and 125 pounds. Both teams weigh in before games. Players must be boys legally registered ' in grade schools. A new student must be registered one week prior to game. A list of players, age and weight, must be registered with the secretary, Fred Zandier. All players must be nnder 16 years of age. Games will ^consist of 4-8 minute quarters! * WTirae out will be allowed. The league schedule includes seven games per team. Extra games are at the discretion of the coaches and will not count in league standing. Each team will •apply one official. All boys will jpear tennis shoes. Bach team will pay $2 entry fe# toward purchase of the trophy. Team representatives include fMr. Schneider, Crystal Lake ' elementary school, Crystal Lake; Fred Zandier, Wonder Lake; Mr. -- Miller, St. Mary's parochial, McHenry; Mr. Hall, Woodstock elementary, Woodstock; A. Jackson, Johnsburg elementary; B. Dwyer, McHenry elementary, McHenry; M. Derr, Marengo elementary, Ibrogo; F. Qulna, Burton's Bridge, Crystal Lake. Wonder Lake will play its initial gatne in McHenry, under the lights, at 7: SO p.m. on Monday, Oct 8. The Wonder Lake people should turn out for the game and support this fine program which the Men's club is underwriting. Coach of the Wonder Lake team is Russell Spuehr. Secretary of the league is Fred Zandier. m. ;•* n NQU0IAI STROM Wonder Lake Men's Clnb to Celebrate Birthday The Wonder Lake Men's club will celebrate its first birthday soon and the members of the club can well be proud of ' the club's achievement iu only.; one year. The club was started after some of the men of Wonder Lake had seen the football team play. The team was made up of a small group of grade school boys, ill equipped, and looking motley compared to teams from nearby towns. The club was formed with the avowed purpose of encouraging sports for the children of the Lake area. Since that time the club has donated more than $1,000 worth of equipment for the youngsters. They have also seea that boys and girls who played group games were properly supervised, provided transportation for every boy who turned out for basketball, and gave each boy a uniform in which to play. Also, the club made and kept up a skating rink at a point on the lake near LaGreca's where the Ice was kept smooth and marked off (or danger areas. They have sponsored a Boy Scout troop, outfttted three baseball teams at three age levels and saw that these t>oys had supervised periods of play. Through thiB groundwork, it will be possible for a baseball league to be in operation next year. The men of the club also found time to form their own baseball team. They played several games with other organizations both within and without the community. They have also sponsored the new football league for grade school boys in which seven teams are now participating and they have outfitted twenty-seven boys to start play next week. The next project on the agenda for the Men's club Is the provii ing of lights for the Harrison school football field. The men propose to make a house-to-house canvass in Wonder Lake to secure the money. Since they give so freely of their time and energy, the men hope the community will back them financially. With lights, evening games can be played* and other community y t t & t t o a J M * - t h e place. John Oeorgeson took third place honors. A special trophy rwas awarded to the person who showed the best increase in performance. This award went to Thomas V. O'Brien. . Those present included Mr. and Mrs. George Georgeeon, Mr. and Mrs. Peter A. Georgeson, Mr. and Mrs. Peter I. Georgeson, Ray Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Dexter, Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Sindeen, Elmer Gilbertson, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Zdanek, Robert Ploog, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. O'Brien. Andy Kunz, John O'Sliea, Mr. and Mrs. Francis O'Brien, Mr. and Mrs. V. O. O'Brien, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bjurstrom and Mr. and Mrs. Don Coumbe. ' :>v Wone# Voters Meet • At Redntan Residence The League of Women Voters met in the home of Rutl> Redman for luncheon and regular session. Jane Settler, president, presided and Introduced the members of the board present. The board includes Mrs. Redman, first vice president; Alice Noren, second vice president; Ida Ohlin, secretary; Uldina Haught, treasurer, Jane >Ducey, Sarah Ann Corbett, Lillian Plotner, and Pat Wrede. Children were cared for at the home of Mrs. Jane Ducey. Guests present included Jean Decker and Jean Hall. It was announced that Fern Paetow is a new member of the League. A workshop meeting on roads was held Tuesday at the home of Dorothy McEachren. Those attending the meeting, which started at 10:30 a.m„ brought their sandwiches and had lunch together. Coffee and cake were furnished by the hostess. given walking sundaes sad Continued their meeting. The school bus picked the' girls up at the ice cream parlor <and delivered them safely to their homes. Ton Can Pay Bills For Electricity to Art Hay i- Arthur Hay, postmaster for Wonder Lake, can now accept payment of Public Service bills at the post office. He signed the /ontract with the company Friday and the customers will be notified about Oct. 4. Art will also have bulbs for exchange at the post offltoi tomar iNMnti Visit Wonder Lake Ronnie Wilhelm, who attended school in both Wonder Lake and McHenry before he moved to Chicago. wae squiring a beautiful bride around the Lake over the weekend. They have been married four months and reside at 4815 Belle Plaine av., Chicago. The Ronnie Wilhe-lms were house guests of his brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Wilhelm, 222 Dean St., Woodstock. M Station The William and Mary food shop has been officially designated as the telegraph station at Wonder Lake. Any person expecting a telegram should notify the shop just where they reside. Brownie Scents Complete Election The Brownie Scouts finished their election at their Monday meeting. They chose Susan Watkins as vice president; Carol Swanson, sergeant-at-arms; Sus a n S p u e h r , r e p o r t e r , J a n e t Schimke, American flag bearer; and Joyce Motulewicz, Brownie flag bearer. Following the election the girls took a look-see hike from the school to Fiala's, where they were •• -.»«• 1« 1« ir T» T» Ta V< tt t«I fa V« •'Y l•1 ' *r> ^t T•T •w 4W t V AV IA Symptomaof Distress Arising from STOMACH U •HIE TO EXCESS QUICK RELIEF OR MOOT Ow floor mfiHoa botttoa of t Tmatmbnt have bean aoM symptoms of dJatrm Mining from! &nd l)m<wl Wtm due to Kmm P--rSltwjha, «--r wifeaa* I duo to Bhw AaHL Aak for which fttUy exptilaa this I <H<1HI4<MHH< IF ITS WORTH noma Ii'» Worth Doing Wfht Thin b No Substitute For Good Plastering. Phono McHenry 41141 Consignment Sale EVERY WEDNESDAY NIGHT 7*0 P. ML 'jjfcj*-"' ffame Robert Ploog To Yacht Clnb Post The Wonder Lake Yacht club held its annual meeting at LaGreca's Saturday night, following' a chicken dinner. Robert Ploog was chosen as the commodore tor the coming year; Charles (Red) Bjurstrom, vice 'commodore; Andy Kunz, rear commodore, Thomas V. O'Brien, secretary-treasurer; and Thomas M. O'Brien, retiring commander. First place winner for the season was Thomas V. O'Brien with the other Tom O'Brien (Thomas M.) coming in for the second Uncle Sam Says Mr nmcr Cows Weigh Vara When flsM Im Yew Calves Bring Mere Hera. Year Dairy and Breeding Cattle cm be tested at Ovrg •odern Sales Ban. Your Cattle and Hog* can be sold by (ha Mhr or by| ! the Poand. Cema and See Yew Stock SeUL We are here to serve yen. W1 PAY CONSIGNOR BAY AFTEB TIE SAlrl. WE ARE BONDED Woodstock Comm. Sales Co* Inc. Phono 572 or 499 Woodstock, IIL Defease Is everybody's Job! 11m A priceless privilege of beta* an AmeN * lean eaaaot be beaght It mail be worked Isr and saertfleed for whe*b> or la aalfsiiii or right here at home. Yew parehase of V. 8. Defense Beads helps bvQd year owa independent ialare bat beyond that yea sapreaa faith in year eeaatry. That Is eae practical and eertaia way |» help keep ear aatloaal economy stable and te stand with nil Imeih m fsr peace aad seearity. Eared new fcr the Payroll Savings Plan when yon werfc. or the Bsad A-Moath riaa A at year bank. u. s. Tnmvr, Carnival Workers P A R T Y SATURDAY NITE, OCT. 6 AT THE V. FTW. CLUBHOUSE 1 Dance to Don Stadfeld's Music Delicious Lunch Refreshments ALL WORKERS ARE INVITED TO BRING THEIR WIFE. HUSBAND or DATE, Announce Contest Panf and Helen Reuter. Who operate Beuter's general store, are conducting an "American Way of Life" contest. To enter, it will be necessary to answer a simple true-and-false qui* and to write, in fifty words or less. "What the 'American 'Way of Life Means to Me." • The Reuters describe the contest as "the simplest to enter and easiest to win because there wll. be nothing to buy." Details may be secured at Ihe store. Legion AaxlUary - The American Legion Auxiliary is again calling for books, magazines, decks of cards, cigarets, old clothes, rags for rugs, and coupons to be donated to the veterans in hospitals. Those wishing to donate any of these items may telephone Mrs. Charles James, telephone 4152. The Legion Auxiliary is hostess this Friday night to the county Auxiliary when all units Will visit the local group. V Celebrate Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Sartwell celebrated their thirty-first wedding anniversary Sept. 23 by having dinner in Chicago and seeing I the wrestling matchos. 24 Hour V* Towing- V. Servico START NOW Start with our Winterising service, «nd then let ns continue to service youi car all dtriag the cold meaths. BUTCH'S Wo Do Complete Motor Overhauling. 309 W. Elm Street , McHenry. ID. Phone 811 ; ... Residence 91-R Stork Skewer A stork, shower was held re* cuitly for Wanda McCafferty by a group of girte from iaMter Woodstock. The Wally Leonards have been ill with a flu virus and Mrs. Fred Zandier has been ill with the same complaint. Also the Zandiers' oldest girl, Linda, 4. is on the sick list .... Bobble Cttristensen and Shirley Johnson won posters in the Bull Valley garden show held last week .... Mr. and Mrs. Verdoa Vroman. Evanston, were Sunday visitors at the home of Mrs. Dorothy McEachren . . . . Diane Hunt is a new student in the seventh grade at Harrison s c h o o l . . . . Among t h e g u e s t s a t the White wedding Sunday was Mrs. Jay Cristy, who had surgery at the Woodstock hospital last week. Mrs. Cristy was enthusiastic in her praise of the splendid treatment she received at the hospital and. for the nurses, she said she had "nothing but praise" . . . . Fishermen three last weekend (sans wives) were Ed Pinkler, Mike Thometz and Ladi Tome. All are summer residents of the Lake . . Joe Sullivan, looking tanned and handsome, came home from Camp Brrweckkee nridge. Ky., (Continued oonn >i Page 8) Sterling Window Shade and Venetian Blind 5640 W. Division St. • COlumbus 1 Have your windows dressed in Kar-Olier removable slot Venetian Blinds, Dupont's washable Tontine Shades and Kirsch Draw Rods* Plate Glass and Dresser and Table Tofpu (Polished and Beveled) Estimates Cheerfully Given. 7 CALL FRIDAY EVENING : Saturdays and Sundays call McHenry 651-M-l Swtft Prm Far Quick Lunches "sT 50c Basque! Wbels Chiekta m Baaqsst BHMI Ckiskti ' t«t Ukfey's $lnta«4 My Fm4 Vile FMlfs SHftuttl far Pwrtisai a K13e Spry Sfcertulif Pure, All Vegetable! 3 t 99c Kftehts Kltsztr Itts Your Cleaning Easy! CM 10C Cksf-Bsy-ANtt Spafhstti Dinner with is-**, a Si- Mm) pk«. 4VC Ivery Seap 91-44/100% Pure f2U!M31c Camay Seap The Soap of Beautiful Women 13c Ansricas Faaily Flakes 2^-57c DMZ Safer for Colors 2 *£ 57c Oiydol _ WMies White for Life r t X' 63t Pklmllv* S«ap Your Beauty Hope! 3^ 20c Palnolive Seap 9)r "Alover LoveCness" 13c it's AaP's mammoth fall round-up of ilel monte S . Customers' Corner Operating a good food store is a job for experts. We are e*pert« at selling food. Y6u ire expe&e at buying it. You can help us make your A*P a better place to shop by giving us your ideas as to how we can better gear our selling activities to your buying needs. Please write: CUSTOMER RELATIONS DEPT. A4P Food Stores 4S0 Lexington Av«nu«y New York 17, N.Y. * Pricm effective through Saturday, October 6th del monte CORN. 2 17-ee. tins 29 -- del aiente arasHEB a nmmE L No.? tins 49 dd monte PEAS . 2 17-oz. tins 33' del monte PINEAPPLE JIIKE. 3"^ 1 5 Illinois- or Michigan Grown Apples 40 lb. Bushel DSIISISM SQM Netatesh M QQ JOMHUM Apples'.. Apples.. Apples.. o- -o- • J lar^e Michigan Cauliflower _ . 12 sine 25' Northern Yellow Onions. .T. California Pascal Celery.... » 21c '• 10*. v # maslt bef Ifs Donnt Month! Plain. Sugared or Cinnamon donuts ^ 23 JANE PAHKER CARAMEL Octotor Chiiw Festival! Wiscensia Shup PI JK' cheddar. uoc JANE PARKER FRESH lb. 39t Frankfurter Rolls .. 17* Slab Bacon JANE PARKER ALL COOH KKAX Oatmeal Bread -. I9C $Hced Bacon JANE PARKER White Bread • • 12* 2^ J*NE ;,ENN* i Cheese Spreads. Brown n Serve Rolls 19* \isV \ovh\ S "Al Around" Bleach WW - I >4* $ < ks-< * • yW . f. 1^'#^ JSi

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