"wft;r lv"' -: ^ jif"""-5V ?" mm [^ | kf Mrt Omtrc SkepaH The Home Circle was entertain • id in' the home of Mrs. Agnes Wednesday. Mrs. Wolf le was co-hostess. The meet- In^ was opened by the vice-presijjjent, Mrs. Carl Franson, in the . Absence of the president, Mrs. #>Pete Sebastian. The birthday > nf0®* was sung to Mrs. Shadle and Hogan. A fine program in r tharge of Mrs. Myrtle Harrison %followed.* The evening W.S.C.S. met at the , Jhome of Mrs. Troxell Wednesday i ^venini. The meeting was called xto order The evening W.S.C.S. v^|net at the home of Mrs. Troxell - Wednesday evening. The meeting v, ^Iraa called to order by the president, Althea Walkington. Lois . ttedman led the devotionals. Solans were made for a candy .^ooth for the bazaar. Doris Low ^end Lois Stedman gave a talk on ^ihe workshop at Evanston which < . 'ihey attended, a week ago. Mrs. '; Ltato gave the lesson on "Mis- \eions in Africa". A nice lunch was !'.#-rved by the hostess. ' The Brownie Scout meeting- was V f -ought to Order by the vice * : ' f e s i d e n t , P a t r i c i a B e l l . The "™"~f?!-0wnie song was sung and the --jirls gave the Browi e promise. Dues were collected by the treasurer, Patsy Hogan. They then •irent to Mrs. Florence Kane's and Mary Ana Wtedrtdk attended a W.S.C.S. meeting at Ingieslde Wedh^sday. Mrs. Clayton Harrison and Stanley Jepson were supper guests in the Ardin FrishJs home at Greenwood Wednesday evening. Those from here to attend the Eastern Star card party and ba zaar at McHenry Thufsday afternoon were Mrs. Louis Hawley. Mrs. Lester Carr, Mrs. Oscar Berg, Mrs. George Shepard, Mrs. C. L. Harrison, Mrs. Mabel Collins and Mrs. Luella Stephenson. Sunday dinner guests in the C. L. Harrison home were Howard Wattles and son, Donald, and Glen Wattles of McHenry and Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Donahue and daughter of Huntley. Mr. and Mrs. George Shepard were Sunday dinner guests of Mrs. Georgia Thomas and family at Woodstock. Robert Low and Charles QlseD spent Sunday In the Herbert Frey home at Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Mr. and Mrs. Arnle Niskft and son, Mike, of Spring Grove spent Sunday in the Fred Bowman home Mrs. Viola Low, Mrs. Emiiv Beattv. Patty Low and Mrs. Walter Wilcox were Elgin visitor Saturday. Mrs. Fred Bowman was a vis;-, or in the home of her brother Dean Ehlert, at Kenosha Friday Albert Oonk and Carl Martin attended the football game in Chicago Sunday. - '^earned how to press leaves. They Mrs. Pete Sebastian has re- ^re going to use thepe In a pump- j turned home from Moline, where •: *in face for a centerpiece and for i she has been helping take care of %ooks. Cookies were served by I her mother, who was ill. ludith Brnce. j Mr. and Mrs. Paul Glauser spent Reporters for the week are J Wednesday and Thufsday at the ^Patricia Hogan and Patricia Low. Wisconsin Dells. >: The W.S.C.S. will hold their T.n-1 Mrs. Kenneth Crlsty and Mrs. ritual bazaar and cafeteria supper j Nelson Cristy were visitors in the ••"•'^(n the church hall Thursday, Oct. *§5. There will be plenty of aprons \lfcnd fancy work for sale, also ^|iome made candy. The menu for ••the supper will include roast turnkey with dressing, mashed pota- Jltoea. cranberry sauce, buttered . "Carrots, green beans, cabbage ^fclau. rolls, fruit salad, pie, cake, peoffee and milk. * The Round-up club enjoyed the ' birthday party of the year in the 'church hall Saturday evening With a supper, The meeting followed with election of officers as ^follows: Walter Low, president; -Alice Peet, vice-president; Rose- Inary Spitzbart, secretary-treasur- : ^er. 'A social time was enjoyed. . •. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Glauser, ^Mr. and Mrs. Paul Glauser, Mr. land Mrs. Leland Berg. Annette nd Grace Glauser enjoyed a family picnic Sunday at Kenosha ^County Park. Paul Glauser will Cleave for service Wednesday. Mrs, Paul Walkington and Mr. •and Mrs. Glen Benoy attended funeral services for their uncle George Nelson, at Ridgeway, Wis., "Monday. They also visited their brother, Harry Benoy at the -Madison hospital. He has been a ,patient there three weeks. Mrs. Viola Low, Mrs. Walter 'Low, Mrs. Darrell Sample and John Cristy home at Greenwood Wednesday. Miss Lois Johnson of Chicago spent the weekend in the Win. Pagni home. Sunday guests in the Pagni home were Mr. and Mrs. G. Izard of Crystal Lake and Miss Van Diedrich of McHenpy. Duane Andreas of DeKalb spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Weldon Andreas. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Fossum and family of Solon- Mills spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Cristy. Mr. and Mrs. David Hamilton and son and Mrs. Hamilton, Sr., of Racine spent Sunday with Dr. and Mrs. Hepburn. Mrs. Walter Fritz of Richmond and Mrs. Archie Mattinely and son of Elgin were visitors in the Clayton Bruce home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Carl FrAnson, Mrs. Louis Hawley and Mrs. Wm C r u l c k s h a n k a t t e n d e d a c a r d party at Libertyville Saturday evening Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Cristy and baby son spent Wednesday and Thursday with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Cristy. Dr. and Mrs. Wm. Hepburn attended funeral services for Frank Block, Sr., at Kenosha Friday. Mrs. Clayton Bruce and chil- Whatever you do-- you'll do better in v * How handsome can a man be? * The answer's in the casual, tailored good looks of a Skipper Gabalaun Sportshirt. Yet handsome as they are, _i. Skippers are practical, too--the luxurious ; rayon gabardine fabric is unconditionally washable. Collar may be worn open, but- ! toned or with a tie. Choice of rich solid co,or- $5.95 jpthftr Skipper Shirts $4.50 to $15.95 8. GREEN McHENRY STORE HOURS t Open _ Fridays 8 A. M. to » P. M. 8 JL X. to 6 P. X. - Bandar* TO Xoea Area were Elgin shoppers Saturday. Mry. R. J. McConnell, Mrs. Mitchell Kerkes and Miss Iris McConnell left for Omaha Tuesday on their way home to Wicken- 1 burg, Ariz., after a several weeks' visit in the Carl Franson home. Mrs. Georgia Thomas and son, Loren, were callers In the Wm. McCannon home Thursday eveing. Mrs. Lena Peet and daughters, Alice and Marian, were visitors in £he Joe Coates home at Woodstock Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Helen Young of McHenry spent Friday evening i* the George Shepard home. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Norni&n and children of Evanston spent the weekend at their home here. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ritter and children of Woodstock Were callers in the Lester Carr home Sunday afternoon Mr. Andreas Hawley of Fox River Grove called on her father, 3. W. Smith, Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Howe of. Crystal Lake were calibre--ttrHlie- Louis Hawley home Sunday; Mr. and Mrs. Matt Welter spent unday in the Herbert Northrup ^ ome at Hartland. Mr. and Mrs. Wm; Cruickshank Jr., and son and Mrs. C. E. Low lette and son , of Chicago we • .andiv dinner guests in the Wm. Cruickshank h^me. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wiedrich and family of Genoa City spent Sunday afternoon with his mother Mrs. Fred Wiedrich, Sr. Mrs. Clayton Harrison and Stanley Jepson visited Mrs. Harrison's ^daughter, Mrs. Schuerer, and family .at Waukegan and her son, William, and family at Round Lake Friday. Mrs. Agnes Jencks is visiting relatives at Hutsonville. Granville Carlson spent Saturday in the Clayton Bruce home. This community was shocked Saturday by the sudden death of Mrs. Mayme Harrison, a former resident Mrs. C. E. Lovelette and son, Gordon, of Chicago are spending a couple of weeks with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Cruickshank, while her husband is in California on business. Wm. Cruickshank and Mr. Ewell attended a 'shorthorn cattle sale at Abingdon, 111., Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell Kane and family spent Sunday with her sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Strukel, at Milwaukee. On Friday, Mitchell and Melvln Kane helped their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Kane, Sr., move from Mundellen to Wauconda. Twice Told Tales ITS WIISON WUI ITS FAUITIBS __ COBS OUTLOOKWftJOis is expected to be the top state in corn production this year, according to the September crop estimates of the state and federal departments of agriculture. A yield of 502,600,000 bushels is forecast, compared to last year's crop of 419,934,000 bushels. The Illinois soybean crop is estimated at 88,300,000 bushels as against 14,752,000 bushels in 1950. i Forty Tears Afe Fred A. Busse has entire# twelve head of Guernsey cattle for the* national dairy show which will be held in the International amphitheater, Chicago, Oct 26. to Nov. 4. t One of the largest gatherings that ever attended a like event in this village was present at the card party given by the tycHenry council, KnightB of Columbus, at St off el's hall last Thursday evening. At the hour of 9 at St Mary's Catholic church in this village on Oct. 18, occurred the marriage of Miss Mary Anna Freund to Mr. Henry E. Buch, the- knot being tied by Rev. A. Royer. Mrs. Mary Weber, mother of Misses Gertrude and Kathryn and Peter H. Weber of this village, passed away at the family, borne on Washington street at 3:30 j o'clock "this morning. j The girls' glee club now hum-j bers thirty-one namely: Ella! Mollohan Margaret Buss, Anna I Knox, Eleanor Phalin, Marguerite, ! Genevieve and«tf Florence Knox, Frances Welch, Mary Burke, Katie Buch, Elsie Smith, Edna Phalin, Esther Stoffel, Mamie Buss, Elsie Wolff, Agnes Conway, Corabel McOmber, Edyth Petesch, Letah Page, Lelah Claxton, Belle Carey, Ethel Harrison, Julia Freund, Lenore Freund, Verena\Justen, Mary Bonslett, Clara Mftler, Helen Weber, Laura Barfcgaa^ Anna Wrede, Irene Vasey ^nd \ Irene Buhr. TtMtyJMw Tears Aye The !ca cronm parlor nnd lunch room Conducted by John Karls on Riverside Drive is undergoing some needed repairs and improvements. A new front is being built and two large modern windows will be installed. The McHenry Country Club enjoyed a social ovoning last Saturday at the Polly Prim, where dancing wa* enjoyed to the excellent musio of Jimmy's orchestra. F. IV Schrriner was presented with the President's cup, when he won over O. N. Owen. The body of B. C. Carj&nter was brought here for bupfal at Woodlaud cemetery Saturday, Oct. 15. Mr. Carpenter and his family were old residents of McHenry, living here many years ago when they occupied the residence now owned by Mrs. G. Boley. Mr. Carpenter conducted a blacksmith shop here. Notwithstanding the fact that the season is getting late, McHenry is undergoing considerable building activity. Adam Krueter of Pistakee Bay is building a large ten-room house with three buck rooms and sun porch. Joe W. Rothermel is building a modern Spanish bungalow on Riverside Drive. J. W. Kirk of Forest „City. Iowa, is the new fnsm/h an(j furnace man employed by John J. Vycital. COLLEGE MEN MAY ' TAKE QUALIFICATION TEST THIS DECEMBER Two new- dates have been announced for the Selective Service college qualification tost to be given at forty-four exaniiuMtion centers throughout the state, it was disclosed by Colonel Paul IV Armstrong, Illinois Selective Service director. The tests will be given Dec. 13, 1951. and April 24. 1952. Both rtnya are Thursdays. Scores made !>> examinees will provide their local boards with evidence of their aptitude for continued college work and may be used by the board* for guidance in considering the students deferment Colonel Armstrong said that application blanks and an Information bulletin describing the test are available now at ail local boards. Applications for the Dec. IS test must be postmarked not later than midnight November 5. and for the April 24 test not later than midnight March 10. The applications must be mailed in special envelopes which the local boards will provide. A student can |«*t tfe« ivmtm totm «t Mml To to eMgtttte awl* far test. Colonel « student mu*t intend tu if <W*»t deferment as a ututtem; <21 He actually attending college satisfactorily pursuing a tlme course leading to a degi 1*1 Mttit StftVtotttlf hat* h Mervlcg collaga i f e M : M»nh t » c b o ® l for the mm* are high Ifliwil it-ftttantP* IN* , £ WELFARE REPORT A report by the state Department of Public Welfare shows that almost three out of every five persons admitted to the department's institutions during the second quarter of this year were from Cook county, which has approximately half of the state'a population. Of 4,955 admissions, 2,910 were from Cook county. Everybody reads the want ads. Panama-Beaver, Inc. CHAS. J. LEONARD, President 2633 Tonliy Avenoe * 707 North Avenne Chicago 45, Waukegan, Illinois Ambusmlf 2-4S§§ - . 9*t*rt§ 5/#f : ' N f. '.]> S I N C 1 1 8 9 6 Inked Ribbons Carbon Papers Uni masters ttot c** t ic mAteied* £fenci!s for all duplicating Machines #Aimeograph Inks * iustra Hand Duplicating Supplies Cleansing Cream Musk Masters' Bicycle PLAYING C A R D S Styles.,.. 65c • \ 750 Value Plastic DURABLECUTLERY EASY TO CLEAN I r--fRAY for Long NOW YOURS FOR Service ONLY I PARING KNIFE NOW ONLY 19c Your Choice of Yellow or Red Colors Hollow ground for long service. Coco-bolo wood handle. Reg. 15* Mb. Can ONLY A real bargain. Brass with heavy chrome finish. 3-position switch. Flashlight 59c Rugged-Cowhide FOOTBALL' Official in size and weight. Professional NYLON HAIR BRUSH ^ Your q a . Choice 0«7Gi Pkge. 10 IPERSONNAI BLADES Double Edp Reg. $6.65 value--only SHORTCUTS TO BIG SAVINGS ALTHOFF'S "McHENRY COUNTY'S LEADING HARDWARE' 501 MAIN ST. PHONE 284 McHENRY. ILL. 49c 2% Ounce BROMO SELTZER Effervescent 57c 5 Ounce TRUSHAY LOTION Beforehand 49c Box 18 EX-LAX LAXATIVE Chocolate 28c Home Appliances GE INFRA RED HEAT LAMP Fits any Secket.. B\ D-CON Rat Killer Clarence's Shop Christmas Gifts ....Children's Barn Yards, Oarages# Table and Chair Sets, Writing Desks. Kitchen Cabinets* Toy Chests, etc. ^ Unfinished Cabinets. Cheats o! Drawers, End Tables, etc. Full Line o! Lawn Furniture# Bird House!, etc. £>falher Belts, Billfolds, Baskets, etc. -: CLARENCE J. SMITH " TEL. 583-J-l - JOHNSBUHG I X A Regular Check-up •en- I,itb'•le ,mto*viit.yiotyuoruD^oc- eck_ to,forareg onthe up. It keep ^ heaith, sunny » ^ ai»«n°" lr:-at-tmentol an illnesrr PAY LE55 FOR YOUR EVERYDAY DRUG NEEDS FREE Big Tubo of ^ MENNEN SHAVE CIEMS With S9c Bottle . MENKEN SKIN This special offer ALKA-SELTZER Effervescent. Bottle of 8 DIAL SOAP Deodorant, 25c Bar FEENAMINT Chewy Laxative. Box of 16 HALO SHAMPOO Glorifies Hairf 3} 2 ounce TOILETRIES ITALIAN BALM Lady Esther Cream. Med..... Arrid Cream Deodorant....**. Brit-Tex ocfi Nail Cream...... Cutex 15c Nail Polish ..... Max Factor -ay PanCake • REMEDIES ANAHIST TABLETS Bottle 15 55c Nujol Oil Pint Bottle,;.. Doans Pills Bottle of 40..,. J-ysoi. 60& Disinfectant... Listerine 14 oz. Anti s Pinkham's < 1.50 Compound. 69c Remember your "SWEET" on SWEETEST DAY ^ ^ With a delicious 1 : •••" B0X 0F # 9 airmKW CHOCOLATES v ^ x Large Assortment One Pound Priced Front.....*.,. 160 HEALTH-GIVING VITAMINS 100 SQUIBB B' COMPLEX...... 3M 90 ONE-A-DAY A & 0 TABS... ...1" 100 VITA-MRS, IMPROVED ... .3" 50ce MEADS PERC0M0RPHUM 3W I 45 THYAVALS GELVCAPS 12 ez. SQUIBB COD LIVER OIL .!" BOLGER'S --DRUG STORE PHONE 40 • McHENRY. ILL. ' -A -.m. '