% '\-;*:i wt *vv v A/r*- ^ sJ.'J*..'£ Ejj >*. *' *.j> **•...•--• iJLV xai i- .>',)' ^ If „ . xlvk^i^^uiL.^L*. 1*, A *K A^" jtt*. •> '-•• / V'^IV^I^.'.. , I k v Two * THE McHENRY PLA1NDEALER > h T-n'h ,"- «T« , ^fi £ ,V ' ,*'"\ -•-' - } .' . > A rVT ' .' A' ** » « ** "*• 5* • ^ * • '« J ' * / » • tT ' ""' *" * * >* "**' .. ./.. ^ » ^«"f il 8 ! JSl_.iii.ij ^4,'^.i.it -\iK' . ijtL fmt" ti 5\ i <•» IS T -djj** k»4 ./i * i * . J» , - »s\A A •" > ' ?> Thursday, October 18, 1951 W*5*» IfttoiiBc* Troth ( Iftty t«>pf ,iMr. anA Mrn Odlloa Long of |13 tt. WauHrfegan Void announce me engagement and approaching marriage of their daughter, Hetty, to Roger Dunn, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clark Dutin of IVankoe. The Wedding will take place D«$.,.2I. . :; IhHnnd <iee*t« At •r'^^00^:". farewell Gatherings Mrs. Allen N'oonan and daughter, Blfcry Ann, entertained Mrs. Birdie iAelcman at dinner at the Milk 1**11 near Elgin last Thursday evening. On Sunday, Mrs. Felcman was guest of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Jtentschol at dinner. She will leave soon for Florida to make her home. The Hentechels, Pistakeo |tay residents, are moving •tpn, Texpe.. THE HARRY THELE BIRTHS Elitertflhipd At .-;•'- •" Domuy Hospital --•;-•••••'" • ... ::/~ The Legion post a¥i# AairtHsry unit sponsored one of their regular parties' at Downey last Thursday evening, traveling to the veterans' hospital to entertain the patients. Also making the trip were members of Don Stadfeld's orchestra," including several McHenry members, who provided music throughout the evening. The program was greatly enjcyed and the veterans asked them to return at a future date. • ftymwer In Elgrin Fer JMarien Smith Miss Marian Smith of McHenry was honored guest at a prenuptial shower held Sunday afternoon at the home of Miss Phyllis Reinert, 4^*7 E. Chicago street. Game pro-, yided diversion, with prizes awardto Miss Deloree Smith, MrB. William Young, Mrs. Robert Smith and Mrs. S .N. Schmitt. Guests from Elgin, McHenry, • fl^ukegan »nd Chicago were present to enjoy the social afternoon, concluded by the serving of a twocourse Utncheoo. « •^Mise Smith was presented with h trafiety of lovely gifts. - ^^PPpimillMIIIIIHIHMIIIUHBHinnMlrtWWHIWIWnill i "PERSONALS Medlar Photo 1 United in marriage in a beautiful service solemnized Ifl St Thomas Catholic church, Crystal Lake, Sept. 15, were Miss Lois Pinnow of Crystal Lake and Mr. Harry Thelen of Johnsburg. Acting as matron of honor was Mrs. Pat Phalin and bridesmaids were Miss Lynn Skinner and Mrs. Dolores Wollenberg. The flower girls were the bride's cousin, Gloria Kahle, and the groom's niece,( Nancy Monte. Steve Donnelan served as best man and groomsmen were Larry Phalin and Jav Wollenberg. Following a two weeks' wedding trip to Ocean Springs, Miss., the couple returned to reside at Johnsburg. --. •»U »»W<. > <•1.1..|. <••} Residence Changes Mi*s Rita Martin and Mrs. JjUobard Heater attended a.stage .,jM»y in Chicago last Saturday af- ,t*raoon. Mr. and Mrs. William Martin of Sterling, 111., Visited in the Clarfcnce Martin home Sunday. Miss Helen Welch of Woodstock wfca a McHenry caller on Sunday Wad attended o|>en house at Edge- Wook school. Sister M. Anrjreella. Sister M. tgella. Mrs. Henry J. Stilling and B. Nick M. Justen spent Thurs- 4%y in Rockford. "Miss RoVena Marshall, accompanied by her cousin. Beverly t^loptgQinery, of Forest Park, left ^iast Thursday afternoon for a two Weeks' trip to Cuba. *Mr .and Mrs. A. H. Mosher spent jr few days last week visiting in jftUon. Mre. A. K. Burns of Hollywood. Pte.. has been Tiiitlng in the home af her sister, Mrs. George Johnson. 4 Mrs. May Rollis of Elgin spent the Weekend visiting the Misses Florence and Evelyn Carev. Jj\n Charles Whiter of Chicago, jj|r8. Marie Day of Harvey, Mrs. iW.ed «t. Germaipe and Mrs. 'atgaret Holtmahtepent Saturday id Sunday with Mrs. H. Toleson, 4^rs- Harriet LuCassick, who was a house guest for five weeks, rejjpirned to her Chicago home. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thompson • And Miss Maud Granger have returned from a two weeks' trip ^rough Virginia. N. Carolina, Kent ylMCky and Tennessee. V : Sunday callers in the Martin 'Wegener home were Mr. and Mrs. ^YlVililam Rothermel and Mr. and Airs. George Stenger of McHenry , William Wagner and Mrs. A! Wege #er ftnd dau^htec .Bernadette, of Miss RoVena Marshall has moved from • her home on Washington street to an apartment at 427 yk Riverside Drive. Mrs. Anna Miller has moved from her home on the corner of Hwy. 31 and John streeet to her new residence across the street The old Miller home iB being raieed. "• Mr. and Mrs. John Mur^auSh have sold their home in the Country Club subdivision to Mr. and Mrs. John Nlhall of Chicago. The Murtaughs plan to leave FHday for Florida, where they will make their permanent home. Mrs. Murtaugh's brother, William Brahm, of Chicago, will accompany them to Clearwater, where they will be located temporarily. CARD OF THANKS In this manner I wish to extend my heartfelt gratitude to all my friends and neighbors for their expressions of kindness in my recent illness. It was indeed touching and inspiring to know saUce pan that my daily contacts in life had given me a host of true friends. 23 BERNARD "BILL" PE8CHKE Cynthia Ann is the name selected by Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Ficken for their new daughter, born Oct. 7 at the Woodstock hospital. The' little lady has one sister. Mr. and Mrs. James McNally have named their new daughter Candee Caroline. The little lady was born Oct. 7 at the Woodstock hospital. The McNallys have two other daughters, Karen Roseanne and Patricia Elaine. Mrs. McNally is the former Dorothy Klemm of Volo. • . Mr. and Mrs. George Kosti Are the parents of a son, born Oct 8 at the Woodstock hospital. Annoucements have been received by relatives and friends of the birth of a daughter, weighing <> lbs. 4 oz., to Mr. and Mrs. Wiliard Zerby of Mansfield, Ohio, on Oct. 5. She has been named Lissa Ann. The Zerby's (Doris Kennebeck) have two ether children, d boy and a girl. Funeral Services Friday For Bradley B. Marb|| < Rites were held Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the Merwin funeral home in Woodstock for Bradley B. Marble, 86, who died at his home at Solon Manor, Solon Mills, Oct 9. He was a native of that community, where he was horn Aug. 1, 1865. Surivors include his wife, Mary, who resides with a daughter, Mrs. Joseph McCannon, in California; two other daughters, Mrs. Mildred Minard of Rock Island and Mrs. Lester Edinger of Woodstock, : BI'YS THEATRE > L. J. DeMarce, a Crystal Lake resident for the i>ast five years, has purchased the El Tovar theatre and is planning complete remodeling in the near future. Mr. DeMarce promises to show his patrons the. very best in: films. He was formerly Ijioi^ber of Homes Theatres, Inc., In Minnesota. -- v •. Playtex Baby Prodnctfe' v ! Wattles Drag HcHeary Ilk |8tf GOLDEN WEDDING This picture, taken just fifty years ago, shoWs Mr. and Mrs. O. Tollefsen of Crystal Lake, formerly of McHenry, on their We'dding day. On Sept. 18, 1951, the couple O'bserved their golden wedding anniversary at Ihe iome of-the^r sop, George, in Cicero, where dinner was enjoyed by Ibeir family, which includes three grandchildren. / . * ^ Mr. Tollefsen, a retired machinist, and his wife eame here "H-om Chicago and Oak Park. They resided in Fairs Oaks subdivision during the summer months for eighteen years and fta^tfro years lived on Main street in West McHenry. OTTO KLEMMS, L0N6 TIME LOCAL BUSMBS PfflPti. ENSAfiB) M CHMCMUA RAISING This attractive, modern building is the new structure erected by Mr. and Mrs. Ottq Klemm to house chinchillas, a combined hobby-business in which they have beeri engaged sincq retiring ffom twenty-five years in the lunch room and tavern business. After completing twenty - five years In business in the Volo community, Mr. and Mrs. Otto Klemm three years ago retired as lunch room, and tavern managers and entered into an entirely new and different venture, raising chinchillas. Combining business with hobby, they have learned the art of raising these small animals on their "O.K. Chinchilla Ranch" near Volo. The Klemms bought three pair of the fabulous balls of fur and were surprise^ to find that they were easy to raise. Thus, the enterprise expanded and recently a new building was erected to house the growing number. So many folks in the area have asked to see the chinchillas that the Klemms have decided to have open house Saturday, Oct. 20, and Sunday, Oct. 21, at which time the animals- will be on display for the benefit of all who have never seen them. The public may stop at their convenience on either day and see these remarkable ahimals whose fur has been used for royalty in Europe and Asia for several hundred years. Long before Columbia sailed from Geneva, the Chincha Indians set snares in the cloud-wrapped heights of the. Andes mountains to trap the thick-furred, beautifully colored animals. This was", in that time, the country of the Incai, a powerful, enlightened Indian tribe. Chinchilla was the fur of Inca royalty. No one else dared don a chinchilla robe under penalty of death. After the conquest of the Incas by the Spaniards in 1532, the chinchilla pelts were shipped to Europe in such large quantities that chinchillas became almost extinct Then in 1923 an American mii^ ing engineer, M. F. Chapman, received special permission from the Chilean government to trap and bring to the U. S. the almost extinct Chinchilla. In 1919 he organised a group of twenty Indian trappers to comb the npountain ranges. By 1921 they had fourteen suitable animals safely in cages. How he got them to San Pedro, Calif., by 1923 is a great tribute to the patience, perseverance and planning of this one man. Of the fourteen, eleven came through alive and from them are descended practically all the chinchillas in America today. Usually the animals mate for life and the female, being the larger of the two. is boss, ruling the roost They feed on hay the total cost for a year amounting to about three dollars. They are clean and odorless and best of all, require little care. They prefer a ool place and so are generally :ept in basements by individuals vho have a limited number. «IRL SCOt'TS ..Troop 3, of which Mrs. Milton Olsen and Mrs. Maurice Granger *re lehders, have made cartoon acrapbooka* to be given for use by Minnie Green, who is in care of rehabilitation work for the Legion Auxiliray. Mrs. Ray McGee tpoke on the junior citizenship badge at the last meeting. ©H ZOJflJfG BOARD The county zoning board has approved the recommendation of Supervisor A. B. McConnell in his appointment of Math Laures of this city as member of the zoning board, to replace the late Roy Kent. Smooth fextere* and *oft colaaf -- just right for the bedroom ' Plaster patches vanish the old wallpaper ilita|i|i«4n|| by pointing the waNs wMi AKVON (he ready mixed oil plastic ppfgl (gmm i» Jm * tumptt 4md tfdm Bjorkmans Riverside Hardware ISO Riverside I>r. IfiKinrj FHOXE 7tt American worker knows the score :v. Cooki. Gotut&l (by Mari. 3chaettgeu> Broiled tomatoes. If your tomato crop has been prolific and you now have hives, you won't be interested in this recipe, but--if you can still look a tomato in the face and say mmmm--that looks good--try these broiled tomatoes. 4 tomatoes, any size. Bread crumbs--melted butter. Wash tomatoes and if small cut in half--if large in thirds or quarters--to make thick slices. Have broiler i4ady. Do not heat broiling oven too hot About 400- 450 degrees will do. Butter bottom ot pan to be, ufffd for broiling. Place slices of tomato close together oh pan and season. Brush top of each slice with melted butter. Sprinkle buttered crumbs over each slice and place in broiling oven. Broil ten minutes. If crumbs are jiot brown turn oven up to 500 but waAqh closely so as not to burn. Serve immediately. These slices are attractive arranged around a steak or other meat or fish platter. The slices of tomatoes may be alternated with a serving of green beans or pea*. TT • , A AOI VIUG UI GI QQU UCHIID UI rCa crym3>8 rea<ly. Melt 3 : around the platter for an appetiz tablespoons of butter in small | lng aw>eBrance. CHURCH SUPPER The Young Adults group of the M c H e n r y M e t h o d i s t c b u , r c h invites the public to a pancake supper in the church basement on Tuesday .Oct. 23, serving to begin at 5:30 and end at 7:30, FILM STAR GUEST One of Hollywood's most beau tiful stars, Rhonda Fleming, piaile a personal appearance in Burlington Thursday at 3:45 p.m. appear ing at a civic reception held at the Melnhart Bank baleony. It had been previously announced that Starlet Viveca Lindfors would be the guest. However, late changes by officials of the Movletime USA Wisconsin committee designated Miss Fleming as the Burlington visitor. This Weeks - N Y L O N S - s ^ *0!m RFnrrFR " ;; v Manifred, 16-month-old son of and Mrs. Floyd Hill of Petite ^ ifcke. swallowed a half dozen re .; luring, pills and while he turned blue in color, he escaped uhharni '*< *ed. Sheriff's deputies took the boy lo a doctor and then to St. The- ^fese hospital in Waukegan for , treatment. They said he got the ^ Willis from a box his mother had etored in a chest. TOP YEAPMSGS Col, Edward J. Baker--of^-St Charles; owner of the WoHlr champion trotter, Greyhound, who recently paid out $59,500 for two richly-bred yearlings at Lexinp ton, paid the top price of $12,0<>o last week "at the Lexington Har ness Horse Market, for Norway, a son of King's Couhsel- Alcyone the Associated Press reports. Nineteen yearlinfes. consigned b> the Gainsway farm of Lexington averaged $3993. Newport stock farm. South Plainfield, N. J. p out $10,000 for Galewav, a son of Scotland and the Hayes Fail Acres stable of Duquoin, 111., laid out the same amount for the Nibble Hanover colt, Rapid Way. ! F-R-E-E ! 17k. MfiNral T V Console SPECIAL 98< pf Values to $1.50 pr. EXPERT Beauty Care FRAN MILLER BEAUTY SALON 103 RICHMOND ROAD PHOIfE 1096-M McHraRYrttft. DB. JOHN T. GRAY OPTOMETRIST 532 Main Sireet McHenry, 111. EYES EXAMINED and GLASSES Fill El). House Calls hj Appointment -- liulck Repair Service. HOURS DAILY: »:00 A. M. -- ' Vitm Neon 1:00 P. M. -- 6:30 P. M. Taes. and Fri. Eves: ft:80 P. M. -- 9:O0 P. •. Thnrsday by Appointment Only * PHONE McHENRY 186^ *f no answer phone McHenry M2-K-* Why tfrg § Amerh:an worker have the highest living standard in the wo r id? Because he has earned it with _^iiard work* initiative, and a strong belief in , ^ ^ie free-enterprise system. History has proved that free men live better, work better, fight better. Let's keep free-entergrise • •. lo keep a frea America. McHenry State Bank1 Member Federal Reserve Systaai Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. Inlerest Paid On Savings DeposUi tHONE 1040 "THi ntcurHAS mur m nr' U S4p*r i-Ti.er Sedan. + lIvdrQ-Mmtic Drire mption+l mt extra cost. Equipment, mcce$*otie*% and trim iUu»U0l0i subject 19 change without notice. u 0 ; ^ .See your friendly Sinclair Dealers. WORTS SERVICE -- McHenry J. METtVRMAN -- Johnsbui* This fine hosiery is colored-cued to the fashions you wear and is available ift ;n Style just.^M' you. Sizes 8V^ to 11. Geo. Colleiie, Owner 103 Riverside Drive Pbone 459 mm smx POWOtl Power that puts you ahead! OUIgmobile'e "Rocket" Engine is famous for its response--its eager, ready power! Away from a green light or over the long haul, "Rocket" performance is tops! KONQMYI Ride the "Rocket" and save! This great new Oldsmobile engine is a real high-compression gas-saver! Major advancements in combustion chamber design have made this year's "RjMsket" more economical than ever! SMOOTHNESS! /f's smorther sailin£ in a "Rocket" Engine cmr! Oldsmobile's new Hydra-Matic Drive* delivers the "RocketV* brilliant new po«fW smooth^, effortlessly, automatically! DVtABILITYl "Rocket" pou.tr is rvjpcd power! The "Rocket" « road -proved over billions of •tiles--owner-proved by nearly 8d0,000 drivers! So remember the "Rocket's" record and try t|*_ "glamorous "98'* or Super "88**! riw*wtar GmmHRMM A } • ( TOUR N I A R I S T O I D S M O I I L I D I A L I * R. J. OVERTON MOTOR SALES Inc. 403 Frodt Street - - On Televisiont CB8 Xew» with ftenglas Edward*. W»ftdey ttitn Frldey et «:M P. Un SUtloe Channel 4 > Conrteity of yoar OldameMle 4>ealer -r- -