)r* \" r - * i ii ffcrigasaaas riftl <*g!^vi*it«e*!jpur,* LILY LAKE tlLYMOOR (by Kitty Wojtas) ~~ in perrtm to the collection depot in McDermott's garage. Pastor Liberty and his wit* gave a wonderful party for the people of the community last Tuesday night and the place was [filled to overflowing with cosj turned oelebrators. Some very nice j games were played and prizes Health Talks IWlafy,iilUMItUilW, •• WAi » 1XAV&O1r. THE McHENBY PLAINDEALER mlntlto or »ore, but these drugs [ mizing the condition mint hi given only under thef develop. t Pat and1*" Jerry Golbeck went in to Chicago last week to visit Pqt's •Ister, Sgt. 'Vivian K .y Reeves. Who has just returnc-'. from duty In Japan. This is fy-first time in three years she h.»s been home and the family was pleased to meet her husband. John Reeves, whom she jwt't and married while Yversfias. John has seen action on the Korean front and the couple Ere .spending their thirty-^day l«ave vb '"ik the family before reporting >ack to camp. Virgin.) Gray celebrated her ninth birthday last Saturday with a party attended by her young neighborhood friends. Games were played, and a lovely birthday cake and refreshments served. Virginia's guests presented her with little gifts along With their congratulations. The bake sale giVeu by the Lily Lake Beautifying club was a complete success, with a great variety of homemade goods having been donated by generous club niein^ hers. Mrs. Biickwalter and Mrs. Fahsetti deserve special credit for the time and work they took to make the sale a profitable one. Some work has been started on the roads and more will be done as the weather permits. The Beautifying club is having a feather party at Wally's on Xov. 17 to help raise more badly needed funds for the road project. The road committee hopes to get the roads in a reasonably good condition before the really bad weather sets in. We hope everyone will cooperate and do his part, for the roads are used by all or us, whether we are club members or not. Lets all help in their upkeep. The committee members for the Lily Lake P. T. A. Hallowe'en party at the school last Friday dtt a marvelons job. The mothers' of the children in Mrs. Douglas' room had been invited and everyone enjoyed meeting the other mothers of their children's classmates. Quite a few new members joined the organization. Refreshments were served and prizes were given to the two prettiest and the two funniest costumes. The Lily Lake P. T. A. held its regular monthly meeting last Friday and decided to present Mrs. Douglas room with a slide projector and screen. A social has been planned for Nov. 16, to be held at Cluo Lilymoor, proceeds to be used toward the children's Christmas party. Mrs. Jerome Golbeck will be hostess for the affair. We hope you haven't forgotten the socials being held every Monday at Wally's for the benefit of the volunteer fire department. And don't forget your waste paper and scrap metal can help build onr community building, so call the garage and have someone pick up your contribution, or bring it Prevent Whooping Cough Whooping cough is a dangerous I were given for the most original! disease. It is contagious. Ft strikes costumes. The refreshments were persons of all ages. Children uutypically Hallowe'en foods such as ,jer 5 years of age are the most cider, and doughnuts, apples and susceptible, but it is more serious had a very en- jn the first year of life and in the very old, it is pointed out in a HEALTH TALK issued by the educational committee of the Illinois State Medical society. Authorities believe that whooping cough is caused by a germ -- -- ; called hemophilus pertussis, which Illinois motorists who are de- j j8 found almost always in the linquent in renewing their driv- throat of patients. It was identier licenses were urged by Secre- [ fied in ^Qg. The word pertussis, the medical term for whooping cough, means extended coughing. Whooping cough develops between seven and fifteen days after exposure. It usually begins like an ordinary cold and this similarity is responsible for. the frequent candy. Everyone joyable evening. URGE DRIVERS TO CHECK EXPIRATION DATE OF LICENSES careful supervision of a doctor. • Sometimes the child with the disease never whoops, even though the WhoOplilg cough gefrms are present in his nose and throat. Thus the disease may go unrecognized and be spread to other children through nose and throat discharges spread by a cough or The Illinois\Department of Public Health cooperates with your i^octor in providing agents to immunize against whooping cough. The department supplies an alumprecipitated pertussis vaccine for I children under 6 months of age which can be injected as early as | iron\, 2 to 3 months of age; a plain | PUBLIC PULSE sneeze or on dishes used patient. by the! pertussis vacciue for children j over 6 months of age, and a diph- It is important to prevent the theria toxoid and pertussis yacdisease from occurring, and thus I °'ne combined for use in children (All communications for this department must be signed by the writer, otherwise the) will not hie published. The Plain dealer invite* its readers to express their opinions in these cohmns^ The Editor McHenry Plaindealer McHenry, Illinois jtary of State Edward J. Barrett to send in renewal applications immediately. He said records indicate many motorists who are now driving, are doing so with expired licenses. Secretary Barrett said that not all of the erring drivers are aware j failure to recognize the disease in they have failed to renew their.; its earlier stages. The patient may licenses. He suggested they j have a slight fever, running nose at their license cards for expir-^and a cold that develops into a ation dates. \ /-• ; j tight dry cough. William H. Colvin, chief clerk j The cough deepens until the of the driver license division in i whoop occurs. This is a sobbing the secretary's office, said a check ' intake of breath following an exshows many thousand of holders j tended cough. The coughing of current licenses have failed to , spasms are severe. In them the apply for renewals. , j-face becomes deep red or purple, The expiration date, Mr. "Colvin i t'lt' ve*ns °' the *ace an<^ said, will be found just below the swell, and the eyes water. The license holder's signature. Current 1 body ^ racked by the prolonged licenses, he said, began to expire frequent spasms of coughlast May 1 but the expiration date *ng- child may be weakened by the repeated coughing and vomiting and complications, such every child should be immunized against whooping cough. This of special importance in the very over 6 months of age and ter" injections. Don't take' chances with your young child because available child's health. See that he is • imstatlstics show that one out of ten jmunized against whooping cough, such victims die of the disease. I Remember . 4. is, iwise-^-to •Main those that survive, there is the j munise. - ' risk of serious after-effects such does not necessarily coincide with the birthday date in all cases.- New drivers in Illinois since May 1, 1948. as pneumonia, may develop. It and" those drivers who" fail-!may be several months before ed to renew on time in 194S. hold licenses which expire three years from the date of issue said. strength is fully regained. There are drugs that can reduce Colvin 1 the severity of the coughing , , spoils, which are likely to last a POWERS and BEHM, Auctioneers Having sold the farm the undersigned will sell at Public Auction 6n the farm located 1% miles North of Volo, o miles South of Fox Lake and H mile West of Highway 12, on ---- -- SATURDAY. NOVEMBER 17. at 12:30 Sharp 25 HEAD OF LIVESTOCK, consisting of the following 16 Hi-Grade HoL Dairy Cows -- 7 of these cows are close springers, » will be fresh by day of sale and baL are good milkers. 1 Guern, kfr., 2 mos. old; & HoL hfr. calves; 1 HoL boll* 2 yrs. old) Team of work horses, avg. wt. 1600 lbs. FEED--30 tons 1st cutting alfalfa hay (baled); 10 tons 2nd cutting alfalfa hay (baled); 7 tons baled straw; 200 bu. oats; 1000 bu. ear corn; 16-ft silage in a 12-ft. silo. MACHINERY--McD. F-20 trac. and PL cult.; Skyline field chopper with hay and corn attach.; Skyline blower and 40-ft. of pipe; J-D 2-bot. 14-in. trac. plow; McD. side rake; McD. 5-ft. mower; McD. manure spreader; Tower 9-ft. disc; McD. corn planter with fert. attach.; D-B rub. tire Wagon and box; 3-sec. steel drag; portable brooder house; 3 Colony hog houses and battery brooder. MILK HOUSE EQUIPMENT--Farm Master milking machine* 2 units. Pipeline, pump and motor; electric hot water heater; jt wash tanks; pails and strainers; 10 milk cans. FRANK HAMEUTZ, Owner USUAL THORP TERMS THORP SALES CORPORATION, Clerk Phone Woodstock IN America Says Fordomatk's Finest! <n hotter drivel* <2)Q!lQiC§XAnXOQfi@SlDD^7 fr v~ n_- EM---m* --Kw %V If IVfHf,t l, yw sHi I 1n srm. HWrinvmS of aN oilier MMMHC drives in MM .. . far As saieotbest "GO" yee coa gotl Fordomatic blends the best features of al earlier automatic drives to give you thig smoothness of a fluid torque converter plug , the get-up-and-GO of automatic gears. Yo* get all this and the savings of having the exact power you need when you need it. as deafness, speech defects or subnormal development. Whooping cough is one of the diseases that can be controlled by Immunization, which is one of the important procedures of preventive medicine. The procedure keeps the child reasonably safe, usually preventing the disease j from being contracted, or mini- j •7T Way Back Whea In the days of Julius Caesar, his • Roman Legions proudly carried standards bearing silver eagles surrounded by brilliant streamers. The Silver Eagle was regarded by the Romans as a symbol of honor and devotion with the same reverence that Americans regard the Stars and Stripes today. Recently there appeiw^4wil& 000 " | Plaindealer an article under the heading "City Council Busy as McHenry Grows," which told about some of the problems that confronted the council because of the growth of MeFfenry. During the past few years, due to the additional commuters, parking cars at the depot "has been a problem. • . " I I was one or several wtfo worked to get the Chicago ft North Western Railway to rua the two trains in the morning and in the evening the year 'round. This wafc accomplished about three years ago. After talking with North Western officials they agreed to fill in their property on the west side of the tracks for use of the commuters. v T h e i n c r e a s e • o f c o m m u t e r s again brought up a parking problem this year. In talking to F. G. FitzPatrick, vice-president, about the matter he agreed to have a survey and check made by the railroad. The Chicago ft North Western has now enlarged this parking space at a considerable cost and this problem is again solved for the time being. The Chicago ft North Western Railway is a taxpayer to McHenry county. In 1950 the railroad paid the county taxftS amounting to $115,871.86. Ties contribution, no doubt, is al^o very helpful to our community. Their cooperation leads md to suggest that we, of McHenry, adopt a slogan something iyte this: "8hip and Travel Chicago ft North Western Wherever Poss- - Yonrs very truly, Fred W. Pteytex Baby Prodnetar i!Vr'u . Wattles Draft .. . McHenry in. Off --sr AT BART'S Saturday, November 10th. TURKEYS > GEEsI • DUCKS lunch Served ^ J e ((K McHENRY GARAGE WILLYS OVERLAND SALES 804 Front St. Tel. 403 McHenry, III.. DR. C. R. SWANSOH Dentist 1W S. Green Street Office Hoars Daily Except Tharsday 9 12 -- ltse to 5«9» , A life, We4 and Frl. Evealaf* 7 to 9 Telephone McHenry 1W M ,>t 11| E. E. PEASLEE, D.C. Chiropractor , ; ffcO S. Green St, McHenry Office Hoars Dally except Thursday ' • to is -- ltso to I m inkt Wed. andefri. Evenhiii 7 to 9 Call McHenry 393-B For Appointment »r4M I11 III I t ti»»' VERNOX KNOX Attorney at Law ^ Cor. €)rt-<?n and Elm 8ts^ MeRenr Tuesday nnd Friday Afternoon* Other Days By AppolnUnent Phone ftcRenry 4$ | I"1 fr' l ' < • ROBERT A. STUEBEH Attnrney-at*law 604 Center Street Phone McHenry McHENRY, ILLINOIS I I I I' 1 < < 11.11 »| | > WtLLIA* M. CARROLL. Jr. . Attornej-at-Law t -- ll§'/2 Benton St Phone Woodstock 1M4 Woodstock, Ullnots l' H-»-l"l"l"l-^H I 1 l'l>»•! »•• JOSEPH X. WAT3TNB Attorney-at-Law M» Wanhegan Road (RFD Bib Phone McHenry 492*W , ' WENT McHENBY, ILL. ' • HI 1 KIMH 1 I 'll 1111 HI Band T*R5 TFWWW --*--t' Trnck^g Black And hera's what some of them says My fronds recommenc/ec! that I buy an electric blanket because of the way it always gives just the right warmth7 and because of its light weight. It has certainly made a big difference in the way I sleep and feel." Mrs. Olive McNicol , Chicago _ i- to ;J<; Ol/r electric blanket has been one of our most valued wedding presents. Besides its comfort, we appreciate its long-lasting quality, the way it saved us a big investment in several heavy blankets, and its very low cosf iq use." : Mr. and Mrs. Robort Johnston Forost FLASHING GETAWAY There's never a lag at starts booaoao Fordomatic haa an Automatic "pet-going" gear (Intermediate) which helps Fordomatic out GO them all! @®ISIs)®l!SMn]@ Yom cm pmy t Wt yom cent kuykestmt •^r s • ZMt«, with V-g 00I7, optioaal >t nln eat. tad trim rabpet to ehaace without notux. COMBINES BEST FEATURES OF PREVIOUS DRfVBS Most of the automatic-drive cars today offer one of two types of automatic drives: Fluid Torque Converter, or Automatic Mechanical Gear Train. The Fordomatic Ford has 'em both for the smooth^ eat, most flexible automatic driving everl YOU'RE BOSS EVERY SECOND ^ Step down on the accelerator, and Fordomatic givoa you a quick spurt of extra passing or hill-chmbiaft power. Or if you want engine hold-back on hills, Fordomatic gives you that, too. Fordomatic msl|-- "rocking" out of mud, sand or snow easier! Brav* * Thick for amm TeL McHenry 688-JMt or fSMV»9 Box 178* Rt. 1, McHenry I I 114 I I M I 1 I 1 M H I I I I A. P. FREUND SGHB Excavating Trnokfnir. H/tfraakie and Crane Servftsa „ . -- ROAD BUILD1XG -- . M 204-M SieHenry, ft • I H I I I H I I I I I ' I I I 11 H HO IN8CRANCE EARL R. WALSH Fire, Aato, Farm A Life htsnrnMn Representing RELIABLE C0MPA1TIK8 ITken Ton Need Insaranee «t Any Kind _ Phone 4S or 118.W Hk Green k Elm McH<«v§ M'HIH I M I I I I H I I I t I STOFFEI k REIHANSPBRCE* Insarance agents for all rlasses 0( property In the best companies West McHenry, Illinois Telephone No. S60 :T |#7 Main St McHenry, ll • • i l l 11 IIHI 11H I I11 I'M# SCHROEDER IRON WORKS * OrnaMetttal k 8tracfairal KM) Tlfll Onr Showrooms S Miles South on Rt. SI rhone 950 >•<••41 4 »l 1 4 l M1H Wo think our electric blanket provides wonderful sleeping comfort, and it takes the place of three or four heavy blankqft , ~~which means savings in storage room, time and money. Mr*. John Wfallaco Chicago . , B1N 6 PLtMRlNO AND HKATINfl- BOB FRISBT. JR. , QnnlRy Fixtures - Rati fault III • Water Systems • 6m aM Electric Water .. Waft Softeners • Repnfi^ • Fred Rstl niates. PHONE McHENRT SOI-M J H'4'4 t > 11 I Htti H I I 1 I M -- Came in for « "Tost Drive" BUSS MOTOR SALES Choosn th« nlnctHc bndcovnr you want! Bectrk bedcovers are available tn blankets, comforters and shoots. fiectric blankets have single or double controls; in twin or doublo bod »ixo; your choice of a variety of lovely decorator colors. See the nsvf Electric bedcovers at our nearest store or your dealer's today! PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS 531 MAIN STREET PHONE 1 McHENBY. IU. •A- V',»; if*-**, i. i •• • if .,,r Ti; r ,?v is, , I " » mdm kl*n WELDING AND REPAIR SERVICE ••1 Mala St* McHenry Electric Portable Welding Acetylene Weldjag anil Cnttlnf ALEX W. WIRFS, Operator f Phone «W-W-1 or 444 ^ McHENRT, ILL. • • • I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 in mm Highest CASH PRICES fH let Dead nnd Crigpled Horses. Cattk and Hogs--Sanitary Powe* LoOd Inr--Tankage and Meat Sa|pi fot inle. Phones Arll^ton fteltht* IIS or McHenry 111. Beverst Charges. Palatine Rendering Sen* lee. £ • t I i n i l i n n i n i l l l l l f * -- WANTED TO BUT -- , CALL AT ONCE ON DRAft HOGS, HORSES AND CATTL1 1 We pay phone AMi fa pay is to m fnr Oil Hertfi, f» <iwn horses aad cnltta MATTS XINK RANOI. MisHrr . Stirtnt *£* RW Phone Johnsbarg SIS i t f 111 ii iiimni nss\" felM