wmr mmmfmmmffiKm "Pf* 5^fPf wwww^www. Ringwood &> i' ((by Mrs. decree Shepard) Mrs. Pet« Sebastian entertained her Hte-hutidred club Wednesday. A desSert luncheon was served at 1 o'clock. Priees were awarded to Mrs. Viola JU©»~ and Alr*^-Oscar Bel*. Mr. and Mrs. George Shepard entertained their five-hundred club Thursday evening. Prizes were awarded to Mrs. Pete Sebastian and Louis Hawley, high, and Pete Sebastian and - Mrs. B. T. Mutter, low. The W. S. C. S. will serve a cafeteria supper 1n the church hall Thursday Nof. 29. The menu will include Danish meat balls, baited potatoes, mashed potatoes. Ringwood special. Baked beans, buttered peas and carrots, cabbage salad, fruit salad, rolls, pies, calces, coffee, etc., serving to start at 5 o'clock. . : \ The party-a-month club" met irl the church hull Wednesday evening. Mary: Jane oilell and L»srry Brace had charge of- the invitations, which, were in. the form of a leaf. Russell Carr had charge of the table decorations, ^hich were a yellow table cloth with a squirrel1, acorns, cones and colored leaves. Jerry and charlotte Hogan had charge of the refreshments, which included cocoa and sandwidhes. • The eveningJW. S. C. S. met at the home of Mrs. Paul Walkiflgtoa Wednesday evening, Nov. 14. A membership drive is in the making any ladies interested in join- START NOW Start with onr Winterizing service, and then let u« continue to servke youi car all daring the cold months. BUTCH'S" Ing would be welcome. After the business meeting, a birthday card shower was tendered Mrs. Clara Cristy and Mrs. Eunice Andreas. Refreshments were served. Eunice Andreas and Mary Butler -will' b«- - hostesses for the December meeting. The W. S. C. S. met at the home of Mrs. John Hogan Thursday. Thirteen ladies were present. A pot-luck dinner was served at noon. Myrtle Harrison gave a talk on "Economics south of the Border." Mrs. Collins gave the devotionals. Flora Harrison recited the First Thanksgiving and Clara Cristy the first Thanksgiving proclamation. The Brownie Scout meeting was called to order by the president, Dcanna Ooftk. Roll call was taken. Girls then practiced for investiture Ceremony Friday night at the community club meeting. They will then receive official pins and cards. Mrs. Kane was hostess. Re- Mr. and Mrs. John Hogan were Elgin visitors Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Howe of Crystal Lake were visitors in the Louis Hawley home Wednesday afternoon. Linda Low is visiting her grand* parents. Mr. and Mrs. Dale Thomas. at McHenry. Mrs. .John Hogan attended open house at the McHenry high school Thursday evening. The room mothers had charge of the refreshments and she was one of them. v Mrs. John Woodward and sons and Mrs. Louis Hawley 'visited relatives at Crystal Lakt Saturday. Mrs. Viola Low. Robert. Patty ter, Patty, Were Elgin-. visitors Friday. Mrs. B. T. Butter attended school in Chicago Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Harrison and son of Burlington were callers in the Mrs. Lena Peet home, Sunday afternoon. Linda Low is visiting1 her grstndparents. Mr. attd Mrs. Dale Thomas, at McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Hawley 61 Fox River Grove called. <9k her father, S. W. Smitfe, Saturday. Mrs. Oscar Berg and Mrs. Lester Carr were, Woodstock visitors Friday. Mrs. Louis Hawley spent Monday and Tuesday in Chicago. Mr. and Airs.,- Paul Nordgren of in the Charles Frey home at Blue Island.1"'"They were accompanied home by Mrs. Emily Beatty. who spent the past week there. Mr. and Mrs. Wih. Heine of Chicago spent Sunday afternoon In porter r>f the was" Patricia j the George Shepard home. Ktappeiicl). The Community clib ;?mp€ at the ; school house Fri&aj evening. A committee was appointed for the Christmas program which will be lH'ld in the church basement. Tin* Brownie vesper service was held sponsored bv the Community clqb. Girls were presented with pins, also ten dollars for their flag. After the. meeting Mr.: arid Mrs. Lathrup showed. slides " of "their trip through the southern states, Kentucky and Washington. D. C. Dr. and Mrs. Wm. Hepburn returned home Tuesday after spending a few days in the Robert Shuetze home at Milwaukee. Roland McCannon of Bloomington spent Monday n}ght and Tuesday night in the "Ben-.Walking-ton home. and Donna Low spent Saturday i Waukegan spent Sunday afternoon in tWe Fred Wiedrich, Jr., home. - Mr. and Mrs. Bill Negri of Chicago spent the weekend in the R^y Neal home. Mr. ayd Mrs. Sody of Kefaosha "spent Sunday : With- Dr. and Mrs. Hepburn. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Walkington spent Sunday afterrioojf in the Lyl? Peck home 'in Elgiif. Mrs. Fred Bowman and daughter. Nancy, and Mrs. John Skid-, more and daughter, Betty, spent Sunday with their parents,, Mr. and Mrs. John Ehlart,. at Wilmpt. ' Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thompson^ Miss Maud Granger and Mrs. Luella Stephenson of McHenry spent Sunday afternoon in the Wm. McCannon home. Howard Wattles and son, Don- Aid, of McHenry and Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Donahue and daughter of Huntley . were Sunday dinned guests in the C. L. Harrison home. Mrs. Win. , Cruickshank visited her daughter, Mrs. C. E. Lovelette,' and family in Chicago Friday. Mr. and Mrs. A ton Benoy of Elkhorn were callers at the home of her parents Mr. and Mrs. B. T. Biitlep. Sunday. Mrs. Dale Thomas, Mrs. Viola LOAV. Mrs. Walter Low and daughma 24 Hour Towing Service We Do Complete Motor Overhauling. 309 W. Elm Street McHenry, 111. Phone 811 ~ Residence 91-R Clarence's Shop Christmas Gifts ... Children's Barn Yards, Garages* Table and Chair Sets, Writing Desks, Kitchen Cabinets. Toy Chests, etc. -• Unfinished Cabinets, Chests of Drawers* End Tables, etc. Full Line of Lawn Furniitire, Bird Houses, , etc. Leather Belts, Billfolds, Baskets, etc. Cement Cess Pool Rings and Covers. CLARENCE J. SMITH TEL. 583-J-l JOHNSBURG .r>- - "t!afty Yearn Agi^r Miss Lilljan Pouse. teacher of the Ostend school, will hold a basket social at her school next Saturday evening. _ . A number o( young men on the west side have rented the rooms over the John . Stoffel grocery store and have organized a club. The organization has already been christened the Hamilton club and from the interest. that is being shown by members, the* club should make good,. "Push." a magazine representing the Penslar Remedy company, contains this month a write-up and picture of a sign which'E. V. McAllister painted on flip shed opposite his drug store in this village. ' , We are told that the w«M side will have another new gr'ikery store in the very iitar future. The Sinles brick block building] so the stor,y goes! has been rented by two young men for that purpose. On Sunday night, Nov. 26, at the Central, opera. house. - "At the Mercy of Tiberius" will be presented by Messrs. Kelly <tud Stanr-| ey - Again the old grim reaper, i>eath, has visited and takeh from the Plaindealer's circle one of its most genial and jovial members in the person of "Jim" Hanson, a member of the Honey Dew Gun club, whose cottage up the river is known to many of our readers. One - of the most enjoyable events of the season occurred at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John W. Kinjball in this village Friday, Nov. 17. 1911, when they observed their golden wedding. John VV. Kimball and Minerva E. McCullom were joined in holy wedlock Nov. 17, 1861, by Francis Harrison, Esq., in Nunda township. Twenty-Five Years Ago An accident which resulted'fatally occurred on Saturday, Nov. 20, when Anton Schneider, 62 years old, was shot and seriously wounded near his home on F/; river. Mr. Schneider picked up his gun, which he had .failed . to an-, load the previous day after hunt-; rl/ig, and as he had done so. many times before, threw it into the boht. The muzzle pointed toward him as he* did so and the jar caused it to accidentally discharge the shot entering his abdomen. He died later'that night. A brand new spot "in McHenry was- picked out by Sheriff Lester Edinger and his deputies to stage a raid Wednesday afternoon of last' week. The new location is at Terra Cotta. A big still and a gallon of moonshine was confiscated in the raid. • . Miss Marian Kratlse entertained twelve of her friends at a party at her home Sunday afternoon on her birthday anniversary. Present were Dorothy Wormley. Ruth Phalin, Mildred Joos, Juanita Keg, Bernice Ferwerda, Stanley Cobb, Carl Rietesel, Jack Purvey* Bob Peterson, Charles F^eterson and Kenneth Boley. ' John Pint left Wednesday for a trip to Germany, where he will visit a sister and brother and other relatives. William E. Smith, of Ringwood, aged about 70, father of Mrs. H. C. I PJr 13-t * < v"1 *><* *>s \ -- t ' -< x v- *• * It „A A y /Am RANGE! Cookmg's cheerful,.. not dwitM . . . w h e n y o u h a v e o modern GAS range! You'll discover it's easy to turn out partyperfect meals every day of the week. Today's GAS ranges are so accurate and dependable you're sure roasts will come out golden brown ... and light, high cakes will be light and high I Of course, top-of-the-range cooking is as speedy as ever with the new GAS ranges. Vegetables cook in just a little precious vitamins and minerals . .. and you have hundreds of heats you can see to " choose from! And you know there's • nothing to equal the clean blue GAS flame for delicious, healthful broiling. -^SWhy don't you be a take-it-easy cook ... wlth a modern new make-it-easy GAS range? Mi* •mm Today's GAS Ranges have the. Features you want! Name it... and you can have it on a modern GAS Rang+t Arc you looking for waist-high broiling . . . two ovens . . Timmer-save top burners . .. automatic oven timing .. . divided, topburn&rs or a cluster top . . . oVen door window ... or any other made-for-you features? See the new GAS ranges and you'// find them! See the new GAS ranges at our nearest store or your deallir'» PUBLIC SERVI OF feCKTHI.RN I .L:NCI! WALTER J. FREUND, MAW STREET PHONE McHENRY tH WEST McHKNRY T1RKH -- TI BES -- BATTERIES -- A( CESSORIES flW: and VFLf AXIZIMi -- ALL WORK OrARiyTET^ Hughes' of McKetfiryt died at the Jaamville hdspltal. Nov. 24. A new steam heating plant has been installed in Niesen's Cafe on Riv«r»ide Drive. s ' raiSU-- Faymeal ta Itiobk a dealer four houriWeeunrl $1,003 paid by a motorist for m truck. The buyer had ssvt^l iUtteAr quarters, and half-^lollirs tit years and paid for th* truck with them. Ctfinmeto llae of Beehe Uvesla^lt remedies at Watties Bnf Stetil IcHeiry, 8tC PR0FE<<!0PRL DIRLC7QRV •a"' Trade Trade FOR A l l f i T I M t SAFITr GUARANTtl "5 » - v#v t > r. u<" <# S A V i • V Trade for famous Ffrostone Supf^ Balloons and SAVKI ivon If your pros- •fit tiros are only partly, wofn you^lll get FULL ALLOWANCE for th* unusod mileage! And whjat'^ more .. . your used tiros will probably malco tko down paymont. UTS TRAD! TIRES TODAV4 ! M:» LONGER, SAFER TIRE MILEAGE-Exclusive Firestone *J - Plus-Mileage Tread Rubber for Extra Resistance to Wear K GREATER PROTECTION AGAINST BLOWOUTS^- Exclusive Safti-Sured Gum-Dipped Cord Body r GREATER PROTECTION AGAINST SKIDDING!-- Flatter, Wider Safti-Grip Tread Design, With Thousands of Sharp Edged Angles, Grips the Road Better DR. C. R..8WAN8Q& Ueetlst 126 S. Oreen ' Office Hewn ' :J Bally Except Thiirsday v; <;"M to 12 -- 1:30 to 6tSe *- ^ r * 3fon., We4 and Frl. Erealaff »^ |» 7 to 9 •"*' Telephone MrHenp/ Id ; ! a - 1 1'! • ! • 11 * «•!' »lt 11' • - E. E. PEASLEE, M. Chiropractor ltt S. Green SU McHenry» Office Hoars tally except 9 to IS -- 1 (SO to t '- WHtn Wed. and Frl. Evealm« 7 to 9 n Call McHenry 29S-1 V For AppointnMnr 111 i i i »|^v VERWOW HirOX: , Attorney at LlWi and Elm Mtw., MeWefllF-*- Tuesday and Frldny Aft^-QO««* Other Bays By Appslaladalv PhoneMeHearyUii t'4'< <1 Hi MHHIH II t If - ROBERT A. STC£9^S< 0 Attorney-nt-law % % 604 Center Street, Phone McHenry 261. McHENRY, ILLINOIS ," I < »«•< MtlKW I I t i * I H t f j WILLIAM M. CARROLL, JK A ttoriiey-at-Ija w 110>/2 Benton At. " Phone )Toodstoek' tlM Woodstock, Illtaots --§ JOSEPH X. WAY?WJV Atteraey-fct-Lavr * •W Waukegan Road (SFD~ Phone McHenry 4t*«Wc WKST MeHENKL iLk «- I 1 li^ | 1 1 Sand ilveitNW Y1ICT v Truoklkf. v (tMiK IMrt Mil frack for 5hk. TeL McHenry 5^8.JMI Box 172, Rtv 1, lUBucf- «•••*••- I MIHII 911 l i f e ; A. p. FRKime ssmrn Iccavatiaf CnsNidN Tracking*,. and Crane Service -- ROAD BFILDW6 -- ^ TeL. 204-M M H i i i M i m m i i H i n » ISS1RA*CE T1ARL R. WALSH, Fire* Auto, Farm k-uie nfilMff Represehtlnar RELIABLE C0.M^A»IE» Ifhen Yea Need Iasarmare o^r AayKInd ;• . PUne 48 ^ UMf GtcmEtm- HW »t1«ll WIH I'I I IMii#! ^ STOFFTTL ft RElKANSMPfi^CMEp Insprance flircnts fot;a^-cttSwifrtsl • property In the bertl waujilWl - West HfJLtuur. TeVphoaa tMk B07.Mjrfn«t - . ' i n i n n mm n 11 rnjf NCRXOZIWRll Visit' 0«r: SmSS&T™ # S Miles SMlfcraa Si; it > : ... . . • Pfieaa JNiAi * MIN I IjUil »*IIIIIUI| ^TIl 4 jh&Ji- Quality thttrti; • ;lBil Watar Systoanf Water Heat&tt • SetiMa^s . RepiUrs, - Fref^ltMft mates.. c 9F PHOCS E. Mi HEIUtr* 96>0|, j. >»H I I H K Ml I I I I tlMl.ljfc AL»S WELD^W^D( R£PAl|k| rr Tiii rii wintl| Electric Portable Weldlaf Acetylene Welding aaiCittlH# Phone 815-W.l or Hi • m i l i 1 1 i •| ||i |»f | M " Hl8M«t CAS»> PIHCMK|M|i^fM Dead and rriBplcd.'.Hi»MS% snd Hoifs^ Sapitary PowjrTii^ Infr--Tnnka^f Snd M^ai SeiMtlw sale. Phones- AtilHR^a mttfi 116- or MeMtmKn 814. Wmm Charges. Palatiae Readerlair Serv =-- *+ -• . . • M i i i m m n u M M M l i M -- WANTED TO BUT -- 9 CALL AT ONCE OK DEAJ>r HO«S, H0R$E^ AJnJCATtt|| „ W# pay ph«iia,«l|jMiMikU . ~" We pay $6 to-985 for OM Eenm less for dewa horses awl ettth MATTS juinc RAHCH _ lohasban - SplfMf, OMr^ Bpl Phone, Jehasharg Uf IMJ III 11[II I IIIMI*mte». t