if, December 27. 1951 UKEMOOR & LILYMOOR (by Kitty Wojtas) UWRIRIIHIHIUrilM ier* «ras no doubt that Santa fO| was in town this past week. |wo fellows who dressed as is for the P. T. A. s.chool lie last summer donated their |e again as Santa's helpers to ke the small fry happy. Desthe impassable condition of | many of the roads, a group of little ones gathered at the joor clubhouse in the afterj> n to see Santa up close and Kelve a gift from his own hands, kn Gustafson was the fellow in ifliiniliar red and white suit. - larger children came in the ^ning. Henry Wojtas, acting as ita, gave all the children their s. As many people as could bsibly be reached, who did not lend the party because of the father, were very surprised to Santa on (heir doorstep Sunnight with their gifts. Santa as much fpin with the kiddies ley did and even had his snapped by some of tj»e snt- |se3 parents.- •- days yko down in Ariiona, where he is attending college. Brrr Irs. Douglas bad the children [her room stage a little play for pir parents last Wednesday ^rnoon. The setting for the was a toy shop before Xmas, th each child dressed to repre- Jit a toy. A lot of hidden talent the community came into the when- the various costumes by the mothers could be There were tops and books, :ks. jumping jacks, dolls, dom- )8, toy soldiers and a teddy ir dressed in a costume made a real fur cut. The mothers [ned with the children,.in sing- Xmas carols and by the apirance of the happy faces, I 't think one person would have inged the chance to see the performance for a ticket to 3adway show. Mrs. Richard Flynn has returned from the hospital, but she will be convalescing at home tar aome time. ' A very happy birthday to Larry j Allen Smith, who celebrated his • first Jjirthday on Dec. 25. RUSTING KErOBB Spot checks made by Frank C. Bellrose, game specialist "of the state Natural History Survey, show that about 30 per cent morfc ducks were shot this fall along the Illinois river and the Illinois stretches of the Mississippi river than last ye»r. Fewer ducks stopped in Illinois this season, but i good hunting weather, flooding of | bottomland timber and a longer i open season made an increased 'kill possible. Bellrose said. He ; noted ah over-all decrease of 'nbout 35 per cent in the number of mallards in northern and central Illinois, and a 40 per cent increase in bluebills and finfneck ducks, the latter due to a big concentration 6b Cooppr Mfc«i north of Keokuk. kittle Susan Bitterman celeites Xmas and her birthday on same day. This year she celeited her second birthday und sure it was a very happg one, lining on such a merry day. •Mrs. John Gray was hoMtes^ at 1 bridal shower last week in hon- Ijtf her sister, Betty Quinn. The kfflg bride-to-be was presented Ith gifts for her future home Id wished loads of luck and Lppiness by her friends. [Eunice Tobey and her son. avid, spent an .enjoyable day in liicago last week, shopping for le big day. However, the weather lade the return trip so hazardous |ey had several near accidents jit-was quite uncomfortable to nthe least. HEW LAW The new Illinois law against shooting foxes from airplanes is going to be enforced. So say Leonard Schwartz, state conservation director, and Joseph K. McLaughlin, head of the Department of Aeronautics. The General Assembly at its last regular session amended the game code so as to prohibit this type of hunting. which is dangerous to persons and livestock. Aeronautics' agents and conservation field men will patrol regions where foxes have been reported, and the aeronautics chief has warned pilots that shooting from planes also constitutes a violation of federal law. --_--. --Mi- Read the Want AS*! THE TQMNER$9P Lakemoor certainly has taken a holiday appearance with the ow piled so high, the many Dines decorated. with outdoor ghts and several homes even tve outdoors speakers broadsting Xmas carols overt the eighborhood. 1 «eaking of contrasts, Joe Gil- •, who is home for Xmas, tells s he was in swimming three W WeVeaiade a firm resolution t o continue t o serve you to the best of our- ability every day of the new year;^ CHOoPBAcrras IN juacroa MEW STATE LAW One hundred persons attending a meeting of District 3, Chiropractic Laymen's Guild, in the McHenry V. F. W. hall Sunday. Dec. 16, heard Walter E. Richardson of Normal blast the Illinois Medical Practice act as "discriminatory and dictatorial." Mr. Richardson, executive secretary of the Prairie 8tate Chiropractic Association, Inc., declared that prosecution of chiropractors by the state "actually is being done under a law which .does not even exist." He pointed p>ut that no Illinois statutes deline the chiropractice science and sharply censored the official licenMiitg procedure on the ground that a medical examining committee -conducts chiropractic examinations. * "Chiropractors," he said, "want an equitable law that says what chiropractic is and provides for an examining board made up of chiropractors. These men are not 'outlaws'. They have been tryinfe ever since 1#23 to get such a law on the books, but they have been thwarted at each legislative try by an amazingly wealthy and overly-powerful opposition." Unanimously adopted was a resolution "informing the' state officials concerned that the attempted enforcement of the Illinois Medical Practice Act of 1923. on the dubious theory that it applies to chiropractors, is not in the public interest." Copies were sent to Governor Stevenson an.* Director" C. Hobart Engle of the State Department of Registration and Education. Walter G. Gerth, Crystal Lake, was elected chairman and Mrs. Wllma Dickow, McHenry, was named secretary-treasurer. Statewide delegates chosen are " Hugh Kirk and Leo Stilling. McHenry. Alternate delegates are John • • „ • Freund and Frank J. Heckmanirr McHenry. XefQ«i W«U«r, Motieniq'. served as temporary chairman. Rext meeting, Mr. Gerth announced, will he held Sunday. Jan. 20, In McHenry. Richard Duft New Head Of County Title Group # McHenry County Title company ha.s announced the election of Richard Duff as president succeeding John D. Binkley, who becomes chairman of the executive committee. Binkley, a vice-president of Chicago Title and Trust Company^ has been president of the McHenry county firm since 1949. Duff, formerly vice-president and general manager, has been in Woodstock since 1946. For many years pripr to that he was associated with Illinois Title company in Waukegan. McHenry County "fltle company is one Of, the five Chicago Title and Trust associated companies. Twice TeM Tales VirratjuFlvj* n¥«*r* Age DKFEXSE l'LAVS CiVil defense plans to fit varying cbnditi6ns in each of the 102 counties of Illinois are being drawn an<j[ will be ready forvdistribution this week, according to Lenox R. Lohr. state civil defense director. The degree of vulnerability of the various counties to enemy attack, their densities of population, critical targets and other outstanding hazards and Whether they are In established mutual aid or inobilt support zones are factors considered in the plans. Lohr said. Special attention is being given to the prospective use of rural counties as evacuation areas. Expanded Life Forty years ago railroads coniid ered treated ties a good investment with fifteen years life; today the> are looking forward to a forty-yeai life for their treated railroad ties The ice cutting season commenced this week when Math Bawr started work on the mill pond on Monday. Several weeks ago the boards were put into the dam to hold back the water and allow it to become deep enough for ice and the continued cold weather has caused the/ lee to form rupidly. Among those who came to our city to spend the Christmas holidays were many of the young people -who returned from schools and universities to join the family crowd. They include Charles Ferwerda. Carolyue Steffes. Alice M i l l e r . W i l l i a m N y e . A n g e l a Petesch. and Elizabeth Vogt from the University- of Illinois. Albin Anderson fro,iir. Northwestern, Howard I'halfn from Notre Dame. Clarence -Thennes from Milwaukee Neil Doherty from Loyola t University, Lillian Doherty from i Rosary college ujtd Berteel Spender from the Academy of Fine Arts. On Tuesday. Henry Dowe suffered 8^-ere injuries when hie fell from a staging on which he was workiug. lit was working with Henry .1. Schaeffer on his new house. He was at work near the porch when the staging gave way, causing him to fall to the grattJid. • INwrty fort* Ajra made upon slot machines in the village, a Lake Geneva paper says. "McHenry citizens are getting tired of the reign of slot machines in that city-^about time." Mrs. Benjamin Gilbert, .one of Mcllenrv's oldest and most highly respected citizens, passed away at the home of a daughter. Mrs. F. L. McOiuber, on Christmas morning. following a few. weeks' 111- ness. A small audience saw "The Sweetest Girl in Dixie" at the Central Opera House on Sunday. The company was a clever one in every respect and merited a much better audience. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kaniholz are now occupying their cozy new home on Center street on the west side. Santa "Ciaus left » big bouncing boy at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry B. . Dowe Christmas day. Henry says tt is the best Christmas gift he has ever received. Miss Anna McGee and Mr. Edward Sutton ^rere married at St. Patrick's church. Miss Daisy Belle Gaylord and Charles E. Jecks were married at the home of . hpr parents on Christmas day. - It's Mighty Bare ' Palladium is a precious metal, to rare that it takes the working of m a n y t o n s o l o r e t a e b t a i n a n ounce of it Order your rubber stamps at The Plaindealer now! Ill thentiohing the recMit raid Subscribe for The i laindealer and d & Om*. tyu--ull SKYLINE DRIVE-IN THEATRE Best wishes for he New Year to each and all. J&Bq frago NEW ye a * Schfriitt & Conway fiisuurance GOOD WISHES FOR THE NEW YEAR SCppOEDER IRON WQfiKS 1 PHONE 950 F. M. Television . Salts and Service to dur friends Ohd customers during the -coming Stofiel & Reihansperger Insurane* . • ?.* Mr. Sew Year ft'* to fievA yojl y trUhnt. AAay you Fiov# • very uf«osont visit --•-4 DB. HENRY FREIJMX> Optometrirt Wishing y<| NOONAN'S JEWELRY 200 Green Street Bjorkman's Riverside Hardware EVE LOOKED EVERYWHERE We just can't find any bettif or more appropriate words than Happy New Year. WE WILL 85 0PEN MONDAY, DE(L 31 TO ACCOMMODATE ^ PRE^OUDAYSHOPPiR$ Riverside Bate Shop ^ i McHENRY, ILL. H. E. BUCH & SON McHENRY SAND & GRAVEL NEtoYEAH Al's Welding & Repair Shop 601 MAIN STREET O0000000000000000000000000000°0«,0 o ^Way th« NEW YEAR briftgyaii PEACe,} happiness, PROSPERITY NYE DRUG STORE WALGREEN AGENCY i 3 A Lilting New, Year; May the singing bells of the midnight hour send their melody of New Year gladness resounding through the year ahead for you, A joyous New Year! * STEFFANfS JEWELRY and RECORD SHOP - ^ . i Kt$ i. .• 'I?.- ;.VV