p' It's the b*»l of a Cferi' .nms day • Ik* we sit down *to r* -tie off a OOluuiu that our lir <type artist --Will be waiting to ^obble up in morning. - Time marc|t >»< # Will ~~tu:ve to march over a fulFyear belt • the enthusiasm, anxiety and w. spirit of Christmas returns. <• TtaeroV; Itt-down now. Christ- ,vlv aiM nil-*} finds people worn out. MCi»ri«tm;:, Eve finds them worn ODt, ) at still carried along with and. anticipation. s Xou of us could carry on the set for us the past fevl'"days. While the joy of the day carries oil. the fire is leaving us and the vlpnbers are slowly fading away: If each of us has made sosae Ofther person happy, w« can face tomorrow's toil with a better outlook If each of us. has been in- Moculated with the true spirit of Ghristm&s and been exposed to tlie germ of charity in our hearts toward our fellow man, then th^ ftlgh point in the year of '51 has come upon us withont leaving lie desired imprint. team. 9, Hoy*. 4H; t. Al's White House, S -- Koonemann's Sausage, 0, O. St»ln«4oerger. 426; J. Rosing, 4X3. . -MLiri£ •» VnPi^ At|as Prager, 2 -- Lee * Ray, 1, J. Foute, 516; It. Fantus, 201; H. Behnke. 221-«00; T. WertoOg. 2Q»- 616; H. KrouUer, 609; W, Wright, 209. McHenry Stfte Banlt, 3 -- T. Olsen A Son. 0, Cristy, Sit; Stf; Rogers, 222-6." 8; Carey Electric, 2 -- Hester Oil, 1, Kiusala. 212-643; Aregger, 213- W&: Widen, 508; Bacon, 55S; Urch, 204-020. McGee's, 2 -- Walsh Insurance, 1, McCarroll, M0; Pyrita, 290- Mfc; Johnson, HI. (Last. Week's Bowling Notes) --MrHKXRf RECREATION-- Wonder Luke Sestel-^- American Ltgiau, 2 Rol4ta« Grill, 1, T....Bfenner, 420. William A Mary. 3 krneger's Nursery, 0; ; , .* V'- Wouder Lake Repair/2 -- Cbttage Gift Shop, 1, U Holbauer, 427. ' C. 0. P. »:<*-- , Steffan's 2036 -- Thennss', 1784, G. M. Freundi 550; H. Steffan, 208-556. Freund'a, 1818 -- Wlnke!1*, ify* Gus Freund, 203*606.. What matter another Christmas V. F. WV- -- Dog Faces. 2 -- Chow Hounds, l Granger, 202-601; Priea, 517 Steffan, 209-511. - Gizmos, 2 -- Fly Boys, 1, Jager. 210-562; Kraus, 604; Creutz, 215- 208-613. Swabbies. 3 -- See Bees, 0, J. C. 0. F. ?rn- . Kxeiitter'Sj 2269 ^ Wlwfeli's, 2171, 1*. A. Freund, 215-510; B. Kreutxer, 568; D. Jager, 518; JHerdrioh. 215-642, r .Meyer s, 2383-- Justen's, 3317, IE. Justen, 501; H. Conway, 238- ' 509. '• . Tavor«~ Hillerwat, 2 -- Wo* Hole, 1, Held, 207-512. L & R. Tmrorn, 2 - Herdrich * Son. 1. Hoots, J -- House of Steele, 1, Miller. 623. Suug Harbor, 3 -- Park Pub, 0. Stilling, 511; Weingart, 639; Fantus, 509. BK3 DEER AND LITTLE DEAR Rouse of Steele, 2264 -- Hill- W reat, 22S9, MtU«^u $32; Paluch, 220-637. Snug Harbor,. $ -- Sportsman's Inn. 0, Behnke, 620; Simon, 500 L ft R, 2353 -- Park Pub, 2264, A. Oonk. 510. Fox Hole, 2448 -- Hoots, 2385, Homo, 212^662; Todd. 204. Cttra> Tavern, 1, L. Scbm^t, 17^- 494; L. Huemann, 431. Hetterman's Tavern, 2 -- Bowling par, l, R. 8tilling, 431; R. Miller. 192-465. Club Lilymoor, 1 -- Lay's Tavern, 2. C. May, 191-184-478. Geo. Breier & Son, 1 Weingart's Trucking, 2, G. Jackson, 423; I* Smith-, 437; K. Jackson, 458. ATHLETIC CUR v The Thursday Night Athletic club will meet tonight, and Tharsday, Jan. 5; t' ?i * -i ••• Welcome Sceitl" ' " . Welcome guests to your home fragrantly by putting sachet powder or bath salts in a small bowl, an^ place it on a table in the foyer. j|( subtle scent fills the air. Pictured at the left Is Vincent Ad?ms with a prized deer shot opening day of the season at Nathan. Michigan. That big fellow , Jto the right is Vincent James Adams, who h»s just, celebrated his :! third'•'birthday." Look at that gun! Don't mess around with that "boy. McHenry Laundry, 2 • Kletnhans Lumber, *1, L. Adams, 157- 301-220-578. feas passed without bringing ug ! Hei dvich, 515, R. Smith. 201. Ohat old standard gift--a pair of Raiders, 3 -- Bell Hops, 0, L. focka. Mow iwmm tke last rowwa up before getting another year under liy with all good intentions to :'t mistakes of the past. Our local postal department got a real workout the past week. Bet Ihey just love the sight of a Christmas card. Stilling. 641; stein. 222. Getuer, 509; Eck- For the' present our thoughts lutve turfed from a power mower to a power snow shovel. D. of A.-- McHeury Lumber Co., 2 --- lofou the Tailor, 1, 1. Thompson, 184- 464. - P. M. Justen Furn.. 3 -- McHenry Co-op, 0, M. Kinsala, 429; A. Hogan, 467. Nye Drug Store. 2 -- Art Smith's Groc., 1, P. Kraus. 449. Wattles Drug Store, 3 -- Buss Motor Sales, 0. Old Timers-- Cristy's, 217# -- Blake's, S447, A. Blake. 209-617. Rogers', 2360 -- Petersen's. 22- 47, J. Downs, 636; F. Covalt, 201- 544; F. Rogers, 202-524. Wil- Ladies 9t00-- Steffan's Diamonds, 3 son's TV Girls, 0. , Riverside Hotel, 2 -- T. Olsen ft Son, 1, M. Yegge, 466; J. Simon, 1183-472; M. Donnelly, 450. "Brenda" gave us a money b^t .last year in payment of a bet. There were 26 pennies attached the belt, but they wouldn't f$tretch as far as two bits did at One time. We saved the bel£ and jshe is adding one penny each '"^Jrear. At that rate old age faces lus before the belt will fit. Not a chance of her stepping up the , donations. Not a chance. , v The Warriors are playing in the Grayslake tournament this week, J>ut no news releases or schedules .'have reached our desk. 'Twas the iaame with our county tournament. |lfast be that host schools are uspng the de-emphasis formula. Wooier Lake** Lake Dry Cleaners, 2 -- W. L. Repair, 1, Widen, 566; Schau, 201. W. L. Builders, 2 -- Rolaine Grill, 1, Kopp, 202-601. George's Repair, 3 -- Mill Inn, 0. Paul's Variety, 2 -- Lake View Inn, 1.31;_'.„- Lgdlea 7i60-- McHenry Cab Co., 2 - ™ "tOsten ft Son, 1. McHenry Lumber Co., Geo. Blatz, 0, B. Justen, 439. Match-- , Crystal Lake^, 2649 -- Palace, 2449, Reddersdorf. 236-583; C. PUlos, 213-605; R. Jager, 646; A. Noonan, 508; "Sonny" Miller, 628. "•/ Fred Meyers tells us that the W\V ^6th Annual Forester Bowling 'ITournament will start January 12 , : 1 jand end February 2. The party iwlll be held February 3. Team • U v e n t s , s i n g l e s a n d d o u b l e s fj. rfmatches are in the making. This ijto always a big event in the winy? -:!,ter season. Better get your entry to Fred this week. Entries L' .close January 1. Early Birds-- S. H. Freund it Son, 2--- Oirey Electric, 1, F. Larson, 432; H. Knox. 471; S. Sutton, 188-454. Peterson Boat, 3 -- Downs Nash, 0, B. Justen, 180-469; E. Peisert. 182-482. Old Bridge, 2 -- Town ft Country. 1, G. MeBsmann, 424; B. Buergler, 179-458. Dorothy's Millinery, 3 Freund Oil, 0, R. Freund, 435; L. Miller, 471; R. Adams, 187-474; D. Schaefer, 437. , 42S. ' . , k' • Cottage Cfl'ft Shop,' if Ktttcg<? r's Nursery, l., - , , 'Wonder Ttesday B. of A*-- laine Grill, 1. ' Wattles Drug Stofe'.'O Art] William ft.M^ry.'O-- American Smith Grocery, 3, L. Smith, 426. | Legion, 3i McHenry Co-op, 1 -- P. M. Jua- j • •; | " ten Furniture, 2 M. Pagni, 461. jTh„rs. 9 ^Ciock League-- John the Tailor, 1 -- _ Buss) plslg81> 2 -- Blatz, 1. Motor Sales, 2. 1 clurk Chevrolet, 1 -- Co-ops, 2, Nye Drug Store. 2 - McHenry j Benuett 212-540; height, 201-522; Lumber Co., 1, E. Albright, 1?8- j cynoWlli 191.198-209-692. city - McHenry 8ta|(e Bank, 2 -- tee and Ray, 1, Cristy, 3-643; Schaefer, 614; Barth,'600; Behnke, 516. Hester Oils, 3 -- McGee's, 0, Scharlow, 618; Pyrltz, 506;. Johnson, 612. Olson ft SOD. 1 -- Atlas Prager. 2, E. Guettler," 60#; M. Budler, 546; H. KreuUer, 533. Walsh. Insurance, 1 -- Carey Electric, 2, A. McCarroll, 643; D. Houghton, 314-673; J. Widea, 198- 193-214-606; L. Bacon, 504. Old Timers-- I Crjsty, 2132 >i|3j J. Cristy, 204-^14. " • Rogers. 2045 -- Blakes, 2164. Ladles 9 OTlock Sfceffans Diamonds, 2 -- Riverside Hotel, 1, T. steffan, 423; K. Winkel, 427; M. Yegge, 423. Wilson's T. V. Girls, 3 -- T. Olsen ft 8on, 0, M. Powers, 436; G. Barblan, 484; J. Kralowet#, 0J- 463; M. Donnelly. 455. --- Support 31 oHenry's paper 4Hth Order your rubber stamps *t i©h Saturday. IThe Plalndealer now! DR. HENRY FREUND - OPTOMETRIST ••V }fi •• ;• 136 S. Green Street, McHenr (Closed Thursday Afternoons) Irnss iiAtmrtii -- OLASSCS FITTED YI8UAL TRAINING -- VISUAL BEHABILITATIOU COMPLETE TISVAL ANALYSIS HOFKS DAILY: » to M A. M. and 1 to S P. It'.. FRIDAY EVENINGS» IjW to 1:80 P/lt; ; V;-,^A./<Y«»I3feS BY APPOINTMENT ' ;ii;v-®l»HONE McHENKY 452 . ' 472; P. Kraaa, 170-456. Taesdaf V. F. W.-- Raiders, 1 -- Swabbies, 2. R. Smith, 512. Dog Faces, 3 -- Qismos, #. Sea Bees, 2 -- Bell Hops, 1, Weyland, 510. Fly Boys, 2 -- Chow HQHJ|djt».l. Early BWgr- ^ Dorothy's Millinery, 1 -- Freund Oil, 2. ,oid Bridge. 0 -- Peterson Boat, 3, B. Buergler. 42T. J • iH leck O. F.-- . Carey Electric, 2 -- DOVjtjas' , Team No. 1, 1978 -- Team No. Ngah.'l. 14.. 1999. L. Stilling, 504, E. Then- S. H. Freund. 2 -- Town ft nes, 215-550; A. Bluke, 205^519; Country, 1. H- Knox, 432, B. Clark, iG. Fi t ui>d, 521. ' Fox Novelty, 3 --r Certified Foods. 0. Freund, 506; Krause, 515; Kreier, 529. » Old Bridge, 2 Buss Motors, 1, Lirtkin, 222-573. ; ' --PAIaACE-- 7 O'clock C. 0. F. Team No. 1, 2346 -- Team No. 4, 2220,-B. Kreutzer, 222-544. TetkHi No. '3. 2091 --Team No. 2, 21M0. Ladies 7 O'clock-- Blatz, 2 -- Geo. Justen ft 9qq, 1. E. Conway, 437. McHenry Cab, 0 -- MfcHenry Lumber Co.. 3. J. Doherty, 432. --BOWLING BAR-- Leo's Painterettes, 2- -- Jin & cp. We learned that the C rfcWaukegan radio station will broadcast Grayslake. tournament ?'g*mes. --BOWLING BA&tlliurs. Nlte Ladles-- Hettermann's Tavern, 3 -- 4Jlub Lilymoor, 0, R. Stilling, 18i-S05. Jim ft Clara's Tavern, 3 -- Weingart's Trucking, 0. L. Huemann, 444. Geo. Breier ft Son, 1 Bowling Bar, 0, G. Jackson, 424; L. Smith, 438; Z. Malockleb, 184- 424. Lay's Tavern, 2 -- Leo's Painterettes, 1, L. Freund. 117-436; D. Michels, 190-461. Tkars.-- Birabo'8 Tavern, 2 -- McDonald's Tavern, 1, Kantorski, 525; E. Pieroni, 524; Werbnlg, 532. Stilling's "66", 2 -- SchliU. 1. Freund's Dairy, 3 -- McHenry Plastering, 0. Winters Ringwood, 2 -- McHenry Recreation, 1, Winters. 209- 548. Almoat forgot Year! Happy New VJ",W. Seeks Most Worthy Veteran A county committee has been selected to conduct a local search t|or the "most worthy" veteran in the United States. The winner will be awarded free of cost a new, fully equipped and irrigated. $50,- , 000 form on the Columbia Basin ! Federal Reclamation project in Washington state. The men mak- ; i Irig up the committee are W. H. ! T a t n m e u s , f a r m a d v i s e r , a n d . Ralph Ostander, secretary of the 'National Farm Loan association. * Any veteran wishing to be considered can get full information jftom Dick May of McHenry, county chairman of the V. F. W. contest. Deadline for entries is Jan 16, 1962. . The winning veteran will get 'the farm equipped with a threebedroom home, farm buildings, farm machinery, livestock and erdps planted. He and his family will be honored guests at the presentation ceremony. Applicants must only write a Simple but complete statement explaining why they, as veterans of World War II or the Korean war, feel they ^re the most worthy or deserving farm veteran in the ' country. Disabled farm veterans will be ^eligible to compete. Deadline for {entries is Jan. 15, 1952. Thars. tiOO-- Old Bridge, 2 -- Certified Foods, 1, Rodenkirk, 626; Larkin, 200- 528; Schlitt, 536. Buss Motor Sales, 3 --Fox Novelty, 0, Freund, 536; Peisert, 517; G. Schaefer, 529; Neiss, 518; D. Schaefer, 537. Co-ops, 3 -- Prager, 0, H. Kreutzer, 209-534; Jannotta, 318- 544; Smith, 561. Clark Chev., 3 nett, 506; Goreo, 2il«6i& 201-6|f. WANTE DEAD ANIMA1 Cattle -- Hoi Hogs -- Sheep* Prompt Service' -- Cask Price CALL OSCAR BORCHARDT Now Hauling to Globe Rendering Company McHenry 157--Crystal Lake 106 Dundee 1007 TO OUR FRIENDS Fred Wirtz Disposal Service " ' McHENRY, ILLINOIS --McHENRY RECREATION-- peaiay Wonder Lake- Lake Dry Cleaners, 3 -- Wonder Lake Builders, 0. George's Repair, 3 -- Lake View Inn, 0, D. Johnson, 312-632. Paul's Variety, 2 -- Mill Ian, 1. Rolaine Grill, 0 -- Woa4(KP'4*ake Repair, .3, Lowrey, 200. " ffondnjr Commercial-- Wally's Tavern, 3 -- Althoff Hardware, 0, A. Kunt, 230-616. Nile Owls- Mi Place, 3 -- Koenemann's Sausage, 0. Three Way Inn, 3 -- Wing ft Fin, 0. ' House of Steele,. 2 -- Schroeder Iron Works, 1, D. F|eund, 472. Al's White House, 2 -- Riverside Customs, 1, G. Sfeeinsdoerfer, 446: . Nlte Owls (last week)-* House of Steele, 2 -- Three Way Inn, 1, L. Stone, 486; L. Fijalkowski, 451. V Wing & Fin, 2 -- Schroeder Iron Works, 1. Mi Place, 3 -- Riverside Cus- We'll sum up our New Year's wishes to you like this: May 1952 bring you e v e r y t h i n g you've dreamed and hoped for. Earl R> Walsh INSURANCE Big Crash T TBie Wall Street crash came on Itetober 29. 1928. Saving Tta*t Daylight saving time vat begun during World War I. Renew that subscription fee the Plalndealer now. New Year's Eve S P E C I A L Turkey a la carte or Dinner Serving to start at 5 P. M. Also Turkey Dinners aorveft/ New Year's Day and Evening. MI-PLACE RESTAURANT McHENRY :i L I Q U O R S FOR YOUR HOLIDAY PLEASURE Wines ! Back of every bottle J Imported j ...3generations of [ and J wine-making skill! i DonesJ^ I Bccg | All Brands j Cas*t | and I Cartons i Gin All Good Brands trornta See Our Petri Display Bottled in •ci Caallilf ornia Blended Whiskeys Scheitfej^r- Rossrvet Filths $4.30 Pints $2J0 IMPERIAL Blended Fifths $3.85 Pints $2.4S P. M. Deluxe Fifths $3.85 Pints $2.45 FOUR ROSES FUtlu $4.55 . Pinti $2.85 McHENRY LIQUOR STORE GUSUNTL Prop. Corner oi Green and Elm PHONE 104-R i ? -J HAIL NEW I HI! • MATH N. SCHMITT McHENRY TOWNSHIP SUPERVISOR May ymxr house be filled with s m i l i n g f a c e s a n d h a p p y hearts this New Year. NIESEN'S 5 <t 10c STORE As the bells ring out and the New Year .. enters, it carries with it a promise of opportunity for one and all. It is the freedom, afforded by ciur way of living. for each, in his own way, to makerV this £h* most successiuL happiest year! yet.;-:.' ; f-i-.- • '";-V GLADSTONE'S DEPT. STORE to earn more 19521 Money Received by january 10th. Larns a Full Yoar's Liberal Return Now is ffie time "to work" cash reserves--to tighten your grip on security. Savings placed with ui| by January 10th earn two liberal4 returns in the coming year. stop in and save today! $29,000.00 IN EARNINGS (MUD OUR SAVERS DECEMBER 31st! Current Rate Z% Per Annum MARENGO FEDERAL SAVINGS and LOAN Phono 99 Marengo, III. -eyr "i!?U •^5" ^ ? « -t.. tr-: •«¥:•>* v,