. '* fe >, * 1 - ' 1 ' * - • ' t * Two Pago Two - • f r ^ :? £ • ; ! S :r$*« ?•"*', C^\ •'•^,*'t TiA" w" ^vr*» :??*> . r£ "•• C •;• - ; ' "'"" " **..• J.. --^J. •' • C->i£i rf*/ '\ /*» ^ Vy* / j, . "ri"*'M ,V -•:• :,•* '-o" *' '-':J •> 3^'/ ~T-\y","» -vaj •>"W*V*'r«"-.#4,ii.it S * **" / ' *" * *$* ? f^* •S tj - * r * *•**" ^ *. 1 * ^ Thursday, January 10, ^ iy Couples Wed During Year Jtn. t--Miss Florence Ander- •Oll of Crystal Lake became the bride of Philip Oughton Wheelock In a ceremony performed in the bride's home. Jan. 6--Miss Dorothy Freund of McHenry became the bride of Richard Frett of Woodstock in the first ceremony of tht new Sir. It was <• soiemnisott at St; ry's church. Jan. 12--Miss Carol Mercure of Lily Lake and Maurice Ketchum of McHenry were married in a •impie but pretty service which took place at St. Mary's church. Jan. 21--The Zion Lutheran Church was the scene of a pretty Wedding which united Miss Leaora Scharnberp and Charles Brocken, both of this community. Jan. 27--Robert Knox claimed as his bride Miss Norma Hilk r of Johnsburg. The satpe day Jacqueline Hoffman of Wilmettp, well known in the Spring Grove area, wais married to Dennis Enright. The Knox-Hlller wedding took place in St. John's church. Johnsburg, while the Hoffnian-Enright nuptials were solemnized in Wilme- tte. Jf n. IS--Announcement was made ctf the marriage of Maybelle Ibsh of McHenry .and Gordon Stubbings of Wauconda. Feb. 3--Miss Margaret Johnston of Wauconda became the bride of Edward J- Adams of Ringwood in a ceremony performed at St. Mary's church. Later that day, in the rectory of th<? church. Miss Dolores Schmitt of McHenry and Robert L. B»vnnan of Ringwood exchanges vows. The third service of the day united Miss Doris Def fling of Johnsburg; and William Schabow, Jr., of Chicago, the nuptials being performed in St John's church. Feb. 10--Dorothy B&rtough of McHenry and Paul Glauser of Ringwood were married ill a simple service performed «ln the bride's home. Feb. 24--Lois Crist of Island Lake and Dale Loremz of Woodstock were married in the Methodist church in Woodstock. Mferch 1ft--Miss Louise Nots of Crystal Lake and Robert Wissell of McHenry exchanged nuptial vows before Justice of the Peace Charles Hayes in Woodstock. March 16 -Miss. Dorothy Doberstein. formerly of McHenry, was married iii the Tinley Park Methodist church to Richard Douglas of Tinley Park. March 17--Miss Jacqueline Dunham of Villa Park, formerly °f this city, was married to Henry L. Kenner in the Community Congregational church of Villa Park In an 8 o'clock serv&e. Adele'Ann Auringer of Harvard. Iwal student teacher was married /to Pfc. Bernard GroVfr of Capron. ) MRS. RICHARD FRETT March 24--The Zion Evangelical Lutheran church was the scene ,.of a pretty Wedding which united" Miss Marilyn Hughes of St. Clair Shores, Mich., and George Biggs of McHenry. March 31--Miss Elsie Smith of Johnsburg and Donald Fluger of Mundelein exchanged nuptial vows in a 5:30 o'clock rtfervlce performed at the Lutheran church In this city. April 4--Miss Florence Larkin became the bride of • Howard Cramer of Walworth, Wis., in a ceremony which- took place in tb<- Catholic church In Sharon, Wis. . April 6--Wed in the home of a coiisiri lii Glendale, Calif., were Miss Mary Susan Muzzy and Le- Roy Ne-al 6f Ringwood. April 7--Miss Phyllis Smith became the bride of Robert Afeld in a. nuptial service solemnized in St. Mary's church. April 14--In the Sacred Chapel of St. Patrick's church, at g 3:30 o'clock, Miss Patricia Stoller exchanged vows with Mr. George Kosti. April 21--Miss Mary Louise Jackman of Ridgefield became the bride of Donald Passfield of Woodstock, formerly of McHenry, In. a service performed In Woodstock. April 28--Miss Rosemary Stll- Hhg of Richmond became the brider of Calvin Babcock of Watsonville, Calif., at St. Joseph's church, Richmond. May 5--Five weddings of interest were solemnized this lovely Saturday. Iii Bartlett's St. Peter Dami.'ii clv>rch. Miss Lmily 'Simon became the bride of Mr. Earl J. Rees of Bartfett. Iti an afternoon service 'in the rectory of St. John's church, Mis:; Doris Jea.ii Freund and Perry J. Walker of Chicago exchanged vows. The Community Methodist church win the scene of a wedding which united George May and Dori: Karls. The fourth wedding was at Summit. 111., where Miss Dorothy Van5 Ort of that city became the bride of Albert Adams of Johnsburg. Miss Mary Ann Freund^ and John Craft Draper of Lake" Geneva were tnarrfed' in St. John's church. - . MRS. DO\ALD PETKRSO* THF THOMAS BOWERS ROBERT BRENSAN THE CHARLES BROCKETS mister... Give her a XR8. RONALD SELLS W A N T E D DEAD ANIMALS Cattle -- Horses Hogs -- Sheep Prompt Service -- Cash Price CALL OSCAR EORCHARDT Now Hauling to Globe Rendering Company McHenry 157--Crystal Lake 106 Dundee 1007 the original AUTOMATIC CLOTHES DRYfilR THF. KENNETH <TNNYS THE UENE DOHYXS' THE JOSEPH MUSKA8 MRS. DONALD D01IERT\ MRS. W. D. HARTWIG May 12--The rectory of St. Mary's church was the scene of a nuptial rite which united Miss Betty Regner and Mr. Richard Miller.^ The same day Miss Phyllis Kroll of Milwaukee became the bride of Dr. George Goetschel. May 20--Ann Gehri of Pistakee Bay and David Boyle of McCullom Lake exchanged vows in a wedding solemnized at the Community Methodist church. May 26 -St. Patrick's church was -the scene of a wedding service, which united Miss Ann Bolder and Pvt. George J. Miller of Johnsburg. At St. "Mary's church Miss Loretta Kunz became the bride of Rfchard Freynd. Miss Bettiane llo.^art of Elm wood Park and Ronald C. Wilh.-ini of Chicago, former] v of Wonder Lalti-, Were married at a High Mass in St. Celestine's chiifh. In a 5 o'clock ceremony at the Community Methodist church, Mrs. Kmma Zenk of Crystal Lake and Herman Rehberg of Algonquin exchanged vowfl. June 2--Mr. Gerald Larkin took as- his bride Miss Joan Durland in a service performed, at St. Mary's church., .. . iJune 9--Mias Leila Xurbynn of Ltlymoor and George Worts, Jr., j Marsh of Lily LSSeT'TKr^lSn* of McHenry w^re married in 8t. morning, in St. Bfary'a chttrcljL^ Patrick's church - June 10--Miss Clara DeYoung was married to Robert Edinger, J r.. son of Mrs. , Herman Kautz of Walworth; Wis., in a service which took place at Grace Lath- < ian church, Richmond. • June 16--A pretty afternoon ceremony at the First Baptist church in Woodstock united Miss jn St. Mary's church. Mary Jayne Stanberry arid Robert Pattinson of Woodstock. At St." John's church, Johnsburg. Miss Marie Smith of that community and Raj'mond M. Kruger of Fox Lake exchanged vows. A third Wedding united Miss LuciH» Nickels and Harold , Weiugart, both of McHenry. the service taking "place in the rectory of St. Mary's church. June .23-- Miss Rosemary RichttrdjLc' DesPlaines, Miss Lenora WeidKy ner and Mr. Gerald Freund, th| latter of Spring Grovei exchangj^ *" ed nuptial vows. Aug. 3--May Murray and Jack £ Siegel were married in Chicago. Aug. 4--Donald Doherty claimed as his bride Miss Rosalie Wi' liams, the ceremony taking pla > J Aug. 11--A 11 o'clock. servlc*' performed In Woodstock uniteir * Miss Carol Marticke and Chris tian E. Jejiseii, Jr.. of McHeurjf^' • ' Litter that day. ia a 7:30 p.ni. nuptial uei vh e read in St. Thomas A church. Crystal Lake, Miss Patricia Giek became the bride <|f ^ Thomaf! Lawrenc^ 'Phalin. of Mfl^ llenry. In the Leonard garden ' . , Pistakee B«y, Dolores Buelow ajf pan! of Forest Park became the , Valparaiso, Ind.. exchanged vowfev" bride of Mr. Raymond Thelen of (with iV-arshall E. Leonard." > •• 1 - Johnsbur t in a ceremony so'emn-• Aug. ig_Two residents of Woifc^d ized In _ v"t• Bemardlne s church, I der Lake became brides on thl^ V ! | Forest Park. , • • . . .. ; sunny Saturday. At Grace Luthe-" ^ ^ June 30--Miss JoBn Pornbu i i ran lhuri.ri, \\ood8tock Vera of Wonder Mke beiafne tile brid < I Henthoi ne and Harvey Christian- &?•> of Maurice Allen of Hanipshh e J: mn t)f Wp0dstock exchange# • in a double wedding Me;vice vows.- In the. garden -of the Wil»i which took place in the Wood- jieim home their daugh4^v}; stock Presbyterian church. , ter, Eath^-, became the bride #v July 7--Miss Gloria Fe.gen of Richard Leckman of Libertyvilll^v \ Chicago became the bride of Mv. . Ang 25 Miss Lucille Poe ex- 4 " David F. Dooley, Jr.. of the Coun- changed nuptial vows with John try Club subdivision j. tterUrleh fn a pretty 8ervlce July 21 Robert O Brien of Mc | wh}ch took place at gt M ,g Henry took as his bride Mi«s Ann : cathoUc church. St. Patrick's (Janny of Evanston. the weddii?:; t.hui.(.h was the .scene of a lovely & taking place in the Catholic wed(jjng wliit-li united Miss Lu» ^ church in the bride's home city. cille D-Cicco of Lily Lake and July 2it at •,ohn's chu Wi' Gerald Man son of Wonder LakC~- » the scene of a wedding which Sept. 1-Miss LaVerne Freunl •mited Mi»n Marcella Szarek of of john8burff and john STone c* Johnsbuig and Pre. Richard Luke were united in marriagi in a service • which took place at St. John's church, Johnsburg. t Sept. «---M St. Mary's church, | McHenry. Miss LuAnn Bauer of * this city became the bride of Har- ft old 11. Smith of Johnsburg. That v. same day Charles May, Jr., of v Richmond married Miss Margaret i (Continuea on Page 3) '(H«v DRAPER s J: 1 ItCV,, JR. 31RS. VICTOR BASS1 THE NICHOLAS HI FFS THE DONALD S( H.1IITTS TIIK WLElTN HIMPHRE^S by flOW Mo# IU«MkWptH tham iMk WW You Oiv« ' with a HAMILTON Dryer! • Real washday freedom-- indoor drying as , fast as she washes! HAMILTON is the "---fatttst dryer on the . Market. • • Finest drying weath- •" •* there is--at the flick •f a switch! Clothes last longer, stay love- • Her! •, Qothes dried ready .-to iron or put away. 'No tedious sprinkling! * MAMItTON txctuilvsi! • Hew H!- Power Ex- Itvit Syctein -- elimimtei lint and moisture problems. '•New HAMILTON lint- Control -- twice as efficient, easier to clean I 0 Ho harsh, forc»4-air I Patented "Carrier Current" drying "Heats clothes gently iWmjli warm, clean air. 4'«HWH «UN-1-DAY Ummp sanitizes, releases ^pone for "outdoor" freslinew. Home 1 i m p r o v e m e n t s l a s t a l i f e t i m e MADE WITH READY-MIXED CONCRETE *1' ¥' -mm v - MRS. DONALD FLFGER Why Wc.it Another Washday for Your HAMILTON f L. $274.00 $296.00 Atk about new Easy Purchasing Plan -- *rp to 78 weeks to pay I you a contractor better job TBE HAROLD SMITHS MRS. JOHN KLAPFERICH with less muss fVLTHOFF'S HARDWARE "IfiDl MAIN ST. PHONE 284 McHENRY, ILL. for dozens of improvements if you are planning • new walk, around your home or place of driveway, foundation, porch or business, no other material garage floor--build it the conoffers the aerrice and economy venient, low coat way with •tlrauffa, permanent concrete.. M*ufy*Mixid Concrete. McHenry Sand & Gravel Co. PHONE McHENRY 920 806 FRONT STREET " McHENlHT. TLL WTHE (HESTER ©RAXDTS 1 "4- L ) -* THE AI'(JlT8T SLAfciDLIOS m -UU i iMPQ ftKPRrg^ '\J&' 1M* i^ilL JTSI8V MRS. ROBERT KNOX JUt*. i JUM. IH>SALO SCHUYOKB ,1