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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 20 Mar 1952, p. 14

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h. IIEW Iftoea mi SC. Patrick'* Catfcolle Gtarek Iter. Bdward C. Coakley, Pastor Masses Sunday: 8:00; »:00; Iftidd and 11:80 a.m. Daily: 7:00 and 7:80. j First Fridays: Communion distributed at 6:30 and during 7:00 ^and 7:30 Masses. Confessions Saturdays: 4:00 to 5:00 p.m. and ;f:4M to 8:00 p.m., and on Thursdays before First Fridays4:00 te 5:00 p.m. and 7:00 to 8:00 p.m. ft, Mary's Catholic Chard '^••:Msfr. C. £. Nix. Pastor Masses ' Sunift?: 7:00, 8:00, 10:09 and 11:30.- . . ; Holy Days: 6:00; 8:00; and 1<}:M Week Days: 6:45 and 8:00. ' , First Friday: 6:30 and 8; 00. Confessions " Satardays: 3:00 p.m. And 7:M Thursday before First Friday: {After 8:00 Mass on Thursday; !:N >|A and 7:00 p.m. f-r'" SI. Peter's Catbelle Clink 8prf«f Grore Ifcer. John L. Daleiden, Paster Masses Sunday: 8:00; 10:00 and 11:09. Holy Days: 6:30 and »:00. ' Weekdays: 8:00. First Friday: 8:00. Confessions Saturdays: 2:80 and 7:15. Thursday before First Friday: Sifft «•« 7:16. 9L Josef's Kk-famond, \1L Snnday Masses: 7:U0„ Sunday Masses: 8:00 and Holy Days: 7:00, »:00. Bct. Frank J. Miller 8:Sl 10:00 and Bible Study, 6:00 P.M. in the homes. Call McHenry 6S1-W-1 for address. "You're always welcome here" Mailing address: McHenry Bible Church, P. O. Box 232, McHenry. Phone R. W. Brooks, 601-J-J. Weader Lake Gospel Ckarefc (Ncmsectarlan> Frank W. Anderson, factor Services Sunday Bible School: 10:00 a.m. Morning Worship: 11:00 a.m. Sunday Evening Service: 7:46 p.m. Prayer meeting Thursday, 8:00 p.m. Bring vhe family with yon to Health Talks IV} * •S w ? * • '• '-' tf most every Help Your Child Overcome Stuttering Speech is one of the powerful instruments in' day living. Yet, many parents, because of lack of understanding are responsible for the development of speech defects in their children, the educational committee of the Illinois State Medical s e t y, observes In a HEALTH TALK. 8unday School and Worship Serv- Stuttering, for example, is one ices. There is a place and a wel-'of the mos,t comm°n »P«ch decome for everyone. fecU* Meeting onf hundred persons in either of its two forms: the repetition of sounds and when the mouth gapes open Without any sounds being emitted. Children manifesting t h e s o symptoms should be carefully examined bjr a physician to rule out any physical malformation of the jaw. larynx, tongue, palate or nasal passages. Because the chief purpose of the larynx is to aid speech, it is commonly called the "voice box." It houses the vocal cords which, by stretching and shortening, open and close to form sounds of various pitches or tones. The entire process Creates FARM INSURANCE vibrations which are molded into J0M£^217 farm mutual insurance | gpecjfjc SoUnds by the tongue, the 'companies of Illinois wrote more • teeth the pgiatg an<i the lips. than $4,000,000 of business last these organs are physically year. They paid ^ loss claims correct, the examinations must inamounting to $1,735,000 and are a search for nutritional dis- Rlngwood Methodist Ckarek •. Rlngwoed, 111. Re*..-Parrel 1 D. Sample, Pastor Sunday: Public Worship, 9:80. Church School: 10:30. Choir Rehearsals: Wednesday evening. I St. Andrew'* Episcopal Cfcarck. Sunday: 7:30 and 11:09 Sunday School and Family Eucharist, 9:00 Rev. Jon K. Smedberg, pastor Phone Grayslake 3-2911 patlenes by hit parefits that HM stmterlnf rises to a struggle, 'frbs effort may be likened te n gasping for air. Wise parents will encourage the child to talk. Making a game out of conversation will not only relax the youngster, which is ifioet essential, In the correction, but will instill in his childhood the great art at good speech. He should t>e placed under the guidance of experts in the problem who will help him overcome his handicap with special training. It is^the responsibility of "every parent to equip their children with the best preparation possible for competition in later life. Earning power is higher for persons with good speech habits than those in whom defects and impediments exist. Today, as never before, ^people are taught to overcome their handicaps. And meeting the challenge will yield a richer and fuller life. If your child has it speech defect, find out about it Don't wait for him to outgrow it--maybe he won't Consult your physician for advice and treatment. By helping your child to overcome the failing you will five to your home and society a normally adjusted individual. ftflck-KeSerl/tcikes Bid For Senate Carrying risks totaling $2,198,068,- 120, according to a report by the state * Department of Insurance. These farm mutual companies orders and last psychologic disturbances. These factors may be responsible for the child not using the speech apparatus properly so Four-door sedans account (or 10 per cemt of the nation's retail passenger x car sa^es. TWo door sedans run a close second with 42 per cent of the sales leaving the sport model "hard top" 4 per cent, convertibles 3.1 per cent and station wagons 2.1 per cent. Order your rubber stamps at The Plaindealer now! r; Nick Keller, candidate for state senator, who served as state representative for seven terms In the Eighth Senatorial; district, representing Boone, McHenry'and Lake counties, claims approximately 70 percent of the organisation support in the three counties. Keller was born in Waukegan, 111., and as a boy worked for many years in the steel mills and also as a farm' worker. •He served in the United 8tates Naval. Aviation Corps during World War I and was active in the Naval Reserve for sixteen years. Mr. Keller is. married, and the father of two children, Nicholas M. Keller, Jr., and Mary Ann Keller, now attending Waukegan Township high Bchool. Nick Kelter has held important committee assignments as a member of the Illinois House of Representatives, such as committee on appropriations, the executive committee; conservation, fish and game chairman of industrial affairs; chairman of the committee •to visit educational Institutions and, more recently, chairman of the house committee on Military find veterans affairs. Mr. Keller points to his experience as qualifying him to succeed the venerable and retiring Senator Ray Paddock, currently the Chairman of Roads and &ridg9S. We are faced today with much needed highway Improvement and trade separation, said Mr. Keller, the most'Urgent of which is resurfacing and widening of highways, which have been deteriorating due to wear and tear, and the elimination of -bad curves. His many friends feel that by his many years of experience with municipal, tpwnship, county and. state government he is well .qualified to represent the people of this important 8th Senatorial district. CHURCH ATTENDANCE FAVORABLE. SAVi S KIWAN1S CLUB The following report on the church attendance campaign sponsored by the Kiwanis club was submitted this week by one of its members: "The results of the church attendance campaign, sponsored by the Kiwanis club of McHenry Township and supported by all of the churches of the area, have been very encouraging. The churches report that all services show a vital interest and loyalty on the part of the laity. "In these times bf business inflation and moral depression, when tlie cos't of 71 via* Il HllEg, but the standards of life are ing lowered, we and the spiritual power it provides. Our fellow worshippers may be far from perfect, but they are there because they want to be better, and their presence makes us feel that we are not alone in our struggle for the good life. In this dark and dangerous world eVen the best of us lose our courage if left on lQnely picket duty. We need to feel the touch pf shoulder with shoulder, ija the ranks of Christ's followers. "Let us give God a attend church next Sunday." in the Sprintwilling to pay married m< 8140 to $160 a month plus housing and extras. Single men who can do farm work are also In strong demand at a slightly lower J| wage rate. The Illinois state employment service notes this condition in its latest analysis ofMabor market conditions in the Springfield area, This scarcity of farm hands constitutes the most serious labor shortage in the area. feed the Ws operate on an assessment basis, that. he ha8 difficulty with such and limit their operations to given townships or counties in the state, the report says. Ckrist the King Catholic Church ==--• Weader Lake -Jfcev. James A. YaaderpeeL, paster Sunday Masses: 8:00 and 10:00 •"JL M. J Holy "Days: 6:00 and 8 . 00 A. M. ; • First Friday: 8:16 A. M. •r . " Catechism: Sunday, 9:00 A. M. Confessions: Snnday, 7:30 A 1C. Hand 9:19 A. M. :: .*> Jsto's CatkeUc Ctan* Johasburg iter. Joseph M. Blltsch, Pastor Masses ftMday: 7:90; 8:30; 10:09 and v ll:S0 "ig Holy Days: 7:90 and 9:09. Thursday before First Friday: t:S0 and 7:19. Ilea Evangtllcal tutberan Clircl The Church oi the Lutheran Hour 408 John St W. McHenry, 111. Rev. Carl A. LobiUt, Pastor 8unday School: 9:00 a.m. ferric*: 10:15 a.m. Ton are cordially invited to attend our services. * St Mary's by the Lake Episcopal Oriole Trail, and Dole Avenue Crystal Lake < Sunday Services: 8:00 and 11:00 Weekdays, 6:30 Wednesday; *?:00 a.m. Mbnday, Tuesday and 1 Friday; 9:00 a.m. Thursday, and Saturday. _____ Church School: 9:30 A.M. Weekday services are held In Before Beginning jtgata If an old paint coating is in bad foiKlition, it can be removed with »>aint-and-varnish remover. The recover is applied to a email area. Chen allowed to stand a few minutes Jntil it softens the old coating. With • scraping knife or steel wool, the aid coating can then be taken oft Before a new coating is /applied, the surface should be cleaned thoroughly with turpentine of mineral spirits to eliminate any wax that may have been in the remover. Veto Majority A two-thirds majority <jf both houses is necessary to override a presidential veto. letters as T or D, L or R. Emotional confusion Jesuits from the impatience and reprimands of parents. When a child stutters the parent frequently hurries him to complete his sentence. supplies the word for hiB thought and most often delays the correction of the defect by ignoring it with the hope that he will outgrow it These factors are Important ones to avoid in the training of a child. Every effort should be made to relax the child, put him at ease and treat him as though no defect existed. Observe a child in solitude, singing or talking to a doll or dog. and you will observe that there is no stuttering. It is only when the tot is thrust into S position where he is exposed to ridicule by his playmates or imthUy Mallory hmts are "CrmumtMe" processed to shed showers. 2 rnmi Easy Ways 1a Beauty the Oratory in the Mission House, McHenry Avenue, Crystal Lake. Tke Rev. Donald M. Ledsam Priest-in-oharge Cesnauaity Methodist Cfcirck of McHenry - • Main and Ceater Streets J. Elliott Corbett, P&stQT Services: Church School: 9:80. Morning Worship: 19:IS. A cordial invitation is extended to you and your family to come and worship with us. . 7 p.m. Young Adult Fellowship: see-' ond Sundays: 8 p.m. Cherub and Junior choirs: Wed- _-_;*ys at 8:30 p.m. ' Jiinlor Choir: Thursdays, 8 pjs. McHenry Bible Church " , i Donald G. Liberty, Pastor , IT o u t h Fellowship: Sundays, Rt 120 Lily Lake iy Bible School, 9:41 KIM GLO AU THROUGH YOUR HOME $U9 Ctt. Even if you have never paint" ed, you can give walls' and woodwork a uniform coat cfiT color ..'. with this velvetsmooth paint. (DMP Colon Slightly Higher) $2.39 KEMGLO Qt, Flows on freely, dries in 3 to 4 hours to a satiny surface like baked enamel. Beautiful lustre enamel for kitchens, bath" rooms, all woodwork. 18 color* KODAK Baby Brownie CAMERA Fixed Focus 275 ALUMS De Luxe. . KAWKEYE Box Style. 1* 6M MALLORY ANSC0 120 Box. Box 200 K L E E N E X Cleansing Tissue 19c 36 BIFFER1M ' Tablets Quick Relief • country-vide fashion tavtirite with men ot discernment In colors correet (or Spring. Cravenette proteased to shed showers. * $10.00 t Other Mallory Hats from $7.10 to $10.00 ' FmI lb* DUitrmc* ^ In • MALLORY Bnnday Worship, 11:00 A.M. Sunday Evening, 8:00 P.M. Wednesday Prayer, Fellowship GEO. COLLETTE, Owner 103 Riverside Dr. Phone 459 Mc GEE'S 117 S. Grrnt StrMt ^ V McHtnry. lg., STORE HOFJtS: Open Uattf S A. M. to 9 P. M. - ^ Fridays: 8 A. X. to 9 P. M. t-- Saadays *fll Ifoea , E4H4 I i H i I II *HH t llH^J [The man who whispers in a] well H >About the things he has to sell,* oWill never make as many! dollars ; |As he who climbs * tree and;; < • hollers. USE THE ;CtASSIFIED PAGE TO;; SELL FOR YOU! :: Try It Today ... Find < | Out For Yourself! Advertising Pays! McHenry Plaindealer. t,M Uf Mlf'iMiM i'< y ' i ' * ' . » W^stindiousefc ^ LAUNDROMAT AUTOMATIC WASHBI ' Pt %a'»r &l|g0l(te6 **••••» GETS dirt out... KEEPS dirt out! 1 The Laundromat washes clothes clean! And the rinsing and draining actions that follow, keep clothe* dean. Dir^ j f • wash and rinse waters drain away from clothea; never strain J through them. See the Laundromat today. Got Proof I Those 3 Laundromof Features Make the Difference I j WASH CLOTHtS SO, CilAN with WASH-J away, RINSEaway Ao* taon, the secret of really, dean clothes and onq^ Laundromat has it! WEIGH CLOTHES on the Weigh-to-Save Door. Wash the right amount in the right amount of water with the right amount of soap. SAVE SOAP AND HOT WATER. Set the Water Saver Dial to correspond to the weight of tne load being washed: Small, Medium, Regular. V90CAN9I SUM... IP irfcWfestingJiouse Carey Electric Shop PHONE 251 McHENRY, ILL. -^5 LAUNDROMAT U i Trad. Mark I.|. u s. r.,.os. llgs# giusem ST> 1 Oz. ST0PETTE Spray Deodorant 60c 100 S I C A R T L Sweetening Agent -- 30c Value PROPHYLACTIC TOOTH BRUSH 390c Value fiA. For Only. . D9C •AIRBRUSH ... Many styles... 90€ HAND BRUSH Hardwood ZuC SHAVE Brush hq From.. .ifoC i;. T • SAVE MONEY ON YOUR CAR , Segralar.. cheek.. «ps./ aid maintenance bf oar experts means lower car cost* for *oat- BUTCH'S v We Do Complete Motor 369 W. Elm Street Phone 811 Towing Overhauling. McHenry. WL Residence 91-R PON'T GAMBLC Don't do it! It doesn't pay tie use an old prescription thnf1^ yOu've had stored away for a long while. It may be too weak or too old to do you any goo<|* Don't gamble! If your doctor advised a refill of your prescript tion, bring it to us and we'H refill it with fresh, pure drugs. . HAND LOTIONS 5 Ouncl TRISHAY Beforehand Lotion mmt Lotion, 6H ox.... lis FR0STILLA V/i oz. Bottle.... 47c PACQUIN Hand Cream. . 4Sc HIND'S S'/t oz. H & A Lotion. . 49s IEPENMBLE ALAIN CLOCK Guaranteed quality. Smart plastic case in many colors. Bottle IMRIZED Yeast --^Tablets 83c 24 INICAP Vitamins... CARMI ... Tonic,lif..\--»W 94c LADIES UNpBR^LLJtlt Celane«e Rayon In fay designs. lt*nb, plas> tic handle. WAMPM.ES 97c Prep*vS ex.. SC0TTS14 /.«. ,j, nemuwwi 1" lllllll i Cards NORCROSS BARBAS0L BMSM.ESS CRElM, soctub. ..Mc WILDROOT CREAM OIL T0WC, l 91c PINAUD LILAC VESETAL,« ..97c WILLIAMS SMVE CREAM, itaubi. sh,.... 5Jc PERSMNA BLADES, 10 d^M. .. Wc VITALIS HAIRT0tllC, 4 M i n c « . . . . . . . . 4Jc •EM BLADES,» sing i. Mig. lie BOLGE DRUG STORE Green St. Phone 40 McHenry, I1L "Wo 91ve (Sold BoxKfStilnps"

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