* A\ < Mutch 2d THE McHENKY ^V^rf ^rw^wm^f^w Page Fin WANT ADS PROVE THAT GIGANTIC JOBS ARE DONE BY MIDGETS - RING 3,000 DOOR BELLS FOR 75c WITH A PLAXNDEALER WANT AD Plaindealer Mi mat Ada to ad* counted Iwi '!"• t( rds. 75c minimum. I ^Insertion --.. f6c Count 5 words per lint) 85c service charge on ail blind mdB. Cash with order. CSard of Thanks ... 11.06 Minimum fWant Ads close promptly at 10 m. Wednesday. McHenry Plaindealer Published every Thursday at Mc- Henry>IU., by the McHenry Publishing Company, Inc. W. BURFEINDT, Gen.. Manager. ^DRLE FROEHLICH. Editor. H AH ON At SUBSCRIPTION RATE 1 Year A Entered as second-class matter at the postoffice at McHenry, Ili., wider the act of May 8. 1879. AUTOMOTIVE - REPLACEMENT PARTS FOB ALL CARS Accessories and Seat Covers COMMUNITY AUTO SUPPLY 409 W. Elm Strfeet Open Week Days 9 AM. to 7 PJL _ gudays 9 AJL te 1 P.M, 11-tf FOR SALE--1950 Willys Station Wagon, 6 cyl., heater and overdrive. jf 1949 Kaiser Traveler, heater and radio. McHEXRY GARAGE Front Street TeL 403 40-tf BUSINESS SERVICE GARBAGE COLLECTING--Let us dispose of your garbage each week or oftener if desired. Reasonable rates. Regular year round ronte. John E. Hill, P. O. Box 274, McHenry, phone 365. 87-tf CANDID and FORMAL WEWIMQ ; , PHOTOGRAPHS } ' - In or Out of Studio The moBt modern equipment within 25 miles. 35 years experience with the best studios in Chicago, Aurora, JJary and Waukegan. 20 years in McHenry. Portraiture, commercial photography. ^ CAMERAS -- Still and Movies, Projectors, Films and Frames. ANDREW WORWICK Phone 876 117 N. Riverside Dr. McHenry, Illinois ' " li-tf FOR SALE IFOR SALE--Chinchillas; singles; | mated pairs; bred pairs; proven ! | pairs. A. A. Hermann, Antioch, ; ; 111. Phone Antioch 467-J-2 .... *45 j <FOR SALE--Complete 8-room oil | heating system; consisting of 1- | } H.C. little stove; 1 Quacker stove; il 275-gal tank, all lor $98.00. or > will sell separate. Phone 419 after 17 P. M. • ' , . 45 RALPH L. CLARK Piano Technician Repairing -- Tuning 902 Garfield Road. Harvard, 111. Phone 74&-R 87-tf CESSPOOLS and SEPTIC TANKS SERVICE «. A. DOUGLAS 1 . Phbne McHenry 77«-Jt T-~ 10-tf PIANO TUNING Also for Bale high grade Spinet pianos, overhauled upright pianos. Prompt Service. C. J. H. Diehl, phone 208-W, Woodstock, IU. 61-tf WELLS DRILLED OR DRIVEN WATER SYSTEMS--We sell, repair and install pumps. Bill Bacon, 206 Main Street, McHenry. Telephone 167. M-tf FOR SALE -- *89 Chrysler car; milk cooler left here by Geo. P. Freund( will sell for storage); general repairing, farm machinery and cars or will sharpen lawnmowers, saws and discs; we do steam cleaning. Wm." Buchert, 601 John St., on Rt. 31. *44-2 INST SALE -- Truck and trailer splash guards, 24rtx3t)'\ J6.75 pr.; 24"x36", $7.45 pr. Gambles Store, 108 N. Riverside Drive, McHenry. 45 BUSINESS SERVICE PERMANENT# •' • F0R EASTER Cold Waves -- W^0 ALICE MARIE BLASKIS Phone 705-M 46-4 /OR BRIDES--Bridal crowns and veils, made to order for brides and bridesmaids; also floral corsages, reasonable. Phone McHenry 614-W-l. 43-6 <* HOME REPAIRS We Specialize in all Home Repairs Low Monthly Payments Free Estimates McHenry Improvement Co. ~~~fSbne 523-W-l McHenry, 111. CONCRETE PRODUCTS C. D. KIKSEY All size building block, ^himney block and stepping stone. By stanapipe in McHenry. Office phone 282-R Res. phone 893-J. 25-tf elen Weber Says: il DEAD ANI3IALS -- Highest Cash Prices paid for cows, horses and hogs; no help needed to load. Day and night, Sundays and Holidays. Call Wheeling Rendering Works. Wheeling No. 3; reverse charges. 8<-tf WINDOW SHADES -- or YENE. TUN BLINDS -- New line of removable slat and Bauflex original blinds and tapes. Bonderlced and galvanized Acme metal. STERLING WINDOW 8HADE & VENETIAN BLIND CO., 5640 W. Division St., Chicago. Phone COlumbus 1-8743 or McHenry 651«M-1., Friday evenings, Saturdays or Sundays. Free Estimates. All work guaranteed. One and two week's service. 27-tf FOR SALE-4-1 oil burner, $125.00; 1 heavy 1000-gal. tank. $125.00. Phone Pistakee 633-J-2. *45 FOR SALE -- Matching davenport and chair; brown brocade frieze, in good condition, $60. Phone McHenry 110-R. 45 FOR SALE--275-gal: oil tank, $25. Phone McHenry 411-R. 45 HELP WANTED HELP WANTED -- SALESMEN IF YOU ARE NOT AFRAID5^ of steady work paying $100.00 and over each week. Northwestern Woolen Co., a 26 year >ld national direct - to - consumer organization has opening for salesmen. Call on our customers. Complete line top quality garments for every member of family. $500.00 worth of samples furnished without cost Must have car. Write Northwestern Woolen Co.. Minneapolis. Minn, 45 MALE HELP WASTED--We establish you in business on our capital. No investment or- experience necessary to start. Write WINONA MONUMENT CO., Box 565, Winona. Minnesota. MS HELP WANTED -- Waitress for night work. The Dome, phone Wauconda 6-1081. 45 HELP WANTED -- First, class presser for McHenry county's rndst, modern dry cleaning plant Ideal working conditions. Only presser who CAN do. and WANTS to do, first class pressing will be considered. Our quality standards are high. If you feel you can qualify, come in and look us over. RAINBOW CLEANERS, N. Front Street. McHenry 927. 45-tf HELP WANTED -- Reliable man for laboring. McHenry Plastering Co., phone McHenry 411-R. 45 gRAL CONTRACTING NEW HOMES REMODELING and CARPENTER WORK Satisfaction Guaranteed Estimates C. D. KINSEY Phone McHenry Nt-I 47-tf ANTIQUES, MISC, ITEMS--Clothing in Good Condition for the entire family. Formals. 0£en Tues. through Sat., 1 p.m. to 10p.m., Sun., 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. Mrs. R. Dietrich. Terra Cotta Road. Consignment and Resale and Antique Shop, % mile west of Terra Cotta factory, which is on Rt. 31. Phone Crystal Lake 1346-R-l. 51-tf FOR SALE--JOHN8-MAN8VILLE HOME INSULATION. Guaranteed not to settle. Installed by the Wallfill Co. Call Leo J. Stilling, 200 E. Pearl St., McHenry. Phone McHenry 18. 18-tf MUSIC INSTRUCTION la Yoar Own Home. Piano and Piano Accordlan. Classics or Popular. Beginners or Advanced Instruction EARL P. KOCH -- Phone Pistakee 633-M.l 6-tf WE'LL DO IT Wash Wallu and Woodwork. Paint and Install Screens. Clean Wallpaper. Phoae 87S-R. Free Estimates Given. 46 Moth Danger Banished By Our Methods We'll s a ve your precious winter clothes from moths by expertly cleaning, moth proofing and storing them. Bring them in now! McHENRY CLEANERS 103 Elm Street McHenry, Illinois PHONE 104-M I N S U R A N C E FIRE -- AUTO Service My Speciality Phone McHenry 140-R-X 42-tf FOR SALE • EN Interested in $50 more per week? Write Box 401. Waukegan, 111. Giving age, maritial status and past work record -- confidential. 45 ARE YOU INTERESTED? ' I TKf --r--. •* ' f\ Work Near Your Home. -- Paid vacation after 6 months' service. , : Paid sick lfeave after two months' of service.- , " - . Group Insuranc|^:;";".v, Work clothing, gloves and safety shoes ^ " at low cost. . , I N V E S T I G A T E ! ~ ^ details will surprise ^^^tteandes In Maintenance and Production Departments for the right men. , : EDWAL LABORATORIES^ JNC. RINGWOOD. ILLINOIS FOR RENT FOR RENT -- Newly decorated rooms, home privileges, near depot and schools. 109 Main Street Phone McHenry 100-R. 20-tf WANTED WANTED--Watches and Jewelry to repair. Anthony Noonan, 200 So. Green street, McHenry. (Fran* part™irf™ Claire -Beattty 8hoppe.) 82-tf WANTED , Your Old Watch 4Mtde It In Now bn a Fine 17 Jewel Watch Frett'k Precision Watch Repair Western Inion Agency Phone m 804 E. Elm St.--Wilson Radle Bldf If your watch Is on the bum let •'Frett" do your fretting 87-tf REAL ESTATE WANTED HEAL ESTATE FOR SALE--7-room modern house; bath, hot water, oil furnace, full basement, 2-car garage. Good location for commuting to Chicago by bus, train or car. Call 2497 or write Arthur Kimball, Genoa City, Wisconsin. Will consider terms. 44-3 FOR SALE--3-bedroom Insulated home on 2 large lots in Huntervllle Park; automatic oil heat; 2- car garage. Phone 874-W after 5 P. M. and all day Saturday. *45 SPRING GROVE--Business property; grocery fixtures and equipment. 4-rooin furnished apartment in rear, oil heat Large 2nd floor apartment, vacant Full price, $14,500. SKIBA * CO. Riverside Hotel Phone 913 44 We have cash buyers for fOnr homes, summer homes, (arms, ud business properties. We can sell yoar property If year price Is right. JACOB FRITZ - REAL ESTATE In Johnsbnrg TeL McHenry 87 27-tf FOR SALE--Six-room house. New, | oil-fired automatic hot water heating system. New, modern kitchen and bath. 210 Richmond Rd. Phone McHenry 318. 87«tf WANTED--500 pints of blood for wounded G.I.'s in Korfiiu Phone McHenry 595-M-2. 45-« REAL ESTATE HELP WANTED -- Experienced waitress. Phone McHenry 377. 43-tl GIRLS WANTED--Ambitious girli wanted for our new plant Pleasant working conditions. Riverside Mfg. Co., 600 Main Street, West o£ Norhtwestern Depot, McHenry. 17-tf HELP WANTED -- Radio tester; experienced. Shonld know theory and be able to analyze trouble. High starting rate -- wonderful opportunity for advancement to better position. Free hospitalization - free insurance. Paid holidays. Apply Admiral Corp., 507 W. Elm Street, McHenry, I1L 42-tf HELP WANTED--MALE, Draftsman, mechanical. In Mundelein, 111. Accurate and neat, for small engineering department. Tracing detailing, etc. At least 2 years experience. Call Mundelein 6-6430 or write Sparkler Mfg. Co., Mundelein 411- 44-tf SITUATION WANTED SITUATION WANTED -- Experienced and reliable baby sitters. Phone McHenry 609-W-2 and 649- R-2. 39-4 SITUATION WANTED -- Young lady 29. desires office work in small office, answers phone, filing, some typing, or as cashier. Has 6 years experience. Phone McHenry 571-M-l. *45 WANTED TO RENT FOR SALE--Used wash machine in excellent condition. Carey Electric, 119 Green Street Phone McHenry 251. 39-tf FOR SALE -- Factory Seconds; Women's Slacks, $2.35; Women's Skirts, $2.50 to $3.50; Dresses, $1.98 and $2.98; also Children's Slacks, $1.85. Riverside Mfg. Co., 600 Main St., West of Northwestern depot. 15-tf FOR SALE--TYPEWRITERS, ADDING MACHINES. Service on all makes. Also ribbons for all makes, carbon paper. L. V. Kiltz, Clay St Woodstock. Phone 549.' 7-tf FOR SALE--Mueller 110,060 B.T.U. forced air oil furnace, good condition. Complete $250. Phone McHenry 1071. . *45 WANTED TO RENT--For month of July; 2 or i bedroom summer cottage on Fox River near Johnsburg. Must have inside plumbing. Write to Edward Gorski, 5045 Cullom Ave., Chicago 41, 111. Phone Pen. 6-0S66. ' *44^2 WANTED^TO RENT Young eouple with two little tots, needs 5-rooms unfurnished, with option to buy within this year. Call Wauconda 5388. 40-tf WANTED TO RENT--Small home on year 'round basis in McHenry or vicinity. Dr. Stone. Phone McHenry 810. 45 WANTED TO RENT--4 or 5 room unfurnished home in' McHenry vicinity, by couple with children. Call McHenry 403. 45 1 FOR SALE -- HOMES -- FARMS CHOICE LOTS -- BUSINESSES RESORT PROPERTY Knox Real Estate Ml Richmond Road McHenry, I1L Phases McHenry 4114 42-tf B P E C U i Jtaneh heme and garage attached. Complete 9»fi00 Easy Terms AHtSPUN BUILDERS Phones t McHenry 511.R.1 aad Wonder Lake 2798 8«-tf FOR SALE MeHENRY--4 rooms, aatemafte #fl heat, ..garage, ..near ..St ..Mary's church aad schooL S years eld. For information call at onr office in Johnsbnrg, telephone McHenry 17. WONDER LAKE--• room home, tile bath, cement basement, S lots, 130x120, 2tt car garage. For In* formation call at onr office In Johnsbnrg, telephone McHenry 17, WOXDER LAKE--4 room all year home, running water, toilet, large lot, near black top. Price WM»00.00. Small ..down ..payment, accepted. For Information call at oar office in Johnsbnrg, telephone McHenry 17. HOMES BUILT TO ORDER On 100x20# ft Lots In JAK-ANA HEIGHTS abont two blocks north of Johnsbnrg, overlooking the beaatlful St. John's chnrch gronnds, if yon like to live ont of town, or intend to retire this Is the place to lire. For Information call at onr office or phone McHenry M7. JACOB FRITZ.REAL ESTATE hi Johnsbnrg, TeL McHenry 87. 41-tf FOR SALE OR RENT--Furnished Or unfurnished, S-rm. home; gas heat; 3-car garage; immediate possession. 107 Richmond Road. Phone McHenry 218-R. 45 FOR SALE--Honey Dew summer cottage; Woodlawn Park, McHenry, I1L River frontage, completely furnished two floors. Reasonable. Contact Mrs. Donald, 2834 No. Merrimac Ave., Chicago. *45 REAL ESTATE -- FOR SALE~ McHenry--Large vacant lot; nice location; overlooking golf course. Improvements in. For information call (Jim) JACOB FRITZ RBAiL ESTATE, Johnsburg. Phone 37. 45 MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS N O T I C E Satnrdny Night, March 22ni Don Stadfeld and his orchestra. Vocals by George Freund C1UB LILY MOOR V';/' Ronte 120 Too Late To Classify BEAUTIFY YOUR HOME WITH TILE Make Your Kitchen and Bath New Forever! Plastic Tile Walls Rubber, Lino 6 Asphalt Tile Floors ALL WORtv GUARANTEED For Free Estimates Phone: McHenry 108>R H. B. SAYNER Ml 9. Green Street ' LEGALS NOTICE OF SALE NOTICE is hereby given that on the 6th day of April, 1952. at 1:30 P. M., the Trustees of Schools of Township No. 45 North. Range No. 8 East, McHenry County, Illinois, will sell at Public Autcion, the premises hereinafter described : That part of lot No. 15. commencing at the Northwest corner of said lot running South. Two (2) rods, thence East, Four (4) rods Twelve (12) feet, thence North Two (2) rods, thence West Four (4) rods-Twelve (12) feet, to the place of beginning: Situated in Section No. Thirteen (13) in Township No. Forty-Five (45), Range No. Eight (8), East of the Third Principal Meridian. The said lot No. Fifteen (15) being according to plot of Johnsburg made by John Brink, surveyor. Building on the said lot known as the old Johnsburg Grade School is Twenty-Four (14) by Forty- Eight (48) feet and is complete with a full basement and an oil burning furnace, nearly new. The sale will be made on the following terms to-wit: Twenty-five per cent («%) of the selling price on the day of sale, and the balance on delivery of deed. PETER SMITH CLINTON E. MARTIN TJHANCEY L. HARRISON Trustees of Schools of Township No. 45 North, Range No. 8 East, McHenry County, Illinois. (Pub. March 20-27, April S) 87 COUNTIES PUN FAIRS Eighty-seven county fairs in the state have been tentatively scheduled for the 1952 season. Other fair associations, totaling 13, which held county fairs l,ast year, yhave yet to reach ** "1 , for 1952. The following tentative dates have been m Location' -' Dat«iU;K; Location Sept. 4-f ^ Aag. 5-7 A»g. 3-8 Aug. 3-8 July 24-87 Aag. 4-7 • •&? i Adams, Mendon Aug. 2-6 Livingston, Odell Bond!, Greenville : Aug. 18-22 Livingston. Pontujgc 1 Brown, Mt. Sterling July 29- Aug 1 Logan, Lincoln Bureau, Princetoft-.-W - Aug. 19-22 McDonough, Macomb Cass, Virginia . .. Aug. 28-30 McHenry, Woodstock Champaign, FlshtiP ' ' July 17-18 McLean, Bloomington Champaign, Urbana July 23-27 Macoupin. Carlinville Christian. Pana Aug. 28-Sept. 1 July 30-Aug. 8 Christian, Taylorvtilf July 20-25 Madison, Highland Aug. 6-10 Clark. Marshall ' Aug. 5-8 Marion, Salem Aag. 18-23 Clark, Martinsville' July 13-19 Marshall-Putnam, Henry Clay. Flora Jnly 28-Aug. 1 ^ > Aug. 26-29 Clinton, Carlyle Aug. 5-9 Massac, Metropolis July 1-5 Coles, Charleston July 28-Aug. 2 Menard, Petersburg Aug. 26-29 Crawford. Oblong Aug. 25-29 Mercer, Aledo Aag. 26-88 Cumberland, Greenup Aug. 19-23 Morgan, Jacksonville DeKalb, Sandwich Sept 3-7 July 7.8 or 28-80 DeWitt, Farmer City July 27-Aug 1 Moultrie, Sullivan Edgar, Paris Effingham, Altamont Edwards, Albion Fayette, Brownstown Ford. Melvin July 20-26 Moultrie-Douglas, Aug. 3-8 Arthur Aug. 10-16 Ogle. Oregon Jnly 86-31 Peoria, Peoria Sept. 3-6 Perry, DuQuoin Fulton, Lewistown July 29-Aag. 1 Perry, Pincknevville Gallatin, Shawneetown Sept 1-5 Pike, Grtggsville " . * Aug. S-9 Aag. 30-Sept 1 June 30-July • Aag. 85-Sept 1 July 14-18 Jnly l-< Jersey, Jerseyville JoDaviess-Ellzabeth JoDaviess, Warren Johnson, Vienna Greene, Carrollton July 14-19 Pike, Pleasant HOI Ang. 18-88 Grundy. Macon Aug. 89-Sept. 1 Randolph, Sparta July 7-11 Hancock, Augusta July 17-20 Richland, Olney Ang. 28-Sept 1 Henderson, Stronghurst Saline. Harrisburg Ang. 3-9 July 89-Aug. 1 Sangamon, New Berlin Jnly 83-16 Henry, Cambridge Aug. 5-8 Schuyler, Rushvllle Jnly 1-4 Iroquois. Milford Aug. 6-8 Stephenson, Free port " Aag. 80-83 Jasper, Newton July 6-18 St. Clair, Belleville Jnly 86-Aug. 2., Jefferson, Mt. Vernon July 6-12 Union, Anna Aug. 17-88 July $2-26 Vermilion. Danville Jnly 27-Ang. £ Aug. 6-8 Wabash, Mt Carmel Jnly 20-26 Aug. 14-17 Warren, Roseville Ang. IMS July 81-86 Washington. NasbviUe Aug. 19-16 Kane. Elgin Jnly 31-Aug. 3 Washington, OkawviUe Sept 80-81 Kankakee, Kankakee Aug. 3-8 Wayne, Fairfield Ang. 4-8 Knox, Knoxville B Aug. 4-8 White, Carmi Aug. 18-82 Knox, LaFayette July 89-Aug. 1 Whiteside, MorriaM Aug. 18-16 LaSalle, Mendota Aug. SO-Sept 1 Will, Monee " Aug. 81-84 Lawrence, Bridgeport Aug. 18-22 Will, Peotoae Aug. 28-84 Livingston. Cullom Ang. 15-16 Williamson, Marion Aag. 10-16^ Livingston, Fairbury Aug. 19-23 Winnebago. Pecatoaica Sept 11-14 The 13 associations which have not set their fair dates yet are: Boone, DeKalb (Sycamore), Franklin, Hamilton, Lake, LaSalle (Ottawa) , Lee, Macon. Montgomery, Monroe. Pope. Rock Island and Ver- v milion. FISH SPECIAL8 FOR LENT Wednesday aad Friday French Fried Perch, French Fries, Lettuce and Tomato Salad with French Dressing ....' 60c French Fried Shrimp^--including French Fries and Salad $1.00 ®LUB LILY MOOR Ronte 120 U Oyster Moan tains American Indians in prehistoric time left huge oyster shell mounds along the coast where they came to eat the succulent bivalve. Some have been found along the Hudson River. One at Damariscotta, Maine, contains about 8,000,000 bushels of •hells. THIS WEEK'S SPECIAL Buy It Now -- Have It When You Need It FLEXIBLE -- 18 INCH BAMBOO LAWN RAKE idth Wood Handle 89* VYCITAL'S HARDWARE SHEET METAL SHOP 132 Green Si. PHONE 38 McHenry. I1L Finishes For FlasMoa Industrial finish technicians have developed a colored coating which is applied to plastic article . With the aid of the special enamel finish, manufacturers can now make a single run by coloring the plastic with one of the many colors nov available. "THIS CHANGING WORLD" DISCUSSED-- BEFORE TEACHERS More than 400 teachers heard Harrison Wood, noted correspondent and commentator, speak on "This Changing World" at the fifth annual meeting of the McHenry County Education association held last Friday in Woodstock. Also speaking during the day was Guy H. Hill of Michigan State college, East Lansing, Mich., whose subject was "Changing Responsibilities of Teachers in This Changing World." New officers elected included Claude Richards of Harvard, president; Mrs. Carrie H a g e, Richmond, vice-president; Mrs. Loretta Baron, Hebron, second vice-preBident; and Paul Baker, Fox River Grove, secretary-treasurer. Miss Florence Knox of Terra Cotta, a teacher in the Crystal Lake schools, was elected to the executive board. Delegates and alternates elected to the annual division meeting at Aurora in October and the IRA' meeting in December included Ed- : win Dwyer, McHenry, and Weldon Andreas, Rlngwood. delegates; and Mary Butler. Ringwood. alternate to the division meeting; and John Lathrop, Wonder Lake, dele- • gate to the IEA. SPEAR1N6 SEASON The first Illinois fish spearing •easob went into effect March IS and will run through May 31. A 1951 enactment of the General Assembly makes it lawful to spear or gig carp, buffalo, suckers, gar and dogfish during the new season. Sport fishing is said to be improved by the removal of these "rough fish" tnm lakes and Garden MMr _ - J^ -"OS- Hot live the seed of vegetables, as the second generation seed vtfll not reproduce the variety uniformly. Hybrids are head from two parent strains and the first gsneratfoo has hybrid vigor. MAKE YOUR WANTS KNOWN Write yoar ad on the lines below. One word in each ** space. Please print each ward plaialf. CLASSIFIED Want-Ad Rates Per Insertion fe A WORD n* All bold face er ci| 90c per line. v|«i Ponnlea Bring You Dollars Copy must reach Ike McHenry Plaindealer Offlee Utm Wednesdny HA. K •a**+*«*e, - : - " Bo Sure Name and Address or Phone Number Is On Ad.: Name Address Phone Number Words fv Times To Run Amount J:h m 3 t. Jf, ... Lk . ,J< .^,5 ..