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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 27 Mar 1952, p. 11

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-• '•;.' v*'--'* . **' :<• ' ':v* "' ."'• r;:%T".'?v mm* < >' "r ~,.; ', "1 :• - , . ' 'c • -. * r:~ ;• : * ' •..•*.'-?- • '\. •,1> ** *. "r - - %. ,V••*••/ -' 'v ••; Thursday, March 27. 1952 iV'? rjC^v,C^Ir-v:^ rmwr-i <:ijf • « > JUt«Ur ei& . 8I I ^i gingnrilnli lW i i n n " St. Patrick's Catholic Cknrek Edward C. Coakley, Pastor Masses Sunday: 8:00; »: 00; 16:00 and 11:80 a.m. ' . \ D^lly: 7:00 and 7:3#, ' First Fridays: Communion distributed at 6:30 and during 7:00 and 7:30 Masses. Confessions Saturdays: 4:00 to 5:00 PJB. and .':00 to 8:00 p.m., and on Ttaurslays before First Fridays: 4:00 to rjt° p.m. and 7 :00 to 8:00 p.m. it. Mary's Catholic Ckarek Msgr. C. t Nix. Pastor .Masses Sunday: 7:00, 8:00, 10:04 and 11:30. Holy Days: 6:00; 8:00; and 14»:«0 Week Days: 6:45 and'8:00. first Friday: 6:30 and 8:60. Confessions .Saturdays: 3:00 p.m. and 7:66 iMa. Thursday before First Friday: After 8:00 Mass on Tharsday; li^l p.m. and 7:00 p.m. vV - ' [St. Peter's Catholic Chareh Spring Grore - ROT. John L. Daleiden, Pastor H Masses i Sundiy: 8:60; 10:00 and 11:60. " Holy Days: 6:30 anAINMt |; ^Weekdays: 8:00. * \ I First Friday: 8:00. ^ Confessions f Saturdays: 2:30 and 7:15. Thursday before First Friday: > : t0 and 7:15. • - m. sm#&* Utkn«od, ML Sunday Masses: f:00„ t:M> Sunday Masses: 8:00 an4 W:66 Holy Days: 7:00, 9:00. *•<' Rev. Frank J. Miller Christ tie King Catholic Cknrch Wonder Lake Her. James A. Vanderpool, pastor Sunday Masses: 8:00 and 10:00 A. M. Holy Days: 6:00 and 8:00 A. M. First Friday: 8:16 A. M. Catechism: Sunday, 9:00 A. M. Confessions: Sunday, 7:30 A. M. %nd 9:30 A. M. Sunday School: 9r60 10:15 a.m. Yon are cordially t Invited t» attend our services. T l - • i St. Mary's by the Lake Kplsvepcl Oriole Trail, and Dole Avenue Crystal Lake Sunday Services: 8:00 and 11:66 A.M. Weekdays. 6:30 a.m. Wednesday; 7 :00 a.m. Monday, Tuesday and Friday; 9:00 a.m. Thursda; Saturday. Church Schools 9: SO A.M.* Weekday services are held In the Oratory in the Mission House McHenry Avenue. Crystal Lake. The Rev. DonalfJ M. Ledaam Priest-in-charge > CostsiBnity Methodist Chwik * ' of McHenry v Main and Center Street! : J. Elliott Corbett, Paator ServicoB: - Church School: 9:30. Morning Worship: 10:45. A cordial Invitation is extended to you and your fanally tocojne f|Ad wofshlp with us... : 7 p.m. Young Adult fW!oW*Wp •1 second Sundays: 8 p.m. Cherub and Junior choirs: Wednesdays at 3:30 p.m. 8ettk>r Choir: Thursdays, 8 p.M McHenry Bible Church ' ----Donald G. Liberty, Past** Tottt^ Fellowship flnndays, : Rt 120 _ Lily Lake !. Sunday Bible School, 9:45 A.M Sunday Worship, ll:t>C A.M. Sunday Evening. 8:00 P.M. Wednesday Prayer, Fellowship and Bible Study. £:00 P,M. in the THE HcHE^g; • S?' f• ^•vY.-0£:4 it#,: W *.•&&•(*&£ A i »£3 'f M»gwood Methodlsf Ckarefc Rfngweod, I1L Rr«. Darrell D. Sample, Pastor Sanday: Public Worship, 6:16. Church School: 16:16. Choir Rehearsals: Wednesday evening. St. Andrew's .Episcopal Cfcarek Sunday: 7:^ and 11:00 Sunday School and Family Eucharist, 9.'00 Jon K. Smedberg, pfiaftw Phone Grayslake 3-2911 - Important Find Construction of the Panama Canal was made possible and the lives of thousands of soldiers and civilians, particularly those living along the Atlantic Coast and in southern cities, were saved because Major Walter Reed's army commission had proved by February 6, 1901, that mosquitoes were yellow fever carriers . Roller Restoratlen • " If a lamb's wool paint rolled his. comes matted, you can restore its fluffiness. Let the roller dry, then work over It carefully with a coarse pocket comb. When the roller is not in use, wrap it in paper or foil to keep it clean. The metal parts of the roller--especially the moving bearings--need to be kept clean, too. Western Expesato Rooms with a western exposure •fe generally the warmest--particularly during the afternoon. For this reason, it is usually wise to select cool colors for their walls and Woodwork. When choosing your paint color, remember that, towards evening, the light becomes soft and homes. Call McHenry 591-W-l for : #eems to meilow an colors. Earlier, se»»r "R" isn't merely the 18th letter of the alphabet, "R" is the necessary letter in the name of the month to those who like oysters. There ie^ no "R" in Lent but there certainly are oysters in Lent. So why not add this recipe to your collection of meatlesB meals, says one McHenry homemaker. The oysters in this recipe viMr be fresh, canned or frosen. "Oysters Escalleped .;-^;<cups oysters £ "cups cracker crttnrihQ^ 3 tbsp. melted.b^tteJf;. , \';l..tsp. salt % tsp. pepper y s Hi cups milk " Look over the oysters carefully arid remove any particles of shell. To the melted butter add salt, pepper and cracker crumbs. Place I a layer of crumbs in bottom of a buttered baking dish and add the | oysters and more crumbs until the dish is filled. Pour the milk ! over the oysters and crackers. Bake twenty minutes In «a moderate oven. Serve piping tel. Problems Conc€unj| GOP Candidate A state representative in the eighth district serves for three counties, McHenry, Boone and Lake. W. J. Murphy, a candidate for this post in the coming primaries, wishes to assure the people of McHenry county that he is as concerned with their problems (ami wfll be when elected) as he is with the problems of Lake and-or Boone counties. Mr. Murphy emphatically stresses there are no county lineB and a , maries in 1950. candidate should qualify on his, ' -• •>. •" -11 ability and not on his address. He says "1 am aware of the condi- j FATAL ATTACK . ;. tion of your county roade. your Charles E. . Knapp. 62, of 616 'death trap" bridge on Route 14 | Newbury St. Arlington Heights, a and the many curves that are in j publisher of children's literature, need of straightening.--I state ! died in St Joseph's hospital. Eladdreas. "You're always welcome hare" Mailing address: McHenry Bible Church, P, O. Box 332, McHenry. Phone R. W. Brooks, 601-J-2. St. John's Catholic Ckinl Johnsburg tier. Joseph M. Blitech, Pastor Masses Bvnday: 7:60; 8:30; 10:66 and 11:30. Holy Days: 7:00 and 9:06. Thursday before First Friday: I 2:30 and 7:90. Woadar Lake ftospal Chafefc (Nonsectarian> Frank W. Anderson, hutor Services Sunday Bible School: 10:66 a.m. Morning Worship: 11:00 a.m. Sunday Evening Service: 7:46 p.m. i Prayer meeting Thursday, 8:66 p.m. r •> Bring che family with you to Sunday School and Worship Services. There is a place and a welcome for everyone. it is brilliant and will make a great' color change in your room unless soft tones hsve been selected. - itan Evag^kicai Lutheran Church j The Church ol ihe Lutbaian Hour 408 John St. W. McHenry, 111. Rev. Carl A. Lobitz, Pastor ADVERTISEMENT WE RENT LAWN ROLLERS Safeguard Tools Before storing garden tools tor the fall, clean them thoroughly and apply linseed oil to both wood and metal parts. This keeps the wood from drying out and helps prevent metal parts from rusting. Yellow Fever Decter Walter Reed United States eral Hospital was named in honor of the famous Army doctor and sel entist and his work on yellow fever in 1909. The hospital is part of the Army Medical Center which includes the Army Medical Service Graduate School, formerly t h a Army Medical School where Major. Reed was a professor. .< t ATRAI6HT TMTTOI IlilUKt Round Lake bank. He states. "I avor a program of legislation that is for the general welfare-- this includes consolidation and improvement of our educational p r o g r a m s -- m e n t a l h e a l t h p r o - grams--child welfare--aid to the aged--and extended civil service for state employees. Murphy claims strong support throughout the district and especially in his home qounty, where he is well known due to his extensive civic work and his strong campaign for U Chemical Warfare Chemical warfare today Is confined to the use of flame throwers and incendiary bombs. The Army Chemical Corps, however, is re- S. Congress after .sponsible for maintaining adequate the death of the honorable Ralph defensive measures to thwart , a that j E. Church. Just prior to the pri- j possible use of toxic gases and bio- Carty Weapea To ^eat off a siege at Syracuse by the Roman general MarceDus two centuries before Christ, Archimedes designed a spectacular crane which could grapple attacking galleys. hoist them into the air and then plunge tbem beneath the sas | logical or radiological weapons. flatly to you that if elected 1 can and will see that you get aid." Murphy is a resident of Antioch. He graduated from high school therein*,' is 36 years of age, married and lias three sons. He is in the insurance 'and real estate business and an officer in the gin. last week following a heart attack suffered after hia car had been involved in a minor traffic accident iu Mt. Prospect. < Playtex Baby Products Wattles Drug McHenry I1L 42tf FARMERS' ' . KEITH TIRE SERVICE VULCANIZING and RE-CAPPING SPECIALIZING IN Truck - Passenger and Farm Tractor Tires 24 HOUR SERVICE NEW TRACTOR TIRES -- USED TIRES TRUCKS and PASSENGER CAR • WHOLESALE PRICES Beaaty la Scale Food weighing scales "must be easily cleaned as well as attractively and durably finished because they are on public view in the stores where food is sold. gave Brushes Most professional painters tion new paint brushes with linseed alL Soak your new brushes for M hours before using them. As a suit, tbey will hold paint better, spread it more evenly and clean easier. This treatment is especial? good for new nylon brushes. ., : x ---- "U* " if «* i -1 Bigelo Sanford's Karpet Kare On Location Carpet Cleaning Rugs and Furniture Cleaned Binding and Serglug f**e Plckap and Delivery Tidy Rug Cleaners Phone Woodsteek 168 "Tl d| r| Concrete Silos AND Silos and Bins constructed with all washed material, reinforced with heavy steeL Built to withstand the pressure and acid of any fodder, hay or corn. Our specialty is a good silo. Order your silo or bin early by writing or phopipg. •j: Althoff's Hdwe. (61 Main Street McHenry PHONE 384 VOGEL "YOU! CANDIDATE FOt ^ mu fcEPHESENTATIVE Vote Republican Come in and "Test Prive" the ablest* car on the American Roa VOTE FOR Nick Keller •STATE SENATOR Eighth Senatorial District % REPUBLICAN candidate State Senator Is married the father of two children, Nicholas Jr. and Mary Ann. Be Is a World War veteran. 0 Nick Keller's seven-terns voting ^ record on School Legislation Is 7 equalled by only one other member in the Illinois House of Representatives. 0 Nick Keller's Agrkalture voting record stands out alone (106%) with the rating of excellent fee seven consecutive terms. 0 Nick Keller's Labor record k u n s u r p a s s e d i n t h e I l l i n o i s House of Representatives. 0 Nick Keller will prove a capable successor to Senator Ray A Paddock to help carry out the urgent needs of our road-building program. £ Nick Keller has held important committee assignments as a member of the Illinois House ef Representatives, such as Committee on Appropriations; the Executive Committee; Conservation, Fish and Game; Chairman ef Industrial Affairs; Chairman ef the Committee to Visit Educational Institutions and, more recently, Chairman of the House Committee on Military and Veterans Affairs. 0 He is qualified by experience *e represent the people of Boons. McHenry and Lake counties. _ VOTE REPUBLICAN - for NICK KELLER Primary Election Tuesday, April 8, 195S Mr" / 2j fjt'a new from road to wot this great '52 Foard. It'a built for Keeps! A host of new features make this net Ford the ablest car . . . the greatest car ever built for the American Road. It's a car that will do mora thing* for more people at lower coat. MEW AUTOMATIC RIPE COKTHOt _____ Ford's tow*r center of flrovRy, dtogoiMffy mounted Aocfc obtorbars, 3-inCh longer reor springs, and n«w front springs, tailored to 1 each model's weight, iron out the .bumps and take *m carves on Mm level NEW PULL-CIRCLE VISIBILITY You get visibility "unlimited," with a hiifo, Curved, one-piece windshield ond a car-wWi rear window . . . wSh narrower comer <*nd i wrtftocf notice. WWi tfru ovoiJabfc) ond two< Ctfcrs ittuttrvHd optional at •xflra CO4 Test Prive"the car thatfe built -for your FORP PEALEBS BUSS MOTOR SALES 531 Main St Phone 1 McHenry SEE OH* BR1LL1A-NT TELETISI05 SHOW -- FORD FESTIVAL -- starrier James Meltsa, wlti outstanding gne*t stars, XBC-TY network Tharsday Evenings, 8:80 P. 1L, Channel S WTHMJ Phone Magestic 770 -- Waukegan, IlUnois in McHanry GRAFTON, WUL PHONE 6243 Phone 656-J-2 after 7 p.m. and Sat. and Sun. (Wit Build For Keeps) »*» v t* me 1020 NO. LIBERTY « n s i i K 7 4 7 7 IN McHENRY PHpNE DON 307 NO. GREEN STREET ...IN till It1* A Longer, lower Ituly wMt a <«#• ged new K-bor reinforced bon-iectton frame, wider front tread, longer wheslbose and the largest tuggage tocker in its do**- «..IM POWB* fhe Most Fowtrfw L»w-^rt«ed Cor jtuilf it this '52 Ford with its higli-csmprnsion ViO-h.p. Stroto-Star V-8. And Ford's a High-compress on, low-friction Miltirifl>• Mofcer |i« has 101 h*J W- i " • • mvruitm .' • Kew Ford Coachcraft Sodles, stylod to beautiful, designed to «lay young, yours in this new Ford. You get hull-tight StrwcKoo to keep dust, water and nolle wtiMp. m.INVMUI This year, more than ever before, Ferd offers you more car for your money. It's the greatest cor ever introduced in the low-price Weld! You get years of smooth, economical goiftg and style that will still be years from now! f. . A

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