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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 27 Mar 1952, p. 2

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E W?Wm Albert ticbattli W«4, fUrt|'>Fivf Vmn Mr. and Mrs. Albert Schmitt celebrated their thirty-fifth wedding anniversary last Sunday. March 24. with cards and TV «njoy «d by the thirty guests who attended from Elgin. Dundee, Harrington. McHenry and Gary, ltd. Lunch was served at the closer of the afternoon. The honored couple received many lovely cards and gifts. FItogerald-Mltehell Engagement Annonneflf Mr. and* Mrs. John C. Fitzgerald of Crystal Lake announce the engagement of their daughter, Beverlie, to Mr. Raymond Mitchell. Jr.» son of the senior Mitchells of MCHenry The wedding will take place at 7 p.m. on April 19 at St. Thomas church. C. I>. of A. PUiiJi - Business Meeting T h e C a t h o l i c D a u g h t e r s o f America held a Social meetinjg on Thursday evening, March 20. Cards were enjoyed, with prizes merited by Rita Martin, bridge; Grace O'Brien, canasta; Bette O'Brien, Bertilla Freund, Margaret Simon. Theresa Steffan and Rose Freund, pinochle. The next meeting ot} April S will be to discuss business pertaining to the organization. BrMe-To-Be ' Skewer finest Xv"7^>Vv- Miss Ruth Klaus of Arlington Heights was honored at a bridal ehower Thursday evening. March 20, the hostess being Miss Dorothy Behnke of McHenry, who will be maid of honor at the wedding. Miss Klaus will become the bride of Calvin Loomis of Wauconda on Saturday, April 6, In the Federated church of Wauconda. HaM^Banbeaek, Troth Annonncejl , Jtfiss Helen Shirley Heide's engagement to John R. Bambenek of Iron Mountain. Mich., has been announced by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Heide of the Country Club subdivision, McHenry. The couple will be married April 19. Mr. Bambenek is the son of Mr. and Mrs. RcnJnMfl Bam- Circle S Plan For Rummage Sale Circle 3, W. S. C. S., wiU hold its next meeting on Wednesday, April 2. at the home of Mrs. William Spencer at 10$ Park street. At that time plans will be made for the rummage sale which the group will sponsor on April 24 and 25 at the city hall. The sale nas been set ahead from the original dates of March 27 and 28. II li li Wwllli*! Hele« Weter Wfft K Heart Lmij Feveoters Helen Weber was elected thief ranger of St Clara's court, W.C.- O.F., at the recent meeting of that organization. She will be assisted by Evelyn Blake, vicechief ranger; Kpfte Worts, recording secretary; Lillian Stoffel, financial secretary; Mary Frennd, treasurer; Susie Justen, first trustee; Margaret Freund, second Hp THE lldEtgjrttf WJUHDEALEB Ajtonunw sic* Dr. R. G. Chamberlin has been a medical . patient «t - the Woodstock hospital. Miss Margaret Wfssetl underwent surgery at the Woodstock hospital this past week. Nancy, daughter of the Harold trustee; an<) Clva Stilling, third i Justens. underwent an emergency trustee. j appendectomy at the Woodstock Other officers will be appointed I hospital last We^L by Mrs. Weber In the near future. Installation vUI t*i|e April 24 In the school^hall. -f * Community CJynfe a ^ To Sleet March SJ The Joliusburg Community (Mt will hold its regular meeting OA Monday evening/ March 31. The: committee in charge includes Jim Szarek, William J. Schmitt. John N. Schmitt. Math Schmitt and Fred H. Smith. -Qfr BIRTHS Personals * COIHNG EVENTS IIHttMINfl I HI It 11 UHltUMinUHIIIItlltlll HtHIIHHUIWMM U March 87 and Narcotic*" Grant Township High Schoo libHenry Community P. T- A. Itiftlng -- Rep. Robert McClory, Guest Speaker. ^ Merck 28 >, -'itii&i&r , »*-. #*WA Riverview Camp Observed Anniversary - Riverview Camp, R. N. A., met on March 18 to observe the fortyfirst anniversary of the founding of the camp. All past oracles were invited to attend and most of them were able to be present. The camp's founder, Mrs. Gilly of Rockford, was present, as well as her daughter and granddaughter. A social hour followed the business discussion, with plans made for the next meeting to be held April 15. Carolyn Jfrfcon* Te Wed April 2$ Mr. and Mrs. . Clark Jifeholls, who reside near Burton's Bridge, announce the engagement and app r o a c h i n g m a r r i a g e o f t h e i r daughter, Carolyn Frances, to Floriaa Schmitt, son of Math 8fppitt of McHenry. Th% has been set for April it. '. * *r. P. T. A. To Seek Commanlon Dresses - - St. Mary's-St. Patrick's P. T. A. will hold its next meeting at 3:15 o'clock in the school hall on Wednesday, April 2. At that time. First Communion dresses will be on display. It has been announced that Mrs. Clemens Wlrfs will be chairman of the First Friday breakfaM an April 4. Sural Youth En)oye4 Square Dance T h e M c H e n r y c o u n t y R u r a l Touth met on March 18 In the Fafm Bureau meeting room, with Howard Sparlin presiding. Final Heme Bureau Meats At Johnson Home The Ring wood HoiM Bureau unit will hold its monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. C. F. Johnson on Park street, McHenry, on Tuesday, April 1, at 1:30 o'clock, with Mrs. Ed Peet as cohostess. Mrs. Ben Redman will give the lesson, "Voting Procedures," and Mrs. Johnson will be in charge of the lesson on "Selection and Preparation of Meat." ajfangemeuts were made for the j Mrs- Leo Smith will supply inforbowling team to go to Springfield (motion about the 4-H organisation, on March 19 to play in the state """ ~~ finals. ^ public square dfnee and box social were planned; for April 26 at Westwood school. The committee for the party is made up of Dgc Anthopy, Gloria Crone, Dorothy Stagsdill, Ruth and Herman Polnow, Bill Ackman and Howard Sparlin. .A movie entitled "Qelpful Henry," plus entertainment planned by Howard Sparlin, wpre enjoyed after the business meeting. Fax Valley Camp Otamed Anniversary The forty-sixth anniversary Of thf founding of Fox River Valley camp, R. N. A., was observed at the Nook restaurant last Thursday evening, March 20. A turkey dinner was served, after which the thirty-two members and guests partook of a decorated anniversary cake and ice cream. Games and a social hour follow* •d. Mrs. Gladys Ames, district" supervisor of Gprnee, and Mrs. Chard of; Grayslake were honored guests. I¥he next meeting of the camp Will be held April 1 at 8 o'clock at the home of Mrs. Amanda Brown, with Mrs. Stelndoerfer a? "o-hostess. Plan Meeting Around "Jungle Tale" Theme The monthly meeting of the local Cub Scout Pack, No. 382, will be held Friday, March 28, at 8 p.m. in the girls' gym at the high school. The theme of the meeting will center around Kipl i n g ' s " J u n g l e T a l e s , " w i t h a l l o f ' the boys in appropriate costumes. Family and friends of members are invited to attend. MAKBIA6E LICENSES Mrs. John Kilday was called to Chicago last week to be with her mother, who has been seriously j ill. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Miller have returned from a trip to Florida. Mrs. J. P. Frey returned last week from a trip to Florida. Mrs. R. 1. Overtoil, Miss Mary Walsh and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Doherty have returned from a six weeks' vacation trip to Florida. Miss Nancy Siemon of ' St. Therese college, Winona, Minn., visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Siemon, last weefc. Miss Kathryn Kortendick of Woodstock spent the weekent with her sister, Mrs. John Bolger Miss Eva Unti of Lake Forest college spent the weekend visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gus Unti. f Mr. and Mrs. James Mahoney and children of Chicago and Mr. and Mrs. Howard Phalin of Wilmette were Sunday guests in the home of Mrs. Eleanor Foley.! The Misses Joann and Lucille Knox and Sally Smale returned home Saturday from a plane trip to Hollywood, Fla. Miss Helen Welch of Woodstock visited McHenry. relatives one evening last week. BIRTHDAY "WISHES - The many friends of Chester 'Chet" Gullachson of Lakemoor j are anxious to extend best wishes j to this popular resident of the community in advance of his birthday anniversary March 31. Mr. Qnllachson is one of the best known residents of Lakemoor, where he operates a service station. .• CARD OF THANKS ! I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for cards, flowers and visits during the time I was confined to the! hospital. They were greatly ap-i predated. 46 MRS. ELEANORE PBTTERSON , A daughter was born March 19 at the Woodstock hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Earl Conway. The infant was welcomed home by four sisters apd three brothers. A daughter was born on Marcl* at Sherman hospital, Elgin, to Mr., and Mrs. Glenn &tanger. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mnehlfelt j gjn g p jj. are the parents of a daughter, I C.q.F. Meeting born at the Woodstock hospital on ' March 16. A son was born March 18 at Victory Memorial hospital, Waukegan, to Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Niesen. They have two other children, Michael and Sally. A son was born March 22 at the Woodstock hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Chester Colby of Solon Mills Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Kidder and children, Michael and Pamela, of Palo Alto. Calif., are spending some time with her mother, Mrs. Elvira Durland. JfrCub Scout Meetingr--- Gymnasium, High Schaol P.M. March SO * . Girl Scout Open House -- ion Home -- 2 to 4 P. M. . March 81 ' ' Johnsburg Community Club April 1 <RJngwood Home Bureau -- Mrs. C. F. Johnson Home Open Discussion On P. T. A. O r g a n i z a t i o n s -- J o h n s b u r g School -- 8 P. M. Stated Meeting McHenry Lodge, iftlo. 158. A.F. & A.M. -- Third Decree Work By Shviae Club af Jjil- ' Ajprtt li •-!- ;f4. ; Sake 8ale -- Con<MBted By C. D. of A. April 'MA,'1" Rummage Sale -- Glty H«Jl -- Sponsored By W. S. C. 8. May «1 Altar A Rosary Sodality Bait# Pale -- George Jasten Fttraltare Store, Oreen Street. ; ,\:i IN MEMOBIAM i|i: loving memory of Joltik gl Freund, who .passed away two years ago today. Anniversary Mass Thursday, March 27, 8:80 at St. j jPhtrlck's flwrch. Your gehtle face •gi; 6HUL SCOUtfe Troop t had Its meeting Mond&y at. 3 o'clock. We elected officers: Mary Lou Watkins, president; Susan Sayler, vice-president and scribe; Patricia Blake, secretary;!^ Virginia DeMuth, treasurer; Kathie Moffet and Zetinda Bennett, flag bearers; Nancy Reinlie and Alice Sullivan, color guards. We talked about open house which will be at the Legion Hume. We also made Easter favors. .H Uj; J, •• I' SUSAN SAYLER Our Scout (nee ting was .called IF. IT'S WORTH DOING It's Worth Doing Right ..Wft: • •; &JL • and I smile . ( lV ! With sadness we recall; tfkn- You had a kindly word for efush, And died beloved by all. " Mtlent to orcler by Lynn Buckle, with;; Susan, Stenger bringing up tbe| flag and Sandra Nellis collecting', ,:f 4, the due*. Diane Freund read the r s 1 '?&, stilled R6bert Holm and Ruth Hausfeld, both of McHenry. ELECT . . . James E, Hill 1 State Auditor Vote Republican invisible "S A L V A G E" DOES NOT MEAN JUNK AT THE ULINOIS RAILROAD SALT AGE *-t STORE If one article in a shipment is scratched or broken the entire shipment Is sold as salvage because labor costs are too high to Inspect and repack the remaining good articles. We have those good and slightly damaged -pieces ai 20% to 100% savings to you. We usually have name branri canned goods, furniture, hardware household effects, paint, buildin, materials' and farm supplies, NEW MERCHANDISE (0 RE CEIVED EAOk WEEK. "FIRST TIME" customers are surprised at the good quality of Ol£r BAL^VAOE. A lot of the merchandise we have is new and undamaged. Come in .look around, ask questions, bring your purchase to the counter. No one sellb y<m anything. ; %je a^e located op the IBast side of ,Plai$ond Lake on Lake St., in Xp^el^n. BULINOIS SALVAGE . STORE . Store Phone Mundelein 6-7325 6$en every night u^til 6:00 P. M. Closed all day Monday. Opes Fri., Sat. and Sun., until ; 8:00 J». M. Ojk& Sunday at A. K. waves yourt pressure TTS Ae amazing hair spray *that keeps your hair neat, lustrous and manageable between shampoos! Now you can give your hair that "professional touch" just as beau* ty shops do. Simply spray Liquinet on your hair. Like an invisible hair net, Liquinet holds every curl in place. KEEP THAT "BEAUTY SHOP* LOQ&. GET IT TODAY! :* B O L G E R ' DiiUG STOHS 103 S. Green PHONE 4Q McHenry, JXL Complete line of Lee's poalfcy remedies at Wattles Draff Starr, McHenry. 3!f •r • April s :: v'v Circle 3. W. S. C. S. ,lia|n tSpeucer Home , April S ; " -;C. p."Qt A. Business Mietiftji < April 4 ' : 8enier Class Play , April 14 Benefit farty For St. Patrick's School -- V. F. W. Hall -- Sponsored By C. O. F. April 1& Riverview Camp. R. N. A., Meeting The voice is mute and the heart That loved us well and tr$9, O, bitter was trial to part p. B^Wm one so good as yo». " We miss you now our hearts a r e s o r e , . r ^ . - As tlme;*jgl»es,'^rr«^*: uqlss yoa more, ^ v;r '! Your loving smile, your gentle face,' No one can fin your r&cant place. • ' r *46 MILLIE AND 8USIB FRETT Residence Changes The William Livingsttgis have moved from the Campbell apartment on Main street to the recently made apartment In the Mrs. Sophie Kosti building on the same street 9 312 ELM STREET McHENRY, ILL. PHONE 746 Don't Fail To See Our Fine Selection of Easter Finery FOR CHILDREN Priced Right. -- Styled Right -- Sized Right is No Subsiii^te Good Pluterinfp tainutes, after which Wf made bead Jewelry. .'>> BETSX KAUSS, scribe l^hcnc McHenry 411-R What's a penny to me? : "Before i wot married a penny was just something to weigh down a pocket- 0 book. But nowwell, a couple of ftennies more or less in the price of meat means the difference between having and pot having. ^ , "Pennies may be out of style generally, 'Hut not in my hou$e. And now that I've learned the real meaning of money, I'm saving regularly -- at the bank, of course." McHettry State Bank Member Federal Reserve System Member Federal Deposit Insurance Cdip* Interest Paid On Savings Deposits PHONE 1040 Everyone 1 talking about the FRIENDS OF McHENRY COUNTY Respectfully Requests Your Vote and Support - f^ - for the r Republican Noxnluation as Stale Raprwentative because'-- 1. He was raised on a farm and graduated from High school in your neighboring town of/Antioch. i.. .'prepared himself for this office by 2% years at John Marshall Law School - 18 years in business tor self. 1, - Married, father of 3 sons - in the Real Estate and Insurance Business, Banking Business, does his bysinefe • rWlth farmers, laborers and business men and has a close insight and interest in all theft problems. 4. He Is aware ef the needed road improvement In McHenry County and interested in Ml of Jfctfenry countl#e problems. - - - - ' *---;--+- i ^He is an acknowledged authOMty' ih 7|T|rforms of Qovernraenf,' Taxation, Hchools, Banking Problems |n»d " Legislative Procedure. For Intelligent, Capable and Honest Representation rm 1^1 W. MURPHY, State Representative :jyrwMmiM*jrjrmTXTmYirmrArirmTiTiYmYMrm7iTi^ATAn7mrjrj7mTm!rmYmTinrmi^ featured in BEQ.600B HOUSEKEEPING , many other publication?. Endorsed by leading Architects, Decorators •f.'r Am i'S nest teiitifal wiMaw dressn^ m VERTICAL BLIND you can use 4 ways! - •?> V' KOUR DECORATIVE ELEMENTS IN ONS ' distinctive exquisite drape.<* •• ,M l1 ovely (hade ... a graceful partilioA. BUND SHADE DRAPE PARTITION A. S. BLAKE Motor Sales. Inc. *301 E. Pearl Streel -- McHenrff -j VERTI-BUND is ovpUable hi f different •^olors to fit the requirements of any ^Interior. Russet, Daffodil, Silver-Gray# ' "Chartreuse, Peach, White, Forest Greet* yiERTI-BUblD costs are nominal--off or A ,,yOU Hie medium of window covering aim ^ropery at thm same time without expem* window treatments. X MtAMAIKAUY MCOKATIVI WITH MODKSN O* MRioo nnuummt, vkimmnb comunu ink KtfMa OP MAOTT AND HAXIMUM UOMT CONTROi WITH ITS CUAN, VBMlU MANOIHO KA. TUUg. At o Broc«futly honfling vertical blind il blocks out of fotlowi th« tun, admitting up to 100% light. Rooms are lit «v«nty from floor to cailingt through tht Icngthwiu flat*. Wh«n completely closed the light diffusion provides a now! draw drapery effect. Verti-fMind can be rolled up or down for me as a shade or it can be separated and draped et • curtain. Place Verti-Mind between door!ess rooms and yw have a smart partition. DUST FREE. Eliminates the drudgery of ordinary blind cleaning. Clean no more often than yaw would your wolls. What little dust collects con be removed by lightly shaking the vertical slats. Washes beautifully in soap and water or wipe down with a damp doth. CUSTOM BUILT. Verti-Minds are made of o Vinyl plastic especially developed by DuPont. Fireproof, mildew-proef, flexible, durable--will not fode, chip or crack. All parts replaceable. frfioMh,* noiseless operation ... needs no maintenance. FUNCTIONAL. oW horn« well as the new. Colors can be alternoted for two-tone effects which is not available in ordinary blinds. Excellent backdrop for party room, work roam or den. (educes janitorial oasts 200% m commercial installations. TONYAN'S HOME FURNISHINGS ART and LEONE TONY AN PHONE 91# ?! 20t E. ELM STREET MCHEWRT 'TT t, irmrwTnr

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