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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 3 Apr 1952, p. 2

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k!m THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER rsonais ff Jitter & Rosary •' f" fo Meet April 7 \ - 'The Altar A Rosary sodality Will meet next Monday evening, April 7, in St Patrick's church hall. The committee in charge incudes Mesdanies Thomas Phalln Carl Weber, C. J. Reihansperger, Walter Carey, George Stenger and Phillip Disch and Miss Emma Le- Clrde 1 At Collate Home . Circle 1 of the W. 8. C. S. will feold its next meeting' at the home •Of Mrs. George Col let te on Richmond Road Tuesday, April. 8, beginning at 1 p.m. Ooibeck-Jacknon :J _ -Xngajrement Told „ Mr. and Mrs. George Golbeck announce the engagement of their daughter, Adeline, to Sdtrard ckson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ford ckson of Johnsbur®. £ Sfjffprtts • (onored At Party Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Seyfferth 4C Lakemoar were guests of honor -•I a celebration in observance of tfceir golden wedding anniversary Chicago last Saturday evening. About 250 friends and relatives attended. including more than forty from this community. In a beautiful nuptial service •Hiking place In Harmony haH, the 4|puple again repeated their marffoge vows, with Pastor Whitman the Evangelical Lutheran #iurch officiating. He is Mm Robert Thompson. G e o r g e H. T h o m p s o n , Thomas Phalin and Mrs, Holly of Mchenry and Mrs. Harry Alexander of Hebron were visitors at JanesVille, Wis., one recent day. Mr. and Mrs. Alfons Dledridh and family of Chicago visited McHenry relatives on Sunday. Mrs. Marie Selbach left recMit- 'iy on a trip to Germany. The 'feen canteen program for Miss Nancy Reuland of Chicagc the season ended at the V. K. W. spent Sunday and Monday with clubhouse Tuesday evening of th^s her sister and husband. Mr. ant week, with about 260 in attend- Mrs. Lawrenee Huck. Jr. ance- , | Mrs. Robert Kralowets, Jftes The Biislness Men's association ^jjce Gaulke and Miss Rita Maris grateful to the organizations tjn attended the wake for Michael. 250 ATTENDED LAST MEETING OF TEEN AGE CANTEEN Which have assisted them in carrying out the program. Mrs. Paul evening.' Jessup and Mrs. Charles Logan and other members of the P. T. A were especially cooperative in providing chaperones and in assisting Ernest Useman. who gave so much of his time to helping organize activities. The Woman's club members served refreshments at each meeting, organized by Mrs. A, J. Wirtz and Mrs. Fred Svoboda. The V. F. W. and school board are also included among those to whom the Business Men's group is grateful; also William Nuber, John H. Greene and William Burfeindt for their assistance in supervising activities. _ Plans will be made to open the canteen next tail, probably in October. * Schaeffer at Crystal Lake Tuesday CARD OF THANKS We want to take this means of thanking friends and relatives for floral offerings, spiritual bouquets, cards of sympathy, donations of cars and the many other kindnesses extended in our bereavement. We are especially the i grateful for the services of Fr. grandson of the pastor who marlied the Seyfferths fifty years ago. "1 ' Daughters of the couple attend- 11 their mother as bridesmaids and sons served as groomsmens (Kid ushers. Two flower girls were | r e a t - g r a n d d a u g h t e r s o f t h e 4Duple and two grandchildren «erved as ring bearers. * The bride of fifty years was as ' ffediant as she appeared at her ; «rst wedding, carrying a hu^p u q u e t o f f i f t y r e d r o s n s , a g i f t hear "bridegroom." • Coakley. MRS. SARAH GROELL AND DAUGHTER, JUDY MR. AND MRS. TONY MIL- 47 UCR AND FAMILY • Veil Fsgsgenent #f Grace KJlday Mr. and Mrs. John Kllday anftounce the engagement of their Saughter. Grace, to Roman Miller •f Ringwood. No we4(Ua&. ftJana have been made. CARD OP THANK# We would line to take this opportunity to thank friends and neighbors for gifts, cards and visits on the occasion of our gol den wedding anniversary. We arc especially grateful to the many from here who attended the party in Chicago. ALFRED AND 47 LEORRA SEYFFBRTH . Miss Mildred; Rto. . 4, Mis9 DMt Mur tin and Xtrs reward Buss visited Miss LaurayiK; Thennes at Warren, 111., last weekend. Leo D. Kerber, former vocational agriculture instructor in the local school, has been transferred to Ohio by the company for which he is employed. Mrs. Kerber and children are staying with his parents in Anchor, 111., for the . present. Miss DeloreB Vales of Chicago spent the weekend with hor mother, Mrs. Albert Vales. / Bob Bacon of Chicago visited his mother. Mrs. Zena Bacon, S"t-' urday and Sunday. Mrs. Cel'a Knox of Crystal Lake spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Martin Conway. » . Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius Quinlan returned on Monday from a vacation trip to Florida. Mr. Quinlan spent several weeks in the South and Mrs. Quinlan made the trip to Florida by plane about ten days ago. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Kosinski and' son, David, of College Park, Md.. have been visiting her sister. Miss RoVena Marshall, for a few days. Miss Eileen FitzGerald, who teaches in Chicago, is spending is week at her McHenry home. Henry Wegener of Volo, Ronnie, Bobby and Joann Wegener of Ingleside and Jerry Wegener of McHenry attended the Passim play at St. Naziant, Witf, on Sunday. Mrs. Rose Bell and Mrs. Martin Wegener spent Thursday in Chicago. ° HMtltlttKIIIIUIiliUIHIIMIHMtUIHUIIHHIIIIIIHinillllNMI -' COMING EVENTS MiiniininiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimtttimiinuiiiiiNimiiiiii |prll 3T 9 16. Of A. Busine»» April 4 Senior ClasH Play n April 8- O. E. S. Stated Meeting Wr. Initiation -- 8 P.M. --• Acacia Hwli' Circle 1, W. S. (J, 8. -- George Collette Honif/ - April • Woman's Club County Meetiiij. -- Marengo Community Center April IS Zion Lutheran B«ke Sale -- Church Basement -- 1 to 4 P. M. April 14 Benefit Party For St. Patrick's School -- V. F. W. Hall -^ Sponsored By C. O. F. April 1$ >,;• Rivervlew. Camp, ' A., Meeting . i Juveniles Of St. Agatha's Cour No. ?77-- Installation fp&gfc-- St. John's Church H(alll " April 17 W. S. C. S. Monthly Mestfti| Methodist Church Hall April 1» ,l Bake Sale --- Conducted- By C D. ofcA. ' April 22 .r St. Agatha's Court Banquet Hettermann's -- 0:30 O'Clock. April 24-2S Rummage Sale -- City Hall '*-• Sponsored By W. S. C. S. May 81 Altar A Rosary Sodality Bake Sale -- George Justin. Furniture Store, Green Street. CARD OF THANKS I would publicly like to thank the McHenry police force for their speed and efficiency in catching the persons who burglarized nr. ga» station. _ •4f ~ T BD. GUBTTUCU BIRTHS Mr. and Mrs. Robert Struck ot Woodstock are the parents of a son, born March 31 at the Woodstock hospital. They have two other children, a daughter, Cheryl Lee, 4, and a boy, Martin Emll, 1%. Paternal grandparents are Mr. apd Mrs. Paul Struck of McCullom Lake. A daughter was born March 2'. at the Woodstock hospital to Mr. .aid Mrs. Richard Hawkins. Residence Changes The Clarence Glossons havi> "moved from the home of the late Mrs. Christina Freund on Richmond Road to the Arthur Tott-yan house on the same street. AMOK" THE (OK MICHAEL SCHJtfTEH RITES HELD TODAY IN CRYSTAL LAKE Michael' G. Schaffer, W, a former resident of McHenry, died Monday, March 31, following several months of poor health. He resided in Crystal Lake for thiHy-five years after leaving McHenry. The deceased was born April 24. 1885, in McHenry, son of Joseph T. and Johanna Schaffer. He was married to Clara Schwalger April 6, 1918. Survivors Include the widow; two daughters, Mrs. Leola Conroyd, a former beauty operator m McHenry, and Mrs. Loretta Calouico of Berkeley, Calif.; two sisters Mrs. Catherine Boger and Mrs. Susan Adams, and a Henry J. Schaffer, all. of McHenry The body rests at the Warner funeral home in Crystal Lake until 9:30 this (Thursday) morning. Services are being held at 10 a.m. from St. Thomas Catholic church, followed by burial in Union cemetery, Crystal Lake. (toohl G&umn (by Mark Sehaettcndt, Peas in toast boxes. v* For appearance and taste this is one of the nicest ways to serve peas. They are a little bit cf bother but your quests will exclaim over them. When you want tp put on a few "airs" for a special guest thiB is a fine way to do it. 6 slices bread alxwit J4£h thick p Thin cream sauce .U: Cooked peas. " " If the bread Is a day, old you may be able to scoop out centers brother, I of 2-inch squares of bread, then ** toast in oven until lightly browned. If bread is too fresh, toast thf whole slice first then cut in Jinch squares and hollow but center. Make a thin cream or whit# sauce. Cook peas until tender. Add to sauce and season. Place toa#t boxes on serving dish and fill Easier Chicks* varteas eoler*. i Order now at the McHenry i Farmers' fo-op Ass*a. Phone M< Mrs. James Orr, who underwent: H«ary 7S0. 47 surgery in a Chicago hospital | ^ -- -- . last week, has returned home. ^ • * - k - ..4^] a. im wtth phu. Add a bit of crlap par* ilay api a dab of red pime-nto here and there and serre at once. This service is especially good aa a filler, when you are Serving a good bat expensive rjte rfiaai m,- choice steak. : 6IRL SCOffTS " Troops 3, 7 and 8 met in the basement of the parochial sctuxA at 3:30 Monday. Mrs. Gans help«j| us attain our "My Country Radges" by telling us abuit Florida. She showed pictures «£ houses and the clothing the people Of. the state wear. She also shos| ed many kinds of seashells. The girls all enjoyed it vei|f much and would like tp thank Mrs. Gans. . % SUSAN SAYLER, scribe ELECT . James E. Hill Stale Auditor Vote Republican.; Subscribe for The Plaindealer FRANK J. GREEN Republican Candidate for SENATORIAL COMMITTEEMAN Representing McHenry County in the 8th Senatorial District Consisting of McHenry-Lake and Boone Counties Voar Vet* and Sapport Is ^ earnestly solicited al the primaries. April 8th, 1952 Complete line of B«ebe livestock remedies at Wattles Drug Store* Mi Henry. S»ti x!eaaty Meeting » ' * ,Tfhe county meeting of members lot the Woman's club will be held fet the Community Center in , Marengo on Wednesday, April 9. r- starting at 10 o'clock and continuing all day. There will be a pot" luck luncheon at noon. < Anyone interested in attending Is asked to call Mrs. Clyde Bailey, jphone 272-W, of Mrs. Fred Svoj'jboda, phone 183. ^ The next meeting of the local club will be April 18 instead of April 11 because of the latter date being Good Friday. Wr> rt Easier Chicks, various rolerx. -Order now al the KcHeary Farmers' Co-ep Asa's, Phone McHenry 730. 47 1,680,685 sa# Big 10 Conference football games last year. Most came by car or bus, reports the Chicago Motor club. WE RENT LAWN ROLLERS Althoff's Hdwe. Ml Main Street McHenry PHONE M4 . A Free Gift For You A SINGLE STRAND OF BEAUTIFUL ELGIN AMERICAN PEARLS GIVEN TO YOU ABSOLUTELY FREE WITH A PURCHASE OF ANY WATCH BETWEEN NOW AND EASTER. EASY CREDIT TERMSSTEFFAN'S JEWELRY and RECORD SHOP * PHONE 123-J MAIN STREET McHENRY, ILL. THE. TOMER MP 312 ELM STREET McHENRY, ILL. PHONE 746 WE NOW HAVE A BEAUTIFUL SELECTION OF BOYS' COATS Sizes 1 to 8 . . $8.95 to $19.95 - Career girl with a timely ide& "Point OH#« Anybody knows it isnotea$yto$av« money these days. "POINT TWOT1 Nevertheless, I have always found it possible to live on less than I earn. Thereforet t put 10*/* in my bank account each payday before 1^start spending. .. and live on what is left." ^ - tYou're always ahead" when yo*l McHenry State Baidc \ W • - J*-* !- Member Federal Reserve Sfste# Member Federal Deposit Iniarance Carp. Paid On Savings PHONE 1040 at "Antonson's Candy Shop" This year we have the Largest Selection of EASTER MERCHANDISE obtainable in Candy and Toys. All hand-dipped Light and Dark Chocolate Eggs filled with Fruit and Nut, Butter Cream and Chocolate Cream. In sizes, ^6-lb. to & lbs. Priced from / lib to t&£0 All sizes and shapes of Creams and Jellies. JELLY BEANS Fresh and Tender 26c lb. CAocc£c& BUNNIES . ' ^ light .and a>rfcL»riced from 15c to 98c each. ' : 4 Some Boxed V , ' BE SURE TO VISIT US. STREET McHENRY, ILL. HOURS: 10 to 10 Daily open All Day Thursday Excapt Thura., t 'ttl 10 ^ Bofors Easter PE-ELECf JOHN f. PETIT DEMOCRATIC STATE CENTRAL COMMITTEEMAN 14ih Congressional DuPage - IfcHsnry Counties ENDORSED ST THE 14TH CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT DEMOCRATIC ORGANIZATION; YOUR SUPPORT WILL BE GREATLY APPRECIATED. ! Wilt Be for w I* with a *like-nevi" outfit...* You'll be pleased with what our cleaning* apd pressing will do tp make your last year's Easter outfit "like-new" for this yea*. HURRY !! Don't be disappointed -- get your Easter cleaning to us by this weekend so that we can have II ready for you in time lor Easter. £anu PHONE 929 NORTH FRONT ST. -- McHENRY Branch Service Station -- Lily Lake Hardware Try Us And You'H Like Us y J 1-&- f-* ' -J'

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