8TOBTS J&tf ecvdtWaJhJi- Worbnig, 609; U. 'Kreutier, lll- !651- | Olaen & SOB. S -- McGe^'s, 1 j Lee & Ray. 1 -- Carey Electric. . 1. H. Behnke, 510; J. Widen, 516 C. Behnke. 20®. j 7:00 Ladles--.. . ^ Geo. Justen & 6ons7 3 -- "Hc- [ Henry Cab Co., 0. L. Ferworda 435; B. Peterson. 486; I McHeury Lumber, 3 -- BlaU, 0, f J. Doherty. 198-534; L. Meyer, 465 K, Justen. 467. The mail has been amusing this Week. Clippings telling;, of the freat success enjoyed by Cubs keep coming our way. Other clippings pick out the fcorst happenings in t)ie White (Ho* camp. Somehow, we have a feeling that the So* will get along foal well when the season gets %ader way. We have tried ta explala to Larry Nimsgern that the Sox, are -Iteming up to their peak atf the ||ght pace rather than - burning «- »ut in spring training, v'% v' : ; ; But, what's the use. We can Sake those Cub fans understand : Have been watching the pro ffr'ess of Billy Klaus with great In ttrest. Billy bad a great year with Milwaukee last season and Ib mak lag a strong bid for the third base Job with the Boston Braves. We hear that "Brune" Butler Will ihanage the McHenry Merchants this year. He has had lot of experience in baseball as a player, manager and umpire. Should be a big help to the young Slayers coming up with the Mer- «Santa. . ; Bill l&eitrw- will also step in to help coach the Merchants. Bill should be a big help to the youug pitchers and was always a nod man in the coaching box. The Merchants have asked us to announce that practice will start next Sunday. They will also be out on Tuesday and Thursday evenings to get in shape for the season. Bolter will hay«} the Shamrocks unlimbeTing next week and has things pretty well lined up for the big race ahead. Like all managers, Bill won't miss a chance to strengthen a couple of positions. --MeHENRY BEfREATlOATfcnrs. 9:0t-- Co-ops, 2 "CTark . Che*.; 1. Sk-hweiger. 505. ' : Prager, 3 -- Blatc. 0 Buss Motors. 2 -- Old Bridge,. 1. Buss, 205-553; H. Miller, 201-527; Rodenkirch, 629. „ Certified Foods. 2 -- Fox Novelty. 1, Kreier. 5ft; Coari, m: Freund, 648. Monday 7:00-- McHenry Laundry, 2 -- Jtle-hihans Lumber, 1, L. Adams, 208-540 Charm House, 2 -- Al's White House, 1 Althoff Hardware, 2 -- Riverside Bake 8hop, 1 Wally's Tavern.; 3 -- McHenry State Bank, 0 Monday 7r00 (last week)-- Althoff Hdwe., 3 -- Al's White House. 0. B. Thennes, 546; N. Miller. 506; R. Bennett, 227-580. Riverside Bake Shop. 2 Charm House, 1, C. Thorsell, 548. Kleinhans Lumber, 2 -- Mc-'Thur8day May 22--Warren--There Henry State Bank, 1, R. Justen, Monday' May 26--Barrington-- 204-562. , Here ' Thursday, May 29-^-Woodatook NCHS SPORTS PROGRAM OFFERS WIDE SELECTION Varsity Baseball T«^m Zion Friday Afternoon •A bllsy schedule in various sports has been arranged at MCHS' for the final two months of the current school year. As a starter. Coach McCracke;i will take his , varsity baseball team to Zion for a game on Friday afternoon of this week. Varsity Baseball Schedule 1962 Friday. April 11--Zion--TheTe Monday. April 21.-- --There Tuesday, April 22.--Ela--There thursday, April, 24--Grant--Here Monday. April 28--Barrington-- There Thursday. May 1--Zion--Here Monday, May 5--Warren--Here Wednesday, May 7--Woodstock-- Here Thursday, May 8--Grant--There Monday. May 12--DISTRICT TOURNAMENT • T u e s d a y . May 1 3 -- D I S T R I C T TOURNAMENT Thursday, M a y 16---DISTRICT TOURNAMENT Friday, May 16--Marengo--There Monday, May 19--Ela--Here Palatine-- Here Friday, April 26--Belvklere--Here Wednesday. April 30--Lake Forest-- Here Friday, May 2--Crystal Lafce-- There Wednesday, May 7--Belvidere-- There Friday, May 9--Barrington--Here While power hitters of majoi Monday. May 12--Palatine--There! and minor league ball teams be- News Abdul Otir Servicenfcn Wednesday, May 14--Lake Gencvi. --There Friday, May 16--Blgin--Here Wednesday, May 21--Lake Forest --There Friday, May 23--Crystal Lak*-- Here Wednesday, May 28--Lake Geneva »' . --Here Monday. May ^ % jThere WONDER LAKE YOUTH HETtJHNS FOLLOVSTXNG KOREAN SERVICE Corp. Gil Rhode, son of Mrs. Eva Rhode of Wonder Lake and Chicago, has been enjoying ;• leave at his home after serving nine months in Korea with the 2nd artillery, division; He has been in service since' November of 1960. He describes the Koreans as confused people, having been under Japanese rule for forty or fifty years before their liberation and then suddenly finding their country occupied by vast armies during the present conflict. He adds that they are loyal, up to a point, but are not sure if they can trust anybody because they, Ferol Martin, daughter of the To date> <254.75 has been col- Clinton E. Martins of McHenry, i lected for the Cancer Crusade in recently. was installed as presi- j McHenry, still considerably short dent of Delta Zcta sorority at the ' £oal of $800. University of Illinois. She is a I The McHenry county chapter qf very outstanding student in the ^ American Cancer society i» College of Agriculture, majoring about four and one-half yeatai in home economics, and is active j and locally carries out the in many of the campus activities, i a*m8 the national organization. Ferol will be the delegate chosenj One-quarter of the money raised from the chapter to attend the j is used for research to assist hosnational "Golden Jubilee" con- • pltal and universities in finding vention of the sorority at New • cause and cure for the disease. Crewmen from the aircraft car-1 Orleans this summer. The con-: Two symposiums a year are eonrier USS Tarawa took part in the i vention will be held June 22 to 28 J ducted free for doctors to learn what scientists have dif&overetf in late methods. Education programs, including talks and the showing of films are available to county organizations free of charge, with about fifty such programs having been presented last year. There are at present three loan closets In the county, with every cancer patient in the county who is cared for at home entitled to all dressings needed, free of Charge. fhere are four organized group: now malting dressings.' Baafy uw , Of-the 3$ million doHar* rfcehrM. iky the State of West Virginia W » tales tax revenue during 19(0, Amm * than 8 million came from bitumln- jg ous ceal. . - ; vrtn Brazil is the largest indepwitol •- tation in South America. w gan grinding out "Grand Slam home runs, Robert G. Schmallng. electrician's mate, third class. USN, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Schmallng of Route 4, McHenry. recently participated in anothei type of "Grand Slam." first combined exercise ever to at the Roosevelt hotel. la Danger Britain's entire defense program Is threatened by low coal be held by navies of foug> of the North Atlantic Treaty Organinations, France. Italy, Britian and the United during; the. month, of zation Great States, March. The Slam." exercise, called "Grand was conducted ill the western Mediterranean with the purpose of glving\ participating air, surface and submarine units training in teamwork under simulated wartime conditions. Crewmen of the Tarawa were given opportunities to visit Paris, R o m e , F l o r e n c e , V e n i c e a n d Switzerland, between operations. At the present time she is KtSsy working with spring carnival, Shi- Ai, helplhg plan the Mother's Day style show for the Home Economics club, A,I0ha Pi Delta, and working on Plow Boy prom, which will be held April 26, and the annual Rose Ball of Delta Zeta, which is scheduled for May 10. His family has received word that William Schlitt; Jr.. left Korea on March 29 after nine months' service there. He is due j ~Hebroa,~Hiiitie"y "iod'carV McHENRY ATTAINS RED CROSS FtJND CAMPAIGN QUOTA/ The Red Cross fund drive reached $22,436.00 at the end nf the campaign, with the possibility of the extra amonut coming in from' unfinished solicitation across the county. McHenry joined A1 to arrive home some time after the middle of this month. have had so little freedom. " He describes the food as quite J School Orchestra In good, having had the advantage of | State Contest May 3 a mobile mess truck when they weren't in a spot long enough to set up field tents. On all holidays, he said his group had turkey with all the trimmings and plenty of ice cream. Wally's Tavern, Laundry,- 1 2 -- McHenry Cpl. Rhode, who had a clerical j choruses assignment in Korea, was flown j excellent to the island on a troop transport j will now McH?nry's high school orchestra, the only one entered in competition in the district, rated a first place, superior rating at Dundee last Saturday. Three loca! WHAT NEXT! Sine Katastrophle An Elm St {Den anderen Morgan da war a grosse Kommoshun an Elm st. nnd Green at., on account die police mussten alle cars shtoppen. ao die Dreiwers plenty Teim hatton um der Szenerie das once-over SB geben. Da am Zeitwokke war •Ine junge Lady (Sie war aboudt 8,000 weeks alte) mit einem Katz ztt a Clothesline getied. Es war net an ordinare Katz. es war a fanziegs Katz, mit a limousine Body. Allies war rosy-posy until ein Pekinese pup, die Salz von a Penwiper, hat die Katz up a Tree Sechast. Die Clothesline hat in den Waader Lah«-- George's Repair, 2 -- Lake Dry Cleaners, 1 Mill Inn, I -- Wonder Lake He pair, 1 Rolaine Grill, 2 -- Paul's Variety, 1. P. Gergits, 505. W. L. Builders, 3 -- Lake View In% 0, S. Duttko, 616; C. Kopp. 542. D. of A-- McHenry Co-op, 2 -- Art Smith's Groc.. 1, L, Smith. 431. Buss Motor Sales. 2 -- McHenry Lumber Co.. 1, B. O'Brien. 445. Wattles Drug Store. 2 -- John the Tailor, 1, I. Thompson. 430; M. A. Thennes. 433; T. Cairns, 428; B. Rourke, 427;. H. Low, 446. P. M. Justen Furn., 3 - Nye Drug Store. 0, M Klnsala, 423* A Hogan.' 481. Wander Lake Sextet- Wonder Lake Repair, 2 -- American Legion, 1, D. Holbaner, 18S-464. Rolaine Grill, 2 -- Krueger's Branches gekatcht und die Katz j Noraery, 1 hat gestruggelt und geyellt. Zoon t William * Mary, 2 -- Cottage ham ein dummer Passerbel who d«n tree herauf gakleimpt um die Katz herunter zu fetche. Aber die Katz h%t ihr Autograf auf dem Passerbei's Hand geskracht, und das hat dem schmarten Aleck sei Hash gesettelt. Die Krowd hat gelaughed nnd die Autos haben gehonkt und getootet Dann finalich kam Jack Smith IMtlt a Shtepladder und ein sack, and der rest war easy. (Mft Shop, 1, V. Kopp, 466. Haven't had a chance to Art Jackson, but am sure the Tigers have set their sights on the pennant this year: Sarly Birds Peterson 1, E. Pelsert, 447; D. Freund, 43C. Carey Electric, 3 -- Downs NMh. 0, E. Smith, 180r432; F. Laraon, 423. 8. H. Freund & Son, 2 -- Town ft Country, 1, H. Knox, 178-495. Dorothy's Millinery. 2 -- Old Bridge, 1, G. Messman. 443; B. Buergler, 432; L. Miller, 452T R. Adams, 421; D. Schaefer, 471.. If The season starts two weeks fttom next Sunday. The Shamrocks Will be st Johnsburg so things should fctart poppin' rtght off the bat Algonquin will be here to meet r;" "tie Merchants In the first game. Hiat will be a big order, but the local boys have given the champs a real tussle in the past More mail. Somebody sent as * > "The National Jewish Daily." Sorry we can't, make out the language, but presume we can Ibid help. If we knew the sender, we'd reciprocate with a copy of the Irish Oazette. Have, been asked to mention Hme corning parties. Next Monday Bight the Foresters are sponsoring a party at the V. F. W. haU for St. Patrick's new school. Two events are set for Saturday night, April 16. The Shamrocks will hold their baseball dance at the V. F. W. and the Sportsmen's Clyb plans a shindig at the American Legion Home. Take 'em aH in. No need of missing anything. $A!LY PINUPS: ' One ihan with courage creates . * majority; one man with fear can '•nare a minority. .Many things depend on Ijick; fltfore things depend on pluck. Politeness is priceless because H doeBn't cost one penny. Dependence on happiness entirely will not make you inde fiendent or entirely happ?. Jumping to conclusions is not Friday Nlte Owls-- House of Steele, 3 -- Schroeder Iron Works, 0, J. Justen, 431; ,L. Stone, 423. Koenemann's Sausage, 2 -- Ml Place. 1, L. Betts, 42|;- F. Freund, 434. Three Way Inn, 3 -- Wing & Fin, 0, L. Fijalkowski, 46i; N. Meyer, 422; C. Thomas. 422; I. Stoller, 467; B. Buergler, 453. Al's White House, 3 -- Riverside Castoms, 0, J. Rosing, 458; B. Hul- QUiSt, 424; E. Rand, 602. There Coach Wheeland will lead his Junior Varsity baseball team against six teams, starting with a home game vs. Barrington April 23. Junior Varsity Baseball 1962 Wednesday. April 23--Barrington --Here Wednesday, April 30--Warren- There Wednesday, May 7--W a r r e n-- Here Wednesday. May 14--Grant--HeTe Wednesday, May 21--Grant--There Wednesday, May 28--Barrington There Tennis enthusiasts are busy, under the direction df Coach Fulton. in preparation for a busy schedule of matchers. Tennis Schedule 1953 Tuesday, April 22--Crystal Lake --Here Friday, April 25--Elgin--There Tuesday, April 29--Belvidere-- Here Friday, May 2--Barrington--Here Saturday, May 3 DISTRICT MEET Tuesday, May 6--Crystal Lake- There Friday, May 9--Lake Geneva- There T u e s d a V, May IS--Belvidere-- There Friday, May 16--Lake Geneva--- Here Tuesday, May 20--Woodstock-- Here F r i d a y , May 2 3 -- B a r r i n g t o n - There Tuesday, L^IEKIIIZE-Wdodstock-- There Wednesday, May 28--Elgin--Here • The golf team will be directed by Coach Cuda, who joins his fellow coaches' in hoping for fine weather in ordeT to get in the needed practice. The diversified sports program, as outlined by Athletic Director McCracken, provides a wide range of selection for all who wish to participate. Golf Schedule 1962 Monday, April 21--Barrington-- There after five months training here. He was returned on the General Meigs under the rotation system. In his own words, Cpl. Rhode says, "My experience so far has been worth a million dollars but I wouldn't take a million to do H over." merited second place, ratings. The orchestra enter stat^ ^competition After a month spent at home, he will report to Fort Sheridan for re-assignment He expects to° be back permanently in November. World's Largest Riverside Church, New York, boasts world's largest carillon. It 1# housed in a 22-story tower. Offensive The attack ot St. Mihiel in War I actually was part of a bigger operation, the Meuse-Argonne offensive, which led to the ultimate defeat of the German armies. LAKE t h e a t r e Crystal Lake, Illinois PHONE 044 Saturday Matinee at 9:00 P. M. Sunday Xatlnee at 3:00 P. X. Week Days at 7:00 P. M. FRl. & SAT., APRIL 11-12 Also Saturday Matinee at 2:00 Cornel Wilde Maureen O'Hara "*• in •At SWORD'S POINT" In Technicolor , -- APRIL 13-14-15 Humphrey Bogart Katharine Hepburn in *• ••AFRICAN QUEEN" In Technicolor WED. A THUR8., APRIL 16-17 Van Heflin Evelyn Keys in •fHE PROWLER" COMING "Hon* Konf" --r-~~ "Battle of Apache Pass" "Streetcar Named Desire" "Bugles In the Afternoon" • --PALACE-- 7 :# C. «. P.- Herdrich's, 2802 -- Justen's, 22- 62, J. Herdrlch, 200-523. Kreutzer's, 2326 -- Jager's, lt- 13, D. Fredricks, 522. Old Timers-- Rogers'. 2251 -- Blake's, 2185, H. Stoller, 209-644, Crlsty's, 2246 -- Petersen's, 2208 The Perfect Token Of Easter Tavern-- Herdrich's, 2 -- Park Pa»> l, Sund, 517; 8imon, 507. Hoots, 3 -- Hillcrest, 0, Noouan. 516; Freund, 515. (No name). 2 -- House of Stefle, 1. 9i00 Ladles-- Wilson's TV Girls, 3 -- T. Olsen 4k Son, 0, M. Powers, 452; G. Barbian, 188-178-525; M. Donnelly, 447 Steffan's Diamonds, 2 -- Riverside Hotel, 1. E. Wlnkel, 439 M. Yegge, 427. Wofrefs at imi. ayi&ol of re^S-ection that makeB your gift the perfect expression of the day! Touched with the magic of spring, each perfect blossom proclaims the miracle of the holy day. Select the white loveliness of Easter <*c lilies or a scented armful of other blooms touched with the pastel brush of spring color. You'll take pride in sending exquitei potted plants or cut flowers or a beautiful corsage. City-- McHenry State Bank, 3 -- Walsh Insurance. 0. Cristy, Jr., 504; Cristy, Sr., 206-506; Schaefer, 211-626; Wiser, 608; McCarroll, needed to limberr up your imagi- Sr., 204-607. 1 Heater Oil, 3 ~ Atlas Prager, 0, -- ^ •• • • •... ^: w o -- -- n u a o Ifinsala, 557; Aregger,. 208-568; T. Delivery Where And When You WisET McHENRY FLORAL CO. 1 Mile South of McHetiry on Route 91 IRONS MCHENRY «CM at Jacksonville on May 3. Ratings are made in five visions, designated superior, cellent, good, fair and poor. di ex- Medicine Tree The abeto is a Mexican tlmbe! ree that vield* medicinal ?um. Cross Word Stickler The aardwolf !s a hyena-llkf luadruped Tops Reserves Coal comprises 83 per cent r>t fuel reserves in thr IT S ELM RT. 176 WAUCONDANOW OPEN DAILY THURS., FRI. & SAT., APRIL 10-11-12 Howard Duff Mona Freeman Josephine Hull "tADY FROM TEXAS" (Technicolor) 48UN. & MON., APRIL 13-14 Kirk Douglas Patrice Wymore "THE BIG TREES" (Technicolor) 4 Cartoons Sun. Mat. 2:30 P. M. -~Tr; ' " TUBS., WED. & THURS., APRIL 15-16-17 Academy Award Winner Vivien Leigh Marlon Brando "STREETCAR NAMED DESIRE" reaching 100 percent of its quota at the end of the campaign. National headquarters have now exhausted their reserve held for disasters and a direct appeal is being made to chapters for an additional quota toward the necessary five million dollars to be used in the seven sUte tornado. ' The extra quota for McHenry i county is $1,000. With 1,117 homes I destroyed and 2,218 damaged as of j Monday. March 26, the southern I tornado ranks- as a fiscal year's | second largest disaster and one! of the severest in Red Cross history. Bat Bites • The basenji. a small African da$, Ut does not bark Charcb Family i: ' Mrs. R. K. Jones of PheniX City, M Ala., has 15 Methodist ministers Jn her family. ill Tepee Church The Baptist church of Edmund, Okla., is built from scrap stMl tlk bing and is shaped like a tepee, ft holds 450 persons (et G Get year Rose Bashes, Ofauty* oils Dahlias, Tnberosls and Beironias from Vycltal's. 48 ENDS- TO-NIGHT ^ Richard Widmark in "RED SKIES OF MONTANA"] FRI. & SAT., APRIL 11-12 2 -- BIO HITS -- 2 and Read the Want Ads THE RIVIERA Show Place of the Middle West Lake Geneva, Wisconsin DANCING Every Saturday Night with BUD WILBeR and his Orchestri Wisconsin's Most Daneeable Band Featuring Lovely JAN TRAVIS GRAND OPENING This Saturday Night Tollow the Crowds Every Saturday Night. to RIVIERA Wisconsin's Most Night Club SUBMARINE -- COMMAND WILLIAM HOLUEN • HANCV OLSON SUN. & MON., APRIL 13-14 [ KIRK DOOGUS JM|' TUES. & WED., APRIL 15-16 Their was no east or west when their lips met! JAPANESI I WAR BRIDtl .HIRLFV VAMflGUCHI • DON I • 110k SAT. MATINEE APRIL, CARTOON SHOW 11 Color Cartoons Laurel and Hardy Comedy, Chap. 3 - Capt. Video and Rocky Lane in "COVERED WAGON RAID" kiddies Adm. 25c tax inc. PRI. & SAT., APRIL 11-12 WARNKR BiraftMMMr i L _ BUSTY MSTA iLSON lAMBl^UUSE HIM SPRUNG « UOSKQEMAN j^NRIBK A "COVERED WAGON RAID" <! ( 0" SUN. & MON.. APRIL 13-14 ill Helena Carter Forrest Tucker TUBS, ONLY APRIL 1%V STAGE SHOW > r Ra|ph Krause and Hw .1 Cavalcade of Stars . ,. € -- ACTS -- 6 Stars of Stage, Screen an|l TV. and On The Screen. r-- : . , Vfra Vague to. "SQUARE DANCE KATIE" Stage Show Once at 8:4^ <y ba is! O' WED. A THURS.. APRIL 16-17- Peggy Cummins " John Dall in «GUN CRAZaP Co-Peatur# "THE YOUNG LOVERS" . Ai :al. .' % ^ Spirit-lifters 1 Compare Our. Prices Before Vou Buy.. ^. II you are looking lor a Combination Television, we have them. It's Ratheon TV and it's Futurized for 3 way television performance. The only set with a Iife-tim4 warranty oh jhe tuner switch. 20" Rectangular T.V., AM - FM Radio, 3-speed Htonograph, plays all size records. AS LOW AS $435.00 4 20" Rectangular T.VM with Phono-Japfc S- switch. Console Model with full doors, i ; AS LOW AS $275.(FC 17" T.V., AM Radio and Phonograph all speed all size record player. AS LOW AS $245.00 17" T.V. Console with half doors.^ AS LOW AS $24^0# • • '« . •• » . - 'i r- ^"JilfeAik i F. M. TELEVISION F* SALES AKD SERVICE m £ iSm StfMt McHmrf, niiaote PHONE 979 7 UU r.o e to ilT 8O he IT ITS WILSON WKAR ITS FAUITLESSd& Atik A man's got to fee/ cheerful to look cheerful! And there's spirit-lifting magic in the colorful, lighthearted patterns of these Faultless Drury Jacquard Ties. They're quality Jacquards, too--you can tell by the lustrous finish.;; the smooth drape ; ; . the uncanny way they resist wrinkles. Pick up a couple tQ4 day--and feel as bright as you look! •' : $1.50 to $2.50 McG EE'S GREEN ST. K&hikt bTORE HOl RSt Open Dally * A. *. ^ « P< M '"i Fridays : S M. to 9 p. -J_ Monday* *ui \oon" * V "61