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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 17 Apr 1952, p. 8

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is?-« ""f"? •njWi ' ""' ' ' W^W^mm1 -IS®!1 THE MeHBnrrPKMHOBM»t T^Mdnr. Apr* 17/196# Cancer Ciiw Unknown I • Unfortunately, the cause of can- ,~Cf is oot known. It is even like- 'iljr that there are several causes. as research continues hi varj| otta forms, as more knowledge is j| accumulated, it is to be hoped . that the cause of cancer will ultimately be determined. the edU- $icational committee «of the Illinois Instate Medical society observes ill fa HEALTH TALK. If; It is known that cant er is a cur- I able disease, provided it is recog- Mnlted sufficiently early. There ate ,'! some cancers that do not fall into -this classification, but they ape : rare exceptions. ; Why> is this? prinfeipally be1- |'cause people -ignore the warnihg I-signals that indicate a possibility (of cancer, thus permitting /the. .condition to spread throughout the body. - • j / There are" seven clues or. dan.- . ger sigtials to the presence ef-cancer : any sore that does not heal; a lump or thickening in the breast • <or elsewhere, unusual bleeding or ^discharge, any change in a .wart ^or mole, persistent indigestion or J difficulty in swallowing, persist- _|ent hoarseness or cough, and any change in normal bowel habits. Cancer attacks quietly. Outside i the tell-tale danger signals u„o ;pain is felt. A normal cell in* the "body, through some unknown act- ' ions, becomes a cantor cell. The cancer cell splits and becomes two |ca ncer cell#--and so on until the > disease, if permitted to go undetected "and lint urbed. spreads ill?' different sections of the body, it j Large Ptrcentag* Hold is only when cell after cell has Bonds Afler Maturity been affected, resulting in metas-j * tases or spreading and destruction of tissue that pain is a complaint. Cancer does not favor sex. Exclusive of cancer of the breast, which takes the lives of some 15,- 000 women annually, more men die of cancer than women. Children are not immune, because one Seventy-seven per cent of the holders of maturing Series E, U. S. Defense Bonds, took advantage. in the past eleven months, of their option to hold them and continue to draw interest on them for another ten years. Goohi Gmh+% (by Mark SchaetUrenJ Here is-a cake Which is different from most, ft uses whipped cream instead of the usual butter. double in built. Dttide dough in thirds and roll each third to flinch circle. Brash with melted butter. Cut each circle in twelve to sixteen wedge-shaped pieces Roll each wedge up starting with wide end and rolling to point. Arrange In greased pan and brush with melted butter. Cover and let rise again until very light. Bake ^ w , On May 1, 1951, the Treasury and a half per cent of all cancer, department offered ^ holders. deaths are in the age group from , who8e bonds were maturing, three birth to 14 years. 'options. First, of course, they can interest in your own self-pre-1 cash them and ^ thei|. nervation should lead you to your geoond they may conth1Ue to hold physician for a careful physical them ^ contjnne to draw Intep_ j examination. Let your physician egt on them for another ten yearB. check every possibility for the Thp tMrd provlgion give8 ihe op_ presence of the disease. Let him-^ of tradJng them for current look for cancer. ^ Income Series G bonds upon If detected in the initial stages » whJch intere8t at the rate of 1¥i f of development, cancer rhay be 'it has' a different" taste and'ls Iin 400 degree oven about e^rttee" I simply made. It is good without! minutes. ! icing served with cooked fruit or | u Hke some of these to stretch a light dinner. It m»> for breakfast, sprinkle sugar and be iced of course but since it al over one of the 9-inch j controlled. Surgery., x-ray. and radium are the three acknowledged procedures. Remember this, so that vou can avoid the "cures" per cenf. is collectable twice an? nually. . Arnold J. Rauen, state director. Of the U. S. Defense Bonds divis- .• . . . ion for Illinois, reports that, both labeled by Quacks and others who . in and nalionally. prev upon the public. • J many holders of maturing bonds. When the cause of cancer i who do not need ready cash at known, it will be announced to the 4 world, so beware of •, the qi^icks who announce the cause to be ready contains such rich ingred ients we suggest it be served'UU iced. - Whipped cream, cake. 1 cup whipping cream 2 eggs 1 cup sugar » 1% cups pastry Door L1 tsp. vanilla ' . 2 tap. baking powder . ' % tsp. salt Beat cream until firm. eggs until light, thick and lenicn colored. Fold into cream and bea lightly for 5 minutes (by hand* cinnamon circles before you cut into wedgok. I Then place these in separate places to riBe and sprinkle nie.i sugar and cinnamon over top IK - j fore placing in pan. If you plan to Haave the cinnamon-flavored ones , lor breakfast, cut baking time -fcbout two minutes 6o they win fitot be too dry after re-beattng. tliis time, are taking advantage of these options. With three billion seven million dollars in "E" WINS APPOINTMENT / Dr. Adam Mioduski of Chicago has been appointed assistant director of the state Department . f Registration and .Education by Sift sugar with 1 cup flour anrt • Governor. Adlai L. Stevenson. Dr. fold into first mixture; add fluv Mioduski, a member of the Hons their secret knowledge. Also avoid • maturing this year> mnny serums, vaccines, caustic pastesland herb mixtures which are. alleged cures for this dr£ad disease. Today medicine has ways and means of establishing positive diagnosis of cancer. How much better to find out--than to suffer silently with your suspicions. Trust your physician, for his decision may be---it isn't cancer at all. persons who purchased these securities will be in a position to earn additional interest on the already accumulated interest as well as on the principal of their investment. ---- I I GIVES YOU THESE EXTRA FEATURES AND MORE ORItLOW CYCLHOND IRAKI LINING WHIILS GET THE COMPLETE PICTURE THE DODGE SHOW DOWN WAY! A. S. Blake MOTOR SALES 301 E. Pearl Si. JdcHenry, I& , Phone STATE APPOINTMENT James L. Fox of Wilmette lias been appointed superintendent of the Division of Foods and Dairies LINCOLN COLLECTION ' bJ" 8tate Direc tor of Agriculture The Illinois State Historical Roy YunS- to succeed Charles Library has postponed ut.til May Wray. dismissed in January when 21 its first public showing of rare admitted accepting bribes from Lincoln manuscripts receutly pur- borsemeat dealers. Fox has since chased at the auction of the fam- 1®*' been head of a division of ous Barrett collection in New F°x DeLuxe Food corporation of York.- Governor Adlai E. Steven- Chicago, one of the largest proson is scheduled to take • part in duce houses in Illinois. During the official opening of the exhibit World War II he entered the U. Son that date. Among the papers Navy as an ensign, and was reto be shown are fourteen letters turned to inactive duty as a written by Lincoln to his close lieutenant commander after fOOr friend Joshua F. Speed. This cor-: an(* one-half years' service, respondence was purchased at a cost of $35,000. TAX RECEIPTS A comparison of tax receipts issued by the state Department of Revenue shows collections for the _ DEFENSE FUNDS ^ An extension until April 10 of the opportunity for Illinois target 1951-52 fiscal year through March area communities to apply for a totaled $267,193,929. This is $15;- share of $6S2,309 in federal ; 174,746 more than was collected matching funds for defense has ! during the comparable period in been announced by Lenox R. Lohr,1 the 1950-51 fiscal year. A decrease state civil defense director. The in liquor tax receipts was more original deadline was March 10. than offset by increases in motor Such funds may be used only for fuel, sales tax and public utility fire fighting equipment, air raid revenues. warning systems, rescue service oring. Sift baking powder and salt the 61st, 62nti. 64th and 6-M'i into remaining flour and add to' Gene'a; Assemblies, has been en mixture. Turn into paper-lined In Pra(;tice of chiropody 'loaf pan and bake in moderate J- cago. ! oven 36 to 40 minutes. 4 „ .... .. t I . ' ; Complete line of Beebe livestock i • . , . . . . remediev at Writtto* Drag Store, If you are having baked ham jfrllenry. ' su -for Sunday dinner, nothing could -- be better than a special t?eat ot home-made hot rolls. If there arc anf left over tbey may be warmed for another meal. Even leftovers from Sunday dinner are far more acceptable if accompanied by good hot buttered rolls. These rolls are not difficult t< prepare and are just about failure proof even for those who are ginners in handling yeast dougV Butterhorns j l cup milk, scalded Mt cup butter 1 cake yeast (small) Vg cup sugar 3 beaten eggs 1 tsp. salt 4% cup bread flour Combine milk, hotter, sugar Mid salt. Cool to lukewarm. Ad,! crumbled yeast and stir well. Add | eggs, then flour and mix to smooth, soft dough. Knead light-1 ly on floured board. Place dough 1 in greased bowl; cover and let! rise in warm place until at least PI1MW The scientific application of water flooding In the Illinois oil fields promises to result in the recovery of 800 million barrels of oil that cannot be brought out 1 by ordinary methods, according to Paul A. Witherspoon, head of the petroleum engineering division of j the state geological survey. L&sh than 10 per ceut of the producing' Illinois fields are now being flooded, and a great future lies1 ahead for the use of this new' technique, he said. ^ Th» Qbtotfo Motor - ciob- patM» •ut that traffic accidents cost U.S. motorists $8,000,000,000 per year in bodily injury and property damage, liability pay men ta,. medical expenses, w**e 10ss«s and property losses. The average-.«ar consunfea abodt 8,000 gallons of ' gasoline In its lifetime. At present tax rates, it* owner will pay the state and federal governments abotit $440 in taxes on that gasoline In Illinois. CLARENCE'S SHOP - MADE TO-ORDER Bird Houms -- Lawn Chairs -- Swfatgg Picnic Tables -- tTmhrella Tablas -- Sand Boxes ^ C; Cement Chimney Caps " Cesspool Rings and Covert Pier and Park Benches -- Flower Boxes ; ^ ^ Wheelbarrows -- Picket Fences -- Arbofli Trellis, etc. Unfinished Kitchen Cabinets, Cupboards, V; Chest of Drawers, eic. ^ . CLARENCE J. SMITH JOHNSBORO OifS'SDVUfi DSUfli v Wet weather has been delay&Ni Illinois oats sowing. The weekly bulletin issued by the state and federal departments of agriculture reports that only about 5 per <seht of the total intended acreage fcad b^en planted when rains halted »-ffcml work. This is in contra^ With the 26 per cent in the ground at this time in an average season. Winter wheat appears to be in good condition except for a few complaints 6f heaving, the bulletin says. Alfalfa and red clover came through tft» winter in-£09d shape. One-t)iird of all cars in use today are more than ten years olf| while one-half are at least eigln years old antf* havq been driven an average of 79,000 miles. PROFEWOnflt nirlECTORV needs and defense communication networks. Renew that subscription to the Plaindealer now. DR. HENRY FREUND OPTOMETRIST At 136 S. Green Street, McHenff"^ (Closed Thursday Afternoons) «EYES EXAWrNED -- GLASSES FITTED TMtAL TRAINING -- VIStAL RFHABlLITATIOJf COMPLETE VISUAL ANALYSIS HOURS DAILY t 9 to 18 A. V. and 1 to 5 P. M. FRIDAY EVENINGS: 6:00 to 8:30 P. N. EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT * PHONE McHENRY 452 Speeds work--saves money--helps builders deliver quality work #Fut, prompt delivary, any time, any place. •No mess to clean up; damped •**cdy where wanted. * •"Mix't accurately proportioned for your job. • Full strength, reliability and uniformity in every load. •Low price delirtttd-ao gamble on cost. You and your builder will both benefit by using our Keady-Mixed Concrete. Phone us before you h«y|d McHenry Sand & Gravel Co; PHONE McHENBY 920 KB FRONT STREET McHENRY. IL& TEL. 583-J-l 3E?"S5*%33S35 SPEEDY ^ McHENRY GARAGE r I'tu BET >T5 BBCAUsi VOO M AVE IT «KRVICEO BY NO, THE WE NEVEW senviceOiT rrs BECAUSE TK MOTOP ISN'T <SO!M6 THERE "VV)U«T MOVMA%THy PNtROCMO/ SlAHTEIN*. \W PTRO ikMim M AEM. BOU TBM aikit itamfuc' 1 rr oocwy -"O* MOtOO1? MCfi AND QUIET 1 CAtrr EVEN WELL, TXePE* NICK MILLER'S McHENRY0AKA6i SnM«LA»fr-S WILLYS-OVERLAND SALES 604 FRONT STREET PHONE 403 USED CAR BARGAINS 1950 Willys Station wagon, 6-cft„ orerdrive, 1D61 Willya Plck-up,'c2 'wh««l tfrl*e with,heater heater, radio 194S Universal Jeep, heater, & aluminum top. 1950 Ford panel truck. Model F-l with heater was (travel n apptkmcmnow atpvr nmarmf start oryonr iB. C. R. SWAJfSQ* «§ ' Dentist S. Gre«n Street ^ ^ Office Hoars: Mkily Except Thnrgdfty ^ » to 12 -- 1:S0 to S*80 MonH Wed. and Frldaj. Evenlftft 7 t« 9 P. M. Telephone McHenry 160 E. E. PEASLEE, D.C. | CMIropraefor m S. Green St., McHenry Office Hoars: , Dally Except Thursday 9 to 18 -- 1:S0 to 6 Woiu ffed. and Frl. Evenings 7 to 9 P. M. Tall McHenry 292-1 ' Per Appointment VERNON KNOX 1 Attorney At Law " C6r. Green and Elm Streets MoHenry Tuesday and Friday Afternoons Otter Days By Appointment Phone McHenry 48 ROBERT A. STUEBK9 Attorney At Law •04 Center Street Phone McHenry 218 McHENRY, ILL. WILLIAM M. CARROLL, Jr. Attorney At Law 110H Benton Street Phone Woodstock 1M4 WOODSTOCK, ILLINOIS JOSEPH X. WAYWWE Attorney At 2mw 809 Wankegan Road (RFD Beg} Phone McHenry 492-W ~ WEST McHENRY, ILL. LImesteM VERN THELEN Tracking Black Dirt VxcaTatln^ % let McHenry 588-R-2 or 688-W-l Box 172, Rt. 1, MrPenrv- TIL when you have Automatic III lou wonY be schedulebound.... when you have modern cMomotic laundiy appliances! "Doing" a laonHyr is so easy, takes so little time, • you con polish it off any hour of any day. You'll add two new days to your week... dtrys you used to spend washing, hanging heavy wet clothes, standing for hours over an ironing board. Your automatic washer will wash, and spin the ctothes while you're busy elsewhere. When washing time is up, you'll simply toss the clothes into Ihe dryer •.. where they'll tumble and fluff-dry in minutes. Later, whenever you feel Dke it, you can sit down at your modern rotary ironer and In no time at «B fhe entire .UMMUUfet e• iwlllRwO I• You won't dread Monday ... you wont worry obout the weather... and you wont have "boning backaches"--when you have automatic laundry appliances. lit ffc» <ww automatic farundrw A. P. FREUND Jt SONS J ; Excavating Contra<*tors 'Vtruckhtg, Hydraulic and Crane Service -- ROAD BUILDING - TeL 0O4«*M MeHenrr. ITL INSURANCE EARL R. WALSH fire. Auto, Farm A Life Insurant Representing RELIABLE COMPANIES When Tea Need Insurance of Any Kind Phone IS or 118.X •{frees A Elm MeHenty RTOFFEL & REIHANSPERGER insurance agents for all classes ef j preperty In the best companies. West McHenry, IllieoU Telephone M0 M7 Main Street McHenry, HL PUBLIC SIRVICE I COMPANY OJ= MPRTHERM UilMfllf SCHROEDER IRON WORKS Ornamental A fttroctaral Steel Visit Onr Showrooms 4 8 Miles South on Rt. SI Phone 960 ' R I N G ' S PLUMBING AND HEATING BOB FRISBT, JR. Qnalltr Fixtures - Radiant Heating Gas and Electric Water Heaters Water Systems . Water Softeners Repairs - Free Estimates - PHONE McHENRY 289-M * AL'S WELDING AND RE PA lit SERVICE f t9I Main Street, McHenry Electric Portable Welding Acetylene Welding and Cutting ALEX W. WlRFS, Operator P h e n e O l f t - W - l o r 4 * ^ McHENRY, ELL. -- WANTED TO BUT CALL AT ONCE ON DEAD HOGS, HORSES and CATTLE. We pay phone charges. We pay $6 to $25 for Old Horses* les* for down horses and cattle* MAXrs MINK RANCH Jeknsburg . Sprlag Grove Phone Johasburg 314

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