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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 17 Apr 1952, p. 10

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BuHTED APRIL PIsMN^E&LfR Thuredey, April 17, If l f " " f t f f f f l M l , , ' I Mr*. Joeoph F. Ross. *86 Forest Gfoncoe, has b«n named •Mmty chairman of Lake and Mc- •MNV counties for the Salvation Army's annual Doujchnut Day* to be iMld Friday, June 13. in Chi- Mg* *nd suburban areas. As county chairman, Mrs. Rork will direct the efforts of the women serving as chairmen of tagging activities in the communities and suburbs of Lake and Mc- . Henry counties. Little paper doughnut tags, symbols of the Salvation Army's service to the unfortunate, will be- sold by local volunteer taggers. In the communities of Lake and fclcHenry counties, as in all coininunities outside Cook county, 20 per cent of the money raised in > > the local Doughnut Day drive will •J'v remain with the community resident serving as local treasurer for the Salvation Army. At the - discretion of a local committee, these funds will be available foi . a program of health, welfare and • cultural activities. These services ' may Include clothing for school ' children, dental, optical and medi- Cal aid and family welfare assis- . tance of all kinds. The other 80 per cent of the Doughnut Day proceeds will hf msed to finance partially the Sa! vation Army's medical and dental ^ clinics, 'hospitals, day nursery. "Mummer camps, services to tin men qnd women of the armed Aorces, recreation and youth programs, and approximately a hun 4red other social-welfare servict-s. Mrs. Ross has worked as tagge-' and location captain for Dough- BUt Day for the past fourteen years. "Every woman who contributes only a few hours of her time as ft Doughnut Day tagger is helping The Salvation Army help the needy," Mrs. Ross said. MAYOR FHEUNP PROCLAIMS THIS FRIENDSHIP WEEK and is green and white, highlight statistics from You," eighteenth in the .Hits. WJL'.Jf, FREIN1) ; Mrs. Margaret Freund, wife" 6f William X. Freund of .lonn'.-satn . passed away at her honie on'sunday, April 6. following a year of poor health. She was 77 years old. A solemn High Mass was iviii. by her grandson. Rev. Fr. E. W. Jung, M.S.C., at 9:30" o'clock Wednesday morning of Last week in St. John's church,, with Fr. J. Daleiden as deacori, Fr. J. Blitsch as sub-de&con. and Rt. Rev. Msgr. C: S. Nix, Fr. Edward C. Couklev. Fr. John McGowun. Fr. John Reuland arid Fr. Vavro. M.S.C., and Seminarian Robert Miller, another grandson, in the sanctuary Attending last rites rjwere relatives and friends from Madison, Chicago, Waukegan, DesPlaihes, Arlington Heights and Michigan. dren we can find peace", was adopted recently by AMVETS national headquarters in their program "Operation Friendship." This is done in an effort to start correspondence between the children of Italy and the children of America. .The program as is set up consists of this. The children pay twenty-five cents for a friendship hall. This friendship ball is about four inches in diameter with a map of the world on it. Written across the ball is "To th» children of Italy from the children of America." This rubber ball' comes in a plastic bag ready for mailing. Attached hereto is a tag with the name of an Italian boy {Or girl written on it. The American child writes his or her name 1 and address on the tag and then I gives it to the representative from AMVETS or if they wish may mail it to AMVETS national; headquarters in Washington, D. C.,! and tht>y will include it in a shipment to Italy, These play balls ; may be obtained from the AM-: illation's 1951 Auto Accident Toll [Reported Worst In Our History f*'S The slogan "Through oar «MI-pearly two worst automobile accident toll million casualties, th in the nation's history, were recorded fn 1951. according to figures released today by one of the leading insurance companies in the country. Last year's traffic deaths totaled 37,100, an increase of 1,600 over the 1950 mark. The injury count \ males soared to 1,962,600. more than 160,000 over I960. The death and injury totals are "Lucky annual series of traffic accident data booklets published by the company. which collects aud analyzes accideit atatlHticB f r o m each state. More than 13.000 persons were killed and 570,000 injured last year by drivers who were exceeding the speed limit, according to the report. -Excessive speed was "far and away the most dangerous mistake in driving" in 1951. More than 11.000 drivers under 25 years old were involved in fatal accidents and 416,000 more in personal injury accidents, the Saturday was the most dangerous day of the week to drivp. More persons lost their lives during the hour from six to seven p.m. than in any other hour, injuries hit their peak two hours earlier, from four to five p.m. Ninety per cent of drivers involved in 1951 accidents were Ninety-seven per cent of drivers involved in 1951 accidents had at least one year of gxperience behind the wheel. Thirty-eight per cent of last year's fatal accidents occurred on the open highway. There were- 92 per cent ^nore fatal accidents on ley roads last yesr than in 1950. QMf Attendance t The number Of church members ixceeds the number of residents of California. ^ a \ >• ""I' • '• •• ' Boiling Beets 1 Beets can be boiled with their skins and about one inch of tops left on, or they can be peeled and diced and baked in a covered casserple dish for about 45 minutes. Methodist choir boys juing Oregorisn Mass at a Danville, Ind., * ' Fresh Air !n i laundry room <St ' ffttito-* graphic dark room, a bathroom type ventilator quickly disperses watei vapor or excessive odors .lor better comfort. vmnnp • An anthology is a collection .'thrice songs *. -v"-;' Bard ie Find • ft Xos Angeles when a initiated plans to make a picture entitled "Nice Girl," they made this announcement: "A search is now under way to find a hitherto unknown actress to play the title role. if| Aspencade, says the Chicago Motor Club, is not a fancy drink, but a caravan of cars that annually visits the aspen-clad Sangre De Cristo Mountains, New Mexico, in October to view the glory^otf the t u r n i n g * l e a v e s . * > \ , ' , 010 PLOW SHAR|S ARE THE KSI J-- TNI WWK WhM RipdM With rfte WICSl MffttriD MCTHO§ • NO MMkCC Fl«t UKD • ORIGINAL FACTORY SHAM. WIDTH- COlNVLENCTH AND TtMMl MAIMtAIMp • i. " .• THt CUTTHM BKX h Hit •• -- •hart, ttoa inn * Mi ' >kar* mm4 • WEAR SHARP ^ 1 % GIVE THIICE TIMES MOKE WEAT THAH NEW SHARES IN MOST SOIU M CAN BE Amiib oven AHD OVH \ ; . AGAIN TO SAME SHATL F (UCTtlCAi AUOT M aa<«L«i»lfc faiat » tm» awar aad mahrtala* Vance Welding Service 1 . .. ' * *•* 4 jMjeelto Eaat of ,Qke New BRTDG»-o« IU» 1X6 PHONE 896 V ' " " ' VETS post 181, P.O. Box 412, t Woodstock. 111., or from James Porfltrkl'8 v i n i Krein Sr. Rt. 2. McHenrv. ' Ped«st^an experience in 1961 is * termed an island of encourage- Mayor George P. J retind has ment jn iast year's ocean of acciproclaimed this week, April 14 to dents." A comparison of 1951 with I April 20 as "Operation Friendship 1950 shows that pedestrian deaths Power From Ceal Electric power plants 4ise4L yillien tons of coal in 195&. 06£Y these oflkal Cmt 3 imnute wailing area 3 one minute blasts win M WMMK Week" and has asked the citizens of McHenrv to help in this program, which is aimed at furthering world peace. This program is not restricted to AMVETS but actually is open to any person or organization that would like to see World peace furthered by such a program. i check" while in- j reduced by nearly' were "held juries were 9,000. ' Other facts from "Lucky Yfiii": Sticky Stamps The first adhesive postage stamps were introduced into the U.S. in 1847 Panama Canal The Panama Canal Zon£ was anted to the U.S. jy treaty by snam^Feb. 26. 1904. r. ^Increasing the speed of the average car from 40 to 60 miles per fcour requires an extra gallon of j§as for about every 50 miles. So for economy as well as safety, the Chicago Motor dlub advises moto: - Ists to slow down on the open 'toad. Drop to doer Get j C: trepired ender oed or heavy j defter TaOiafitif Drop to floor. Get fooejr i under desk or urorii ; Sa la ajsifae4 I bench. j shtKtr. . ' • i Drop to floor out i Obey vow tactm of line o( anndoAV i So U> assigned Bury face in arms, f Drop to pound or dive lor cover. Bury nejrett Wtf tace in arms. Orof to floor Bury taa in arms wv-it mm. ms orsmK, Bigelo Sanford's Karpet Kare On Location Carpet Cleaning f Rags and Fnrnltnre Cleaned Binding and Serging. Free Pickup and Delivery Tidy Rug Cleaners Phone Woodstock ICS USE S* SEPTIC-TANK AND CESSPOOL CLEANER Eliminates digging & pumping. Removes sludge, fibrous tree roots, STIMULATES BACTERIA Vycital's Hdwe. PHONE 98 182 GREEN ST. TOHYAItS HOfC FURNISHINGS sV Art Mi Leone Tonyan " t1.."1*, -"'."i'"" -• -- ARMSTRONG -- NAIRN -- KE^TILE LINOLEUM and TILE t f -% fmtallatloi By Factory Trained Mechanics. t . .1 i.... r.;.:. sLAsnc wall tile r; JOANNA WESTERN SHADES HOLL-UP VERTICAL BLINDS: V SIESTA VENETIAN BLINDS COME TO CAREY- ELECTRIC Get this BIG RDWARE WEEK- ^ A yearly selling event that brings you special values on NATIONALLY KNOWN quality hardware. Nine bargain days* and save now on housewares, hardware and tools, paint and aborting goods. ALUMINUM 3 PIECE CANNISTER SET/ $2.75 Value ffllWI. WEEK SPECIAL 8 CUP Aluminum Percolator $1.39 Beautiful design i n p o l i s h e d aluminum with black p 1 a s t i c ; handle. A favori t e w i t h g o o d ! cooks . . . be-1 cause it makes1 delicious coffee every time. STOVE MATS $1.39 Up A wide assortm e n t o f d e c orated top - of - s t o v e m a t s . They're attractive . they protect your stove i HDWE. WEEK SPECIAL lllflMfJ HDWE. WEEK SPECIAL ARTBECK BAKE-O-MATIC Surface Oven Regular $2.39 yt/lHn iiiimiM ELUOTT House Paint Regular $5.50 Gal. CAMEO-SHERBACK CURTAINS Drapery Fabrics by th« Yard. Cttatom Made $;»{»«*to aa4 ^P HARDWARE WEEK SPECIAL OBLONG ALUMINUM ROASTER ~ DISH- PAN Regular $2.80 Original Automatic Electric Deep Fryer TRIPLE VALUE! PHONE 917 208 E. ELM STREET McHENRY. ILL. You <an enjoy the greatest cooking thrill of a life-time TODAY--if you take advantage of this special Fryryte offer at pnee. Serve taste-tempting economy kitchen* Mvc hours of time in the ALL PICTURES MM6CD AT NO EXTRA CHARGE! KING SIZE Q U A L I V snapshots C .INTACT :.l/f WAcSifM WITH EVERY Fri/ri/te FREE 4 Pint, of Wesson OB, Am«dco'» fnrwti.. •WK Fry Krh^ •otter Mtx PER RQJLL Am Stu w/owmt tut t tturn*994 mm 19 Wattles Drug Store HDWE. W1XK SPECIAL ! CANVAS gfc 25c pr. 2 Pr. /Limit DUST MOP Big, fluffy mop gets dusting done quickly. Newest type handle swivel permits dusting under low furniture. 4 '/j -INCH FORCE CUP Regluar 35c HDWE. WEEK SPECIAL*- 25c Powerful springy rubber suction c u p l o o s e n B clogged drains in a jiffy. A household necessity at a . very low "sale" price. HARDWARE WEEK SPECIAL Per Gallon HARDWARE WEEK SPECIAL 5 GALLON OIL CAN - With Filler Spout ** $1.98 Value S HARDWARE ."..I SPECIAL CITY MAIL BOXES Regular liT" RUBBER MAID DISH DRAIN -U- 12% x 14% : All Colon SPEEDWAY Vt" ELEC. DRILL GABOEX S1650 |UUU>WARE WEEK ' SPECIAL RED DEVIL SCRAPER GLASS CUTTER PUTTY KNIFE Regular $1.00 AJ1 Three For Only 1 " WK Gwlf Stream •rond Frozen Shrimp, •ifl Jumbo variety. "THE ROME STORE" ~ = Mate StrMt PHONE 358 McHsnry, IH. -- CAREY ELECTRIC SHOP IB S. Green St. Phone 251 McHenry, 111. HDWE. UTCEK SPECIAL 28" DISSTON 8 POINT , HAND SAW j Plus I Diaston 12" Compass Saw Both for $6.25 HDWE. WEEK SPECIAL No. 400 TURF »oit tfM, drcuUr Mds «* »tr»i*ht «wmy. By tool to 4S* H cuu V-greove betwaca walk and lawn. Cut* •od side and "tottom and pnAe* it out W the way. Child can do pemct work. Blad* poMihad aad akarpeaed, hmm. ' Regiilar $2.50 ' ~T~» wr GREAT STATES LAWN MOWER Ve-In. SWAN 5 Ply GARDEN HOSE •own Bamboo CLOTHES BASKET %)und -- Deep 6&ft. Regular $11.7§ BLACK SCREEN PAINT Reg. 60c Qt. SPECIAL 49° Q1- PHONE 98 W2 GREEN STREET HARDWARE ^SHEET METAL" McHENRY. ILLINOIS

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