• m-\ TO HEAD JTOUNG fOltESTHB '*;/% ^ New Officers Of f'€ Adult Court Were * Installed Thursday t>\ /#'> -+-- the regular meeting of the juvenile Foresters on Monday •Vening, April 28, election of officers was held with the following elected for the ensuing year: Chief ranger, Marian Blake; vice- Chief ranger, Dianne Tonyan; secretary, Delores Blake; treasurer, Joan Wegener; senior conductor, Denise Justen; junior conductor, 'Michelle Burke; flag bearers, Jeanette Freund and Joanne May: s e n t i n e l s , F r a n c e s B l a k e a n d Josephine Freund. The next meeting of the Juveniles will be a pot-luck supper on May 28, at 6 p.m. in the school hall, with each member being •deed to bring a dish. The Juveniles are also asked to bring their mother or a friend as & gueet sfor tgw evening. ' Installation The adult counterpart of the , Juvenile Foresters, St. Clara's court, W. C. O. F., held installation of officers last Thursday evening, at which seventy-five p e r s o n s were in a t t e n d a n c e . A short musical program followed the 6:30 o'clock dinner, at which Mary Rita Stilling sang several numbers, accompanied by Alice Barbian. Ht. Rev. Msgr. C. S. Nix spoke few words, after which Mis*- itfcry McCullcugh, high chief ranger, and Miss Kathryn Murray, high trustee, officiated at the installation. • The service was impressive, frith these juvenile Foresters acting as escorts, Pat Rosing, Mar- |ie Freund, Roberta Wirfs and Rita Barbian. Gifts were presented to Martha JPfeund, past chief ranger, and to nlie Gerasch, past recorder. -Officers were given corsages. Newly installed officers include Helen Weber, chief ranger; Evelyn Blake, vice-chief ranger; tCathryn Worts, recorder; Lillian gtoffel, financial secretary; Mary VYeund, treasurer; Susie Justen. first trustee; Margaret Freund. - itoond trustee; Clara Stilling, third trustee; Rosella Schmitt, M B d o r c o n d u c t r e s s ; E v e l y n Freund, junior conductress; Margaret Schmitt, inner sentinel; Mayme Freund, outer sentinel; jjtorence Blake, junior director. A social hour followed, with {$illian Stoffel in charge. winners in clothing projects in Chicago area schools are invited to model. Other winners were as follows: School dresses, Marlon Blake 1; Zoe Cochrane. 2; school skirts and blouses, Shirley Conway and Barbara JSggert, 1, Roberta Wirfs, 2; skirts and blouses, Marilyn Zimmerman, 1. Skirts, Valerie Cierocke, 1; Section A, Virginia Audino, 1; Mildred Hiller and Mary Ann Miller, 2; section B, Zoe Cochrane, 1; Eleanor McDaniels, 2; date dresses, Carol Arvidson, 1; Louise Hunt, 2; Martha Boldt, 3; sports wear, Lois Claybaugh, 1; Betty Wright, 2; coats, Louise Hunt, 1; Elaine Vycital, 2. Appropriate music for the revue was planned by Joan and Joan Weber, who also played the accompaniments for Judy FreUnd. Karen Olsen, Zoe Cochrane and Patricia Long. Numbers were "Buttons and Bows", "School Pays," "Too Young," 'Take Me Out To The Ball Game," and "Girl Of My Dreams." Miss Clark spoke a few words following the revue, after which installation of officers was held. Heading the Homemaking club for the next year are Mary Linn Hogan, president; Mary Nye, vice-president: Darlene Andreas; Pat Owen, treasurer; Ruth Schaefer, program chairman. • 1 r ^ * V - ' <** 4 ] /: V&: ftiS'Sk s •cwi a i: v T-w,% f "r 1 fhuiuyi h i m at., te r VJT' -I:" F •• J'f -J >"5 <• >"»'***„ r ?- THE McHENBY PLAINDEALER MISS NANCY CAREY WED TO CHICAGO!#; ". MAN SATURDAY • - CANCEH CRU8AMS GOAL TOPPED THIS WEEK IN McHENBT St. Cyril's Catholic church on Chicago's south side was the scene of a pretty wedding last Saturday, April 26, when Miss Nancy Carey, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Carey of Mc- Henry, became the bride of Mr. John McDonald, son of the James McDonalds of Chicago. Rev. Fr. Girard Benson, a friend of the bridegroom's family, officiated at the 11 o'clock service. The attractive bride chose a navy blue suit, with which she wore navy and white accessories and a white orchid" corsage. She was attended by a close friend, Miss Loretta Gebhart, of Chicago, who was attired in a gold suit, matching accessories and had a mixed corsage of gold and white flowers. | Jerry King of Chicago, friend j of the groom, was best man. I For her daughter's wedding, Mrs. Carey chose a beige suit, ! matching accessories and a yellow and white corsage. Mrs. Mc- ' Donald wore a navy blue suit and a white rose corsage. The ceremony was followed by a breakfast for the bridal party and immediate family at the Shoreland hotel, after which the newlyweds left on a trip to New Orleans. Upon their return, they will reside at 2345 E. 70th street. The former Miss Carey is a !uate of the McHenry high school with the class of 1946 and from Loyola University in February of 1952. The bridegroom graduated from Mt. Carmel high school and Loyola University and served more than a year with the Navy. 1 McHenry area resldehts again receiving congratulations, this time for surpassing the Cancer Crusade fund foal. The cochairmen, Mrs. Marie Bartow and Mrs. Charles Brda, wish to thank all the canvassers for their excellent work and all those who contributed so generously. They report that several people gave twice, through their business lis well as at home. The $800 goal was reached April 25 after all business area receipts had been turned in. The $1,000 mark was passed April 29. As an important phase of the Crusade, workers distributed American Cancer society leaflets giving life and death facts about cancer, as well as the disease's seven danger signals. CARD OF THANKS \ I want to take this means of thanking friends, neighbors and relatives for floral offerings,* spiritual bouquets, cards of sympathy, donations of cars and the many other kindnesses extended in our bereavement. We are espec. ially grateful to members of the l£ of C.. council. KATHERINE 8TADTFELD STANLEY AND HELEN •51 STADTFELD At the meeting of the V.F.W. Auxiliary held April 23, delegates were elected for the Fifth district meeting May 4 at Aurora. District officers will be elected at this time. The following have befen named to represent McHenry; Mary Hett^rmann, Marilyn Hull Peggy Kraus, Lina Kilday, Pauline Pries and Clara Fredricks. Jean Weyland, the poppy chairman, reported that the annual Memorial Day poppy sale will be May 24, with the American Legion and V.F.W. combining their efforts to a successful fund raising campaign. Peggy Kraus has been named chairman of special events for the summer carnival. The next meeting will be held May 12 . In Connecticut, which already has a law requiring windshield I wipers on every car, legislators 1 recently 'considered a bill making it mandatory also ,to have windshields. CARD OF THANKS In this manner we wish tc thank our friends and neighborr for the many kindnesses extended to us in our bereavement. Everything was greatly appreci- NEIL AND JUDY ANNE . HARRISON HOWARD B. HARRISON LOIS AND RAYMONI •51 HARRISON Complete line of Beefee UTesteek remedies at Wattles Drag Store* McHenry. 8tf GREAT AMOUNT OF ALENT EVIDENT N STYLE REVUE || A .style show bearing the marks :^§f professionalism was the "Buttfons and Bows" revue which {he "homemaking department of the Ifccal high school presented in the '^Ichool cafeteria last Thursday -Wternoon. The program was in iharge of Miss Carey Clark, lemaklng instructor, who may be proud of the achievements ~4f her students. Judges selected three grand Hthampion winners from amor ( •the many girls who modeled. fSThey were Carol Arvidson, first i|5oe Cochrane, second; and Mari- , "^|yn Zimmerman, third. These i -sthree have been invited to appear the week of May 19 to 24 in a **eries of 'teen fashion shows at ^the Carson store, in which top CARD OF THANKS We. would like to take this opportunity to thank friends, neighbors and relatives for floral offerings, cards of sympathy, donations of cars and the other kindnesses shown at the time of the death of our father, Dr. Rollo C h a m b e r l i n . E v e r y t h i n g was greatly appreciated. MRS. GREETA McCABfc 51 MRS. LOUISE KENNEBECK Fifth Anniversary Dance AT ' THE COZY COTTAGE VOLO. ILLINOIS Saturday, May 3, 1952 Music by 'The Sagebrush Ramble*!*" Free Refreshments snv~» m m ^ Bubble Bath Cottage « plul lu That * treat for some ludcy Little Ltdy! t A beautiful doll house and "her veiy own* Mfhljr concentrated fragrant bubble batfi 3 powder all rolled into one delightful seduce. vf 1 This pily decorated Cottage is mq«e than ;'f jMt a cosmetic container. It is a tojr, a personal •;4*t toiletry, and a prized possession <11 wrapped §.Mp in one four-color package. Little Lxdy's „ Mbit Bath Cottage has an opening at the top permitting easy access to the J If envelope bags heaped full of concfl§» ^ trated perfumed bubble b**h powder^* j Nye Drug Store I WALGREEN AGENCY 129 Riverside Drive \\ l \ t / s SUMMER WEAR for MEN s/ COMFORT / GOOD LOOKS V COLOR / ECONOMY NGBILT These 3 superb numbers promise to be a sellout again this season! Smart new 1952 styling right in step with the new dress habits of men. Sparkling masculine colors to mix or match. Sanforized and washable. SLACKS and SHORTS have 2 button extended waistband...boxer type badc- ... no belt needed ... no constricting pressure on waist... zipper fly.. . 4 pockets... saddle stitching. SPORT SHIRTS with convertible collar ... short sleeves ... square lo-or-out style tail .. . sizes to fit most men. SLACKS.. $3.95 WALKING SHORTS.. $2.95 SHIRTS... $2.95 McHENRY MOTHERS SPEND WEEKEND ipl AT UNIVERSITY 5 • The Illinois Mothers Association of McHenry County held an organisation meeting at the home of Mrs. Anton Grill at Wonder Lake last week Wednesday afternoon. In attendance were mothers of University Illinois students from Marengo, Crystal Lake, Woodstock, Huntley and McHenry. Plans were discussed for attendance at Illini Mothers Day activities at the University on Friday, Saturday and Sunday, May 2, 3 and 4. In additidn to water shows, a theatre guild production and other types of entertainment, all mothers attending are urged to register and attend the coffee hour in the Illini Union from 9:30 to 10:30 o'clock on Saturday. The coronation of the queen mother will be 1:30 p.m. All mothers of students attending the University are urged to oontact Mrs. Grill, Rt. 4, McHenry, for additional information on the purpose and functions of the county IlUni Mothers association. Mrs. Clarence Feiereisel and Mrs. Clinton Martin attended last week's organization meeting and are -planning to spend this weekend at Urt^ana. . CARD or THANKS; I would like to take this wky of thanking all those who sent me gifts and cards and who visited me during the time I was confined to the hospital. These remembranc£ g were very much appreci- I'. JOSEPH M. SCHMITT at *61 LODGE MEETINGS Meetings of McHenry Lodge, No. 158, A. F. & A. M., are scheduled for May 6 and May 20 There will be a special meeting at 7 p.m. on May 6, with second degree work, followed by a stated meeting at 8 p.m. On May 20, the special meeting will be at 7 o'clock, with third degree work, and the stated meeting at 8 p.m. Visiting brothers are welcome both nights. Refreshments will be served. j //Y/f I When die wind acts np, do yon worry about your roof? Here's s shingle disc stays put in wind snd storm. TITBON Shingles have a patented design, self-locking at 4 points. Nailed at 4 points. That's why TrrE-ONS baffle old man wind. The interwoven shingles make a beautiful basket weave pattern. Fire-resistant. Come in and see tfaamt WiRmmmnJ BmUmgHnUrUU BUDGET PLAN AVAILABLE ALEXANDER LUMBER CO. PHONE 5 547 MAIN STREET McHENRY, njL Otm ta it 15-9*0 Deer Catches Keep Bugs OUT! Cetvonteed to Protect Against Rett! 26' Wide Screen doth - full gauge, pure open beai'fh 'sfeel wire drawn to U. S. Gov- * eminent specifications. Fine % 18x14-mesh. Flexible, durable. Up to 36' width* at hw priem Bear Bracts 19c Strengthens, itraightwn ktmd down. 42 Inch cadmium pldtai ll^ dud** screw*. « > ' 15-1903 I I5-US6Q Spring doting for lop, fcottpm of screen doors. Patented conrtrxW-- §isur« (•lily Installed as mriiilng noedodl e> «asy ocMo* M You Pay Only 116 5 QUART CAN AT A LOW 4 QUART PRICE GRADE "A" QUALITY Exterior Pantf e Bright nasMrai e Identical to $7 Mais! e ImMi AM Weather * 25% extra paint at no extra cost! Grade "A" Is resistant to severest weather -- gives yean of protection. Buy now for super savingd 103 Riverside Drive ^ T c i t n ( < « i Geo. ColUtte. Owner GEO. COLLETTE. Owner isiH OPEN SUNDAY MORNING 9 to 12 103 Riverside Dr. PHONE 459 McHenry. 111. V HOURS INCLUDING SUNDAYS ELIVERIES OPEN ALL MEAT FRANKS 47c lb. FRESHLY GROUND Ground Beef , 63c lb. ALL BEEF - ------ mmmmmpmmmmmmmrnmKmm» FRESH DRESSED ^ SPRING-CHICKENS $1 M" PAN-READY CUT-UP EACH U. S. GRADED - CHOICE. POT ROAST 69c lb. WATCH FOR OUR GRAND OPENING COUPONS WILL BE GIVEN FREE WITH EACH $1.00 OF PURCHASE. . HO-MADE! POTATO SALAD 39c PC HO-MADE! RING , Spagetti Salad 39c Pt. FRESH LAKE FISE FRESH CAUGHT LAKE PERCH 53c lb. FRESH Walleyed Pike 59c lb. CHICKEN-SIZE (Sliced) HALIBUT 55c lb. THE RUNS ONI FRESH CAUGHT Smelts 2 lbs. 25c Phone McHenry 3 FREE M AND M MARKET Meets QMflTY Vegeteblea MARUNDE BROS. 118 GREEN STREET and Delicatessen Food# Open 8 A. M. to 9 P. M. Daily, Including Sundays ^ PPf! mm