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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 29 May 1952, p. 8

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®r?M» NEWS FROM *- 3 gpr-l Jr • school auditorium, with Dr. PrM* ton Bradley as the speaker. Wonder Lake "jOf TnwM Sells ftp ^ Wearing their first formals and PI looking like the young ladies they II*1 are about to become (we all hope) the eighth graders of Harrison ||! • school were all present at the 1L.seventh and eighth grade banquet F Tield in the Woodstock country Jr>V club Wednesday of last week. |fa . The graduating class, fifteen of |pi:v', them, occupied the end table in £., a U-shaped arrangement. From .' this table of prominence, the • jgroup conducted a program Which J ifollowed the turkey dinner ser- ' ved by Wally and Hedy Leonard, J ; ; who are now managing the country club. Paul Mattingly served as-mas- "•;; ter of ceremonies for the program. He introduced Winn Davidson, who read the class will, and - jCharles Majercik, who gave the > . . class prophesy. Sandi Sells gave : rv -a report of the <;andy stce conducted by the class and told those • present of the trip Jo New Salem land other points of interest the group would take on the funds derived from the shop. Other graduates include Peter Bastian, Saudi Jo Monteleone, Carol, Eisenhardt, Robert Cormier, Arthur Frenssen, Carol Swanson, Janice Johnson. Billy Wright, Ann Lundborg, Janice Franz and Betty Holocwost. Hie girls gave two musical selections, as did the boys. Mrs. Virginia Monteleone served as accompanist for both groups. The remainder of the evening was spent in dancing. The graduating class, their teacher, John Lathrop, and a chaperone. left Sunday at 5 a.m. ' for the "Lincoln Country" and Will visit Starved Rock, Metatnora court house, Dickson ^founds, the state nursery, the 6tate hatchery, Petersburg, Springfield and New Salem. Third Orade Children ' Y ' Entertain Mother* / , 'r The third grade chlMfen of Harrison school played hosts to their mothers Friday afternoon. They opened the program with A story song of "The Ugly Duckling," during which Ellen Anuerson served as narrator. The main event was a spelldown, with Robert Stedman and Ellen Anderson aa team captains. Ellen's side won with four undefeated on third grade words. The four were Bonnie Hunt, Rosemary Roti, Leonard Benson'and Ellen. Robert Stedman was the last man up on his side with Karl Weisenberger as runnerup. Words were pronounced by John Lathrop, principal of Harrison school. Following • the, spelldown, light refreshments were served to the eighteen mothers present. Miss Alice Clark, teacher of the third graders, pointed out that there are twenty-two children in the third grade so that eighteen mothers in attendance was a fine showing-. On May 13 at 8 p.m. the officers for 1952-53 were installed for the newly formed Harrison School P. T. A., which takes the place of the Community club. Mrs. Fred J. Svoboda, Mfc- Henrv, a director fdr Dist. 26 of the PTA, installed the officers. Membership is now open and it is the desire of the new organization to have 100 par cent community participation. Even those without children in the school or childless shouldl work for the youth of the district. Dues are fifty cents a year. idrs; Merle Weideman, sophomore; Peggy Selsdorf, senior. !• Co-Editor Rob Kolar, son of Mr. and Mrs. loseph Kolar, Jr., Indian Ridge, was chosen one of the co-editors of "Big Chief, Little Britches," a paper edited and produced by the junior class at McHenry high school last week. ,, * & * TIVITIfcS Harvey Is Better Friends of Harvey Blggvra Will be glad to know that he is on the mend again after battling a severe infection and undergoing major surgery at Lake County TB sanatorium last week. by Dora Fnhler A Peggy Selsdorf Will Be Tedknlclaa Geffcldine Cormier, Who will be The word "success" does not graduated with the 1952 class of adequately describe the prom that the Juniors worked so hard on. were effective and ^he hit of the evening was a MAY LOSE LIVES tN STATE THIS WEEKEND McHenry high school, will start training as a; technician ,in July "decorations at Michftel Reea* hospital, Chi-1 The decoratlons cago. President of W.S.C.S. , Mrs. Lotte Hallstrom is the new, president of the Greenwood W.S.- CS. elected at their last meeting. To Entertain 4-H dab Jerry Cristy. who resides on the school blacktop road, will give a project talk to the Busy Three 4-H club at his home June 19. HDr. Morin's Whiskers fcxdte Much Comment T" The stylish moustache Within a few day* the application for membership in the national P.T.A. will be sent in and, at that time, those joining will become charter members. No meetings will be held until the start of school in September but chairmen for the different committees will be set up and a theme for the year will be chosen. Mrs. Isabelle G. Swanson heads the new P. T. A. executive committee. and f)eard (stylish in Woodstock, that is) worn by, Dr. E. C. Morin, Wickline Bay, excited a great deal of comment when he attended the festivities surrounding u commencement at the Illinois College of Chiropody and Foot Surgery, Chicago, last weekend. However, the facial adornments . of the Woodstock foot surgeon created enough attention for the centennial to bring some extra visitors to the city during its 100th birthday. At the annual banquet given for the board of trustees of the college and their wives at the Sheridan Plaza, the " doctor gave a talk about Woodstock and its centennial days. With his wife, June, Dr. Morin was present at the open house of the college Friday when alumni, , parents and friends of the graduates visited the classrooms. Friday, at noon, a buffet luncheon ' was served for the graduates and the alumni by the wives of the . faculty members. Mrs. Morin was one of the wives serving. At the annual meeting of the alumni association Friday afternoon, Dr. Morin was re-elected president of the group for the third time in a row. Saturday afternoon, commencement was held at ' Lane high IM Orowteg Post The Wonder Lake Legion post is one of the fastest growing posts in the McHenry county council. This fact was brought out at the last meeting of the council held in Hebron when the "baby" post of the county showed membership of 92 compapd to 56 last ynaft ' . Appoint Deputy .Roger Hansen, who hat been acting as a deputy out of the sheriffs office for some time, was officially appointed a deputy at the last meeting" df the board of supervisors. Lookout Point Accident In an accident on Salem road, Lookout Point, last Week, James Wesley Hale, 17, backed his car from the driveway of the Hale home and into a car driven by Richard E. Mahal, 17, Hickory Falls. Roger Hansen investigated. GUILTY VERDICT Dr. L. F. Silverman, D. C. of Crystal Lake; was found guilty of practicing without a state license in violation of the state medical act by a jury in county court last week, Judge Henry L. fountain on the stage that mystified everyone by actually spouting water all over. After a great deal of detective W9rk„ we discoverer that a puhip (a ve^y silent one) kept pumping the watir up throughout the middle of the fountain. It then fell through a series of tiers until it reached the original trdugh, and again begpn its journey. In accordance with the theme of the prom "Evening in PaHs," tiny bottles of "Evening in Paris" perfume were attached to each . dance program.. The highlight of the evening was the crowning of the king and queeii by Louise Barbier and Paul Marke. The proip king and queen, Tom Huemann and Darlene An-? dreas, led the grand march following the coronation. The music was supplied by Vern Perry. Seniors Rehearse The line of march htt bain completed for Baccalaureate, ahd the Seniors had two rehearsals last week. The service will be held Sunday, June 1, in the auditorium. The speaker of the evening will be the Rev. Fr. William Coakley of St. Patrick's parish. Also on the program will be Jablt Wirtz and his vocal aolo apd Mr* eral choral numbers. p M Annuals Arrive i Both Seniors and underclas& Cowlin presiding. He was found men have been dashing around Memorial Btf The American Legion would like to remind all Wonder Lake- residents of the Memorial Day services and parade which will held Friday morning. Ceremonies will be held at the monument in the Center. guilty on three counts of an information charging operating without • a license and advertising himself as a chiropractor. The information was filed by Claud C. Martin representing the state department of education and registration. T6n dflys is allowed for filing a written motion for judgement notwithstanding a motion And a motion for new trial by the •fttfimif Junior-Senior Prom "Evening in Paris," waf the theme of the junior prom at McHenry high school Saturday night and the perfumer who makes a perfume of the same name sent gift vials of their product to every girl who attended the prom. The low blue celling arrange'® In the gym created romantic at mosphere, as did the red fountain on the stage. Among those who attended the prom from Wonder Lake werr Rob Kolar, Danny Prince, Tom Holocwost, and Jim Strom, jun- Modern Work Modern factory work in general ts more varied and meaningful, and less arduous, than the .laborer's work of a hundred years ago, but the complexity of modern production does require special effort by management to explain the meaning of the job. Need Rubber stamps? Order The Plalndealer getting signatures on their annuals 'which arrived last we$k. The annuals were edited by the journalism class. They also have a rather unique cover which bears a picture of the high school in blue and reminds one of "McHenry High School on a foggy day" or "Student viewing school through blue eye shade." G. A; A. Banquet Held The Girl's Athletic association held it"s anfiual potluck banquet Wednesday evening In the' cafeteria. The yearly awards were distributed and next year's officers installed. 1 Arion Awards Distributed At the band and orchestra potlufek banquet last Tuesday, the Arion awards for outstanding wo^k in music were distributed. Charlene Dowe receiveed the band award and Jack Wirtz the orchestra. Arion awards ate nationally recognized and Charlene and Jack may well be proud of tfiMr accomplishment. They were selected by an election in' which band and orchestra members made the choice. Illinois traffic "over the threeday Memorial weekend will claim twenty-one lives, the Chicago Motor club predicts. Holiday* traffic cf¥*r tfte flfrat big summer weekend of the year may bring injuries to 735 persons as a result of auto accidents. Property damage accidems during the same period will approximate 1,200, the club says. Reflecting an increase in traffic accidents' rates during the first quarter of 1952, the Illinois prediction is three higher than the eighteen deaths experienced on Illinois highways in 1947, when Memorial Day was last on j good operating order. a Friday. -I . •••> -- • Of the twenty-one deaths, prob- n.i. r ably eleven will occur on roads file Average head of hlir-e<jk outside Cook county, according slats of approximately 120,Odb into statistical estimates.' The j dividual fibers. The life expectancy club's estimate is based on past of human hair fibers is about three accident experience adjusted to years. MfiMii mm hmmumm cbrrent traffic vcrtumes, accident rates and totiring -Volume. To improve prospects of safe holiday driving, the Chicago Motor club recommends the following four-point program to motorists: 1) Schedule holiday activities to eliminate driving When fa-1 tigued or after consuming alcohol, i 2) Schedule trips to reduce or eliminate night driving, producer of two-thirds of all traffic fatalities. 3) Increase margins of safety, particularly passing or folowing distances, and control speed at intersections, railroad crossings and on curves. 4) Make sure that brakes, windshield wf peri, lights, ihd other safety equipment are in Yoaaffe Women Younger itofnen will be joyed with return of th* QlbMll girl look not ohly in blouses but also Mi presses. This flattering style lends itself to the lovely materials avail* able and is especially attractive carried out in the sheer fabrics worn during warm weather. ^ Coaqrtefte line ef Mi poultry mNmBh - •(, Wattles Vng Stent McHenry. W Faint Shrag Soft dropping shoulders with Just a suggestion of a shrug combined with the new arched hipllne in a skirt are two of the newest things in fashions for suits UJBM--taw CLARENCE'S SHOP MADE TO ORDER Z j : Hougfts -- Lawn Chairs -- Swings Picnic Tables -- Umbra 11a Tables -- Sand Boxes , Cement Chimney Caps Cement Cesspool Rings and Ccr*etf£, Pier and Park Benches -- Flower Boxes " Wheelbarrows -- Picket Fences -- Arbor* Trellis, etc. Unfinished Kitchen Cabinets. Cupboard^. Chest of Drawers, etc. CLARENCE f. SMITH fEL. 583-J-l JOHNSBURG DECORATION DAY ' mm.'- WE RENT LAWN ROLLERS •sai i Althoff's Hdwe. »©1 Main Street McHenry PHONE k* 1 YOU BURNING YOUR. TAKE-HOW PAf IN A He burns and bwm«% .. an«| burns. There's no end to his ap-1 petite. And the cost of llw fuel he burns takes giant l|ttes out e£ 'your.budgcti ReplaceY ron now SAVE WORK! SAVE MONEY! GAS BOILER Hore's quick, quiet -O-E' warmth. Top efficiency from •his C-E engineered unit. Completely automatic G-E heating cowiodlSal*, dependable, dadgned for long life. Hundred* of hollow. --' •*-- r--f^ilnMe«a bailor* give efficient heat transfer (atf. Water-filled bottom of ca»t-iroa boiler aad*Gw lated |acket cut heat lenei to a minimum. Quick-igniting, quiet banwf*^getjlki) out of tha fuel., ^ Revolutionary Process Brought to McHenry LOCAL CLEANERS ' GENERAL MUW* 1UIVIX ELECTRIC H. E. BUCH & SONS rt . ^ 133 Riverside Drive Phone 48 4rE GITE AHD KEDEEX GOLD BOND STAMPS? LOCAL CLEANERS have Installed their plant the new STA-NU PROCESS. TW« process is now being used by the country'* leading clothing manufacturers to make gar* ments look "Newer than New." LOCAL CLEANERS - now tin STA-NU PROCfc&S on all garments cleaned by them. • LAST LQNGt:R 1 f r e s h e r LOOK BE.TTER It's weather to be out-of-doors with all the "comfort* of home" ... or to enjoy your favorite sport I portable PICNIC STOVE $5.88 D Few* into com po<l carr/ieg coie Heavy griN adjvifr able to 3 heat level* • Metal plate for wiadthieU or griddle fitted Picnic Basket Hand wown fibre with strong dustproof bottom. Rich maple fmith. Hinged lid fitted with 4 each multicolor plaitic plate*, mug*; 4 each bright double tinned fork*, tpooa*. 20 x 12 x 12 in. live cool* for complete r'-f • Hot. evea %re wi»h either charccol or charcoal brk quette* $4.95 r -v ALWAYS RKTAM THAT AtWtOOK WHKN MOCKSSIO Wtflt 9NH MtttAClB Of FABtIC FINISHIMO PROCPSS IKE AND FCCL TNS DirrCRCNCK NO EXTRA COST TO YOU Exclusively at LOCAL CLEANERS PHONE 20 206 GREEN STREET McHENRY, m. PICNIC ITEMS Moody •xleetion forks , led Hot teotter* 29c HombwrOriU* . . 39c ^Uok *roiler» . . PICNIC JUG A remarkable low price! Keep drinks hot or cold for hour*. Easypour *pout. Non-*taining ceramic liner cleans like glow. Enameled •teel jacket. VACUUM BOTTLE $1.69 A buy! This smart looking, well mode bottle at a tiny price.. Keep* beverage* hot or cold for hour*, l-qt, little Brawn CHEST $7.95 Imulated deel case in metallic finish.' Watertight liner. Ice compartment *• parole from food. Rubber seal lid, plated handle and lock. all-steel CASTING ROD $31. .98 Street with lots of tip octSoo. Off. *et aluminum handle, plastic and cork grip*. Positive screw locking reel teat. Stoinles* steel guide* end tip-top. 4W ft. Plastic PICNIC WAR! plates mugs 39c each 19c each e e e e e o e o * e e o e e e e e t e $1.79 COFFEE BOILER Extra big--makes 53 cupfuls. Slue mottled porcelain enameled' steel body, sturdy enough for the compfire or barbecue. Easy-pour *powt. o o o o o o o o o o o o o o e o o o e CROQUCT SET 6 ball $10.95 Enjoy thi* favorite game. Molded plastic balls-, full site mollet heads, hand turned beaded screw-in handle. Striped color stakes, nine metal arches. Wire rock. o e e e e o o o o e o o e o o o e e e $5.88 FIELDER'S GLOVE Pull sized pro-model fielder s glove. Top quoliiy selected black leather. Fully lined, a real valve, e e e e e o e e e o o o e e e e e e e "pcoi for everyone.. , Regulation size Cowhide cover SOFTBALL BAT 7Q Good quality hardwood C e ^ l e e e o o o o e e e e e o o e e e $2.95 69c CASTING REEL Z CASTING LINE Non-bock lash. 3-pc. J Block Dupont nylon brotd. down. Bakelite end platen • Heat treated to reduce stretch, nickol plated metal parts. J Waterproofed. 15-lb. test. 50- Plastic orbor. 100 yd. co> • yd. spools. ppefy- .A , • 59c ted» MacGregor Master GOLF BALLS Remarkably true in flight ond on the greens because the center is wound with highest quality rubber thread. Tough balata cover will take more than average amount of Runishment. GREATER VALUES OFF'S "McHenry County's Leading Hardware" \ 801 Main Street PHONE 284 McHenry, DL uih« rROFE/J lOllHl DiRECTORV I ? m C. H. SWAUfMUr^ Dentist ^120 S. Green pj; . • Office Honrs: Ball? Except Thursday 18 -- 1:S0 to &:S0 ^ Ifon.. Wed. ud Friday. ETeatap^ • ? to l P. x. Telpphone McHenry 100 ••CErSPBSSSSSS B. E< PEA8LBE. DA \ v - C h i r o p r a c t o r M0 S. Green St, McHenry Office Horn**: Except Thnrsday » to 12 -- IsSO to S Motu, Wed. und Frl. Kvenlnfrs ' 7 to » P. M. i'nll McHenry 2W-t For Appointment VTIPNON TOfOX Attorney At Law j^Mr. Green and Elm Streets McHenry Tuesday and Friday AhmiooM Orter Dnys By Appointment Phone McHenry 43 ROBERT A. STUEBEP Attorney At law 604 Center Street Phone McHenry 208 McHENRY, ILL. WILLIAM M. CARROLL, Jr. Attorney At Law 110H Benton Street Phone Woodstock ltti WOODSTOCK, LLIN0I8 JOSEPH X. WA OJIt Attorney At Ijiw 800 Wankefran Roatl (RFD Bo*. Phone ?l<•!ien••^' WEST McIIEVKY. tLL. FRANK S. MAY # B L A C K D I R T - Gravel - Mmestodr :|| Excavating Rt. 1, Johnsburg Phone: McHenry 58Q-M-1 , Limes te» •ERH THEI.KK , Troefclnc Gravel Black Mr Excavatlntr fi t McHenry &88.R-2 or &88-W.l^ B o x 1 7 2 , R t . 1 . M * 1 1 w A. P. FREUND A SOU* Excavating Costrfx-MW Trni jiln?« Hydmuiic and Crane Service -- ROAD BLILDISGTel. 204-M Mchenrr. UL IKSURANCK f __ EARL R. WALSH ^ Fife, Anto, Farm & Life l<>' onUM» ~ Represent In* RELIABLE COMPANIES When Ton Need Insurance 01 • Any Kind Phone 48 or 118-M g/ BHtm A Elm McHenj^ ^ STOFFEL A REIHANSPERGEB ^ fOsarance lifrents for all classes Of. . property In the best co*npanlefl» West McHenry, IlUaols Telephone 800 M7 Mala Stseet MeHenry, I]L (: IT T E P S E R V ! ( f SCHROEDER IRON WORKS tftnuuaental A Stmctnral Sted Visit Our Showronnu X Miles Sooth on Rt. 81 ^ Phone 960 w B I 5 G ' 8 PLUMBING AND HEATING BOB FRISBY, JR. Qnillty Fixtures • Radiant Heating Gas and Electric Water Heaters Water Systems • Water Softenen Repairs • Free EstlnuUen PHONE McHENRT 289.M ' #L*8 WELDING AND REPAIH SERVICE 001 Main Street, McHenry • Kief trie Portable Welding Acetylene Welding an«l Cutting W. WIRFS, Operator fhone 615-W-1 or 404 McHENRT, ILL. -- WANTED TO BCT -- ^ CALL AT ONCE ON DEAD HOGS, HORSES and CATTLE* We pay phone charges. fe We pay $0 to $25 for Old Hor*00> less for down horses and cattl* MATfS MINK RANCH Johnsharg . Spring Grove Phone Johnsbu* 814

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