-* T «« « .,»: *J . JoM 19. 1952 THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER X HEWS FROM IWonder Lake J"-.. ... By tuMM Mil * • Hm Major Sorcery Mrs. Gertrude White, who recently had major surgery in a Chicago hospital, returned to .Wonder Lake Sunday. She is presently staying at the home of her son and his wife, Dr. JPQd Mrs. Raymond Watkins, but THSJls to be back in her Indian Ridge residence with her husband, Ralph, in the near future. -|,vV Letter From Austria A letter from Pell Woodward (stationed with the army in Aus« tria) to his parents, Mr. and Mrs, M. W, Woodward of Wonder Woods, expresses concern over the attitude of people in the U. 9. f^iTke letter says, in part, "Say what's going on back in the States We're hearing a lot of things over here and very few of them are good. A guy out of our room went home on a furlough and when ha came back he said people don't realize we're here and much less they don't care." "Alao," the letter goes on, "the fejgow said the U. S. has forgffiten about Korea. Well, it's no fun sitting here and waiting for somebody to start something. I've got no leg to stand on for I enlisted but there are twenty draft guys to every R.A. and they ' don't want to be here, let alone |4n the Army." . The letter goes on to deplore the steel strikes. It is well to J Jiear the voice of the soldier. He ur first line of defense. Fomlen Visit Woodstock Merritt Fossler, Oak Park, was organist at the wedding of Bonnie Masslich and David McConnell ill Woodstock June 7. Mrs,. Fossler was with her husband as a guest at the wedding, which took place in Woodstock's Presbyterian church. The Fosslers, former residents <f£Wonder Lake, have two sons, tne elder, Duane. married to the former Patricia Stoddard of Wonder Lake, and the younger, Kenneth, who will probably yred a Wonder Lake girl this summer. Entertains Doe Club Mary Jo Berry and Alma Davis assisted Grac Kunz when the last named entertained the Woodstock Doe club last week at her front residence. Stk • rtev* members " wgre ' Welcomed into the club, which is the woman's branch of the, Elks dub. The «ix, several of thecn fireffl Wonder Lake, are Jerry DofiaftlUe Alice Wagner, Louisa Vogt, Judy Rasmussen, Kay Vacula and Rose Weisenberger. Helen Stanley, Indian Ridge, will entertain the Does at a picfiic Aug. 20 at 6:30 pjn. Give Stortc Shower Mrs. Doris Nicholson, Hickory Falls, was honored by a stork shower recently held at the home of Mrs. Virginia Mahal, with Mrs. Uldena Haught serving aa her cohostess. In the games played, prises were won by Helen Kay, Mary Onadt, Fern Paetow and Marian King, Others present included Mrs. V. Benson, Mrs. Kay Vacula, Mrs. B. Heubner, Mrs. E. Gamen, Mrs. E. Redini, Mrs. F. Feldhahn, Mrs. M. King and Mrs. E. Buckley V , Back From Chicago Kathy Paetow, 3, daughtW^ bf the Charres Paetows, Hickory Falls, has returned from Chicago, where she visited with her grandmother, Mrs., Grace Paetow, tor a week. Rides London Bus ; Mrs. Dorothy McEachreK, recently returned from a threemonths' tour of Europe, had to return to the U. S. to ride one of the famous London busses* Mrs. McEachren was • one of those who took a tour of Chicago in one 6f the visiting English busses last week. She said it gave her a strange feeling to see the driver on the "wrong" side.. OES Meeting Alyce Hoeft, Shore Hills, served as worthy matron and her husband, William, served as worthy patron at Worthy Matron*' and Patrons' night in Hebron last week. Parents Of Son Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Fuhrer are parents of a son, born June 14 at Memorial hospital, Woodstock. ' ||, Winn Davidson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Davidson, returned to his home Sunday after having been a patient at the Memorial hospital, Woodstock, for two weeks. Winn, who was graduated with the eighth grade group at Harrison school, celebrated his four* teenth birthday June 8 at the hoc* pital. Several of his iirlpflmfjtai came to the hospital, i .. v -* V Gospel Church News - ' The outing given in honor,! a& the winners of our recent Sunday School contest, \$a£ held last Saturday, afternoon, June 14, on the eh«*ch lnWn. And did the kids &iv* a fttd time There were exciting fames and contests, with prices and plenty of refreshments served, lack Loshbaugh, Flora Offener and Dick Oldson diirected the games and a number of our ladies assisted in serving the happy throng. At the morning service last Simday, June 15, we had the joy of dedicating Beverly Ann, dear little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Allen Dimon, to the Lord, by means of prayer. There should have been three more little ones with at this occasion, but unavoidable circumstances prevented the parents bringing them. We were happy to welcome at this service a number of visitors, among them Mrs. Thompson of Des Moines, Iowa, Mrs. Blair of Scotland and Miss Stevenson of London, England. This week the pastor is attending the annual conference of the Evangelical Free church of America at Winona Lake, Ind., but expects* to be home in time for the services next Sunday, June 27, which will be at 10 a.m., Sunday Bible School; 11 a.m., morning worship service; and evening gospel service at 7:^. Belgian Tewne In the Middle Ages, Belgian towns became wealthy and virtually autwomoM* as great textile centers. Enjeya Deatlst If the first few visits are only for Inspection or cleaning, as is likely to be the case, the child will often actually enjoy going to the dentist New Ceal Can Six thousand new 70-ton hopp§r coal cars are being constructed for use on the Norfolk and Western Railway* vfind aad Means "Whatever woman may be in the metas she uses, her ends partake of the grandeur of elemental nature."-- C. K. Munro. Making Certh A coal-carbonjtation product || new being used as the starting point for making synthetic Cortisone, the miracle drug. Plate's Name The fed Pluto was kne«a as Hades ic tKe Greeks. Million Dollars In New Exhibits Scheduled For Science Museum A million dollars in new exhibits are scheduled for opening in the next several months at Chicago's Museum of Science and Industry, according to an announcement from Major Lenox R. Lohr, museum president. . These exhibits in the health sciences, communications and industrial fields will total approximately 34,000 square feet of floor space according to the report prepared by D. M. MacMaster, museum director. Most of these are already under construction while others are being built outside for later installation in the Museum. First of the new installations scheduled for opening is an exhibit on the heart which will add an important chapter to the Museum's health sci?nces section, already considered one of the best centers for public health education in the country. Sponsored by the Chicago Heart association, the exhibit, totalling 3,000 square feet, will constitute the most comprehensive exhibit on the subject matter available anywhere. It also launches the most ambitious program in teaching the individual how to live with his heart. Covering the complete structure and functioning of the normal heart, the exhibit is designed to give the public a complete understanding of how the heart works so the problems involved in combating the present greatest "killer" malady will be readily understood. "Learning to live with your heart means living longer," is the theme of the exhibit which will feature "the largest heart in the world'* -- 16 feet high -- through which Museum visitors may walk. In another part of the exhibit a normal heart pulse will be shown visibly and audibly and still another section will show the complete cycle of the blood's circulation. Installation of special industrial exhibits commemorating the Centennial of engineering is also under way and will be ready for opening in July.'They will be devoted to the achievements of engineers in the major industrial fields. Something the Museum has long wished for will be part of the installation -- an electric stairway provided hy Westinghouse which will carry visitors from the main court directly to the centennial exhibit area. As part of the centennial observance, a theatrical production, "Adam to Atom", will be presented twice daily and three times on Saturdays and Sundays in the Museum's theater. Detailing the history of engineering in dramatic form, the show is being directed by Helen Tieken Geraghty, wellknown for her previous work with the pageants of the 1933 World's Fair and the more recent Chicago Railroad Fair. The U.S. Navy will install a completely new section on its equipment and engineering activities as part of the centennial ex- DR. HENRY FREUND OPTOMETRIST I. Ai 136 S. Green Street, McHenry •. (Closed Thursday Afternoons) »- ItfcS EXAMINED -- GLASSES FITTED VISUAL TRAINING _ YISUAL REHABILITATE^ COMPLETE VISUAL ANALYSIS H0CILS DAILY : 9 to 12 A. M. and 1 to 5 P. I, FRIDAY EVENINGS* • :<*> to 8:10 P. M. ETEMNflfi BY APPOINTMENT PHONE McHENRY 452 hibits program. These will remain as permanent exhibits when the centennial observance ends in October. £ \ The "Story "of Rubber", sponsored by the B. F. Goodrich company of Akron, Ohio, is another major exhibit under construction. A moving rubber sidewalk will permit Museum visitors to see part of the exhibit which starts with the production of crude rubber and ends with the processing of the man-made product. One of the most spectacular features will be a guillotine test in which a heavy steel knife is dropped from a 65-foot height on a modern tire to demonstrate the strength and toughness of today's tire construction. Another industrial exliibit being built is "Hardwoods". Sponsored by various members of the hardwoods industry, the exhibit will tell a comprehensive story covering the biology of trees and the various uses and processes making up the hardwoods industry. Of special interest will be a section devoted to the mythical giant of the forests, Paul Bufiyan, and a log cabin in which the visitors' equilibrium will be apparently altered. Major additions are alio Ache* duled for the telephone exhibit sponsored by Illinois Bell Telephone and Western Electric. Several temporary exhibits of consequence are also scheduled although these are not included in the mjllion dollar additions Hated by MacMaster. Maay White Washington, D.C., has had many temporary Whi*<* Ho- ;. They were used while the Executive Mansion was under repair or reconstruction SUpptng Ceekfea If you are sending cookies to Korea, pack them in a metal or wooden box, and line it with waxed paper. Place a cushion of crimpled waxed paper on the bottom of the llfl Dtseeverie* In remote wildernesses of the Peruvian Andes, two explore** iought to pinpoint the true souree bf the Amazon River. A 5,000-squaie-" "mife desert of frozen sand was diecove red on the Arctic Ocean coast of Alaska. In the North Sea, a German clergyman renewed the cejfr turies-old search for the legendagf sunken empire, Atlantis. ex Baby Projects Wattles Drag McHenry IlL P ROF E >5 i OnflL DIRECTORY * Dmiaii U' m*W -' ai' i*l**•u' ng• Dishwashing will be easier if you few a large button on a corner of your dishcloth. The button mill make scraping food particle! off the dishes much easier. Want ads. like freedom, art everybody's business.. TURTLES ^ IRAND Mint Hb feftsreefatorW FrW»*larte#OleAh#%||fc f MAS* •«» •* JMC. BOLGER'S DRUG STORE GREEN ST. PHONE 40 M9HENRY. ILU * . ( E - ' R A T t H G O M R GO L. D E N 1 A N If f V E R S R f ! '5 * ^ -,3 BUTCH'S SAVE MONEY ON YOUR CAB Regtlar . check.. np§ . ani maintenance by ear expert* ipaeang fewer car eests fer ioa! a 24 Hour Towing Gravel We Do Complete Motor Overhauling. 309 W. Elm Street McHenry* IlL Phone 811 Residence 91-R in a 1952 Ma**SA00* *+*bI£r ATC8*an Smk iiotar*. DMiim Nwtk KMmlm Carf^IktraM, McHENRY BARNYARD PAVEMENTS # * +Sanitary Economical • Labor Saving* • Food Swing ( • Last a lifotimo madoTwitH READY-MIXED CONCRETE I'pOR doxcn« of other iflnproremciits around the hrw, M 1* other material offers the aerrice and economy of fe, enduring concrete. If you are planning a new ft* >roof poultry house floor, sanitary dairy barn foot) a floor or foundation--build it tbt convenient low >st way with teofr flfcerf Concrete! iMcHenry Sand & Gravel Co. PHONE McHENRY 920 FRONT STREET McHENBY. ILL. v v JB. C. R. SWA3S0V Dentist v!120 S. Green Street .. "* Office Honrs; : laily Except Tharsdny ' : » to 12 -- 1:S0 to »:S« •en^ Wed. and Friday. Evealngl 7 to 9 P. M. - Telephone McHenry 1M '• ' E. E. PEASLEE, DX. Chiropractor m S. Green St, McHenry Office Hoars: Bally Except Tharsiay • to 12 -- 1:30 to t lea* Wed. and FrL Evening# 7 te • P. X. Call McHenry 2*2# Fer Appoistment YERX0X KNOX ^ Attorney At Law , -| Ceew Green and Elm ttmb A XI McHenry Taesday and Friday Afterao«4| Other Days By Appelatmeat • Phone McHenry 4S 10BERT A. 8TUEBXS Attorney At Law 604 Center Street Fhone McHeary S# McHENBT» ILL. WILLIAM M. CARROLL* Jr. £ Attorney At Law 119H Beaton Street • \.r&~ Phoae Woodstock lttt WOODSTOCK, ILUH0IS i , HJOSEPH X. WAYK3B Attorney At Lnw Waakcgan Road (RFD ! Phone Mr Hear* ttg-W WEST McHENRY, ILL. FRANK $. MAY ^ B L A C K D I R T p Sand' - Gravel • Mimntimft ExcavabLjr ' - Rt. 1, lohnsburp Mcllenry 58MM TIEN THELEH Tracklnr BlackDtat ExcavatlMr teL McHenry &88.R-9 er &88-W-1 Bex 172, Bt 1, McHenr*- in. •• •4 •• 1 -J M ^0 - ^ Vi 11 A. P. FREOD M sen Excavatinir ContnwtMi J^acklnf, Hydraatle net Crane Serrlce -- ROAD BCILDISG -- TeL 204-M Mchenrr, I5SCRASCE Kill. R. WALSR fire, Anto, Farm & Lite lntluii||f' Represeatiac RELIABLE COMPANIES . Whea Tea. Need Iasnranee Any Kind Phone 11 er 11&-M Creen k Elm McHemrj THIS BIT--the "car of ourcarsM in fifty golden years--the Nash Golden Airflyte! Come and share our dream. See the most beautiful car of our time, styled by Pinin Farina, world's most famous custom car designer! Open the door to entirely new style and comfort, with the widest seats of any car. You can even have seats that recline or make up into Twin Beds . . . plus the finest eye-level visibility you haVe ever experienced m aa automobile. Thrill to the smooth performance of the nfft Super Jetfireengine and itsamazingeconomy, too! Discover riding ease and readability like you've never known before, thanks to modern Airflyte Construction and new Airflex suspension. Delight to the wonders of our new Dual-Range Hydra- Matic Drive. No matter what car you now own, get the thrill of the Golden Airflyte. You'll say this is your golden year, tofl^v; DOWNS NASH SALES «U ELM sr. I--W««A ™ T**" Club--See jeer paper far line mi date Phone McHenry 484 8T0FFEL ft REIHAN SPERGEB iBsnrnnce agents for all clnesee el nrepcrty In the best ce^npenle|i Wert McHenry, Illinelt Tr' - Telephone S00 f07 Main 8tfeet McHeary, IB. SCHROEDER IRON WORKS Ornaaeatml ft Strectnral Stefl Visit Oar Shewrooma jjl' Miles Sooth on Kt.ll Phone &0 lklNG'S j^LVMBIX' AND HEATDfl BOB FR18BT, JR. j > Qiallty Fixtures - Radianf Heetine Gas aad Electric Water Henten Water System* - Water Seften^f "-i Repairs - Free Estimatee PMONE McHENRY 28»JI AL*S WtLl>l>C. 4>D REPAIR SEKVltK 011 Main street. McHenry Electric Portable WeMIng * - Aeetyleae Weldiar ae«l CiUia£ ALEX W. niRFS, Operator c Phoae Cli-n -1 er 4«4 v McHENRT, ILL. -- WANTED TO BUT -- & CALL AT ONCE ON DEAB , HOGS, HORSES and CATTLE. Wf pay phone ehaifee. We pay $6 to tS& fer Old Here^ less fer down horses aad catt)% MATTS MINK RANCH ^ Muuhnrr • M*t Grave Phoae Jeh«»h«rt «H