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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 3 Jul 1952, p. 12

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RINGWOOD . U»'\v Xn. Georrr Sktpari -i Mr. and Mrs. Ben Walkington (entertained their five-hundred club at their home Tuesday evejhing. Prizes were awarded to Mr. knd Mrs. Kenneth Cristy,. high, and Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Berg, low. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bloom of jpox Lake have moved into the jMuzzy apartment vacated by jBob Gibson., hy" . Thr Horfte Circle will hold a 1% picnic at Rox River Park Thurs- ' flay, July 10. * }'r The Happy Clovw 4-H club ?¥% ?^net at the home of Annette and " 7" Jfcharlotte Smith Tuesday evening. , 'iThere were demonstrations given Charlotte Hogan on a tossed Y^alad. Barbara Feezel gave a V demonstration on appetisers uscream cheese. Mary Hogan ave two demonstrations, one on reezing strawberries and one on ench dressing. Plans were made Un the 4-H attending the Home Bureau at the home of Mrs. Born tit Wonder Lake July 8. Those lanning to attend camp at Camp haw-Waw-Nas-See next week 6 re Barbara Mahol, Rosemary -Cihos, John and Jerry Hogan, ->Lois Hunt, Annette Smith, Joyce •Turner, Mary Jan« Bell and Sharon Rossman. The Busy Three 4-H fclub met fet the home of Jimmie Adams . Thursday evening. Plans were made for the county fair and What each one is to exhibit. £ioyd Hern don and Bobby Jean feterson are going to attend Camp Shaw-waw-nas-see this . Week. The Sunshine 4-H girls will tneet with Charlotte and Mary Hogan Thursday evening. -j^e senior Youth Fellowship £roup met at Greenwood Sunday Evening, June 22. Plans were Ciade to attend the Passion play t Zion Sunday evening and to ^ fiold a potluck supper at Green- , wood afterwards. Some of the ? ';i^|)arent8 will also go to Zioft. A family get-together was <en- . Joyed at the home of Mrs. Agnes • --jJencks over the weekend. Those to attend were Mr. and Mrs. Leo jNewlin of Hutsonville, HI., Mr. £fend Mrs. Roger Stevens and - slaughter, Audrey, of Toledo, r., t)hio, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wheeb'f t , "|er and daughters, Mary and MartV (iorie, of Tulsa, Okla., Mrs! Hugo '. .Learning of Trenton, New Jersey, v v "Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Reid of Madi- Wilson, Wis., Mrs. Charles Stevens |l/ ,'dof Milwaukee, Wis., Mr. and Mrs. >•* - Tom Pettise. son, Stephen, and daughter, Susan, of Barrington, Mrs. O. I. Cox of Naperville and i;:7 IWade Sanborn of Spring Grove I The Round-up club held a chari- "' * |vari on Mr. and Mrs. Robert Low r'-. Jat McHenry Saturday evening1. * '<t Mrs. Joe Condon and Mrs. Clarlenoe Adams entertained at a - . jparty at the h<jme of Mrs. Adams ^Wednesday evening. There were ; '^twenty foomen present. W- ; Charlotte, Mary, John and Jerry |* v t iHogan and Marita Thompson attended a square dance party at \ Richmond given by the 4-H Frlr* ' day evening. .. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Coonrad of -Colorado Springs were callers in V*'- the F. N. Muzzy home Friday. Miss Marjorie Escher is visiting her grandmother, Mrs. Tillie Vaillancourt. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wilcox of Woodstock, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lo# of McHenry and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Low and family •pent Sunday with their mother, fkirs. Viola Low. Mrs. Ben Walkington, Mrs. John Hogan and Mrs. C. L. Harrison attended an annual Home Bureau meeting at the Westwood school at Woodstock Friday. Mrs. Collins went to Naperville with Rev. Sample Wednesday, where she attended a luncheon for retired ministers and their wives of the Rock River conference. Miss Marian Peet of Elgin is \Jsiting with- her mother, Mra Lena Peet. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Low, Mrs. Viola Low and Mrs. Emily Beatty attended a pantry shower for Mr. and Mrs. Robert Low at their home in McHenry Tuesday evening. Sharon and Billy Block of Sheboygan, Wis., are visiting their grandparents, Dr. and Mrs. Wm. Hepburn. Mr. arid Mrs. Kenneth .Cristy visited their grandson, John Cristy, Jr., in- Sherman hospital. He underwent surgery on his foot Thursday and is getting along nicely. Mrs. Collins attended a reunion of the jhipils of her Sunday school class that she taught in Greenwood, at the home of Mrs. Bessie Coudrey at Woodstock Thursday. There were eighteen present. This was also a farewell for one of its members Mrs. Arthur Peet, who with her family is moving to California to make her home. A potluck dinner was served at noon and the afternoon was spent in reminising. Mrs. Don Smart, Bob and Bill of Waukegan spent Thursday evening in the Fred Wiedrich, Jr., home. Mr. and Mrs. F. N. Muzzy and daughter, Jean, left Saturday for Los Angeles, where they will visit their daughter and family and other relatives. Miss Lois Johnson of Chicago spent the weekend with Mra. Wm. Pagni. Kenneth Cristy, Jr., of Chicago spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Cristy. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Volkert of Kenosha spent Sunday in the Fred Wiedrich, Jr., home. Mr. and Mrs. Kimura and family of Oak Park were callers in the George Shepard home Sunday afternoos. Mr. and Mrs. Reinwall of Fernwood, McHenry, were callers in the Louis Hawley home Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Berg, Mrs. m IF IT'S WORTH DOING It's Worth Etoing Righi Lester Carr and Mrs. Wm. Mc- Cannon were visitors at Woodstock and Crystal Lake Friday. Tommy Norman of Evanston is spending the week with his grandparents, Mr. and- Mrs. Ben Walkington. Mrs. Louis Hawley and daughter, Marian, were callers at Crystal Lake Saturday afternoon. Mrs. Tollefson, Mrs. Wm. Mc- Cannon, Mrs. Lester Carr and Mrs. Oscar Berg were dinner guests at Crystal Lake Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Norman of Evanston were visitors here Saturday. Mr. and Mr*. Henry Hinze of Crystal Lake spent Sunday evening in the Mrs. Lena Peet home. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Aim of McHenry and Mr. and Mrs. Roy DeChaine of Waujtegan were callers in the Fred Wiedrich, Jr., home Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Phelps Saunders and daughter of Sycamore and Peggy Lenard of Lake Geneva spent the afternoon and evening in the Wiedrich home. Mr. and Mrs. Floyfl Howe and Mrs. Felvey Dais of Crystal Lake spent Sunday evening in the Louis Hawley home. Mrs. Jack Lenard and daughters, Peggy and Betty Jane, of Lake Geneva, Mrs. Davis of Richmond and Mrs. Fred Wiedrich, Jr.. and son, Jack, spent Wednesday in the Phelps Saunders home at Sycamore. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Powers and son of Chicago spent Sunday in the Fred Bowman home. Miss Nancy Bowman is spending a few days with her grandparents, Mr. and Mra. John Ehlert, at Wilmot. Read The Want Ads! Well Sm On The FUthl • gfc- Where are you goitif to fee July 5? At home? At Worht On vacation ? Are you real sure, What makes you so certain you may not be one of the hundreds of people who will start out on a Fourth of July holiday trip--and won't oome back ? Not a pleasant thought, la it Tou may even be a little provoked that we've brought it up. Well, that's all right with us. For the more provoked you get, the more you may think about this Fourth of July traffic toll that annually makes a massacre out of a holiday that ought to be for pleasure and patriotism, not for tragedy. You think it couldn't be you That's what the 360' people thought who were killed over the Memorial Day holiday just a month ago. That's what the 8,936 people thought who have died in holiday traffic tin the last six years. Yes, that's right--8,936 people killed in holiday traffic in the last six years! Almost three times as,many as were killed at Pearl Harbor. Half as many as have dted for America on the battlefields of Korea. How many of these 8,936 people thought when they started out during the holiday that they would never come back? Not one! This one was Just driving around the block to get a morning paper. This one was taking* his family to visit friends in Peoria. This one was merely crossing' the street. Not one of them was purposely going out to fret killed--NOT ONE J So, you see, it could be you. But here's the bright spot in the picture: it doesn't have to be you I " The National Safety Council, which has the grim responsibility for estimating these holiday tolls in advance, says you can make it estimates look silly by merely using a little extra,, caution, common sense and courtesy to offset the extra holiday traffic hazards. The Council says the toll could be cut in half, or evert by two thirds, if you and I would make up our minds, by golly, we aren't going to be one of those holiday traffic statistics. It's just that simple. Instead of saying, "It couldn't be me," just say, "It won't be mej'f .-a^en act accordingly. y ^ That's all there is to it.; * '•••• */ Happy Fourth of July! "See you on the Fifth! $17,828.84 In Public Aid Spent In County In April Public aid expenditures of $10,- 772,926 went to 267,007 persons in Illinois in April, according to Garrett M. Keaster, executive secretary of the Illinois Public Aid Corimission. In McHenry county, aid to dependent children went to thirty persons, amounting to $951; three persons received blind assistance, totalling $123; general assistance was claimed by 154 persons, amounting to $3,291.83; and old pensions were given to 250 persons, totalling' $13,463.01. Order your Rubjtor Stamps at the Plaindealer. OF JULY V There is No Substitute Fer Good Plastering. Phone McHenry 1189 WADING POOL $3.87 Tough vinylite plastic, nonslip bottom, sealed leakproof seams. Two velvet, 40-in. diameter. 1-g.L KWIK. *2.66 MIST INSECTICIDE 78/ PICNIC JUG A remarkable low price! Keep drinks hat or cold fer hours. Easypour spout. Non-staining ceramic liner cleans lik« {las*. Enameled steel jacket. VACUUM BOTTLE $1.69 A buy) This smart loafc^ ing, well made boHlaj at • tiny price. Keep* beverages hot or cold for hours. 1-qt. Spray spells sure depth to roaches, silverfish, moths, mosquitoes. 12-oz. dispenser. • "Mo moke real summer treats! make &ry; rW% m, tit** &*;: 6-pc. TUMBLER SIT 4 green, 9-oi. gloss tumblers In handy carry-out pockage far serving beverages on the porch, for everyday use at the table. your.own ice cream! 4-QT. ICE CREAM FREEZER Frozen desserts in doublequick time. Easy operating crank, leakproof can. Fully enclosed mechanism. *9.95 LITTLE BROWN ICE CHEST* *7.95 Insulated steel case in metallic finish. Watertight liner. Ice compartment separate from food. Rubber seal lid, plated handle and lock. IIUI „ ""Jjm CROQUET SET 6 ball $10.95 fltjoy this favorite game. Molded plastic balls, full size mallet heads, hand turned beaded screw-in handle. Striped color stakes, nine metal arches. Wire rack. SOFTBALL Regulation size Cowhide cover SOFTBALL BAT Good quality hardwood /VC 59C each MacGregor Master GOLF BALLS Remarkobly true in flight and on the greens because the center is wound with highest quality rubber thread. Tough balata cover will take more titan average amount of punishment. mtst 5-FT. GLASS CASTING ROD . Solid Fibre glass, nylon wind-v ings, stainless steel guides and tiptop. Cork grip, screw locking reel seat. . *4.88 • STREAK -- Swims fast, dries test . . . It's Jantzeo's Nylo- •feeen, a sleek combo of Nylon, Acetate, -Cotton, Lastex. Handy drawstring: for individual waisMit .. . ideal swim supporter . wit* actton-free ehwticUed ljejp . . . hidden inside pocket lor ; lpy*. 9 vivid coWrs. $8.95. PICNIC BASKET *1.78 Sturdy woven maple splints, extra roomy. Hinged cover, riveted handles. A super value. ^ CASTING LINE felack Dupont nylon braid!" Heat treated to reduce stretch. Waterproofed. 15-lb. test. 50- oyd. spools. charcoal BRIQUETS 98? io ibs. New improved briquets burn readily. Produce more heat, less ash. $2.95 CASTING REEL Non-back lash. 3-pc. takedown. Sakelite end plates, nickel plated, metal parts. Plastic arbor. 100 yd. capacity. %•. > p- McGEE'S ^ , • .. •• * % i •< .-A-.-.- • ^ « Kf | MEN'S 8TORC 01||I PHONE 4V McHENRY, ILL. Store tloars: 1*11? 8 a. «. to « p. m. Fridays ! * 0 p. Sunday* 9 t» U. 7 , N s . • X Ml Mail Mraji'WONE iH JJi'» MtHcry.-ia. IM'aSOMMEH ?;;«» SPEECH COURSE The summer speech clinic sponsored by the McHenry Chapter for Crippled Children, Inc., opened last week at the Dean street school, Woodstock. Fifty children were examined for speech deficiencies. Forty-six of those examined were accepted for speech therapy. These children will attend the summer clinic Monday through Friday for the next six weeks: Miss Valerie Westfield and Mrs. Mildred Derr, speech therapists, and Irving S. .Friberg, director of the clinic, conducted the examinations. The enrollment of fortysix children represents a considerable increase over the enrollment of fifteen children in 1950 and thirty-one children in 1951. Vera Burton of Richmond acted as receptionist and handled the routing of the children for the examinations. Ray Eden, former director of the clinic, acted as coordinator for the examination day. On Tuesday of last week, all of the children enrolled in the clinic were given a medical examination. Towns represented by th< children in attendance included Cary, Lily "Lake, Riley, Woodstock, Matenjft, Hebron, Crystal Lake, Hdtvara and Wonder Lake. Group parent iqeetipgs are planned tor the end of the second and fifth weeks. At these meetings, parents will be given* in f o r m a t i o n c o n c e r n i n g i p e e ch problems and the means by which JfcgnfajfrflriTa. 195» tkejr may .help tbdr children with their particular speech deficiencies and also to air their view# concerning experiences they havp had In helping their children. || HARDEST BUSIEST OHEAPI WORKERS IN TOWN! PLAINDEALER WANT ADSiSr7 SHOP MADE TO ORDER Bird Housm -- La ton Chain -- Swings ' 7 « Ftefcic Tables -- Umbrella Tables -- Sand Boxit Cement Chimney Caps Cement Cesspool Rings and Covers , • • Pier and Park Benches -- Flower Boxes Wheelbarrows -- Picket Fences -- Arbor* / :; Trellis, etc. " v/ t* Unfinished Kitchen Cabinets, Cupboards, Chest of Drawers, etc. 7 CLARENCE J. SMITH . JOHtfSBtJftG UTS* 69c AVOID PAINFUL SUNBURN Too much sun can be serious. Take •are before and during exposure • . . tan sensibly. Should you burn Seriously, be sure to consult your doctor for professional advice. We «ure always ready lo serve you. •.fe*y*6om 83c) tic Sturdy PICNIC BASKET v//77>. MNapkte*7!. Embosse«t. • * lD€ 12 Plato Or Cups, li.. .1 DC TIHI^MM MNAVSa Bottle, Qt. Gal. Outing JUST. InsulatedO99 Tan with Jan ^ Sun Oil, 3oz*. WC Sutra, 2-oz. Suntan LotionM6 Skolax Craam Sun Allergy.. 9v€ CoMartona Oil. 4 ounce loo i Flashbulbs ' 1fA Sylvania, lO's 1 AUSC*#120 am> Box Camera. 4" Hawkaya Box Camera AMMFIIM 1M #120 3 f o r . . . I*" 720 Mf Mil Hard Cover. Swim taps Priced from. Basaball Bats, Maimti. Sift Ball 12 Inch size. 76c SPECIAL SALE ON SOFT KLEENEX TISSUES Buy at least a month's supply. 3b2®S*47C 3Boxes fiQn 300 v9v 4v^-o*- 35c •. 3n Spray 0D0R0N0 DEODORANT] 59c Stopatta ^ Spray Deod. .MIC VatoSpray „ Deodorant..09C ArrWCrMn Deodorant. .4eC MumCraam mtk. Deodorant. .P9C 2«-®9c Shm S H m'LC" 'J!*** 60 50c Tube y PHILLIP TOOTH PASTE 2 for 63c ANAGIN .TABS *19c 12-oz. •- PHILLIPS 25c HAL SOAP 19c ALKA-SELTZER Tablets, Bottle 2S 54c TINCTURE OF 6REEN SOAP Sounce..23c NOXZEMA SKIN CREAM 40c Jar..... 21a IMRA NAIR REMOVER CREAM . <5c B O L G E R 3-oz. DRUG STORE ^Gres&Bt Phone 40 McHenry, IB. Wfe GIVE ASD REDEEM GOLD BOSD hTA-HI'S DRENE SHAMPOO 57c Lustre C-vaam Shampoo I" ToniHorae ^ 1la Permanent. ^. .1 Colorinse oc Nettle, Bex C.. / W H«l«, 3J u. K_ Gtorillu Hair .970 Lilt Nome 4,r Permanent Rayve ; 1K With Vile-Ught 1

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