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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 24 Jul 1952, p. 11

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Jjifr vv . *» •;?TK * V..,> ~r^Mf *%*£• v?»M W-- ' •,.' 3rrt:fc, *.' -,JiJ THE McHENBtiPtAWDEXtCT " WONDERLAKE Bj Twnm Sells N Former Residents Welcome Fourth Child tr. and Mrs. Richard Von apus, 1856 Polk St., Corvallis, Ore., announce the birth of their fourth child and third daughter at 12:31 p.m. July 16. She weighed 7 pounds, 6% ounces, and has been named Barbara Scott. Barbara's mother, Hazel, says they plan to call the baby "Bnrrie."- • The other Von Bam pus children are Linda,' Laurel, r and rr, the first two born while family resided in Shore Hills, Wonder Lake. Mr, and Mrs. Von Bampus were the first couple to be married in Wonder Lake. They exchanged their marriage vows in a Small Lutheran church that has since become Pauls Variety store. The wedding todk place during the war years. Richard Von Bampus, who sery& Ji as an officer with a paratrooper division during World War II, is the oldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Von Bampus, former residents who now live in Florida. He is a brother of Bob Von Bampus, Barrington, who once lived in Wickline Bay and a brother of Mrs. Virginia Monteleone of Florida. Mrs. Von Bampus was one of organizers and the first presiit of the League of Women Voters of Wonder Lake. Hospital Auxiliary Aid* In Building Project The Woman's Auxiliary of the Memorial Hospital for McHenry county held its semi-annual meeting last week and for the benefit of those women in the community who did not know the ^ys and wherefores of the fund lairing projects going on for the hospital thev were recounted by Mrs. Irwin Tucker of Woodstock. Since the Auxiliary has been in existence there has always been a large fall benefit. Originally it was the largest single source of income each year and went to pay for the nurae scholarship, bought equipment for the 'hospital and "redecorated and ir^Limished the nurses' home, ^wo years ago the board felt it would be good to have a spring benefit also and the annual St. Patrick's card party was started. It is hoped that some dav all the county units will have their own local parties on St. Patrick's day for <the hospital. It is hoped that this card party will serve a double purpose: First, stimulate good will in the community; secrtd. fund raising. Money, raised from, the- spring benefits went to pay for rtew draperies and slip covers for the hospital when it was redecorated. Abide from these activities, money has been raised for a separate building fund. Last year the. Auxiliary pledged to the hospital $50,000 towards a new wing for mothers and children. This amount is to be raised over a three-year period. At the time the pledge was made there was $20,000 in the building fund. Through the unit system, of which Wonder Lake should be a much more active unit, $10,000 a year for three years is to be raised. This is to be done without the revenue from the two annual benefits mentioned above. Each unit has a goal to raise $1,000 for three years, or a total of $3,000. This to be done in any manner of project the local unit sees fit or capable of handling. In order to have not only a hospital but an efficient and a Good hospital that will serve the county, £very section of the county should be willing to support any activity that is for the benefit of raising funds, for the hospital. . The Wonder Lake unit of the hospital Auxiliary will sponsor a series of card parties this fall and in a modest way begin to build toward the unit goal. In the meantime,v membership of $1 per year per woman in the community is a small insurance that you will have a hospital near at hand in times of illness or emergency. If you Will call the unit chairman, Mrs. Dorothy McEachren, Wonder Lake 4311, she will be glad to enroll you as a member of the Auxiliary. Remember, the hospital needs your help <t$w so it can help you later. Bolt For $1,000 A suit for $1,000 has been filed in circuit court at Woodstock against Richard Mahal, 16. and Tvar Fredrickpon, both of Wonder Lake. Helen Pyetzki filed the suit. The defendent claims that, on Sept. 18, 1951, .she was driving a car at the intersections of Rt. Rt, 47 and 14 and that a car driven by Mahal and owned by Fredricksen, collided with her car. She says damage amounted to $1,000, Attead C. Of C. Meet** Mr. and Mrs. Charles Paetow, Hickory Falls, and Mrs. Van Sells, Indian Ridge, were among those present at the annual meeting of the Woodstock Chamber of Commerce held Saturday night at the Woodsfctfck country club. DeLoss Wajjcer, former editor of Liberty r&igazine, was the featured speaker. The dinner was followed by dancing. Mr. and Mrs. Wally Leonard, Wonder Lake residents, were in charge of the serving cf the roast beef -dimMf--and-Mrflt, -Ah Pr«nz aided them. Visits Wagners Joe Monteleone, former Mident of Wonder Lake and now residing at Orlando, Fla., where he has an X-ray agency, was a iterlittani Horn where I sit ...fy Joe Marsh Me--Advising a Bdnkerl The Missus and I were invited to dinner over at Balesville the other night. I sat next to a banker from * Ike state capital. "Mighty nice country you've got down there," he says. "Don't be' surprised if I come to live there myself. In a few years I plan to get away from everybody, buy a farm and just take it easy." "Well," I told him, "we'd like to have you. But when someone plans to buy a farm and 'take it easy* he £ften winds up working harder .nan ever. It takes work to run a farjn right no matter how many bands yon can afford to hire. •And from where I sit," I continued, "you won't 'get away' from people either. Neighbors are plenty important in a farming community --whether it's helping one another out or just friendly visiting over a sociable glass of beer." "Hard work and neighbors dropping in all the time?" he asks* looking at me over his glasses. Then he smiles and says, "Sounds wonderful. You've Jut sold me on a farm.** * Copyright, 1952, United States Brewers Foundation TOMAN'S HOME FURNISHINGS Art & Leon* Tonyan ARMSTRONG -- NAIRN -- KENTILE LINOLEUM and TILE installation By Factory Traised Mechanics, _j, PLASTIC WALL TILE JOANNA WESTERN SHADES ROLL-UP VERTICAL BLINDS SIESTA VENETIAN BLINDS CAMEO-SHERBACK CURTAINS Drapery Fabrics by the Yard. Custom Made Draperies and Slip Covers. fius. Phone 917 - Res. Phone 790-W 208 E. ELM STREET McHENRY. ILL. Wonder Lake visitor this wMK and house guest at the home at Mr. and Mrs. Horace Wagner. Many passing the former Monteleone home on the school road thought they were seeing things but it was really Joe mowing the lawn. ~ Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Thompson (He is president of Electrometric, Woodstock) have purchased the home and will move into it the end of next week. The Thompsons have three children. Boldt Saturday night to reminisce over their respective -summers and to hold a pajama party. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Boldt were away in Iowa over the weekend tos get their daughter, Martha, who had spent two weeks' vacation with friends. Present at the pajama party were Mary Jane Gerasch, Pat Wollert, Jean Schmitt, Ann Smith, Renee Kalsch and Joy Carstens, all of McHenry. Vacation Trips The Joe Lundborgs are at home after a' long motor trip west but the Bastian family is still making a tour. The last card* was from the Black Hills.- Tommy Visits At Honia Pvt. Tommy Martin, stationed at Camp^ Breckenridge, Ky„ was home over the weekend visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Martin, and his brother, Les Klintworth. He also saw his new nephew. ? . . : Marriage Licenses A marriage license was issued Saturday to Thomas Tonkin (his parents are co-owners of the Rolaine Grill) and Gertrude Smith daughter of the George Smiths. Indian Ridge. Also, taking out a marriage license were Albert Albertsen Wonder Lake, and Mary Jear Rasmussen. Crystal Lake. Albert is the nephew of Ivar Fredricksen and resides with his uncle. He came to Wonder Lake from Norway with a cousin following World War II and is employed %y his uncle's building firm. Trip To Canada Mr. and Mrs. Ralph White will fly to. Canada Friday to see his sister, who is acutely ill. Mrs. White only recently recovered from major surgery performed in *a Chicago hospital. ' la Chicago Hospital Miss Marie Grill, sister of Anton Grill, Wickline Bay, and a resident of his home, is in Billings Memorial hospital, Chicago, for observation. Now In Texas . A/9 8econd Class and Mr*. Lyle Ladefoged are now ia Texas, where they will make their home near Randolph field, where he is stationed with the air force. They have an apartment at San Antonio, Texas. Mrs. Ladefoged is the former Joan Heilman, daughter of Otto Heilman and granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Emil Heilman, Wickline Bay. Pajama Party A group of high school rlnst mates, from McHenry .high school gathered at the home of Mary 4-H Club Members Janice Franz was hostess to the Busy Bumble Bees 4-H club at their meeting held Monday evening. Mrs. Sybil Sears, assistant home adviser, was a guest at the meeting. Also guests were Adele Marks, Ann Webb, Diane Hunt and Diane Benson. Mrs. C. L. Wright of Wickline, who has been assisting with the club, was also present. There were twenty-nine members of the club present at: the Monday meeting. The. 4-H'ers will be in the style show ait the county fair, Woodstock, Friday at 1:30 p.m. along with all other clubs of th^ county. They will also display custards they have made and wil| show an outdoor-meals project. The next meeting will be held at the home of Adele Marks. Gospel Church News There was a large turnout to the services and Sunday Bible School last Sunday, July 20, with many out of town visitors. Mrs; Lawrence Anderson of Altus, Okla., was our soloist in the morning service. The male chorus sang in the evening and Lyle Foster told a thrilling story, with a spiritual emphasis, of his experience in the U.S. Navy durng World War n. The daily vacation Bible school will open on Monday morning, Aug. 4, and will continue to Friday, Aug. 15. All boys and girls in our community the age of 4 to 15, are invited to come to this interesting and instructive course. There will be Bible study, music, f l a n n e l g r a p h , o b j e c t l e s s o n s , IF IT'S WORTH DOING It's Worth Doing Right games and handwork. A splendid opportunity for the youngsters. No tuition, but children should be registered early. See the .Sunday School supperintendent or the pastor. Next Sunday, July 2f, the pastor will be preaching in his former church in Chicago, the Summerdale Evangelical Free church. Harold Osberg, business manager of the Trinity seminary and Bible college, in Chicago, will be preaching here at the Gospel church for both morning and evening services. There will also be a special musical program. Services are at 11 a.m. ami 7:45 p.m. Falling Cakes If your cakes fail perhaps you are not using the right sized pan. When pans are too small the cake battel ( will run over the edges and burn.' When the pans are too large the cake tends to be thin and overbaked. There is No Substitute Fer Good Plastering. Phone McHenry 1189 INVITATION TO BIDDERS The McHenry Country Club, McHenry, Illinois proposes to construct a golf course irrigation system and an automatic high pressure pumping plant on its property and in this behalf invites private proposals for the work from qualified contractors. The work consists of installing a system of galvanized steel pipe mains and laterals throughout the course with modern sprinkler valves and a high pressure pumping plant. Plans and specifications for the entire work have been prepared by C. E. Stewart, 7658 Calumet Avenue, Chicago 19, Illinois, and may be obtained from McHenry Country Club, McHenry. Illinois, upon a deposit of Twenty-Five Dollars in check or currency... This deposit will be returned in full upon return of the complete- plans and specification* Sealed proposals mu\sf be filed with ' the *M cHenry Country Club by the 1st day of September,^ 952. . _ • The club reserves in its right and discretion to reject any and all bids, to award contracts in its best interests, to award separate contracts for divisions of the work or any portions thereof, and or postpone or abandon the entire project or any part thereof. McHenry Country Club McHENRY, ILL. Sandwich Filling Sliced corned beef, ihiuly shredded green cabbage, and Russian dressing make a flavorsome filling for a rye bread sandwich to pack into a lunchbex, • "• "•ah?** . Did you know that the name of Yucatan, the Mexican state, literally means, "Huh?" or more politely, "What did you say?" The name came Into being when the Spanish explorers asked the natives the name of their land. The puzzled Indians responded with their word for, "1 don't understand you." The Spanish took this to be the name of the country, and it stuck. Bering's Discovery On a fogy'v day in July, 1728, the dour DarU i »-plorer Vitus Bering, whose nan.e was to be given to a sea and a strait, sailed through the narrow ocean passage between Si* beria and Alaska. MORE APPLICANTS ' " FOR GAS GET O.K. fr' BY PUBLIC SERVICE The Public Service Company of Northern Illinois has reported to the Illinois Commerce Commission that letters would soon be mailed out to all customers who had applied for gas heat between Sept. 1 and Dec. 31, 1951, authorizing them to install their gas furnaces. The company estimated that the new authorizations would result in about 15,- 000 gas furnace installations. Gas heat installations are permitted only in single family dwellings under the restriction order of the commission. The additional gas heat authorisations made last December. At that time gas heat was authorized for all those who had applied up to Sept. 1, 1951. The December allocation followed ,completion of a new natural gas pipeline from the gulf coast of Texas to Joliet, from which Public Service receives a substantial amount of gas. Applicants since last Jan. 1, 6f which there are approximately 40,000, will remain on the waiting list. V In addition, the utility asked commission approval to increase the amount of gas permitted industrial users under the restriction order from 4,000 therms a month to 500 therms a day. The industries would be allowed to use the additional gas for processing manufactured products but not for space heating. Such additional industrial gas would be limited in total to an aggregate of 50,000 therms a day, which is less than five per cent of the maximum daily amount required by residential space heating authorized during the past year. The higher ceiling on Indus- RAISE CHINCHILLAS^ For Pleasure and Profit World's Most Luxurious Fur A span room, basement or garage Is aa ideal place to raise these clean odorless and friendly Chinchillas Top Invading stock now available. We sell only animals graded by National Chinchilla Breeders' Association of America. C This la a vary Interesting aad lucrative sideline or full time bushtess. DOUBLE R CHINCHILLA RANCH R.F.D. No. 1, Crystal Lake, Phone 99 8 HHe* Sorlh of Route 176 on Crystal Lake -- McHenry Black Top Wonrterk Pfge jpeve^ fHar#Mi us* W6ara W 'ftrt SWfb defease production and in manufacture of essential civilian goods, the company said. At present, sixty-five industries have asked Public Service for small additional amounts 6f gas for processing purpopses which can be served under the company's proposal. The companpy'a proposal under consideration by the com mission. '• Caadlc bmiM Candles are made from Abflla. isl oily seeds of s S. Americsn plant. Ury Niagara Once the x^eat Niagara Falls ran dry. This unusual event occurred March 31, 1848, and was caused by a giant pils-up of ice floes resulting from the spring thaw. They dammed the river for a day. Sales Cycles Automobile sales figures from 1893, when the Duryea Brothers' first gasoline driven vehicle appeared, to 1950, show a definite sixyear cycle. Of the 13 highs -nd lows indicated all but one have come exactly on time or within a yeaf and a half of perfect timing. - Cherry Trees ' •' There are some 60 varieties of oriental flowering cherry trees established in the United States and Europe. At least half of them may be seen in the vicinity of Washington, D.C. Tlbe< bvaded Northwestward in Tibet, the fc> vaders frdtn Bed Oki n**ppeared la be entrenched. Yelping announced that a 17-point signed agreement amounted to a "peaceful liberation" «f Tibet's three million inhabitaflNfc , m - j Complete line of Beebe UviglMk Remedies at Wattles Drug Store, McHenry. 8-tf For Applied Roofing - Siding Tiling - Guttering Of Materials Only ; CALL ' - , J FRANK GANS 300 RIVERSIDE DRIVE PHONE 767-W Representative for Sears, Roebuck & Co. FREE ESTIMATES 'U- >• •;,v4 % IoorFurnaces (This ditcoumt tppli-- ealr te rttaff price W '• Deal Wall MMM •IT AN AUTOMATIC home heating system with a furnace that fits into the floor--now at a price 15% : off regular retail price. No pit or excavation needed, no air ducts. A. better-heated home can be yours I YOUR CHOICE of Plat Register or Dual Wall Model of the new - Coleman Shalloflow Furnace with* exclusive new Blu-Arch Burner and other Coleman features for a better-heated home. Low in cost, easy to 4astaU>-eeonointaal::' to operate. Cesw la saslag Is for Halted thae ealyl .Jjb GAS or OIL MODELS ' - ^ % See us for • Free Heating Sumy; ; ^ ^ ; \ °-i4 ' V Y C I T A L ' S '"*• ft '3 HARDWARE SHEET METAL SHOf ? 182 Green Sttfeat PHONE W MBHeaiy, "J f •. V • ^ The big, beautiful, spectacular-performing Pontiac gives you all the Comfort and luxury you could aak for --at a price very close to the lowest. And Pontiac's new Dual-Range* performance shortens the miles by delivering exactly the power you want for traffic' or the open road and ..Stretches the mileage because its reconomy axle reduces engine r^oju?^ Hons as much as 30 per cent. Come in and see how easy it Is to own a Pontiac--the grandest way to go p l a c e s ! - H t f , Dollar for Dollar yMacaa&beata Drive it Yourself! -- It's the only way you can fully appreciate the exciting performance of the great 1992 Pontiac. Come in today for a grand new thrlU! OVERTON CADILLAC-PONTIAC COMPANY 400 FRONT ST. McHENRY. ILLINOIS .. ^"4#..

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