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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 14 Aug 1952, p. 2

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VfTwd 00*01l»m . , ^ ,w:. • ^'V - > £%<-'? 4' •&•'?',&* "4'V> wi* ; 1 '"'" ,* t*x-.1 v*f» , . ^ ' • { • " 1 •wTOT* BIRTHS Honored Aft ferldal Sho „ Mrs. Mervin Staines, the former Miss Mary Pennington of E. ( srnstadt, Ky., was guest of hon- j Friends in this area : or at a bridal, shower held at the ! interested to learn that Mr and * William Staines home in West Mrs. Roger Stangeland of Wauwill be McHenry last Thursday evening, The young people were married . In Kentucky on .July 29 and are ? v now residing with his parents. Games provided the evening's *. diversion, after, which the bride .opened her many gifts and re- V ' freshments were served. Prizes • ' • in games were awarded to Mrs. :Irene GufTey, Mrs. Frances Alt- ;V; liofT, Mrs. Rose Staines and Mrs. • iTheresa Steffan. The bridegroom is an employee Of the Auto-Lite in Woodstock and the bride is employed at the Admiral plant in McHenry: Hostesses for the evening wefe conda are the parents of a daughter, born Aug. 2 at High wood hospital.. Mrs. Stangeland is the former Lilah Mae Fisher of Volo. A girl was born Aug. 7 at the Woodstock hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Weyland. Mr. and Mrs, Paul Smith are the parents of a daughter, Gwen Annette, born at Sherman hospital, Elgin, on Aug. 8. Grandparents of the hew arrival are Mr. and Mrs Mark Gilder of Richmond and the Josie Smiths of Fox street, McHenry. A daughter, Lorraine Ellen, was born Aug. 10 to Mr., and Mrst », i John Stege of Van Nuys, Calif. Miss LOueX Ma- The Steges have one ^her cWld douse. a son. Mrs. Stege is the former Out of town guests were Mrs. Elmer Smallfeldt and daughters, Gail and Tartara, of Kenosha, Wis., Mrs. Leslie Bungard and daughters, Janice and Marilyn, of Elmhurat, Mrs. George Patin- Bon. Mrs. Ed. Henry. Mrs. Ray Henniken and Mrs. Lee Whiting CSiarlene Mertes Williams of McHenry. AMONG THE SICK Julia Rod* 3 YMTI Old little Julie Rae Rode, son of ; wa: ""Mrs-XIberT"Valesand son, Albert, left by auto last week for Colorado Springs, Colo., where their sor> and brother, George, taken seriously ill on Monthe Ray Rodes, celebrated her third birthday anniversary at a party given in her honor at the home of her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Engeln, on Aug. 4 Present to enjoy the afternoon with her were Richard and Cindy Smith, Ricky and Sharry Justen, Mike Dillon, Susan Conway, Larry Smith and Dave Schaefer. Games were enjoyed, after which a circus cake was cut and served with ice cream. day. For some time he has been playing with an orchestra at the Broadmoor hotel in that city. Mrs. William G. Barth, Jr. of Huemann's subdivision has been confined to her bed with neuritis this past week but expects to be about again soon: "GAHDEN GLORIES" , "Garden Glories" is the theme iof the Harvard Garden club Tlower show, which will be held in the .Methodist gym on Friday, Aug. 22, from 1 to 9 p. m. John Mack, Jr., of Shftlim&r was a patient at the Woodstock hospital last week but has returned home and is now feeling fine. T3r. John Purvey of Crystal Lake, son of the Albert Purveys of McHenry, suffered a heart attack last Sunday and has been quite ill in St. Joseph's hospital, Elgin. AUGUST BRIDE McHENRY PLAINDEALEF W 8 r I11 »I t l 1 t »*'i i < j MUM COMING EVENTS August 14 McHenry Garden club Mee Mrs. William Foreman Ho: Pistakee Bay -- 1:30 P.M. Auff. 14, 15, IS, 17. V.F.W. Carnival -- city Park AUGUST 20 Outing For Lady Foresters August 21 Betty Nielsen's FashflWf. Hevue --. Sponsored By St.. Mary's- St. Patrick's School P. T. A. -- High .School Cafeteria. August 22-2$ Garden Show -- Sponsored By McHenry Garden Club -- McHenry .Equipment , Company A bride of late summer «•..! ^ ^ Miss Grace Kildfl^Who exchanged vows with Roman Miller of Personals PHoto by A, Worwlek, Mitlonrv V " August22,2&' "It' "$4 Ringwood in a ceremony perfor- j John s parish carnival, JohMsmed at St. Patrick's church Aug. FINAL PLANS FOE FLOWER SHOW TO BE MADE AUG. 14 The McHenry Garden club will meet at the horpe of Mrs. William D. Foreman, chairman of the flower show, on Thursday, Aug. 14, at 1:30 to make final plans for the show. It is hoped that exhibitors will have registered by that date in order that arrangements in their classes may be filled; For entries, telephone 328 or 706. The flower show committee is well pleased with the progress to date. Although the membership of this new-club is not large, each member is working enthusiastically for the success of this show. The public is invited to submit entries. . burg. August 25-26 High School-Registration. AUGUST 26 ©. E. S. Stated meeting, McHenry Chapter, No. 547..Acacia Hall.': August 81 Annual Forester Picnic, Northern Iliinoi3 ~ Associated District Court?. -- V.F.W. GOrunds, McHenry. September IS Party For Workers At American Legion Carnval --American Legion Home. VINCENT SCHIAVONE t>EAD Vincent Schiavone, 63, a resident of Lakemoor for the past 12 years, died at the Woodstock hospital on Aug: 12. The body rests at the Peter M. Justen funeral home until 11 a.m. Friday when last rites will be held, followed by burial in Ringwood cemetery. XgStt FORMER RESIDENTS Mr. and Mrs. Vale Adams "visiled in the Peter Roche home'at Rockford last Sunday, where they made the acquaintance of the Roches' new son, Richard James. Other callers in the Roche home Sunday were Dfrs. John Bolger and daughter, Mary Ann. Mr. Roche, a former teacher in the local high school, is an employee of Midwest Synthetics. Residence Changes Playtex Baby Products Wattles Drug St<»*e E. J. Timm Died Afitr Long Period Poor Health Edward J. Timm, 73 years old, who resided on Pistakee Lake, northeast, of Johnsburg, died on Wednesday evening, Aug. 6, at the Vilja Resort, where h$ had been confined for several days. He had been in failing health for a few months. The deceased is survived by ttiro sons, Clarence, with whom he resided, and Edward W.; alao three grandchildren. His wife, Alma, preceded him in death. The body rested at the funeral home at 3905-07 Lincoln avenue in Chicago, where services were held at 2:30 o'clock Saturday, followed by burial' In Rosehill that ikdncriptiOB to the Pfaklndealer now! Dr. and Mrs. Henry Freund have moved from 500 Park street to their new home just smith of the city on the old Elgin blacktop road. HARDEST BUSIEST CHEAPEST WORKERS IN TOWN! PLAINDEALER WANT ADS DOLLAR DAY SPECIALS . NYLONS $L20 & $1.35 Values $1.00 TURKISH TOWELS 25% OFF BABY * BLANKETS $1.00 Other Bal>y Items Reduced 1 GROUP PICTURES Greatly Reduced Also GROUP GIFTS Reduced The * Agatha Shop ft. GREEN STREET McHENRY, ILL. JOIN OUR 10% CLUB LARRY DeWANE and DAN POWERS, Auctioneer* DAIRY COW AUCTION TO fartn located % mile east of Crystal Lake, 14 mile west of Rt. 01 fct the corners of Terra Cotta Road and ^State Route 176, on THURSDAY, AUGUST 21st ~ 12:00 sharp -- the following described property § 108 HEAD OF LIVESTOCK - h, . - > consisting of 'Urade Hoi. Dairy Cows. 30 of these cows will either be fresh or close springers by day of sale. 20 have been fresh in the past 30 flay* 2 Quern, cows, close springers, 2 Guern. cows, fresh. This i» a good selection of dairy cows with plenty of size and quality. 10 Hoi. heifers, close springers; 2 Hoi. heifers, 18 mos. old, vaccinated; 1 ftol. bull, registered, 1 yr. old; 1 Hoi. bull, 18 mos. old; 3 White Face Hereford cows, close sprngers; 10 Hereford steers, avg. wt., 450-lbs.; 2 Hamshire Sows and 15 feeder piga MACHINERY -- 1940 Ford % ton truck; rubber tire wagon and rack; corn sheller; Wheel barrow, platform scales, cream seperator, Simplicity garden tractor with mower and cultivator attachments. "4 PAUL H. BUHRMANN. Owner llftlMA: $25.00 and under cash, over that amount ,V4 down and balance in monthly paymejjt^lus carrying charge. 6uy whikt you want, sign your own note, no co-signers needed. fRQRP SALES CORP., Otefk Pboiie Woodstock, IUteoia 110 McHenry, 111. 4?-<tf cemetery. now see it at George R. And Son FURNITURE McHENRYi ILL ...the mattress with ELM STREETS PADLOK inner-rings make comfort last longer! Only RESTONIC Triple Cuthlon mat tr«n it mad* thlc madam way. Stwcd-through lay*f* ar« ImM »• thi colli !• ttay tmooih, cwih iany, lump-fr««. Comfort laitt . . , for THOUSANDS of restful nights! Guoraatted byN HousektefW INVEST IN LASTING COMFORT Mattrof* or Spring YOUt MST INVESTMENT b^auto te tiltrl i» bwill In, than lock.d in to STAY In. Yoti yat iWw-nwHria comfort for all tho yoan yon own itl Mr. and Mrs. Paul Schulz of Niesen's subdivision, Johnsburg, accompanied by their son and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Schulz of ttajVard, left Monday of this week on a trip through the East. Mrs. Clarence Niesen returned Thursday evening from Spalding, Nebr., where she had been called by the death of her mother, Mrs. Mary Flanigan, who died after a Fong illness. Mr. Niesen, who "also attended the funeral service, returned "home Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph May and two daughters, Joann and Lois, left Monday morning on a two weeks' vacation trip through the H|rest. • " ; Recent guests" in the Frank Kempfer, Jr., home were Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Kopriva and children, Donni^&nd Cheryl, of Berkley, 111., Mrs. Charles Vales of Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. William Vales of Hinsdale, Albert Vales, Jr., Miss Delores Vales and Mrs. Albert Vales, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cuda and son, Frank, left Saturday on a two weeks' vacation trip to Mount Arlington, N. J., where they will visit relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Newman and their guest, Miss Clara Smith, visited in the home of M^. and Mrs. Floyd Medaris in Hammond, Ind., on Sunday. Mrs.. Mi-rie Davis. Mrs. Nellie Bacon and Miss Ann Frisby visited Miss Etta Rosenberger at Solon Manor, Solon Mills, last Friday. Mr. anj Mrs. Robert Frisby and family of Chcago visited McHenry, relatives on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. William Johna and daughters of Elgin called on relatives here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Jung and daughters have been visiting in the Harold Horstman home iri. Fort Jennings, Ohio, for a few days. Atty. and Mrs. LeRoy Welter and Mr. and Mrs. Ben Jung visited the Wisconsin Dells, last week. Mrs. Dorthy White of Cleve land, Ohio visited her parents, llr. and Mrs. Charles Lasch, a fo " days the first of the week. Sin* t%as accompanied home on Tuesday by her daughters, Dana and Christie. Mrs. Peter M. Sshaefer and son, Alvin, Mrs. Charles Martin and Mrs. John, Leo and Clerenoe Schaefer attended a shower in Chicago Sunday for Miss Helen the bride of Walter Schaefer in October. Mrs. Laura Kennebeck of Des- «9|^ines has returned home after spending a few days with her sister and huusband, Mr. and Mrs. Nick B. Freund. Mr. and Mrs. Paul R. Yanda left Wednesday for a vacation trip into Wisconsin and Minnesota, where they will visit relatives. Gary and Keith Hunt of Hartland tind Barry and Greg Freuund Of Woodstock spent the weekend thf home or their grandparents, e IfJick B. Freunds, while their rents, the Victor Hunts and jftoyd Freunds, attended the state fttir. As head of the Navy club of Woodstock, Floyd Freund was invited to have luncheon with Governor Stevenson. I Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Duker Yjfere called to Indiana last week by the death of a relative. Mr. and Mrs. Nick B. Freund and Mrs. Laura Kennebeck were visitbrs in the Merle Blowers home in SfQX Lake one day last weeft. Jim and Jerry Blake spent last week Visiting in the Harold Horstman home at. Fort Jennings, j Ohio, Mr. (jib Mrs. Leo 'Blake anQ "Cookie", traveled to OtiiO last weekend and Jim and Jerry returned home with them. Merle Fretted and Donald Wattles attended the state rair ip Springfield for a few days last v/eekend. Mrs. George Worts, accompanied by a friend from Gurnee, is enjoying a trip through th« east. . I IN MEMORIAM & • in loving memory of our dear wife and mommy, Esther Tonyan, who died Aug. 17, 1951. Our hearts still ache with lonliness ' Our eyes still shed a-tear; - Only God knows how we miss you As ends this first sad year. VINCENT TONYAN AND Thursday, August 14, * DAUGHTERS, WANDA •14 LEE AND YVONNE Annual Rites Tuepdff ; For Joseph j. Frisa ~ Joseph J. Frisa, 61 years old, Well knepvn in the McCullom Lake community, died Aug. 8 at rtines hospital. He had been in the real estate business at 2630 Lawrence avenue, Chicago, for thirty years before retiring a year ago and moving to this area. He was formerly commander of Budlong post, No. 837, American Legion. His wife, Rose Frisa, a stepson, Warren Prester, and a sister, Mrs. Nellie SurUio, survive. Last rites were held from St. Mathias church, Chicago, on Tuesdsiy morning at 10 o'clock. J W . THANK YOU We sincerly appreciate the loyal support of our Johnsburg fans and the support that was giv$n us by all the county league falfa during the Elgin state semi-pPO baseball tournament. THE JOHNSBURG TIGERS Is* Just discovered a miracle! Short Railroad Oregon lias one of the shortest short-line railroads in the world located at Union where a small railroad connects the town with the mainline of the Union Pacific railroad at Union Junction, 1% miles away. JOHN KOSTUCH GENERAL CARPENTER and REMODELING Made To Order All type* valances and cabinet*, window lawn furniture. Tel. Wonder Lake 2641 *NoW tfvrit Vpfcy for my own things, I'm finding it hare! to make my iri-. come stretchy- Keeping a budgftf book is a botheK I wonder if yo«^ have any better suggestion to offer Yes. We suggest a checking account wilR us. It offers a simple method of keeping accu* rate records and controlling expenses. Onccl they try it, young people -- and older ones, too --usually feel as though they had discovered a miracle. Open an account today. McHENRY STATE BANK MEMBER FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM MEMBER FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORP., INTEREST PAID ON SAVJNGS DEPOSITS PHONE 1040 J * 2gaaaBBaaBaBBBaneoBBPBBBangMrans!ras«2BaBOBBa!anBa!znnnBBBe LOOK! LOOK! ' ! INFANTS'. CHILDREN'S. LADIES' and MEN'S H O S I E R Y HOSIERY MILL CRYSTAL LAKE BLACKTOP ROAD McHfeNRY, OX. Switches to Dodge... lowers hauling costs b Whatavar you haul, HMNV# Dodtf* truck-- 14-ton through 4-ton--that's "Jofe-Rotaf" to fH your job and save you monoy. m full crankcase ventilation saves oil, lengthen* •ngine Ufa, and lowers upkeep costs. Two fuel filters--instead of only ono--koap fuel dean to help prevent carburetor clogging and fouled cylinders. For smooth power that save* wfqr and iter, gyrol Fluid Drive--a Dodge "exclusive"--Is Svailable on Vi-, 1-ton, and Route-Van lodels. k Come in today for a demonitratlon find a real ' good deal. Enioy fver-all economy. Dodge "Job-Rated" trucks are easy on gas and oil, thanks t6 compression ratios as high as 7.0 to 1. Other cost-cutting advantages include lightweight aluminum-alloy pistons and tassaving carburetor with economizer valve. Cut down upkeep. With a Dodge " Job-Rated" truck you get such proved money-saving features &S 4-rikg pistons with chrome-plated top rings, exhaust valve •eat inserts, pre-fitted connecting rod bearings, pOsitive- pressure lubrication, and other features. 6et long Me. A Dodge "Job-Rated" truck give* V6u special alloy steel springs and shot-peened'axle shafts. Other dependable Dodge long-life advantages inclu<fa such features as wear- and heat-resistant valves, oilbeth air cleaner, and floating Oil ifttake. "My Dodge has proved to be a real saver on gas!" "We are getting sevei yb-ttated' says , - LEWIS ENGEL, Reliable Supply Company, Chfcogc, III. several more miles per gallon wit)} our Dodge 'Job-Rated' truck--and in a small busitifeg) like mine, economy is important. "My Dodge has not only proved to be a real saver on gas--but we are real pleased with Dodge dependabiuty. Hauling pipes, fixtures, plumbing tools andother heavy equipment has broken down several trucks for us. But our Dodge has taken heavy-duty use over bumpy roads for a long time now and we haven't had to have a single mechanical repair." J* Zee utfocfay /or Me buy /n /ow-cosf fransporMrotr... DODGE TRUCKS A. S. BLAKE MOTOR (5ALES, Inc. 301 East Pearl Street Phone McHenry 156, «

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