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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 30 Oct 1952, p. 11

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.a.u»d.,, Trlilini 30. 1951 - r<- W: 7 • ™ 'V-v THE MeHENRY PLAINDEALER Spring Grove fiwwi'i 111 ri in i i i in n i n in i i i 1111 in i in i n i, by Mrs. Charles Fre\uii ^ Congratulations to Mr. antl Mrs. Frank Wagner, whose fiftyninth wedding anniversary fell « Saturday, Oct. 18. Their famgathc. ed around them to celebrate the occasion. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Henry Heinle and family of Janesville, Wis., Mr. and Mrs. George Wagner of Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Gabe of Cicero and Mike Wagner and Mrs. Kate Weber of Mc- Henry. Herbert Wagner left from Fort Sheridan last wteek and is now ^ gfJttoned lit Fort * Lauderdale, Lyle Franzen and a friend, Arnold Abramo, both students at Loyola University; spent the weekend With Mrs. - Alice Wagner.' 1 • ' The Christian Mothers and children of Mary sodalities met at St. Peter's parish hall for their regular meeting on Thursday night. Following the meeta food shower was held for me nuns. Entertainment for the evening"*^--ttfere movies of his European trip shown by Rev. John Tuchlinski of Elizabeth, 111. They we^e greatly enjoyed by all present. Approximately fifty members and thirty guests were present. Refreshments were served by the committee in charge. Mrs. Phil May returned heme this week from a vffeit with her liferents, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Theobald, in Stacyville, Iowa. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Desmond and family of Woodstock were Sunday guests in the Clarence Miller home. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Miller and family and Mr. and Mrs. Richard Miller aari family were dinner guests in the Jake Miller home on Sunday. -.A. large crcwd attended the <*nce helcL,at the town hall on 'Saturday night. The dance was held to help cover expenses for improvements. A kitchen and two washrooms have been installed and plans are being made to continue improving. The large crowd present^ Saturday night is proof thai everyone is in favor of this pro- 'ject. Firemen from departments all over thfe county were enter-- jfctned by the Spring Grove firemen at the fire house on Mcnday night. Chief Edward Newell of 4th Battalion, Chicago, was guest speaker and movies on fire prevention were also shown. Assistant Chief Frank Tinney of the It fire insurance patrol, Chicago', was also present. Refreshments were served. c. H. s. NEWS •MM By Judi Roesch and Doris Fuhler Dance Successful ;* i/. .The 'dance sponsored byv'.tifce F.F.A. Friday night was a great success. The dance was held after our last home football game in the cafeteria. The main event of the danc^ was -the pieeating contest. Ent 'red in the content were Dorothy Hiller, Ron Ford, Phil Skiba, EIain» Turner and Roberta Stoller. The pies were very. gooey, lerion merangue - pies. The problem was v to see who could eat the pie .without using their hands, not dropping it on the floor and eating everything including the crust. The first one done was the winner. The winner was Phil Skiba and second was Roberta Stollor; Ron Ford was disqualified because he dropped his pie on the floor. Elaine and Dorothy worked very hard to win but they just couldn't eat fast enough. For coming In first, Phil received a bpx of candy: Mr. Yanda and the band are to be complimented on the excellent job they did of entertaining the crowd at the football game, during the half. The 4heme they played was "Play It With Music." The first formation was a large "H" for Harvard and the Haivard school song, next was a huge MC for McHenry and tlje school song; they formed a Treble Ctef. and played "Music In the Air." After making a banjo- formation, they played "Strummin" On The Old Banjo." " R e v e i l l e " w a s p l a y e d a f t e r forming a bugle. Their last number was "Little David Play On Your ftatp", after piarching into a harp formation. Annuals To Be Sold The 1953 annuals went on sale Tuesday, when representatives of the Journalism class remained in the conference rooms for all seven periods. • Everyone was" urged to order their annuals as soon as possible, sn they won't be disappointed. There are only two hundrod and twenty-five ordered * and they didn't want those who wanted to buy them badly be left out. Pictures Taken Everyone has been kept quite busy taking pictures. In the morning, the F.H.A. and G.A.A. pictures were taken in the auditorium, after which equipment was moved outside to take the JV football and freshman football, the girls' hockey, and the individual varsity pictures were taken. Also, the homemaking class and the Stenography II class had their pictures taken. Charlene -Dowe, the < ffice girl, also had her picture taken. t F.H.A. Meeting Held The F.H.A. held a meeting Friday afternoon, at which they electcd Mrs. Glornfiy of Griswold Lake as chapter mother. Also at that meeting, programs for the coming year were handed out. Scheduled meetings and guest vocational speakers for this year are: Nov. 20. Miss R. Marshall will speak on "An Attractive Job"; "Secretarial Work" will be given by Mrs. Alice Noren on Jan. 15, and Feb. 19, "Good Grocmmg Jjy Mary Rita Stilling. > On Wednesday noon, Oct. 21, Betty Jo Wright called a meeting to award the following girls their junior homemaker degree, whi h is a keypin. Carole Bell, Penny Fike, Betty Jo Wright, Karen Schmeltzer, Zee Cochrane and" Roberta Wirfs received theirs. - . - Chorus Plans T'ie girls' sextet will sing between the acts of the Junior class play. This group consisting of Jenny Houda, Joan Weber, Marilyn Schmitt, Kate Freund, Doris Bauer? and Pat Goranson accompanied by Jean Weber, will sing, "The Seng My Heart Will Sins" All of the choruses are working hard on their songs for the Christmas program in December They are also working on songs for the festival to be held^ in February and the contest, to* be held .in early spring. STI DENT COUNCIL NEWS . by Mary Linn Hogan r At the regular meeting Friday morning, several important issues were brought out, by Art S*MM _ Whnt Ads, like freedom, are ^ erybody's business. Come To Our HALLOWEEN PARTY Saturday, November 1 - - ^ - 8 P.M. 'TILL? Phon« 26 COZY COTTAGE Routes 12\& 120 VOLO. ILLINOIS Music by the "SAGEBRUSH RAMBLERS" BODY* REPAIRS Plan to sell your car? Chances are you'll get much more for it, . if you invest the small cost of a body 'clean up' job at our shop. Top quality workmanship and fast, dependable service. Drive up today! FAIR PRICES DOWNS NASH SALES 406 W. ICLM STREET PHONE 484 MeHENRY, ILL. Barbier, vice-president, III the absence of. Darlene Andreas, president. The question was brought up about whether or not McHenry would run a candidate for a district cffice* at the Nov. 15, convention at Arlington Heights. Because we would have such a small delegation representing M.C.H.S. compared to other high schools, We decided it would be tjoo hard and quite effortless to a candidate. The idea of having a semiformal dance later this year was brought up, but nothing definite has been set. The Council wishes to thank Overton's for the scholarship that was awarded recently to the class o%.J53. It will be presented next spring to one of the class. as a Cew You ve all heard the expression, •placid as a cow." Well, it seems that maybe bossy isn't so placid after all--she may be just a bundle of nerves inside, according to one English scientist. Writing in the British Medical Journal, the scientist declared: "Anxiety neurosis in cows is often seen. The cow refusing to part with her milk In the presence of a stranger, for instance." Horses, adds the scientist, are also prone to neurosis. "A neurotic rider," he noted, "can reduce a normally calm horse to a state of nervous tension in a few minutes, often making it quite unmanageable". And goats "frequently become neurotic if they are made to do something they do not want to do. simulating epileptic fits which pass off immediately if they are allowed to have their own way." SKILLED HANDS GUARD YOUR HEALTH Skilled hands guard your health at our drug store. Proof of the importance of our prescription department is shown in our full stock of fresh, potent drugs and the accurate speed with which your doctor's orders are carried out. Rely on us for reliable prescriptions. N Y E tt>alcjr*€4i Druij St<<« c 119 N. Riverside Drivi OJL O.K.. sometimes falsely attrih* ated to General Jackson's faulty spelling for Oil Korrect, was first published on March 23. 1840 in the New York New Era as a reference to the Democratic club of New York City, so named in allusion to the fact that Van Buren had. been born in Kinderhook, New York. The quote, which is the oldest Editor Mathews has been able to find, states: "The Democratic O.K. Clubs are hereby ordered to meet at the House of Jacob Col* vin." - PROFESS lOllfU DIRECTORY aoi C. R. SWANSOif • •• - Dentist : 120 S. Green Street' Office Hoars: Hftily Except Thursday : tTto 12 -- 1:30 to 5:30 Mon., Wed. and Fri. Evenings. By Appointment Only Telephone McHenry 180 VERNON KNOX Attorney At Law7 Cor. Green and Elm Streets McHenry. HI , Tuesday and Friday Afternoon® Other Days By Appointment Phone McHenry 43 „ ROBERT A. STUEBEN Attorney At Law 604 Center Street Phone McHenry 208 McHenry, DL WILLIAM M. CARROLL, ft. Attorney At Law 110^2 Benton Street Atone Woodstock 1SS4 Woodstock, Illinois - A' •V. sov? Road Power you never Now sefving Pizza every evening IkAG C name to A MILLION OWNERS TRY QLDSM08ll.E S GREAT HIGH-COMPRESSION ENGINE IN TODAY'S SUPER Of JOSEPH X. WATNNK Attorney At Law Waukegan Road (RFD Phone McHenry 49S-W West McHenry, DL FRANK S. MAY B L A C K D I R T Sand - Gravel - Thnertnw Excavating Route 1. Johnsborg Phone: Mrllenry 580-11-1 sBonoEsssssaoEse Umestoat VERN THELEN Trucking «ravel Black Mit Excavating -• Tel. McHenry 588-R-f er 5K-W4 Box 172. Rt. 1, Mv^nry, IB. A. P. FREUND Excavating Contractors Trucking, Hydraallc and Crane Service -- ROAD BUILDING -- ftL 204-M McHeUt, INSURANCE EARL R .WALSH Fire, Auto, Farm & Life InaaiaMi Representing ** RELIABLE COMPANIES Who* You Need Insurance of Any Kind . _ Phone .43 or 903 Green ft Elm McHenry It Every "Rocket" owner is a "Rocket** salesman--or w> it seems throe days. You've probably heard them your* •elf . . . talking about "Rocket** .... get-up-and-go, "Rocket" economy, or the outstanding all-around performance • . of a "Rocket 88". There are more than a million of these "Rocket" " Oldsmcbile owners now . . . and they're the ones who really know! They've proved the "Rocket's" efficiency and the "Rocket's" durability in hiUiont of miles of driving. Take a tip from them utry a "Rocket"' Ride! Remember* • it costs you nothing except your time. v So come in for a demonstration soon. "ikT' At Right: OtJtmabi!* Suftrr "83" Holiday < 011 pi. r *Hvdra-\f otic Sup*r Drtrr, l*»uvr Steer i r%$% AntT%mic-b.vr nptional at extra cost. Ilquipmrltii acc**%»rtcs and trtm iliunrated subject to changt uukvut »«<*«#• A (iioofii Mmfr* k Try one tankful of Marathon ,,Cat.,r' See if you can believe what happens... when you jam your foot to the flopr. MORE tOAD POWER--W ACTUAL TEST! You're not imagining things! Your car docs leap ahead with a new kind of eager, cat-quick power. Marathon "Cat" proyes its extra Road Power, month after month, in test cars equipped to measure octane ratings under actual driving , conditions. And out en Mm rood, where it count*--Marathon "Cat" registers an even higher octane number than it does in the laboratory, where gasolines are "officially"* rated. W hy be satisfied with anj thing less than the extra road power you get with Marathon "Cat" ? •American Sodtty for Ti|Wn| IWnWl S| | Y O U R N E A R E S T O I D 5 M O I I L I D E A L E R R. J. OVERTON MOTOR SALES 403 FRONT STREET PHONE 6 MeHENRY, ILL. * "Watch The TV Football Game of the Week Every Saturday On NBC Television" COMPLETE BOOKKEEPING SERVICE for the small business man Reasonable rates. Phone: McHenry 285-MX &VRALEE DVORAK STOFFEL ft REIHANBmffll Insurance agents for all elaaaes *t i property in the best eeafMlpa* , Wfcet McHenry, IUmI» ^<*"4 Telephone SM •/?{ 807 Main 8 tret MeHonry, H f SCiXBOEDER IRON WORKS Ornamental ft Structural Steel Vfelt Our Showrooms S MUes South on *t gjl R I N G ' S -- PLUMBING arid HEATING ROB FRISBY, JR. Quality Fixtures-Radian* Heating Gas and Electric Winter Heaters WaU-r Systems - Water Softener* Repair* - Free Estimate?. Phone McHenry 289-M MARATHON "CAT GASOLINE ON TELEVISION.: . ENJOY "Marathon IMjrwMl TlnaM." mmj wmk. SM roar --«p«»« The Ohio Oil Company • Producers of Petrofcum since 1887 CARLSON OIL COMPANY-Phones: McHenry 422 and 255 AL*8 WELDING and SERV1<?"R 601 Main S«£re-et, McHt-nry Electric Portable Welding Aiwtyiene Weiding and Cutting ALEX W. WIRFS, Operator Pftohe 615-W-l or («4 McHenrj". HL IOBSSBSI BUY -- CALL AT ONCE ON DEAD 'HOGS.'HftRSES and CATTLE. We pay phone charjee*. We pay $6 to f-'S for Old Horsed less for down hordes and cattle. MATTS MINK RANCH Johnsburf • Spring Grove Phone Muntof S14 aOBSSOOBI -- WANTED TO

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