Rp^iippipppw1- V * ?:*. '\f: +>t " ' > •••»%* » <*#•• *»* y. * ** ••*.- ** *»** *-**,»*« J* - -*«4 !**• * *&* . *;• . i . .. "> ..• v v, t • ' W tHE McfflMT PLAWDEALElf mfp aal .1! <A> *3 By Mrs. George Shepard Mr. and Mm. Ben Walkington tertained their five-hundred chib Tuesday evening. Prizes were awarded to Mr. and Mr*. Kenneth Cristy, high, Mrs. B. % Butler and Pete Sebastian, The Senior M.Y.F. group went Christina* caroling1 Sunday evening. Christmas day guests in the Frank Harrison home were Mr. •Ad Mrs. Henry Marlowe and family and Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Donahue and daughter of Huntley, Howard Wattles and son. , Donald, and Glen Wattles of McHenry and Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Harrison. '/ Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hinse of 0lystal Lake, Miss Jo Ann Oonklin of Huntley, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Harrison and son Howard Bruce and Neal Harrison and daughter Judy spent Christmas in. the Mrs. Lena Peet home. Mrs. Fred Wiedrich, Sr.. and daughter Mae spent Christmas in the Lester Can* home. i Christmas day guests of Mr. |Utid Mrs. Fred Wiedrich, Jr., ••ere, Mr. and Mrs. Phelps Saunders and daughter of Sycamore, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Winn and daughter, Janet, of Richmond, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Lenard and family of Lake Qeneva, Mr. and Mrs. Don Smart and sons, Bob and Bill of Waukegan. Miss Mary Jane Eckdahl of Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Brennan, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Brennan and eon. Christmas Eve guests were Mr. and Mrs. Bill Brennan and children of McCullom Lake and Mr. and Mrs. Phelps Saunders Mid daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Walkington ' front to Evanston Wednesday evening to spend Christinas in the Paul Norman home. Mr. and Mrs. B. T. Butler epent Christmas Eve in the Victor Stanek home at Richmond. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Howe and Htfra Cora Walters of Crystal Lake, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Jfawley of Fox River Grove and !Wm. Rein wall of McHenry spent ^ Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. gjouis Hawley and Marian. • Mrs. Lena Peet annd daughter, Marian, visited relatives at Crystal Lake Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Stanek and family of Elkhorn, Mr. and lira AJvin Benoy and son, Peter, of McHenry, Mr. and Mrs. Victor Stanek of Richmond and A. W. smith spent Chriatmaa day in the B. T. Butler home. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Pagni ^wnt Christmas with relatives at Lake Geneva. Miss Marian Hawley and Will Reinwall spent Christmas Eve with friends in Chicago. Mrs. Bob Brennan spent Christmas night with her father at McHenry. Mrs. Jack Lenard and children of Lake Geneva spent Friday in the Fred Wiedrich, Jr.. home. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Adams and family spent Christmas day with Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Miller at Spring Grove. They, with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Adams spent Christmas Eve with Mr. and Mrs. Ed Adams, at McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. Axel Carlson of Woodstock and Sgt. Owen Carlson of Ft. Riley Kahsas spent Christmas day in the Clayton Bruce home. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Howe of Crystal Lake were visitors in the Louis Hawley home Wednesday. Miss Charlotte Hogan of Champaign is spendinjg the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Hogan. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Low of McHenry, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wilcox of Woodstock, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Olsen and sons of Richmond and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Low and family spent Christmas Eve with Mrs. Viola Low and Mrs. Emily Beatty. Mrs. Gene Ackerman and daughters of Richmond, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ackerman and family of Wonder Lake and Mr. and Mrs. Alan Wagner and family of McHenry spent Wednesday in the John Hogan home. Frank Fay spent Christmas with his granddaughter and family at Crystal Lake. Mr. and Mrs. James Rainey of Genoa Ci^y were visitors in the Mrs. Lena Peet home, Friday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Irving Decker of Marengo spent Monday evening in the John Hogan home. Mr. and Mrs. Vern Harrison of McHenry spent Christmas day in the J. C. Pearson home. Mrs. Flora Harrison spent Christmas in the home of her daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Ardin Frisbie at Greenwood. Stanley Jepson spent Christmas with relatives at Wauconda. Christmas day guests in the Beatty-Low home were Mr. and Mrs. Glen Jackson, Mr. and Mrs. Timer Olsen and sons. Mr. and Mra. Wm. Moatanye and tun- Uy »f HunUty, Mr. apd Mra. CfeariM Haata% «ML family, lit. aM Mr#. (rmM JMtftft family, Me. a£| Km. Ana® V** Every and family, Mf. and Mrs. Roland Jackson and ffcmily and Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Oitfatenson and family of Richmond. Mr. and Mrs. Gene Acfcwntan and two daughters of Richmond, Mr. and Mrs. Granville Carlson and daughter Dianne of Hillside, Phyllis Bruce and son and Harvey Ackerman of Poplar Grove spent Christmas Eve in the Clayton Bruce home. " Mrs. Frank Harrison and children atjbended the Christmas program at the Greenwood Methodist church Sunday evening. Jerry Cristy 1 of Champaign spent the holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.! Kenneth Cristy. Mr. and Mra. George Shepard spent Christmas in the Henry Seegert home at McHenry. They celebrated Christmas in the Alan Ainger home at Hebron on Sunday. Christmas Eve guests of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Cristy were Mr. and Mrs. John Cristy and family of Greenwood, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Fossum and family and Jerry Cristy. Mrs. Grace McCannon spent Christmas in the Oscar Berg home. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Cristy called on her father at the Rest Home at Marengo Sunday. Christmas day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Cruickshank were Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Lovelette and son of Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. Francis Coatello of Woodstock and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Cruickshank. Jr., and son. Christmas day guests in the ! 1 •lv. As young Mr. 1953 , comes bouncing in, full of the bright hopes and fresh enthusiasm of youth . . . let's refvA kindle our own hopes from his . . . and « find new inspiration in his enthusiasm. Let us resolve, as welL to make his stay ,, with us a pleasant one . . twelve months ' of friendships strengthened, ideals realized and aims accomplished • • . so that the New Year will leave this world a bet- ; ler place than it found it • . . and enrich us all with memories to cherish forever a&erf V THE CITY COUNCIL W GEORGE P. FREUND. Mayor *9? :t. EARL R. WALSH. City Clerk • THOMAS F. BOLGER, <Trea*- SOW. 3. THENKE ALDERMEIf ^ JGEO. Jrr^FRErND ARNOLD ANDERSON UK* G. ROTHKRtfEt C HAS. W. YYCITAL May your Heart be gay and your spirits high . . at New Year'® and through all of '53. ! Dr. HenryFreund Optometrist John etMnpre home were Mr. <ua4 Mra. ^fk Morrison of Chietf* Mr. «Rd Kn. John Ehlart ani taugfctat, Mabel. Mr. and Mrs. John Smith were dinner guests of Mr. and Mra. Wtn. Hoffman on Christinas day. Afternoon callers ware Mr and Mrs. Andrew Hawley of Fox River Grove. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bowman and family and Mr. and Mrs. John SMert and daughter, Mabel spent Chrtetmaa Eve in the John Skidmore home. Mr. anti Mrs. Weldon Andreas and family attended a* family reunion at the heme of Mrs.' Andreas parents at Algonquin Christmas day. Mr. and Mrs. Weldon Andreas a n d d a u g h t e r s , A u d r e y a n d Margo and son, Duane spent Friday with Dr. and Mrs., David Redmond at Glen Ellyn. Christmas day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Dodd were Mr. and Mrs. Eckstein and daughters of McHenry, Mr. and Mrs. Richardson and Roy Dodd, Jr., ol Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Spencer and family of Cerrogtrdo, HI., and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Buchbergar and family of ^Woodstock spent Christmas and the weekend with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sowers. Mrs. Wm. Hepburn, and Mrs. Charles Brennan spent Christmas afternoon in the John Blackman home at Antioch. Mr. and Mrs. F. N. Mu2zy and' daughter, Jean, are spending the holidays in Plot-Ida. V "v $347 AVERAGE PAID FOB OPERATION OF STATE UNIVERSITY Educational operation# of the University of Illinois cost the average citizen >3.67 for the last fiscal year, comptroller Lloyd Morey has reported, Of the University's $48,641,- 330 operating expense, |31,883,- 831 or 73 per cent came from State taxes. Federal grants and contracts provided 13 per cent; student fees 7 par cent; earnings, gifts, and endowments 7 per cent. Forty-six par cent of the money went to instruction, libraries, and activities such aa its hospitals to provide student training; 2W per cent to organized research; 10 per cent to extension and public service activities; 24 per cent to plant operation, administration* retirement and similar benefits. In 1901-52, student enrollment totaled 20,105, with thousand* more in extension programs. Student fees provided roughly one-sixth the actual instructional costs. Of University research, comptroller Morey says "There is little doubt that the - people of Illinois receive more return for every dollar invested than for almost any other expenditure." CA+VtU P.S.. .. Just a lew fines to -wish yen a very Happy and Prosperous Umw Y' McHENRY F^ORAL CQ. 1 Mile South of !B^cHenry On Route 31 He points out aisd that through eiwHee, correspondence, radio, pUbfaations, and other public sehtaia the Campus extends to every, community and - town and practically every home of the State. Tile University's plant investment now is $98,255,572. For both improvements and the University's operations last year, tM average taxpayer's total bill was $4.16. It amounted to eighttentha of a cent out of every doUar of all taxes--local, state and federal--paid toy Illinois people. Bead The Want Ads! Y* ' m .Happiness, unlimited in the New Year, is our warm wish for you! Stoffel & Reihansperger Insurance Wedding rings Sra placed on the third finger of the left hafcd because of an old Egyptian twlief that a nerve ran from that gar to the haart. To lit --M •a* •• IiiI»"*. 'i 7i We wish f^r all our friends, ojjj and new, a New Yetr fi^«d witij greatest happinesfl ) . [. E. BUCH &sSQNS ^ PL.TJMBEB8 QUALITY ASSORTMENT OF Wines & tiquers ' ij- /-'v FOR NEWJTEARS FAMOUS BRAfl&S HISKEY 4- A t IMPERIAL CENTURY CLOT SCHENLEY RESERVE .. FOUR ROSES SEAGRAM'S 7-CR0WN P. M KENTUCKY BRED WALKER'S DELUXE OLD GRAND-DAD CANADIAN CLUB „.... S3M 5th $4J9 -- 6th $440 5th $4.59 .....6th $4.30 6th $3.83 5th $444 5th $5.35 ...... 6th $7.19 6th $539 I i CLUB COCKTAILS READY - MIXED HEUBLEIN'S DRY MARTINI ...... $344 HEUBLEIN'S MANHATTAN .............v.. .......... $3J4 HEUBLEIN'S SIDE CAR ...... $4.00 HEUBLEIN'S OLD FASHIONED $407 wSCOTCH V "ALL THE BEST BRANDS" -_WHITE HORSE - TEACHER'S JOHNNIE WALKER i M Si.1 ' A*'* • . • -4 AM the New Year comes rocktfimg is# existence, we say to our mapy friemdt-- ' f . ' ; it bt happy and successful! B V OVERTON CADILLAC - PONTIAC MOTOR SALES MOTOR SALES THE WORLD'S FINEST WINES WELCH'S SWEET WINE - -- St. $1.25 MANISCHEWITZ MALAGA WINE ........ 'ijjfe $1.25 MOGEN DAVID a -- Sth $149 ITALIAN SWISS SHERBY Sth 45 PETRI PORT Qt. 48 ITALIAN SWISS COLONY 2.: I ^-g«l, $145 MARCA PETRI WINE Vi. GALLON $1J5 GALLON S2M BOLGER'S ••fat -it*.. * .. - r.v, .>* •; • s = . , ,