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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 8 Jan 1953, p. 9

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Thursday* January 8. 1953 y*' . THE McHENRY PLATNDEALER rrr •*"™ SAfi" - By W. H. Tammeas Our family is the family with the lid off. Our resolution for New Year's is to put the lid back on the shampoo, the shoe polish, the tooth paste, the cookie jar--everything but the enthusiasm for living. My wife has a new pair of shoes. She asked me how I liked them. O.K. Except the heels and the price are too high. Her observation is that woman's shoes are cheaper than men's because they don't charge for the holes. Under general information we Say McHenry county farmers had 'a wonderful year with a county average corn yield of sixty-nine bushels. Weather was hot and humid. The small grain crop was a disappointment and a headache. The dairy farmer was in a better relative position than he has been for some years. Under organization and planning- we say, Assistant Farm Adviser Ralph Stock left our midst to take up similar duties in our neighboring county, namely DeKalb. We looked ever the field and selected Gene Brown, from way up in Douglas county, Wis. Fifty-five young farmers attended our winter short course in January and February to learn what makes the Farm Bureau tick. Farm and Home Day was held in January and the new egg marketing program wan the theme. We launched out on a new program of selling the extension program for cash money. One hundred and twelve tickets were sold for five meetings. We collected $8 on each ticket. Of course, we throw in a delicious dinner for ticket holders, but we' get crowds of from 120 to 175 where without the $8 investment qn the part of the county 'farm leaders we would probably only attract twenty-five to fifty with the same program. People, chickens, and any type of living thing in the animal kingdom are the same in nature. They are gregarious, which means they love company. If you want a crowd you have to have a crowd and where a man's dollar goes there goes the man also. We wouldn't play these kind of tricks on our farmers if we weren't convinced it wasn't worth his money. We try to be honest. \ The 4-H club page says we had nineteen "ag". clubs with 376 members. There were 194 dairy projects with 312 animals. Thene were t»:en.ty>fi ve crop projects, fifty hog, ninty-nine p o u l t r y , t w e n t y - t h r e e s h e e p , forty-eight garden, sifcty-nine "ag?' engineering, which includes electricity »and tractor, and numerous other projects of a varied nature. Electricity project "got a real boost with thirty-eight enrolled. With the exception of one, we had perfekt^attendance at five evening meetings for this group. Tractor meetings were also held with very good attendance of the thirty-one enrolled. Fifteen clubs entered a window display contest in March; a talent contest in April had twenty-four entrants from "ag." and "home ec" clubs, twenty-one boys and fifty-two girls attended camp in June, over 700 entries were shown in the county show held in connection with the county fair in July. Eleven members went to the State Fair; a d e m o n s t r a t i o n c o n t e s t ( n e w ) was entered by four clubs, and sixty members entered the county judging contest in August, The eighteen highest ,scoring ones attended the state contest at Urbana. 'To wind up the year, 88.3 percent of the 376 completed minimum requirements. Of these 105 were county project honor members and thirty-five were state honor members. Twenty-three were county outstanding and 10 were state outstanding. The county won the state electric progrjftn contest thanks to our good friend, Owen Fordham. of Public Service Company of Northern Illinois. Rural Youth has hobbled along with a small membership, but a very loyal group. Sports competition was very active early last spring. A float was entered in the centennial parade. Monthly meetings proved very interesting for those who attend. More on the year's activities next year. A new movie, "Treasure Farm," put out by Sinclair Refining company, will be released soon. The significance is that it was taken entirely in McHenry county at farms chosen by your farm adviser. It tells about the wonders of grass farming. We plan to get it to • show at our February 18, farmers' winter series meeting. Our 4-H program has many tried and true friends. Recently, C. V. Amenoff, editor of the Elburn, 111., paper, public speaker and general ambassador of good will arcund Kane county, brought back $5 and donated it to our 4-H program. It was what the Fair association sent ^iiim last summer for helping judge the county fair queen. He stated his services are free when it comes to anything in the form of service he can do for 4-H. Well, dairy herd improvement association work in McHenry county is off on a new era. The board of directors have kicked it upstairs where it should have been long ago. Everyone wanted to get on testing, but no one wanted a job of testing which proved the cost 'of testing was too cheap. In discussion with fifteen different dairymen on D.H.I.A., I have found that their chief concern is whether or not they will get regular tests or not and not too much about how much it costs. The problem has been keeping good testers on the job or putting up with mediocre testers. As soon as a tester could find a better job that he could make a living at he took it and Mr. Dairyman then would miss a test or more. The increased cost to the dairyman will be about 60 per cent, but it will make it/possible, for the Association to- compete favorably with Mother employment for good men. One dairyman with a herd of twenty-five cows said it has been worth $1500 per year to him to be on D.H.I.A., during the past ten years. He says he plans on selling his least profitable cow each jjpar to pay his testing bill. His herd average has gone from 317 pounds of fat per cow 10 years ago to 440 pounds now. At present there are 115 herds testing or are led to believe they are testing. We spend our time trying to findt testers instead of helping the dairyman study his records to improve his herd. No doubt quite a number will find the new cost too high and [ will quit. At least we will not be kidding them any longer about testing. If they consider the cost too great we are making cwner sampler available to them at a lower cost, but it will not be official. They can at least get information valuable to themselves. Smart Styling of9S3 Cheirolets * V - i- .. v \ - A f t v - GIs Pay 77 Million Visits To U.S.O, In Past Two Years ;; Front-end styling of the completely re-designed Chevrolets accentuates the appearance of power and fleetness in the new line. As shown above, the surface of the hood this year extends farther forward before curving abruptly down to the radiator grille. Adding its note of beauty and distinction, the outer rim of the grille encircles the parking lamps and center bar mounting three decorative "prop bars." Increased performance* comfort and outstanding features of the 195J Chevrolet line. convenience aril ( More than 77 million visits have bepn made to USO operations here and overseas by mili-j tary personnel and their families in the past two years, E.A. Roberts, president of the United Defense Fund, points out in a report marking the second anniversary of the Fund. USO is one of six participating agencies of UDF. Reporting on the operations of the United Defense 'Fund's participating agencies since UDF was incorporated two years ago.^ Mr. Roberta, also stated that "United Community Defense Services has helpfd communities tackle health, welfare, recreation and other problems arising from the defense program. "In addition, approximately 450 different communities were helped by the National Recreation association to discover and mobilize local recrcation resources to meet recreation needs created by the impact of the nation's defense program." In the past tw<* years, he said, American Relief for Korea, another UDF agency, has shipped nearly six million pounds of clothing to war refugees in Korea and the American Social Hygiene association has given service to^ approximately 500 communities ^in relation to social hygiene problems. USO-camp shows has sent out 115 entertainment units to American servicemen in Korea, Alaska, the Mediterranean and Europe, in its twenty-two months of operation United Seamen's Service, he pointed out, which Joined UDF as a participating agency last April, already has established its first UDF operation, a seamen's club in Casablanca, where it is giving service to American men in that crowded port. United described by Mr. Roberts as **a federation for financing national voluntary health and 3d Stop Taking Harsh Drugs for Constipation End Chronic Dosing! Renin Normal Regularity This All-Vagatibii Way! Taking harsh drugs for constipation tan ptfnish you brutally! Their cramps and griping disrupt normal bowel action, make you led in need peated dosing. When you occasionally feel constipated, get geniit but sure relief. Take Dr. Caldwell's Senna Laxative contained in Syrup Pepsin. It's all-vegetable. No salts, no harsh drugs. Dr. Caldwell's contains an extract of Senna, oldest and one of the finett natural laxatives known to medicine. Dr. Caldwell's Senna Laxative tastes good, acts mildly, brings thorough relief comfortably. Helps you get regular, ends ^[ironic dosing. Even relieves stomach sourness that constipation often brings. Try the new 25^ size Dr. Caldwell's. Money back if not satisfied. Mail bottle to Box 280, New York 18, N. Y. Who Said Taxis Are A Luxury? Add the coat of deuhr this man's rain - soaked clothes and you'll agree door -to-door taxi actually saves money. A cab out help in a hundred different ways. When you need one, CALL ' •> .{..f. 4. ifr i|. .|i I{I B O D Y L RtPAIRSf No one would ever know there was an accident once our experts have worked on your car. Fair rates; convenient terms. See us! DOWNS NASH SALES 405 W. ELM STREET McHENRY, ILL. PHONE 48# A ^ A ^ A ^ A A A A A A A A y VW V V W y y WV V V V VtI n P P i' ft v to H v a r FROM THE 14,500 MEMBERS AND DIRECTORS OF THE PURE MILK Jill# ASSOCIATION 1 J J Y 01 R r Hf NIK ! McHENRY CAB Now you get fast warm-ups from... •BUM Hi! Faster »frl» from fast-firing molecules! When the spark hits the fastfiring molecules of Winter Red CrOwn, winter-ready cars start like a flash! Captured under carefully Controlled pressures and temperatures, saved in refrigerated tanks in warm weather, these highly volatile molecules are added to Winter Red Crown in just the right amount to get you started fast, warm up your engine in seconds. . ,, ^ ^ ^ W I N U R RED C R O A N S F A S T F I R I N G F O R M U L A P A S S F S T E S T S AT 3 0 BELOW Z E R O AT M O O R H E A D . M ' N N Proved at30° below zero! Winter Red Crown Gasoline is charged to capacity with fastfiring molecules to give you one-second starts,jfast winter warm-ups! You get these premium winter advantages at regular price. Iri Crown KING-SIZE 6AS NY! Whii Just Hear About It? t Drive It f Road Test and Rate the New Dodge V-Eight It's something you must experience and judge for yourself! Ram V-8 power teams up with Modern Design to usher ' in a new era of driving mastery. Waste space has become usable space. "Meaningless metal" is no more. "Deadweight" is done. So remarkable are the results that a specially planned Road Test Ride has been mapped .out for you by your friendly Dodge dealer. It's thoroughly safe. It's completely revealing. fJCu iti MMaaasvtrability [M Corasriag Turaability Hill-Ability Mmh I M Accoleretioa BtsuKft > ••• ±131 7 "Scat Actiaa !>l If--y Take A Fbwer-ftcked Beauty -for A Road lest Ride New-All New/ 53 Sptciflcationt and Equipment tubjtci to change without notice. 30,000 JSL »• A. S. BLAKE MOTOR SALES IncF 301 E. PEARL STREET PHONE McHENRY 156 defense effort." A goal of $19,451,340 is being sought to make possible the continuation of the important defense- related programs of ita six p a r t i c i p a t i n g a g e n c i e s d u r i n g 1953. Its support comes from the A m e r i c a n p e o p l e p r i m a r i l y through Red Feather and other united community campaigns. profess lonni. DIRECTORY 98B8I DR. C. R. SWANSON Dentist 120 S. Green Street, -- Office Hoars: Daily Except Thursday • to 12 -- 1:30 to 5:30 • ( Mon., Wed. and Fri. Evenings By Appointment Only ^ ^Telephone McHenry 160 . g VERNON KNOX Attorney At Law Cor. Green and Elm Streets McHenry. IUTnesday and Friday Afternooas Other Days By Appointment Phone McHenry 43 >gaot-- I OCT OI » WILLIAM M. CARROLL, Jr. Attorney At Law 11012 Benton Street Phone Woodstock 1334 Woodstock, Illinois ? IOC 30BM For better roads and safer rides support PAR -- Project Adequate Roads SCHROEDER IRON WORKS Ornamental & Structural Steel VlslJ Our Showrooms S Miles South on Rt .81 Phone 950 PLUMBING and HEATING BOB FRI8BY, JR. Quality Fixtures-Radiant Heating lias and Electric Water Heaters Water Systems - Water Softeners Repairs - Free Estimate* Phone McHenry 289-M , IOE (ocaoi AL'S WELDING and REPAIR SERVICE •01 Main Street, McHenry Electric Portable Welding Acetylene Welding and Cutting ALEX W. WIRF8, Operator Phone 615-W-l or 461 McHenry, DL -- WANTED TO BUT CALL AT ONCE ON DEAft HOGS. HORSES and CATTLE. We pay phone charges. We pay $6 to $25 few Old Hats-- lose for down horses and oattla MATTS MINK RANCH Johnaburg - Spring Grove Phone Johnsburg 111 ANNOUNCEMENT Mrs. Eleanor Matteoni Scttet^MNI Private Lessons in PtaM tilt Piano ACcordio* For InfonnaUoa TEL. McHENRY ; JOSEPH X. WAYNNE Attorney At Law 809 Waukegan Road (RFD BSK) Phone McHenry 492-W West McHenry, I1L QHOES: IOBOI 1 FRANK S. MAY BLACK DIRT - Gravel - Lbrnmsi Excavating Route 1, Johnsbarg Phone: McHeniy 580-M-l Sand Limestone VERN THEIJCN Tnaeldnij Gravel Excavating TeL McHenry 588-R-* sr 0M-W-1 Box 112, Rt. 1, Mt%aiJ, IB. A. P. FREUND * SONS Excavating Ouiiteaetai < Trucking, Hydraanc aad v Crane Service . -- ltOAD BUILDING -- TeL 204-M MoBeary/flfc INSURANCE EARL R .WALSH Fire, Anto, Farm & Life Representing RELIABLE COMPANIES. When You Need Insurance *f -• * Any Kind Phone 43 or 953 Green & Elm McHenry flL " COMPLETE BOOKKEEPING SERVICE for the small business mail Reasonable rates. Income Tax Returns * McHENRY BOOKKEEPING Mi TAX SERVICE Professional Bldg. 210 So. Green Street Phone 788 or 265-M STOFFEL St REIHANSPERGEB Iik>urance agents for all classes of property in the best companies* West McHenry, Dinois Telephone 300 507 Main Stret McHenry, HL

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