SwftvW** I: ; nailSro McHENRY •<i*i'4"l"i'>8">iM">'t">iE'M"t 11 t '1 I H ,v:. M ,,. ...r ,. _ •PFO/IRW ^ '-F* r '.: • •'{* J .0,,: ' Thursday, January 8 J953 Surprised On 42nd Wedding Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. John Reinboldt were pleasantly surprised on their forty-second wedding anniversary Jan. 2. The evening was •pent in playing cards, after which lunch and refreshments were served. present to enjoy the evening were Mr. and Mrs. Norbert Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Walter M. Smith, Mr. said Mrs. Fred Huemann, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Huemann, Mr. and Mrs. Vern Reinboldt, Miss Patricia Httemapi and John M. Laures. S «* 40 HeM Post-Xmas Party The regular monthly meeting and post-Christmas party of the McHenry county 8 et 40 was held at the home of Mrs. Arthur Simes in Hebron, with Amanda Behrens of Hebron actihg as cohostess. The ways and means committee of the group will meet with the 40 et 8 committee on Thursday evening to plan a dinner dance in February. The mystery box was awarded "t# Evelyn Roche of Harvard. Gifts were exchanged and a de- Bcious buffet luncheon' served. Russell Gibbs To Observe Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Russell Oibbs of Woodstock will observe their silver wedding anniversary on Thursday, Jan. 15, when open house for their relatives and friends will be held at McHenry's Legion Home between 7 p.m. and midnight. Mrs. Gibbs will be remembered as the former AJvina Miller of McHenry. The Gibbs have five sons, Mil ford, Richard, Gerry, Rusty and Freddie, all residing at Woodstock. _ _ r Past Matrons' Club Gathering The Past Matrons' club enjoyed their annual holiday party 'sA the George Johnson home on Main street one evening last week. Twenty-two, including members, husbands and guests, partook of a buffet supper at 7:30 o'clock, after which there WAS a social evening and gift pRchange. The next meeting of the club will be at the home of Mrs. Myrtle Harrison in February. Honor Terry Bauer At Miscellaneous Shower Miss Terry Bauer was guest of honor at a miscellaneous shower held at the Bauer home last Sunday. Hostesses were Mrs. Andy Steinsdoerfer and Miss Doris Bauer. Games were enjoyed, with gifts awarded to Helen Knox, Barbara Simon, Mary Kay Freund. Darlene Andreas, Mrs. Joseph L. Bauer and Mrs, John Wolowic. Other guests attending included Ruth Ann Johnson, Joan Nett. Mrs. G. C. Wilde, Mrs. Carl Martin and Mrs. Robert W. Knox. The guest, of honor received many lovely gifts, which she opened during the party. At the cjose of the afternoon, a tasty lunch Was served. Miss Bauer will become "the bride of Bud Wilde oil Hun. 17. Dance Planned By New Mother's Club St. Patrick's Mother's dttb is making plans for a dance, to be held after 9 p.m. on Saturday, Feb. 7, at the Legion Home. There will be square dancing ,to records between 9 and 10 p.m., with Ernest Useman as caller. Other music will be .furnished by Pat Lester. Adult Oirl Scouts To Meet January II The Adult Girl Scout organization will meet at 1 o'clock on Wednesday, Jan. 14, at the Legion Home. The committee of Troop 8 will act as hostesses. Goohb Goam&I For something different for a light supper or substantial lunch, or even for some cold crisp Sunday morning when the family has lots of time to relax and enjoy breakfast, try these bread pancakes. They may be served with sausages or bacon or even with apple sauce Oor cranberry sauce. For a hearty breakfast or brunch we suggest serving with sausages. - Bread Pancakes PERSONALS <• * -i 'M-** Mr. and Mrs. George Sullivan of Woodstock ware Saturday dinner guests r'li th# Norbert Yegge home. Mr. and Mrs. Burton Stephens and sons of Woodstock were Sunday visitors in the John Justen home on John street. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Pabst and son, Michael, of Chicago visited in the Cornelius Quinlan home New Year's Day. Mr. and Mrs. John Sheets and daughters of Spring Grove spent Saturday in the hort^e of Mr. and Mrs. John Justen. Mr. and Mrs. Norbert Yegge were pleasantly surprised last Saturday evening when members of his family arrived from De- Witt, Iowa. It was their first visit in the Yegges' new home. Those who made the trip were his parents, Mr. and Mrs. V.H.C. Yegge, his sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs:. Harvey Frank, and their daughter, Mary Beth. On Sunday, the entire family group enjoyed dinner at the Louis Yegge home in Woodstock, the gathering honoring Louis Yegge on his birthday anniversary. Later in the day the DeWitt folks left for their Iowa home. Mrs. Carl Courier has returned to her home in Marengo after visiting for several days with her mother, Mrs. Nellie Bacon. Mr. and Mrs. George W. Colman of Park Ridge were visitors in tlie home of their son and family, the William Colmans, last Sunday, when > they made, the acquaintance of a new grandson, Daniel Lee Colman. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Landgren visited in the Howard Christensen home in Richmond on Sunday. Mr. Christensen has^ just returned from St. Luke's4 hospital, Chicago, where he had been confined with a broken leg. Miss Beverly Blish spent the holiday with her brother and parents, Mr. and Mrs. Neil Blish, who reside at Elroy, Wis. Recent guests in the Partipilo- Rogers home were Dr. and Mrs, Harold Miller of Chicago and Miss Grace Schnaitman. BIRTHS A son, Daniel Lee, was born Dec. 28 at the Woodstock hospital to Mr. and Mrs. William G. Colman of the Country Club subdivision. Mrs. Colman is the former Elaine Landgren. Paternal grandparents are Mr., and Mrs. George W. Colman of Park Ridge and maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Landgren of McHenry. The Colmans have three other children, Kathy, 5, Donald, 3, and Bobby, 2. A daughter, Betsy Ann, was born Friday, Jan. 2, at the Woodstock hospital to Mr. and Mrs. James Althoff. The infant has a brother, Timothy James, to welcome her arrival home from the hospital. A COMING EVENTS •.•Mh •H"fr T '1"H* •!' •!"!' 'H '1' I 'f January 8 St. Clara's Court, No. W.C.O.F. Meet ng. 659, January iV Masonic Installation Of Officers -- 8 P.M. -- Acacia Hall Teen-Age Club -- 7:30 P.M. Edgebrook School January IS Circle 1, W.S.C.S. -- Meeting At 1 PM. -- Mrs. Walter Hopkins Home, Riverside Drive. St. Patrick's Parish School Mother's Club Meeting -- 2:45 P.M. -- School Hall. O.E.S. Meeting -- Acacia Hall -- 8 P.M. January 14"; Adult Girl Soouti -- Meeting At 1 P.M. -- Legion Howpfc# January 15 C. D, of A. Meeting. W. S. C. S. -- Meeting At 1 P.M. -- Community Methodist Church January 20 Riverview Camp, R-IS^A. 'Installation -- K. of C. Hall -- 8 P.M. -- Regular Meeting, 7 P.M. January 21 Public Party--St. John's Bles Miss Claudia Partipilo returned j aed Virgin Sodality, Johndburg. by plane to New York this past week after spending the holiday vacation with her parents. Armand Partipilo of Lake Forest, who spent the holiday with<> fiis parents at >Pistakee Bay, has returned home. February 7 Dance -- Sponsored By St. PatncK's Mother s Club -- Legion Home -- 9 P.M. of Chicago were Sunday guests in the Partipilo-Rogers home at the Bay. Dr. and Mrs. Jerome Justen and sons of Momence, 111., Dr. Betty OHolleran Engaged To Marry Mr. and Mrs. John CHolleran :«f McCullom Lake announce the pigagement of their daughter, Betty, to George Madden, son Of Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Madden of Richmond. No date has been libt for the wedding. Hoemann Engaged Bo Marry Jack Laures Mr. and Mrs. Joe Huemann of Jbhnsburg announce the engagfe- H&ent of their daughter, Pat, to <$)ack Laures of McHenry. Since Hie bridegroom-to-be will' be leaving for service soon, no date been set for the wedding. Meeting Precedes , B.N.A. Installation ; Riverview Camp, R.N.A., will hold a regular meeting at 7 ""O'clock on Tuesday evening, Jan. f0, preceding installation at 8 •'clock. Both meetings will be in the K. of C. hall. 2 cups stale bread cut up into and Mrs. Paul Justen and daughsmall pieces . ter " cf Glenview, 111., Mr. and 2 cups hot milk 1 Mrs. Harold Skow and son and 2 eggs hi cup flour 4 tap. baking powder y» teaspoon salt. Beat all together until 'well blended and fry on pancake griddle until well done and golden brown. We have not tried these with butter and syrup in the conventional manner but see no reason why they couldn't be served in this way. f Like 'em? CARD OF THANKS -j We would like, in this manner, Mr, and Mrs. Eugene DuBay | to express our heartfelt thanks for spiritual bouquets, floral of ferings, donations of cars, cards of sympathy and the many othei kindnesses extended in our bereavement. We are' especially grateful for the services of Rt. Rev. Msgr. Nix, Fr. Reulaad/Aid Fr. Thennes. Everything Was greatly appreciated. _ MRS. ELIZABETH WEBlR MR. AND MRS. BERNARD KENNEBECK JAMES WEBER 35 BROTHER AND SISTER8 CARD OF THANKS We. want to take this opportunity to thank .friends, neighbors and relatives for spiritual bouquets, flcral offerings, cards of sympathy, donations of cars and the many other kindnesses flKtended in our bereavement. We are also grateful to the officiating priests and to the Sisters of St. Mary's church and the Sisters of St. John's, church for their services. THE HENRY J. STILLING *35 FAMILY "CARD OF THANKS I woujd like to take this means of thanking the many kind friends who remembered me with cards, gifts, flowers and spiritual bouquets during the time I was confined to Augustana hospital an^, ^ since my return liome. All of the many kindnesses extended were greatly appreciated. 35 LENA STOFFEL IIHIIIIIIinilUllllllillllillliiillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll AMONG THE SICK IRnilllHIIIlllllllltllllllllUllllllltlllltlllllllllllllllllltllHIII Jack Smith, superintendent of waterworks for the city of McHenry, is undergoing surgery at Alexian Brothers hospital in Chicago this week. ° Donald Meyer underwent an appendectomy at the Woodstock hospital on Monday evening. New Savings And Loan . Association Is Opened Today, January 8, marks the opening of McHenry county's newest financial institution, the Crystal Lake Savings and Loan association, a state chartered and federally insured depositary at 131 North Williams Street, Crystal Lake. The final step in the organization procedure, the procurement of membership in the Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corp., which insures all members accounts up to $10,- 000.00, /has now been accomplished land the association is ready to accept savings and. investment accounts and to, take loan applications. The nine directors, all residents of McHenry county, elected by the shareholders to supervise the activities of this new association, include Harold J. Bacon, executive vice-president of Home State Bank of Crystal Lake, and Vernon J. Knox, Crystal Lake attorney. .j. CARD OF THANKS I would like to take this opportunity to thank all those who remembered, me with cards and through other kindnesses at Christmas time and during my recent illness. Everything was very much appreciated. *35 CLARENCE MARTIN SALE DRASTIC REDUCTIONS ON COATS SNOWSUITS SOME DRESSES 812 E. Elm Street PHONE 746 JACKETS HATS ROBES McHenry, 111 rihfr WOBREfeS feAT HEARTY BREAKFAST Over half of the country's white collar workers are neglecting to eat a good breakfast, according to % nutritional survey conducted by Colorado AftM college. The survey also showed that a fraction over half of the nation's industrial workers and less than three-quarters of the farmers are eating substantial breakfasts. The college nutritional department states that housewives should make good, well-balanced breakfasts a habit. Hie nutrition department rated breakfast as the most important of the day's three regular meals. GOLDEN TARPONS Although generally known as "silver kingfj" tarpon occasionally are golden. The, rare golden tarpon is an albino of the common tarpon caught in Miam> Beach inlets. Usually the golden specimens have pink eyes and an almost pure white body over which are scattered occasional golden scales. -CARD OF THANKS I extend my most sincere thanks to my kind friends for the many Mass cards, spiritual bouquets, flowers, gifts and cards that I have received during my present illness. I deeply appreciate them all. 35 MARY E. FLEMING BanJeuy. IN EVERYDAY UWGUttE t These sure loans, made by owe bank, to help finance the cost of labor and materials for needed repair&l or additions to tlt^ houses of people in this area. -•a » 4 HERE'S WNKT IT MEWS TO YOU Fast action on applications for such loans allows borrowers to start needed work promptly. Cost is low, qnd terms are convenient. Cone in for M information m a money-saving Improvement Loan. McHENRY STATE BANK MEMBER FEDERAL ItESERVRE SYSTEM MEMBER FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM INTEREST PAID ON SAVINGS PEPOSTPS. PHONE 1040 Sam Skow of Woodstock and Mrs. Bernice Krueger and children enjoyed the holiday with their parents, the Ben Justens. Mf. and Mrs. Leo Rothermel left last week on a vacation trip to Florida. Miss Jacqueline Justen returned to St. Joseph's convent in Milwaukee, Wis., this past week after spending two week;! with her parents, the Nick Justens. IN MEMORIAM In loving memory of our son and brother, William E. Adams, who died six years ago, Jan. 4; MR. AND MRS. MATH *35 ADAMS AND FAMILY Masons To* Hold , Installation The Masonic order will hold installation of officers at 8 O'clock on Saturday, Jan. 10, at Acacia hall, 107 N. Court street. Masons and friends are invited to attend. Dinner will be served. NOTES FOR BUSINESSMEN:] How to Profit from JOB PRINTING POSTCARDS The biggest asset to these is that they are always opened to view. This is in addition to their low cost advantage. When planning advertising be sure to consider the post card. FOR INDUSTRY McHENRY PLAINDEALER lOt N. Green Street PHONE 170 iofORDf £>EB fT... .occauoriMMd Nte subM lo «haa«a wWiotf iwiic*. VALUE CHECK rr.. TEST P/WE T~R! Car lOMMrf atew: SmpT "ST' 4-Dtor Sedan. Nem CUnie Mwp' Blh •!*• M» mv duplmy. A General Mat--% Vmlu*. ...WITH A THRILLIN8 TESTL>mvt- n: ' ' M' # .70k hwtf rnomcarfas&l With 41 "Worth More" features, It's worth more when you buy it... worth more when you sell It! -¥ou get your choice of league-leading "Go" in Ford's V-8. and Six power plants. Yet it's economical "Go" with Ford's Automatic Power Pilot watching every drop of ias. In Ford's . Crestmark Body you get "living" room that's the finest and most comfortable in the low-price field. And Ford's new Miracle Ride will give you a new slant on how a car should ride. Test Drive the'53 FORD Tho new Standard of the American Road---- BUSS MOTOR SALES St, Phone 1 McHenry Holdfast! Hold tight! Hold the presses! Hold everything until you see the headline car for '53! It's Oldsmobile's all-new Super "88" with an exciting new line-up of "power" features! A magnificent new "Rocket" Engine . a higher-powered, higher-compression, higher-voltage "Rocket" Engine! New Pedal-Ease Power Brakes* ... with a few, light-pressure pedal for safer, faster, 40% easier stops! New Power Styling for brilliant new beauty! G\1 Power Steering* to help you park, torn and maneuver "with 80% less effort! New Power-Ride Chassis for new smoothness and roadability! Hydra-Matic Super Drive*! Frigidaire Car Conditioning*t Autronic-Eye*! Luxurious new interiors! New instrument panel! Plus the widest selection of colors, inside and out, in Oldsmobile history! All in all, it's the "BIG FEATURE" car of the year . . . Super "88" Qidsmobile for 19S3! it's on display . . . in our showroom todmy! ^Optional at <u trm roif. L_JWD A HEW 1951 'DOCKET" Horsepower has been boosted to 165 ... compression ratio raised to 8 to 1. . . ignition capacity increased by • new 12-volt electrical system. -NEW 1953 OLDSMOBILES NOW ON DISPLAY AT YOUR OLDSMO»ILE DEALER'S 403 FRONT STREET R. J. OVERTON MOTOR SALES PHONE 6 ^ ) T McHENRY Courtesy of Tour OldsmoMle Dqpter. ON .TEfJC^SION! CHS News DQUfiaa KOwanU • Jttufti .Friday at.«Jto r.M., ?t»tion YVftKB, Channel 4 gat. PFE® I