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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 22 Jan 1953, p. 5

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.T Wwwdiy. Unvuy 22.1S53 McHenry Plaindealer Published every Thursday at McHenry, 111., by the McHenry Publishing Company, Inc. NATIONAL EDITORIAL e^y Ia#c5ti3n W. BURFBUNiyr, Gen. Manager. 4DBLE FROEHLlCH, Editor. Plaindealer Want Ads No ads counted leas than 29 words $1.00 minimum. 1 insertion $1.00 j * (Count 5 words per line) I SSc service charge on all blind ids. Cash with order. 'Sard of Thanks .. $1.0fcdttinimum Want Ads close promptly at 10. V*. Wednesday. SUBSCRH%ON RAT^ *ew fS.00 jfintered as second-class matter at' the postoffice at McHenry, 111:, under the act of May 8, 1870. AUTOMOTIVE , -• - V r ' BUSINESS SERVICE , GRAPHIC ^ ; WEDDING CANDIDS throughout (Ae whole eventful day from tfaine, Church, Reception. f i t full album form. ' • £ ' MAX F. KOUN McHenry. 588-W-l 1 CMcago RA HSS1 j: , - -• ^ Mf WELLS DRILLED OR DRIVEN WATER SYSTEMS--We sell, repair and install pumpc. Bill Bacon, 206 Main Street, McHenry. Telephone 187. 26-tf FLOOR SANDING STANLEY J. FREUN0 649-M% 35-tf BUS. SERVICE -- Interior Painting and Paper Hanging. All work guaranteed. Free Estimate*. Tel. 525-M-2. 35-tf FOR SALE . EMPLACEMENT PARTS FOR ALL CARS Accessories and Seat Covers ^COMMUNITY AUTO SUPPLY 409 W. Elm Street Open Week Days 9 AM. to . PJL Sundays 9 AJIL to 1 PJL 11-tf FOR , SALE--1949 Chervolet cab over engine, 2-ton truck with new tires, A-l condition. Central Garage, Johnsburg. 30-tf FOR SALE--ALUMINUM WINDOWS. The Wallfill Co., Leo Stilling, 200 E. Pearl, McHenry 18. 48-tf FOR 8ALE -- Factory Seconds: Women's Slacks, $2.36; Women's Skirts, $2.50 to $3.50; Dresses, $1.98 and $2.98; also Children's Slacks, $1.85. Riverside Mfg. Co., at the Old Bridge, Riverside Dr., McHenry, HL 35-tf THE BEST USED FOR LESS CARS All Gars Reconditioned and 0Md with Written Warranty t '88 - DODGE Coronet Club- Coup< I . A dream car - Perfect shapt f - DODQE M^adowbroofe Sedan, As close to new as possible ^•JlikKAISER 4 Door Sfedan Check this price before^ou j ~~^buy .... t... DODGE Coronet 4-Dr. Sedan - Really a deluxe darling I* •» - DODGE Wayfarer Club Sedan Pleasure plus economy here W- DODGE Coronet 4-tir. Sedan * Don't overlook this beauty* • *49- BUICK Super Sedanette Low price - High qualify (A0f- DODGE Coronet 4-Dr. Sedan * neat and cldan as .they! •48 - PACKARD Club Coupe# Lots of miles for little money ]•"TThese and A Wide Selection r, . of Others may be seen at A. 8. BLARE MOTORS, Inc. s1' McHenry 156 87 BUSINESS SERVICE ACCOUNTING and BOOKKEEPING SERVICE Individuals, Partnerships, Corporations, Estates. All State and Federal Taxes. a ELMER P. ADAMS *«ke 7-4801 FOR SALE-- JOHNS-MANSVILLE HOME INSULATION. Guaranteed not to settle. Installed by the Wallfill Co. Call Leo J. Stilling, 200 E. Pearl St, McHenry. Phone McHenry 18. l#-tf FOR SALE -- The lowest priced extruded aluminum storm windows and screens in the highest quality field. No maintenance. Free' estimates. Phone: Dodge Window ^Company, Algonquin 8313i. *36-3 FOR SALE Decayed Cow Manure Herman Dowe McHenry 241. 36-2 IS YOUR ^OBHARD ON YOUR FEET -- tough on work shoes? Then you'll be dollar ahead and hours of comfort to the good if WOLVERINE SHELL HORSEHIDES are your work shoes from now on. They're hickory tough -- all the natural wear-defying toughness of Shell horsehide -- yet tanned buckskin-soft to give you the world's' most comfortable work shoes. They even dry out soft. Try 'em on- at . FOR SALE CLEARANCE SALE -- Toddler coat sets, rnow suits, Jackets, robes, chuM>y juid 'teen dresses. Toddler Shop, 312 Elm St., McHenry. 37 FOR SALE--A new l!20 bass accordion. Will sell at nearly half the price. Phone McHenry 299. 37 FOR SALE -- T.V. set, 14-inch, Stewart-Warner console. Beautiful unmarked cabinet. Good condition. Phone: McHenry 57-J. *37 FOR SALE--l Kresky floor furnace. 65,000 B.T.U. New type. Reasonable. S. Strach. Phone-569- R-2. > 37 M M«M1 t i l l MIMIHtl 11JM ft M 1 H4WIIIII m»» J&k-Ana Heights -- -- -nil ii ill'i in mi in IIU V1---iVni . - FOR SALE--10 cu. ft. 6-hole ice cream freezer, excellent condition, $65. Dean's Meat Market, phone Wonder Lake 2341. 37 FOR SALE--Hollywood bed, like new. 716 Center St., McHenry FORRENT FOR RENT -- Newly decorated rooms, home privileges, near depot and schools. 109 Main Street Phone McHenry 100-R 20-tx' FOR RENT--Sleeping rooms with or without bath. Special weekly, monthly or year-round rate. Riverside Hotel, Riverside Drive and Elm street. 19-tf FOR RENT--5 room cottage in Emerald Park. Call 643-R-2. 37 FOR RENT--Flat 5 ro&fos, bath and garage. Newly redecorated. Gas and electric furnished. Above Johnsburg Food Mart. Phone 908 or 659-R-2. 37 FOR RENT--Two bedroom apt.; steam heat and hot water furnished. Call McHenry 772-M. 37 FOR RENT--3 room modern apt.; stove, refrigerator furnished. $55 per month. Phone McHenry 513- J-2. -•> 37 •FITZGERALD'S MEN'S SHOP 208 S. Green Street McHenry, 111. 3fl PIANO TUNING Also for sale high grade Spinet pianos, overhauled upright pianos. Prompt blWln. C. J. H. Diehi, phone 288-TV, Woodstock, 111. 51-tf FOR SALE -- TYPEWRITERS, ADDING MACHINES. Service on all makes, Also ribbons for all makes, carbon paper. L. V. Kiltz, Clay St. Woodstock. Phone 549. 7-tt OARAGE DOORS WOOD SECTIONAL Residential, Commercial or Industrial -- Standard or Specially Designed. KEN LEIBACH Bales, Installation and Service McHenry 1187-R 14-tf RALPH L. CLARK Piano Technician RepaUtSff -- Tuning > 908 Garfield Road. Harvard, I1L Phone 748-R 37-tf BUSINESS SERVICE -- Boat storage .and refinishing. Johnson Seahorse Sales and Service. All makes of motors repaired. Bill's Outboard "Motor. 104 % S. Riverside Drive. McHenry 1076. 18-tf MUSIC INSTRUCTION In Your Own Home. Piano and Piano AccordtaA. Clarinet and Saxophone EARL P. KOCH * Phone Pistakee 633-M-l 8-tf SALE -- SALE -- SALE Save from 25' to 100% bn Items Listed Below. 1, Model No. 12 Winchester 12 ga. pump gun. 2 bolt action 12 ga. 3 shot. Overnight bag. Sofa pillows. Nlyon organdy and plastic curtains. Plastic and material drapes. Drapery and dress materials. Ladies' purses, hand bags and gloves. 25 lb. flour sacks. Towels and towel sets. Linoleum. Plastic flounces. Skirts and twin size bed and couch spreads. Garment bags. Shoe bags. Slip covers. Band and jig saw;. 4" planers. Braces. Rabbett planes and levels. Jstume jewelry. Deep freeze paks. Dolls. 12% H.P. garden tractor. 1 3-H.P. gasoline all purpose saw mounted on wheels. 1% volt square batteries. Pad locks and door locks. Hair clippers. Hair dryers. Permanent wave sets. Broilers. Electric bean pots. Some auto glass. Texaco outboard water proof grease. Hot water bags and syringes. Faucets, sink legs, in the wall soap, glass and toilet roll holders. BX. Romax porcelain insulators. Shingle stains. Unfinished semi assembled base and wall cabinets. Sinks fronts. And many more items too numerous to mention. „ Wauconda 8ales and Surplus Ptfbne 6-6421 Location: Main and Roosevelt Wauconda, III. 37 FOR SALE--1 small door, 18x81; child's bed and spring; bird cage; 2 small radios; electric scroll saw; baseball shoes; electric time clock; 4% ft. framed mirror; brown leather Horse riding puttees; boat, 14 ft.; 1 German mauser gun. Tel. McHenry 573-M-l. 37 FOR SALE -- Electric bowling machine. An amusing addition for your rumpus or game room. Excellent condition. Reasonably priced. Phone: McHenry 388. , 37 FOR SALE -- 9'xl5' green fibre rug, $24.50. P. M. Jttsten Furniture Co. Phone 63. 37 FOR SALE--Mahogony drop leaf table,. $64.50; 3 pedestal, full extension 38"x80". P. M. Justen Furniture Co. Phone 63. 37 PINTZ & CO. JPainting, Decorating and Wall Papering Homes, Stores and Industrial PHONE McHENRY 966-} P- After 5:00 P. M. FOR RENT--4 room unfurnished apartment. Tel. Woodstock 1436-J. 37 HELP WANTED ILLINOIS BELL , v r TELEPHONE CO. "a friendly place to work"' Opening in our McHenry Business Office for.. a poised, intelligent, young woman (18 to^6 years old) who likes to meet the public. Good salary to start. Four raises 1st year. 40-hour week (Monday through Friday). If you want more than just a job, come in and discuss the advantage of a^ telephone career., See Mr. Wilburn, lOlVanBuren St., Woodstock - or call collect Woodstock 9905. 30-tf , OUTDOOR MEN 17 to SO "* fo Trim Trees . Also Older Men For Ground Work. PHONE WAUCONDA 2288 or CARY 2643 18-tf HELP WANTED -- Girl experienced in bookkeeping, general office. Stenography desirable but not essential. State age, experience and salary desired. Write Box 274, c/o McHenry Plaindealer. 9-tf rat luy A Home See JAK-ANA HEIGHTS " In Johnsburg. You can get a modern home on 1! a 100 x 200 foot lot, overlooking the beautifu|l countryside. Near church, school. New Memorial Hall and shopping district* ^ JACOB FRITZ - REALTORS In Johnsburg Tel. McHenry 37 Ri. McHenry, Illinois REAL ESTATE S P E C I A L Ranch home and garage attached Complete $9,098 Esisy Terms AIRSFUN BUILDERS Phones: McHenry 511-R-l aad Wonder Ifcke 2188 36-tf FOR SALE--HOMES--FARMS CHOICE LOTS -- BUSINESSES RESORT PROPERTY Knox Real Estate 405 Richmond Road > McHenry, 111. Phone: McHenry 421-J 84-tf FOR SALE -- A beautiful home overlooking Fox River. Large parlor, recreation room. This home must be. seen to be appreciated. Price $28,500.00.-- JACOB FRITZ - REALTORS In Johnsburg Tel. McHenry 37 Jtt. 5, McHenry, Illinois - " 35-tf REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Near Johnsburg - All year 'round homes. $2,000.00 cash down buys 4 room home, 7 yearf oldj full price, $8,200.00. Also 5 rooms, garage, large lot, nice location, river rights, price $9,000. For appointment call our office in Johnsburg. JACO^ FRITZ - REALTORS "•"""Tel. McHenry 37. 36-tf ' l e g a l s * NOTICE State of Illinois County of McHenry ss. In The Circuit Court Darrell Eugene Pope by Kenneth Pope, his next friend, Plaintiffs, vs. Mary T. Pope, Defendant/ Complaint in Chancery for Annulment. No. 32915. Affidavit showing that the defendant Mary T. Pope resides out of this state and on due inquiry cannot be found, so that process cannot be served upon $aid defendant, having been filed in the office of the Clerk of this court, notice ^8s therefore, herebj/ given to said Mary T. Pope defendant that the plaintiff in the above • batter, about % full. Bake in a VARIATION OF TOPSY TUfcVEY IS BANANA UPSIDE DOWN CAKE' ,? Oh, what an' acrobat i|s upside down calce. And what a favorite it is with the folks who appreciate a home-baked cake dooe with imagination. We all know the great big, wheel-like upside down cakes that began the topsy turvy trend. Now here is the diminutive of the theme. Delightful little individual banana upside down cakes. They're so good and so attractive-looking, with / their arrangement of sliced bananas on top, which is really the bottom, and a bright red cherry for the center. There's a brown sugar and butter mixture baked wilLh the fruit to give the topping a rich, old-fashioned flavor. These little cakes are served warm from the * oven, and what a wonderful dessert they.- are for a winter's eve! Banana Upside Down Cakes 1*4 cups sifted cake flour , cup sugar .y •Hi teaspoons baking; powder , ,,34 teaspoon palt : v % cup shortening 1 egg. unbeaten : cup milk ' '... w 1 teaspoon vanilla ^ • Jh % cup butter or margarine % cup firmly packed brown sugar 1 tablespoon water ^"maraschino cherries 2 firm bananas* •Use all-yellow bananas Sift together flour, sugar, baking powder and salt. Add shortening, egg and % cup milk. Beat 1 minute at medium speed A'ith electric mixer, or 1 minute by hand. Scrape down bowl and beater frequently during mixing. Add remaining % cup milk and vanilla. Beat 1 minute longer. Melt butter or margarine in saucepan, over low heat. Add brown sugar and water, stirring until sugar is melted and syrup is formed. Pour about 2 teaspoons syrup into bottoms of 8 (6-ounce) custard cups. Place a cherry in the center of each cup. Peel and slice bananas and arrange in pattern, around each cherry. Fill custard cups with drycleaning dollar* it our low, low met McHENRY CLEANERS 108 Elm Street McHenry, Hp, PHONE I04-M • We give and redeem - , ' •. 'Cold Bond Stamps.* " . EMMA HAVENS. FORMER McHENRY RESIDENT. DIED PUBLIC SERVICE ESTABLISHED PEAK XOAD DECEMBER 22 The ' interconnected electric Mrs. Emma May Havens, 78^' system of Public Service Cbtn- who made her home in McHelfry for several years before moving to Elgin in 1952, died Saturday, night at the home of her daught? ter. Mrs. August Heimann, after entitled cause filed--their--complaint in said cause on the 12th day of January, 1953, and that said action is now pending and undetermined in said court, and that you, the said Mary T. Pope, defendant,/must file your appearance in said action on or before the third Monday in the month of February, 1983, and in the event you m to do so default may be entered against you any day thereafter. Plaintiffs Attorney A Attorneys _ Address: ' ' " "" " Joseph X. W&ynne McHenry, Illinois. Lester Edinger, 1 /• Clerk 'of said Cpurt. ' Ppb. Jan. 15-22-29, '53) REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 3 Apartments, brick, 1-3 and 2*4 rooms, only 2 years old, near church, school and shopping district in McHenry. Income $220.00 „ Mayme MlChelsen per month. Price $26,500.00. Buried In Chicago For appointment call our office in Johnsburg. JA£OB FRITZ - REALTORS Tel. McHenry 37 36-tf SITUATION WANTED WOMEN WANTED--Address and mail postals. Make over $50 p,.T week. Send $1 for instructions. LENDO, Water town, Mass. 36-3 HELP WANTED--Gadget Party Demonstrator. Male or female. Experience not essential; car is neegssary. Call Grayslake 3-0372 or write Box 152-U, Grayslake, 111. 37 HELP WANTED--Wonderful opportunity for active, ambitious man with car, to sell aluminum storm windows and screens. Will train. Call Algonquin 5313 for appointment. .37 SITUATION WANTED -- House work by the day, thoroughly experienced. Write: c/o Box 812, McHenry Plaindealer. 37 WANTED REAL ESTATE WANTED We have cash buyers for you? homes, summer homes, farms and business properties. We can sell your property If year prim Is right. JACOB FRITZ --REAL ESTATI la Johnsburg Tel. McHenry 87 87-t HELP WANTED--Women to do telephone survey work from their homes, three hours per day. $1 per hour to start. Experience not necessary. !$ease state whether you have private phone or are on party line. Write: Central Surveys, 426 Belvidere, Waukegan, 111. 37-2 HELP WANTED--Full time legal stenographer for Crystal Lake Office. Write Box 313, c/o McHenry Plaindealer. s 37 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE -- House for sale. 6 rooms. Located 210 Richmond Rd. Call Wonder Lake. 3845 or McHenry 429-R. Steven Freund, WANTED -- 14-ft. Family Run about, used, with center deck an< remote controls, if possible. MUE be in good condition. Call Wonder Lake 2681. *37 WANTED TO BUY WANTED TO BUY-- Top price paid fat iron, metals tnd junk car*. Ed Wank McHenry mill utt WANTED TO BUY--A player type piano in working condition Phone McHenry 668-R-2. 37 WANTED TO RENT WANTED TO RENT OR BUYFive room house. Willing to pay small down payment. Desire tc locate within city limiti only adm. *17-tf Phone: Wauconda 5388 35- tl FOR THE BEST IJ| TV , SEE YOUR ' ' T, REPRESENTATIVE PON WEINGART AFTER 5*. H. PHONE 798-M 807 N. GREEN STREET 'O' Word comes of the death of Mayme Weber Michelsen, 65, of Arlington Heights, who passed away Jan. 10. Burial was from the Pedersen funeral home in Chicago. Survivors include a daughter, Marjorie, and two grahdchildren; ilso a sister, Mrs. Christina Britz, of Spring Grove, and two brothers, John Weber of Antioch and Joseph Weber of Chicago. Mrs. Michelsen's husband preceded her in death in November of 1951. SKATING PARTY The junior class of the high ichool is sponsoring a roller skating party at the Just F^r Fun roller rink bn Thursday, Ian. 22, at 8 p.m. Their friends ire invited to attend. moderate oven (350 deg. F.) about 35 minutes, or until done. Loosen cakes at sides with knife or spatula. Turn out immediately onto serving plate, with bananas on top. Serve warm, with whipped cream, if desired. Makes 8 individual upside down cakes. , ij>* ilf* pany of Northern 'Illinois and i Commonwealth Edison company established its peak load of the current winter on Monday. Dec. 22, it tfas announced by Charles j an extended illness. Y. Freeman, chairman of the Seven daughters and one scut two utilities. For the half hour j survive, Mrs. Walter Andreses, • from 5 to 5:30 p.m. on that day, the accumulated demand from all customers reached a total of 3,012,000 kilowatts, the highest ever recorded by Phe system. The system's generating capacity is 3,062,000 kilowatts. Mrs. Paul Heimann, Mrs. August Heimann and Miss Violette Havens, all of Elgin, Mrs. Gordon Stubbings of McHenry, Mrs. Holger Jensen of Zion. Mrs. <0ewald Larsen of North Chicago and Clark Havens of McHenry; To meet the demand, substan- \ also two sisters, sixteen grandtlally all of the equipment at the eleven generating stations of the system operated at 6r near top capacity. Fuel requirements on the peak day equalled approximately 35,000 tons of coal, equal to seven trains of 100 cars each. Peak load during the 1951-52 winter was 2,829,000 kilowatts. children and four great-grandchildren. Last rites - were conducted Tuesday afternoon from an Elgin funeral' home, followed by burial in Bluff City cemetery. ' 1 :®l Need a Rubber Stamp? It BOW at the Plaindealer. Order HARDEST , ,. ^ - BUSIEST - , ^ CHEXPBr WORKERS IN TOWN! PLAINDEALER WANT ADS FARMERS TRADING POST v . J W I R T Z AUCTION Southern Spoon Bread Tempting Old fashioned spoon bnead can' take its place in any meal of the day. This nourishing dish is a good source of food energy, is inexpensive, too, and will variety to any menu*. Serve it in place of bread or with the meat course as a pleasant change from potatoes. It becomes a hearty dinner or luncheon dish when it is topped with creamed tuna fish or' WILLIAM H. RUSSEL an# WILLIAM B. SULLIVAN, Auctioneers The undersigned, having sold the farm, will sell at public auction on the farm 6Va miles South sind Bast Cf Harvard, 5% miles North and West of Woodstock, add on Rte. 14, (the first farm East of "Bubbling Over"), on FRIDAY, JAN. 30th. 1953 commencing; at 11:30 A. M., the following described peraoaal property, to-wit: 25 HOLSTEZN COWS chicken a la king. Served with maple sirup it will tempt the most jaded breakfast appetite. It is easy to make. Here is how you do it: y% cup cornmeal % teaspoon salt 1 tablespoon butter 5 2 'cups milk 2 or 3 eggs (two large or 3 small) Put cornmeal and salt in saucepan; stir in the milk and heat, with stirring, until a mush is formed--about five minutes. Remove from the fire, stir in butter and when melted, stir in the beaten eggs. Mix well and pour into a shallow, buttered baking dish. Bake at 375 degree# Fahrenheit until puffed and brown (about 25 or 30 minutes). Serve bread hot from the baking dish. mn .j. .j. .j. <• <• •!' <• <• <• •!' 'I' •!< 4"! 1' 4 <• • •!' • 4' HI • •! HELP WANTED For New Barrington Plant V STENOGRAPHERS • TYPISTS -v • KEY PUNCH TRAINEES » (must be high school graduates) • PRODUCTION MACHINE OPERATORS Start now in our Chicago plant with the opportunity of moving to 'our new Barrington plant in February. High Wages A-- Steady Employment • * Generous production bonuses to machine operators Group Riding Facilities Available APPLY j * I Barco Manufacturing Co. X 1901 W. Winnemac Ave. Chicago. HL i MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY -f - l or . •- I NEW PLANT SITE | 880 Hoogh Street Barringtoa, DL .. I FRIDAY: 1 p.m. to 4. pja * T SATURDAY: S aa. to It noon 3 of which have freshened within the last 60 days; 2 will be fresh before the day of sale; several close springers; and the balance milking good. This is a good dairy of young cows and anyone interested in replacements will make no mistake in selecting them here. HAY, GRAIN aad FARM MACHINERY • 30 tons alfalfa and clover hay, baled; 1000 bu. ear corn, in crib; 700 bales oat straw; McCormick Deerlng MD tractor; McCormick Deerlng F20 tractor and cultivator; McCormick D*ering B tractor and cultivator; mounted corn planter for B tractor; jpounted corn picker for MD tractor; manure loader for MD tractor; McCormick Deering 3-bot. 14" plow; 8' Bradley double disc; 15' single disc; 4-sec. wood drag with folding drawbar; 9' International grain drill with fertilixer and grass seed attachment; Oliver tractor mower, new; Oltver tractor side delivery rake, new; 2 rubber-tired wagons and racks; 2-wheel rubber-tired trailer; horse drawn rake; end gate seeder; Kewanee 50' grain, hay and corn elevator, Challenger grain blower; 10" hammermill; 2 Stewart elec- Jric clippers; ^ Stewart electric ehorner; steel hog feeder; hqg crate; portable electric saw. MILKING EQUIPMENT 5 Surge milking machine units, pipe line, pump and motor; IT 8-gal. cans, pails and strainegp, Surge electric water heater. Surge fence charger, Ward fence charger. m MANY OTHER ARTICLES. TOO NUMEROUS TO MENTION. 3 ' Lunch Wagon On Grounds.,--^-* Not Responsible Fer AccldenHK TERMS: Usual First National Bank of Woodstock terms. MRS. BESSIE G. WIRTZ. . Owner Riclx&rd Bryani, Manager FIRST BANK of WOODSTOCK^'"tfiwWnRi^ j Member Federal Reserve an)||^. Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation ' ,4; |>EAD ANIMALS--Highest Casfc prices paid for cows, horses and hogs, no help needed to load. Day and night, Sundays and Holidays. Call Wheeling Rendering Worits. Wheeling No. 3; reverse chargea. FARMS WANTED • An Sizes, from 5 arrea «p>. DO YOU WANT TO SELL YOUR FARM? If You Do Gall | GEORGE D. WATTS, P.S. No* 12 SikopBglrt FE* Lakes OIL Pkeaa 7-1811 ^ ' 87-tt i FOR SALE--Mixed timothy and alfalfa hay, also oats. Phone: Melvin Ehredt, Wonder I«ake 3820- •37 -- MODEL FARM AUCTION 2 Miles West of Mundelein, 111, % mile South of Ifaidioe, fct 59-A and Hwy. 83, on • THURSDAY, JANUARY 29th | Commencing at 10:00 o'clock SH.\RP ^ | 10- 8x12 Hog Houses 21 - 7x9 Hog Houses 4 2-Hole Miners^ FeedCIS - J 17 80-Gal. Float Type Water Fountains with Heat Lamps, - • 22 Elec. Pig Savers Hog Brooders 17 Self Feeders (8, 12 A 18 ho||| ,5.^ Large quantity of troughs, feeders, platforms, fountains, etc. »•/ \.j| All of the above equipment is ijn excellent conditioh. ^ Edward Manning, owner -- Waller Daviillt - I HERMAN BEHM, Awjtto*er ^ ^ V| WIS. SALES CORP., 6ferk Onw% l|>. 0 ."•• H O G A U C T I O N ^ ; J V , .. Oenuneactng at 18:00 o'clock SHARP ^ LUNCH ON GROUNDS 290 REGISTERED HAMPSHIRE HOGS WTLL BE SOLD, - Bred Sows, Bred Gilts, Fall Pigs (boars A gUts). This is one of the best herds ever produced In the oonati?. further information concerning the above hogs write Edward' Mundelein, Illinois for a free catalog. Anyone wishing to above bog- equipment for this fine herd of Registered Hampshire are welcome to visit the Model Farm any time prior to the Edward Manning, owner -- Walter Dartee, G. XL SHAW - Monroe, I«wa " ^ $ t,«'! ;• . 4 . -1

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