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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 29 Jan 1953, p. 2

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*j*fj wv&« Thursday, Jax&tsary 29 *195$ i ;'•< i«i»M>' rtiiii ,-.|,|'1rfN» tfaWifaHi Mr PM-aellenlc €*d»*ii Met Jan. *8 ; ' Th# McHenry county chapter of the Pan Hellenic group met test Monday, Jan. 26, at the home of Mrs. Dorothy Haspel in Woodstock. Members brought dothHtf and magazines to be given to the county home. 3 During the evening, John Andtyrson gave a very interesting tipk on architecture, explaining Why and how the modern home has developed from the colonial ttd how to get the most living ana for your money- Members planned a dinner and dance at Big Foot Inn, near Harvard, for Feb. 21. The next meeting will be in Harvard Fevb. 23. Mmsbnif Community Old) To Meet Feb. 2 The Johnsburg Community club Will hold its next meeting on) ~ Monday, Feb. 2. The organization Infant Son Of hopes to be in their new build tor Bassi, Sr., Mr. and Mrs. John R. Schmitt, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Mann and family of Indiana and Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Frost. A delicious turkey dinner was served at1®*® o'clock. Valent'ne Danee , At Legion Home • ' ^ ; The public is invited to the Valentine dance which will be held Feb. 7 at the Legion Home under sponsorship of the St. "Patrick's Mother's club. Tickets may be purchased from Mrs. Chuck Miller, phone 920, or at the door. There will be square^dancing frorri 9 to 1(X p.m.,' called by Ernest Useman, who will furnish music. Later there will be ballroom da.ncing, with music by Pat Lester's orchestra. Refreshments will be served. ing, now undn< construction, the near future. in ft. N. A. Cam* lau Meeting Fox River Valley Camp, R.N.- 4*, will hold its next regular meeting at the home of Mrs. Qeorge Johnson on Tuesday evening, Feb. 3, at 8 o'clock. Mrs. Qeorge Lindsay will act as cohostess. ^ XIMrd party M ' TOurnament Held The third party in the current card tournament was held by the C. D. of A. on Jan. 15. Winners in contract bridge were Ethel McGee, Coletta Adams and Helen Dobyns; in pinochle, L e n a B o h r . C l a r a A d a m s , Frances Bauer and Margaret Simon: in canasta. Rose Kennebeck and Olivia Bauer. Staines and Claire Miller hostesses for the party. Smiths Christened The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Smith was christened Randall Kramer Smith at baptismal services held last Sunday at St. Mary's church, with Rev. Fr. Reuland officiating. Sponsors were John Rogers and Bertha Smith. Dinner was served afterward in the Smith home to the grandparents, Mr. and Mts. George Kramer and Mrs Smith. Announce Troth Of Helen Tronsea Mr. and Mrs. OrvlUe Tronsen, Jr., of „ Wonder Lake announce the engagement of their daughter, Helen Rose, to Math Scheid, Jr., of Solon Mills. Mbyl Sean Will AMwim Home Buregpt, . Mrs. Sibyl Sears, ' assistant ^lame advisor, will give a lesson OB "The Combination of Texture and Fabrics in the Home" at the next meeting s of the Ringwood Home Bureau unit, to be held. Tuesday, Feb. 3, at 1:15 O'clock at the home of Mrs. Joseph Waynne on Rt. 120. Mrs. Cl L. Harrison will give JL lesaon «n Tlrst Aid." Mrs. J. J. Neuharth and Mrs. Uctor Milbrandt are attending iQarm and Home week at Urbana a? delegates from the local unit. Hochat-Pechous Marriage Told Announcement has been made Of the recent marriage of Miss Gloria Bochat of Chicago and ftoger E. Pechous of the McHenry area. They are residing here since returning from a honeymoon trip to Florida. Both Die bride and bridegroom attend- #1 Kelvyn Park high school. 0hrlsten Daughter Of Victor Bassls Friends will be interested to learn of the christening of the Infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Victor Bassi by Rev. Fr. L. L. Eiebl, assistant pastor of St. Catherine's church, Milwaukee, Hat Sunday. The little lady was tiamed Fr. Baumhofer To Speak Before P.T.A. * Rev. Fr. BJugene Baumhofer, former assistant pastor of St. Mary's Catholic chureh, will be euest speaker before the school P.T.A. on Wednesday afternoon, Feb. 4. At that time he will present the second in a series of pictures taken during his European trip. The meeting begins at 3:15 in the school hall, with mothers of sixth grade pupils as Brtde-To-Be £ * ^ Shower Quest L, Miss Faith l^hgwbrtny,' ifcrtio will become the bride of Alvin Schaefer on Feb. 14. was guest of honor at a miscellaneous shower held at the Peter M. Schaefer home last Sunday. Hostesses were (Mrs. Laura Martin and Mesdames LOvina, Rita, Shirley and Helen Schaefer. Games were played, after which a tasty lunch was served to the guests. The table containing the..array of beautiful gifts was attractively decorated with a large heart in the center, at the base of which stood a miniature bride. Other decorations were in red and white in keeping with Valentine's Day, which ' is the marriage date. Thirty-five guests, were present from Woodstock, Grayslake, Spring Grove, Richmond, Johnsburg; Chicago and McHenry. FIRST AID LESSON Local leaders" to give the first aid minor lesson on first aid in March are to meet in the Farm Bureau meeting room Jan. 29 from 1:30 to 3 p.m. The .lesson is to be given by >Mn. Robert Wienke. ' 'V'"- • : • Rlverview Camp Riverview Camp, R.N.A., held installation of officers at 'the K. of C. hall Tuesday evening, witfl Gladys Ames of Gurnee, as installing officer, Marcella Kraft of Gurnee as ceremonial marshal find Elsie Hoppe of McHenry as i n s t a l l i n g c h a p l a i n . ------ The following officers were Installed: -- Ethel Holly, oracle ' Kate Worts, vice-oracle Alida Freund, past oracle* Maud Rothermel, chancellor Margaret Creamer, recorder Mary Weingart, receiver? Frances Vycital, marshal: Mary Freund, assistant marshal „ Alpha Peterson, inner sentinel Delia Freund, outer sentinel Barbara Weber, manager Dr. X. I. Froehlich, physician Helen Creamer, musician , Louise Kramer, Faith * Elsie Reiker, Modesty Hattie Adelmeier, Courage Theresa Freund, Unselfishness Susie Justen, Endurance Annie Boley, Flag Bearer Lunch was served at the close of the evening by Chairman Alpha Peterson and assistants. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Younger of Valparaiso, Ind., spent the weekend with her parents, the Drapers. Mrs. Gertrude Schneider of Chicago, well known i%^» McHenry, where she was a summer resident for twenty years, was a guest of the Eugene Jadot family Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John Sullivan of Woodstock were dinner guests in the Norbert Yegge home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Stoffel of Waukegan were visitors one? day last week in the Louis Stoffel home. Mr. and Mts. Harold Phalin and daughters of Waukegan were recent guests in the home of her mother, Mrs. Mdllie Givens. Mrs. Curtis Westfall of Chicago and daughter of New York ESTELLE McMAHON, DONALD R SCHAEFER MARRIED SATURDAY A very lovely winter wedding wis solemnized at St. Margaret Mary Catholic church, Chicago, last Saturday, Jan. 24, when Miss Estelle Ann McMahon, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert McMahon of Chicago, exchanged nuptial vows with Mr. Donald Henry Schaefer, son of the H. B. Schaefers of Court street, McHenry. Rev. Fr. Jack Kennedy, a relative of the McMahon family, officiated at the solemn nuptial Mass, which was solemnized at 11:30 o'clock. The service was especially impressive because of the reading by Fr. Kennedy of a special Papal Blessing on parchment City visited in the Mrs. Simon1 scroll which was sent to the Personals Victoria Linn. Sponsors Were Mrs. Lorraine Frost and jKtanley Mann, aunt and uncle «f the baby. / Others present for the happy •ccaaion were Mr. and Mrs. Vies morning of this week, Mike Freunds Wed Forty-Nine Years Mr. and Mrs. Mike Freund of Richmond Road celebrated their forty-ninth wedding anniversary \ast Sunday, although the actual marriage date occurred on Jan. 27. The couple was pleasantly surprised by their six children, after which a social afternoon was enjoyed, followed by a delicious dinner. The family gathering also served as an anniversary celebration for Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Freund, who were married seven years ago on Tuesday. . * Attending Sunday's gathering were the Mike Freunds' children, Mr. and Mrs. George Wagner and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Miller of Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. George Hiller and family of Johns'.)!»rg, Mr. and Mrs, Arnold Freund and family of West Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Freund and family and Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Freund and family of Chicago, also Mr. Freund's sister, Mrs. Math Freund,' of Solon Mills. A Mass of Thanksgiving was held in honor of the couple at St. Mary's church Wednesday Stoffel home one day last week. Mrs. Edward J, Buss and the Misses Mildred Klnsala and Alice Gaulke spent the weekend visiting Miss Lorraine Thennes in Warren. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Corso and son, John were visitors on Sunday. S.'£t BIRTHS Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Newman | of 1205 E„ Wilson street, Peoria, are the parents of a daughter, born at St. Francis hospital in Peoria Jan. 24. The NewmanB have two other children, both : ns, Tom and Jerry. ? Mr. and Mrs. William Fuak are the parents of a boy, bolrn at the Woodstock hospital on Jan. 27. A daughter was born Jan. 27 at the Woodstock hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas 'Mathews of Wonder Lake. A son was born Jan. 27 at the Woodstock hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Richard Flynn of Lakemoor. Randal] Joseph is the name which Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Jackson have selected for their new son, born Jan. 16. CANDY COOKIES TUST RIGHT FOB LIGHT SNACKS Miss Dorothy J lis ten returned to St Anthony's 'hospital, Rock-" ford, last week after spending a few days with her parents. Miss Rita Martin visited her father, Clarence Martin, in Waukegan on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Rothermel have returned from a vacation trip to Florida. Ft-eddie Thompson, who has been spending the past ten days in Waukegan with hisu-mother, is confined to Victory Memorial hospital with the flu. Among those who attended the McMahon-Schaefer wedding in Chicago last Saturday were Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Schaefer, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Schaefer, Dr. and Mrs. James McMahon, Mrs. Leo Winkel and son, Willie, Mr. and Mrs. George Worts, Sr., Mr. and Mrs. George Worts, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wirtz, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Bolger, Mrs. Elvira Durland and Mrs. Fred Rogers. Mr. and Mrs. {Louis Huff spent the weekend at their home, Deer Lane Farm, at'LaGrange, Wis. bridal couple by Brother Tom McMahon, brother of the b^ide, who is studying for the priesthood in Rome. ,v • Soloist for the wedding was Miss Marilyn Degen, ,a friend of the bride, who offered "On This Day O Beautiful Mother" as the bride placed a bouquet before the altar of the Blessed Virgin at the conclusion^1# the ceremony. The radiant bride was pretty in gown of ivory satin and lace, with boat neckline, fitted bodice and long cathedral train. She wore a fingertip Juliet veil and carried a white orchid, surrounded by lilies of the valley, arranged on a white prayer book. Attending her as maid of honor was Miss Helen Degen, a close friend. Bridesmaids were Miss Mary Cleary, a friend, and Miss Ann McMahon and Mrs! Eileen Llttwin, sisters. All were attired similarly in gownp of champagne-colored bengaline, fur trimmed, with matching bengaline bands in their hair to which were attached brown veils. They carried bouquets of American Beauty roses. Robert Schaefer served his brother as best mqn and Jay Cristy of Woodstock, John Rogers and Dr. James McMahon of McHenry were groomsmen. The latter is a brother of the bride. For Miss McMahon's wedding, he)- mother choBe a beige silk suit with matching feather hat and " an orchid corsage. M?s. Schaefer wore a pink silk suit with straw braid hat to match and a similar corsage. A reception tor 200 friends and relatives followed the ceremony, held at the Hotel Belmont, after which the couple left on a honeymoon trip to Biloxi, Miss. Upon their return they will reside in the Rogers apartment, at 400 W. John street. The bride is a graduate of St. Scholastica Academy for Girls and at present is attending Chicago Teachers' college, from which she will be graduated in spring. The bridegroom graduated from the McHenry high school and Is employed with the Illinois Bell Telephone company out of the Woodstock office. ARLINE SVOBODA' WED IN McHENRY TO DONALD PHALIN A very quiet but lovely wedding was solemnized last Saturday, Jan. 24, when Miss Arline Svoboda, daughter of Mr. alid Mrs. Fred J. Svoboda, Sr., of TJlymoor, became the bride of Mr. Donald Phalin, son of the Thomas Phallns of McHenry. Rev. Fr. John McGowan officiated at 3:30 o'clock service, which was solemnized in St.- Patrick's Chapel of the Sacred Heart. Only witnesses to the nuptials were the parents, the bride's brother,' Fred Svoboda, Jrj, and the^ three grandmothers, Mrs. Mae Svoboda and Mrs. Francois Jirsa of Riverside and Mrs. William Spencer of McHenry, . The pretty bride was charm- I ing in a grey wool suit, with of McHenry which she wore navy accessories lOXS 301 SCHOOL OF EXPRESSION , " ' ( • AND ' V„• > ^ DRAMATICS and a white orchid corsage. Sh*| was attended by Mrs. Larry! Phalin of Barrington, who chose' a navy blue suit, matching ac* cessories and a pink orchid cor- Larry Phalin served ll|s brother as best man. For her daughter's^ wedding, Mrs. Svoboda chose a purple suit and accessories and an orchid corsage. Mrs. Phalin wore a navy blue taffeta dress, a coral hat and an orchid corsage. A reception for twelve guests followed the ceremony at the Svoboda home,- after which the couple took a short wedding trip before leaving for Rockford to make their future home. The bride is a graduate of the local high school with the class ef 1952 and has been employed as bookkeeper' at the McHemy Ice Cream company. The bridegroom is a 1951 graduate of the McHenry school and is an apprentice butcher with the National Tea company in Rockford.. JXNTJARY BRIDE CARD OF THANKS • We would like to take this opportunity to thank -friends and neighbors for floral offerings, spiritual bouquets, donations of cars, cards .of sympathy and the many other kindnesses extended to us in our bereavement. We are especially grateful for the services' of Msgr. Nix and Rev. Fr. Reuland. MR. AND MRS. EUGENE FROST AND FAMILY MR. AND MRS. JOHN R. 38 SCHMITT Warwick Photo Ill a beautiful wedding solem* - nized in the rfectory of Spi Mary's church Saturday afternoon, Jan. 17, Miss Theresa Bauer exchanged, nuptial voWS with Gustave C., Wilde, Jr., Of , Emerald Park. After a trip to California, the couple will reside at 304 West Waukegan • Road. 1 iHiliiiifiHiiiiiiiiiniii K'tiiN!iiiiHiniiiiuntiiiiitiiii(iQ|" AMONG THE SICK 1 raiiiiuttittittiiiiittiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiminiuiinmiitnHi Ralph Smith, Jr., has been a patient at St. Francis hospitair Evanaton. When is a cookie not a CooHfe? When it is mostly chocolate. But it isn't qufte a candy because it is baked like a cookie.* So to sclve our sweet riddle, let's name such delicacies candy cookies. They are so simple to make ahd so delicious to serve that yijSur youngsters as well as you #111 b#1 using the recipe. 1 Recipes for candy cookies ^Segin with a package of semisweet chocolate morsels, those little pieces that melt fast for convenient chocolate cookery. Some condensed milk, some nuts, vanilla and salt complete the recipe. And that's all there is to mixing a batch of candy cpok-< les. You'll enjoy the more delicate flavor of semi-sweet chqcolate that is making so many deserts these d&ys, as well as cookies and candles. • j Candy Cooktea 1 package semi-sweet - cheqfel late morsels • . v 4 % cup condensed milk . 1 cup chopped nutmeata > Pinch salt 1 teaspoon vanilla Heat together over h<k, not boiling, water and beat until smooth the semi-sweet, chocolate morsels and condensed milk. Add the nutmeats, salt and vanilla. Drop by teaspoonfuls on wellgreased cookies sheet. Bake at 350 degree F. for 10-12 minutes, YIELD: 3 dozen candy cookies; Give your child the benefit of Speech and Dramatic Training. Private or Class Lessons Children from the age of 3 years accepted v For information TtL McHenry 1114 Mrs. John Vareie IN EVERYDAY LANGUAGE This is our periodic "accounting," showing where our bank stands financially. It tells you, among other things, what proportion of total deposits goes into mortgage and other loans to local people and local businesses. HERE'S WHAT IT MEANS TO, YQII You can see just how our bank puts depositors' money to work soundly and for the benefit of the local community as a whole. Com* in for our latest statement-ask how we can serve yov. McHENRY STATE BANK MEMBER FEDERAL RESERVRE SYSTBU MEMBER FEDERAL RESERVE* SYSTEl* INTEREST PAID ON SAVINGS DEPOSITjfc t PHONP 1040 SkewUfUion SVuxtomncitfa CO&& "ts... Glas-lbne \ ••• (CufiiMlioi W ttauipMMt and ^ flee & •^DIum ninss FINIS# MARTIN-SEN0UR i" ^7* " ' % U b wefl !o hove your family physician regularly dteck your diHdren't eye*, ears, and general health. Necessary immunity *e«H may be made at the same time. Beaeflti can be great, and the cost will be little. Great peace of mind can result from knowing the condition of your children's heaMi, and also from the knowledge that this fine pharmacy stands ready wHh drugs and medicines of highest quality to help you and your children maintain good health. »u met BOLGER'S Gbmh St PHONE 40 McHsnry, I1L We give end redeem Gold Bond Stamps. RP-14S 'K: Colors keyed to fashion-Colors keyed to boaoty in easy-to-opply, long lasting GIm-Tshs 1 Loveliest finish for your walls and ceilings... aemiluetrous sheen, satiny and imwth Easy to apply. Easv to keee freab tnd clnn. lo f*hiez»*ri*ht colors from the Color Hit Parade, $1 RQ Martin-Senour 8 new color service that gives you col- B ors favored by homemakers across the nation. Get Glos-Tone in Hit Parade Colors today. MAKTlN-tlNOUt America'$ color loodor in qvotify pointa • \ t; qt. GEO. COLLETTE, Owner IAS Riverside Drive PHONE 45d Mkfleaiy, Hi.« We give and.redeem Gold Bond Stamps. 4 powerful reasons why you get more of what you r want... Trucks deliver more value! CHEVROLET MORE CHEVROLET TRUCKS IN USE THAN ANY OTHER MAKE I dim and engine power! more staying power I more braking power! more economy! 108-h.p. Loadmaster engias --standard on 5000 and 6008 Series heavy-duty and for* ward-control models, optional on duty trucks. Heavier, stronger, more durable frames increase rigid* ity, add to rugged ness and stamina of 1953 Chevraig trucks. Si": Trucks up to 4000 Series heavy-duty models have "Torque-Action" brakes. Series 4000 and above use "Torque-Action" brakes in front, "Twin-Action" in remr. New stamina plus extra gasoline economy in heavy-duty models with Loadmaster engine, reduces hauling costi ?er ton-mile. CLARK CHEVROLET 204 W. ELM STREET PHONE 277 McHENRY. ILL. •••••••••••••••••a* ' \

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