P«>* Vi#. i• ,'s s **i tvr v< *w ^v1* * .* ; | the btfikitttln game. The dance IIIIII/JfillHUfJB "'•'»• >vf ' "V« unmmniiriiiiiiiMi .By Marie Sehaettgen r a luncheon or buffet aWp- 1*1 small individual meat loaves to serve and make an appearance on the :h small loaf may be aclied by a serving of hot noodles and a spoonful #eaa or limas or whole kernel Whole beet adds a coloril nd¥§ to this hearty plate. The leat loaves may be prepared Jthe day before, wrapped in wax 1 paper separately and placed in 'frefrigerator to be baked about *Ad hour and a half before sei^- t h b : 1 -7 VI ng t i m e . \ \ . . ^ v ; : ' ' , / £ I n d i v i d u a l m e a t l o a v e s . ^ ; •W',, 1 lb. round steax, l lb. pork r oishoulder, l lb. veal, all three .ground together. %Jmt stale bread. 1 "large onion chopped fine » ' w'th 1 small clove garlic. 3 slightly beaten eggs. " *; t or two outer peaces of white jjar« s celery cut small. (Not e Pascal !iP; celery) _ if* . Salt, pepper, enough flour- to handle easily. HN" Beat eggs in large bowl. Soak bread Slightly in milk or water ^and squeeze out as much motgi? ture as possible. Break bread Owith fork or fingers, add to «gR8. Add rest of ingredients. j||Add flour a little at a time, so iS las not to get mixture too dry. IMix thoroughly by hand and •ahape into small loaves. Wrap wax paper and store until ]ready to bake. Do not freeze. iBake in moderate oven in greas- «d covered baking pan. keeping each loaf separate. Buttering Sides of loaves helps. If not jbrown enough, uncover pan for last twenty minutes of baking. McHENRY AND WEST SECTION PAID HIGH: FIGURE SALES TAX I. C. H. 8. NEWS McHenry ranked second in number of business places in the -county paying sales tax during November, according to figures just released, but they ran third in the total amount paid. The tax liability was for October but was not paid until the next month, A total of 188 local merchants paid in $15,116.12. Woodstock ranked first, where 194 places of business paid in $26,074.90. Crystal Lake's 152 merchants paid $15',972.03. Harvard ranked "fourth" with 133 places of business and $12,- 055.97 in revenue. Others 'listed included West McHenry. 18, $1,800.52, Wonder Lake, 16, $704.35; Johnsburg, 5, $309.73; Island Lake, 4, $182.54; and Spring Grove, 23, $844.38. These figures reveal that if McHenry and West McHenry were combined they would show the top number of businesses in the county--206 turning in a total of $16,916.64. . ELKHORN SCHOOL W h en construction crew®-- sometime in the next few months •Mbegin to errect a 'proposed vocational addition to the Elkhorn, Wis., high school, it will mark the first step in a long-range improvement program of the city school system. Tlie City Council last week approved the initial idea of the plan, an $80,- 000 addition to the school's north side. Aldermen next Tuesday are expected to pass a resolution on the project. The wheels will then be put in motion for a bond issue of $120,000, and the letting of bids for the work. ludi. Roewrh and Dorto Futyter . 'Sjjophomore' Boy WIM \ " Speech Contest Carl Poedtke was rated first in the competition of the speech contest sponsored by the American .Legion Jan. 22 in. Huntley, 111. Heo .chose, 'History and Ethics in the Constitution" hiasubject. .. - /• Carl will» go to the district contest in Glyn-Ellyn on February 22 to compete with five other young orators. We have gotten word that he will be awarded a .medal 1 some time next week by William Bray ton of" Cary. * . The entire school is .very proud of Carl and wishes him the best of luck for his coming speech. Third Pep Meeting Held As most of you know, the cheerleaders have been allowed to have four pep meetings a year. Last Friday, they presented the third one. At the pep meeting, a new cheeiyjwas introduced to the students. Everything turned out fine with the splendid leadership of Karen Engdahl. "SPEEDY" br McHENRY GARAGE these caps CVBB HERE. ARe practically PRICELESS /- VOUCE absolutely CltaHT I WOULDN'T ANY PRICE FOR 7 HEM THERG5 one over there THATS NOT LIKE THEM IT'S ALWAYS BEEN SERVICED BY NICK MILLER'S *NiNRYG«USi M T2S5Pi™' WANT! I.EMME SIGN THAT o«Dte blank NO? NO! NO! I'M SAVING THAT ONE FOR MYSELF f WILLYS-OVERLAND SALES sot most STREET - , Warrior Comes Out The first Warrior of the second half was printed Friday, Jan. 80. Sally Nye is the editor tto supervise over the new staff. The new staff consists of Shirley Wegener, Sally Siemon, Pat Fallaw, Don Audino, Phil Skiba, Bill Landgrert, Wayne Dixon, Bob Kolar, Chuck Johnson, Pat Owen, Chartfrie Gross, Carol Olsen, and Rich Matheyrs. And of course we must not forget the one teacher that is the advisor of this class, Miss Stevens. We wish them luck and hope they receive all the cooperation and help they need' from the student body. Dance Coming Up The Student Council is going to sponsor a dance for the students Friday night, Feb. 6, after f oir PIANOS or ORGANS See the largest and , finest selection ' In the Fox Valfcy -- at -- We boy, sell, trade, tad service all makea. Open Mos, * FrL tU 9 P. M. 26-28 N. tirove Phon^ S414S ELGIN, IliLi "Buy with Confidence" will be held in th$ school cafeteria. The student council I? hoping everyone will try era? attend the dance!! Science ClUb Meeting Changed The ^t^j^nce club changed its plans a littlte -£nd held a meeting Tuesday, Fefb. 2, ins'ead of Wednesday. Mr. Duker presented ""them with a talk on navigation. The F.H.A. is planning to go on a field trip during tne ^ \?,ter vacation, dome of the places they iinV£ is mind ore the Merchandise Mart, Museum^- of Science and Industry and Goodman theatre. Seniors Me*»i The seniors had a meeting with Mr. Buckner in the auditorium last week. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the meeting that will be held in Woodstock for the students that are interested in going to college. This meeting will be held Monday, Feb. 23. All seniors and their parents are invited to attend. Twice ToU laies aazKHEZBBoaaBQaaAoBDBga l$nmjh}y, February 5. 1956- Firty Tears Ago Carl Mead, who during the past few years has been ,one of the salesman for the Burroughs Adding Machine company, ia now traveling for the National Cart company of this place. In a post card from Mrs. Ray Thompa, who with her children is 5vitk her parents, the Will Meads, t «*.t Raymondville, Texas, informs^ us +hat the temperature on the |iorth t>:ie of their home is 80 in|the shadt and the grass is nice i|ind green. ' Hog decreed last Sunwe shall have s».x weeks ' winter. The sun shone on that day and his scared, him back into winter quarters for another s;f weeksL snooze. 1 Lore^ 1 ^Martin and Edw. Nickels school orations Monday, of the former's oration more bright shado \ wm > the latter, A large and enthusiastic audience gathered at Stoffel's hall to witness the thrilling sensatlotial performance of Gen. Custer's hifit battle. Well, the battle didn't take place. Mr. Grace made an elaborate speech, explaining that the reason he could not produce it was that he "didn't have it." However, there was nothing mentioned about a small rebate on the double price of admission charged to see the advertised "Custer's Battle.", A small boy at the back of the hall, who had always had a longing to become an Indian fighter and had come over for the purpose of seeing how it was done, fourmured something that sounded like "bunkoed." E. v. McAllister, the west vside druggist, is now the sole owner of the business with which he has Men connected since locating in this village. ' KING S12 e Q U A-L i T V' \ SNAPSHOT! ALL tPfItCuTmUReEoS AT NO 6XTRA CHAR8E! PER ROIL Sua Htm Iin ea Cmmam9mi$ Wattles Drug Store "THE HOME STORE" PHONE 403 Stmft PHONE 358 McH«nry, 111 M|li i! -w ^ 'sL*-R* Aft Lincoln Diy Dinner Governor William O. Strattd|i will be the principal speaker *t the 57th annual Lincoln Day victory dinner sponsored by the Illinois Republican . state central ccmmittee. Chairman M. H. Hollingsworth of Joliet has announced. The dinner will be held on Saturday, Feb. 14, at the Sheraton hotel in Chicago. Clarence N. Bergstrom, Republican 16th ward leader and vice-chairman of the state G.O.- P. committee is general chairman of the Lincoln Day celehration. * • • ' . tf fon had fleacould jump over a building. afcwy The giant tortoise has been ^ known to live as long as 300 years. /j VOGEL and WM. SHS5 Having dissolved partnership the undersigned will sell at public faction on the farm known as the Buxton Farm located ^4 mile south and .1 mile east of Richmond, 1% miles north and % mile west:At &olon Mills, on ' SATURDAT. FEBRUARY 14th at 11:30 Simp 4S HEAD OF LIVESTOCK consisting of $0 Holatein Dairy Oows. 2 of these cows are fresh and 2 are ctaft •pringers; 3 Holstein heifers, vaccinated, close springers; 6 Holstebi heifers, vaccinated, 8 to 12 months old; 1 Holstiin heifer calf; 1 steer talf; 25 feeder pigs, average weight 110-lbs. H'ElQD -- 450 bushel ear corn; 8' silage in 16' silo. MACHINERY -- Ford Ferguson tractor A cult, McD model F«90 tractor A power lift cult., McD model F-14 tractor; McD mounted 2 row corn picker; Ford Ferguson 2 toct. 14" mtd. tractor plow; Ford Ferguson 7' power mower; Ford Ferguson tractor disc, hydraulic controlled; Ford manure loader; Ford mtd. buzz saw; Ford mtd. spring tooth harrow; A-C roto baler; A-C side rake, PTO; Oliver 5* combine; "Avery tractor manure spreader; McD corn planter; McD 3 bot. 14" tractor plow; Case 7* tractor dis£; Meyers bale loader; Case 9' field ifcult.; McD 6" hammermill; Avery 40' elevator; Ford pick-up box and tractor jack; 4-sec. drag A folding drawbar; Power post hole digger; hydraulic wagon hoist; rubber tire wagon A steel flare box; 2 rubber tire wagons A grain boxes; mchry. trailer 8x14 bed; feed bunk on rub. tire running gear; PTO unit for F-20 tractor; PTO speed jack; auto, hog waterer 100 gal.; 100-gal. covered tank; feed cart, Wilson elec. Welder, 2 G.E. elec. water heaters, 2 drive belts, 6 hole hog feeders, Daisy elec. hog waterer, new; 500-lbs. hog mineral, 7.50x20 truck chains, fcome household goods, 11x28 tractor chains, Surge milker unit, one tUteway unit, 1941 Chevrolet truck wttfe grain box 1ft ton, Agftljat- •horn hens. - - Lunch Wagon On Grounds. R. EDWIN DEW TERMS: $25.00 and under cash, over that amount ^ down and balance in monthly payments plus carrying charge. Buy What you want, rfign your own note, no co-signers needed. Settlement must be made on day of sale. 01 Thorp Sales Corporation, Clerk ' Phone 110, Woodstock, IB. tr And the Mister can jolly well afford those luscious bonbons witl all the money she's saved all year. For a sweeter-working budget, for a sweeter disposition and for a sweet treat now and then, save money this sure way. Take home the best without feeling you've been -extravagant. M I FROZEn FRESH PICTSWEET BRANDS PEAS & CARROTS 19' CAULIFLOWER . 29f MIXED VEGETABLES 20* PEAS . . 2 for 39* CHOPPED SPINACH ig< HOmE nEEDS GAL UNCO . . 45< k Lin co - large bottle AMMONIA . . J7< GIANT CHEER . . 69' 1 Cent Sale - 4 B*r*L SWEETHEART SOAP 26' "otolites Country Gentlemen -- SOS size SIRLOIN or ROUND , DUMTQITB COUNTRY MAID SLICED BACON ~ DUBUQUE 8-Oz. INDIVIDUAL LIVER SAUSAGES BEEF LIVER . / • • • • Get this super-delicious steak at our low price. Broil It an| serve sizzling hoi*'.-'-' POUND 79 - " 4£ i <*i 43 . each 25 .•«»69 WHITE CORN . < . 2 for 37« Roonty Klst -- SOS size SWEET PEAS . . . 2for2^ Upton's -- S pkgs. NOODLE SOUP MIX . . . 32* Saratoga -- SOS slae - PORK and BEANS . PQbbary ; PIECRUST MIX . . . 2 for 33* Bucket's -- S'/z ob. Jar GREEN OLIVES . . , 2 3 * Southern Star -- 7 ok. tla BONITA ^|SH . . 2.fer #8* 3 Lb. Can i CRISCO . i ;• • . . GOLD MEDAL FLOUR . . 48* Light -- 1*4 ft- •»«» KARO; SYRUP . • - • Jumbo Bunches Carrots . ... 2 ^ 13' Fancy Idaho --^ ^ • A Ab 9 Russets .«. 10 ^ 69 Florida Pink Grapefruit Extra Fancy Mcintosh Apples .. • • 5 2^33 i m im i SUPER MARKET 1 felock North of Rt. 120 Jnrt East of Old Bridge I. ' . • ^ ^ X « t •Tf V .