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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 12 Mar 1953, p. 11

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frW\ :'7 ,Mifth lZ l959 * •* ., f «E McHPniY *35 ^ fffpw «T* ElettI L/C. H.'S. NEWS Rep. Pearson Introduces Laws By Judl Roesch & Doris Fuhler Your Income Tax Science Club Visits Museum A very unusual sight waa 'seen Saturday morning at 8 in front of the high school, where a group. of students were standing waiting for a school bus. The reason they were there was because they belonged to the Science club, which took a trip to the Museum of Science and Industry. They were first conducted on a tour and after this they went on ttieir own. A good and profitable time was had by a". . •' Seniors Meet The eenior class met Tuesday afternoon in Miss Steven's room and selected the invitations for commencement exercises which will be held June 5. Orders were taken this week for the invitations and also the calling cards. This year, the seniors will receive a little album in which i they can keep the calling cards ' of the Other sfcrAors. l%is is a I token from the company who I makes the cards. j F. T. A. The future Teachers of America met Thursday, March 5, in the room of Mrs. Bolgef, their advisor. They discussed when and, how often will they hold their meetings. The membership is increasing but they still have room for more. If you are at all interested in becoming a teacher, be sure and go to one of the meetings. | The next meeting: :-;be 'Thursday, March 12, [ Gj A. A. The All-star teams are' practicing steadily. The games will be played Thursday night, March 12, ^at 7:30 in the boys' gym. Thene will be two games and the first one will be between the freshmen and sopfhomores. The freshmen coach is Darlene And* reas and Mary Jane Gerasch is the coach for the sophomores. The second game will be between the juniors and seniorsj The coach for the juniors will btf/1 Sally King aOd the person whowill coach the (seniors is Charlene J>owe. ' The officials are from the Rock River bbard of officials from DeKalb. The public is invited to attend end watch the girls perform. It twill more than likely be very In* teresting. I | May the best teams win!! I Contest To Be Held The district contest for soloists and ensembles will be held Kfarch 14 at York Township high (school in Elmhurst. We hope Quite a few of them come hQme with first place. Teachers* Meeting The teachers have made everyone very happy at school by an*, nouncing that they have to go to i teachers' meeting March 13, This means that all the students ire off of school for the day. • •' By Rep. Harvey Peat»o% H Member of Hie IWnoija. General Assembly As the General Assembly etjft* vened, I was preparing to introduce legislation which would j allow prisoners " in county jails to contribute to the support of their families by doing outside work. I had this measure drafted at the request of Lake County Judge Minard Hulse and last week I presented it to a.meeting of the State's Attorney's association at the invitation of Robert C. Nelson, state's attorney of Lake county, and asked their support. The bill would authorize a judge to let prisoners convicted of a misdemeanor out of jail during the . day to work at supervised jobs. The sheriff of the county would collect their earnings and provide their families with necessary support money. The balance, of course, would go to the prisoner on his release. Such a bill would save the taxpayers money by not forcing these people onto the county relief rolls. It is modeled on Wisconsin's Huber act and would fill a need here. I also plan to sponsor a bill opening a winter season on northern pike and-pickerel. Since we haven't had ice fishing for either of these for some time, there have' been many requests for it and a limit of two will protect .conservation interests. We had a long discussion in the House last week over extending the terms of several high-ranking officers in the Illinois National Guard ' who are now on inactive status. The bili was put, in as an emergency measure, but as a former Guard private, I felt that the Guard's enlisted men should get our first consideration--especially those now in federal The sugar created in t'he leaves service who are doing the actual if plants is the starting mater- fighting. A number of other exial for the starch in potatoes, GIs in the House agreed, and Seeing as it will be Friday, the 13, maybe we would be better off If we all stay<ki home and in bed. Be good!! Dinner Coming, fp A banquet will be given to honor those teachers who have >een teaching in McHenry 'high for twenty-five years or more. Those to be honored are Mr. Duker, Miss Stevens, Mr. Mc- Cracken and Mrs. Rulien. The dinner will be held March St. " Registration Held The juniors, sophomores and freshmen met in small groups with an advisor Thursday to register for th4 1953-54 school year. The Student Council handb o o k , p u b l i s h e d y e a r l y , was given to them to guide them. STATE POSITIONS The Illinois Civil Service Commission will conduct written examinations for state welfare positions on Saturday, April 11. Deadline for filing applications is March 27. Forms and information are available at state employment service offices and the commission office in the Armory, Springfield. Positions covered by these examinations are Child Guidance Counselor I and II, Child Welfare Worker f and II, Child Welfare Supervisor I and II, Psychiatric Social Worker I and II and Psychiatric Work Supervisor I and II. the cellulose and lignin of wood, the protein cf wheat even the aroma of {lowers and the opium of a poppy. the bill went to committee where it will be studied to make sure the interests of the enlisted men are protected as well as those, of the generals. Completely pufo substances are not known to chemistry, but of Mark your X before the name all common compounds, familiar of Paul J. Struck for justice of sugar is the purest, averaging the peace April 7. Graduate of over 99.9 per cent pure sucrose. F. B. I.' schopl. 44 Erom where I sit * fy Joe Marsh By Ernest J. Saober Director of Internal Revenue,.' First District of Illinois There are a few more days left of the 1952 income tax filing period. March sixteenth is the due date. Taxpayers who have not filed their individual returns are asked to give this matter their immediate attention. Do not wait until the last minute and risk the chance of incurring a penalty ft* failure to file on time. Last Minute Errors Last minute filing is often responsible for errors or slip-ups which delay the processing of returns and the issuing of refunds. Before forwarding your return to the director's office, check' it for completeness. See to it that your return is signed. In case of a joint return; Husband and wife should be sure both signatures are on the return. Attach Your YV-2 Salary Slips Forms 1040 and 1040A have a reminder on the left-hand indicating the exact place to attach all W-2 forms. Many taxpayers forget to attach these W-2 withholding sl^rn to their returns. Without the W-2's, the return is not complete. Such incomplete returns not only delay the work in the director's office, but are an inconvenience to the taxpayer who has to take time to attach the W-2's and resubmit the 'return to the director's office. Making Corrections If, after filing your return, you discover that you have made an error, wait until you have been notified by the director's office to make the appropriate correction. You may receive a ,form letter indicating your error with instructions as to the correction of it. Or you may receive a notice that an error Was found and rectified. ANOTHER F U L L E R K i y H E N HELPER • § I I ® ® Quick Flavor Tricks With Molasses V* "T Ten-to-one your family will go for these ten ways to season foods with old-fashioned molasses. This "unsulphured" molasses contributes sweetness, because it's the concentrated juice of sugar cane, and distinctive flavor. A tablespoon of molasses gives sweetness and an aromatic touch to grapefruit halves. If you like caramel sundaes, youll like a "Taffy Sundae" which is a tablespoon or two of unsulphured molasses poured right from the jar over a serving of ice cream. Sweet unsulphured molasses provides a beckoning aroma to baked beans, baked acorn squash and apples. It is a syrup treat on hot cooked cereal, biscuits, pancakes. Youngsters and father will go for open-face sandwiches spread with peanut butter and topped with a tablespoon of unsulpnured molasses. And in the beverage line, a tablespoon or two of molasses added to a glass of milk gives spicy flavor and needed iron in the daily diet. Molasses Quickie Baked Beans AUCTION On Dundee, Rd., also known as Hwy. 68, being 1% mi. E. of Wheeling, mi. W. of Saunders Rd., 8 mi. S. of Libertyville, 4 mi. S. of Half Day, 7 mi. N. of Des- Plaines, 8 mi. N.E. of Arlington Heights, on ' SATURDAY. MAR. 14th at 1 o'clock CATTLE -- 18 Choice Hereford Steers, avg. wt. 1050 lbs. HOGS--18 Oh. White Shoats, avg. wt. 220 lbs. Steers and Hogs will be sold Individually. , POULTRY--25 heavy hens. TEED--3 tons balSd mixe^lm^ 100 bu. corn, some ground feed. MCHY--JD 1948 "B" trac. on rub., starter, lights, etc.; JD 2row p. lift cult.; JD 2-bot. trac. plow, on rub.; JD 3-sec .drag; JD 7-ft. trac. disc; McD corn planter (fert. attach.); VB 7-ft. grain drill; JD I Manure spreader^ (on rub.); JD 12-A combine, with mtd. motor j and Scour Kleen tex. corid\); JD 101 single row corn picker (good | cond.); rub. tired wagon and box. Usual Public Auct. Ser. Co. terms. An acre of sugar cane or bast produces enough calories to su|fe ply 2.500 people with their fall quota for a day. and LITTLE hostess aprons G fATIMN 'J V LEWIE FRITZE. Pro ELFERS and STADE, Auci PubHc Auct. Ser. Co., clerk £ ueo. COLLETT9C, Owner I0S Riverside Dr. PHONE 4S» ; , i t, _ •., We give and redeelB/*:^*"'^ " " Gold Bond Stamps. | ' .i* r~ Combine 4 tablespoons unsulphured molasses, 1 tablespoon prepared mustard and H teaspoon salt. Add alternately with 4 cans baked beans to bean pot. Bake in a moderate oven (350"F.) 45 minutes. YIELD: 8-12 servings. Molasses Acorn Squash Halve acorn squash; remove seeds. Place in baking pap. Fill each half with 2 tablespoons unsulphured molasses, 1 tablespoon butter or margarine and a dash of salt, and cinnamon. Cover the bottom of the baking pan with a small amount of hot water; bake in a moderate oven (35Q°F.) 1 hour, or until tender. Molasses Baked Apples Wash, core and pare apples % of the way down from stem end. Mix equal parts of unsulphured molasses and sugar; fill center of each apple. Add enough water to cover bottom of dish. Cover and bake in a moderate oven (375°F.) 30 to 40 minutes, or until tender. Serve hot or cold with cream. met Have a bone-dry basement A Difficult "Situation" T. E. RIETSEL Wonder Lake, Illinois PHONE 4293 ATTENTION FARMERS! LIVESTOCK SALE Every Wednesday Night ROUTE 47 7:30 P. M. WOODSTOCK. ILLINOIS We solicit any livestock you have to sell. We are a Bonded Selling Agency. „ For pick-up service call Woodstock 572. May we serve you? < * ""[j- _ V j? f t--t~45 • " oodstock Comm. Sales €o , Inc. Nothing Is a$ pood as STADRI for stopping water aad beautifying masonry. STADRI is the inorganic mineral coating for all masonry, that stays white when wet, is not subject to weather-wear, or- , ganic deterioration, disintegration, rubbing off or flaking and is stone-like in resisting erosion* Newcomers to the masonry waterproofing field say "new", "never before"* and make claims that STA-DRI has exceeded for years with hundreds of thousands of satisfied users to prove it. Only STA-DRI dares to advertise and support the claim that IT WILL HOLD A WALL OF WATER NINE FEET HIGH WITHOUT LEAKAGE. Containing a mold and mildew inhibitor. STA-DRI comes in white and a variety of colors at no extra cost. Don't be satisfied with "second-raters" or take something that's "just as good". Demand the -package that says "Best by Test". Demand STA-DRI. - v Ik -V Alexander Lumber Co 547 MAIN ST. I, <v PHONE 5 McHENRY, DLL]"^ ^ Did yon see that "Classified Ad" last week? The one that wanted a farmhand who had to ' be "an expert agriculturist, sheep herder, tractor driver, bridge player," plus being "an authority on chemistry and mathematics"? Slim Thomas, who ran that ad more or less as a joke, called and said, "I got 23 answers and almost every one claimed they could meet all those qualifications! That means I want to keep the man I have--'Handy' Peters. "He was thinking of quitting but now I've got to talk him into staying. Handy never pretends to be an expert, he's just a good all-around hired hand." From where I sit, Slim's smart to be wary of people who consider themselves to be all-around "experts." Some folks will "expert*? on anything--from the clothes a man should wear to whether he ought to drink beer or buttermilk. Personally I don't want to "classify" myself as knowing all •the tight answers. jDOM,Z,Alt. F€Mt ItOI.L XH IW OIiVt BEAT A 5S~Pontiac it GENERAL MOTORS 31TJYSTERPIECM ^OcOttajO^ Copyright, 1953, United States Brewers Foundation Gettino A New Car? Finance rT THRouGH this bank SAVE MONEY Wifh Our Friendlier Mora Convenient Cost Auto Loan Plan SEE US BEFOHE CLOSING THE DEAL ON TOUR NEW CAB ^^McHenrestate Bank Member Federal Reserve System Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. Interest Paid On Savings Deposits. PHONE 1040 li--T' Best Friend a Dollar Ever Had! This wonderful Dual-Streak beauty is the perfect expression of Pontiac's basic idea: to build the finest, most beautiful, best performing car that can be created to sell at a price just above the lowest* If you want to see how well Pontiac has succeeded in this aim, come in and inspect this greatest of all Pontiacs. Notice* how big it is, with its long 123" Then get behind the wheel and learn what driving can really be. Feel the smooth, effortless performance of its Dual-Range power train*. Remember this, too: Pontiac is famous for delivering thousands upon thousands of wonderful miles with ooly routine servicing attention. In beauty, performance, comfort, rewheelbase and its roomy Body by Fishes^^^^ vaiue< downright pride of possession Notice, too, its superb beauty. No car in --we're sure you'll find that Pontiac is America is more distinctive. "* the best friend a new car dollar ever had! MMMueffTf or Mimic QOAUTT and VJUMI L*s| IM-lsrh «Vflkue •IcImIvp Bial-Raige Ptwer Trals* tar Saperfc PrrlaraaaM Seasllfal, Smmv, Lusrlms S«4Im by Flafcrr Ceapral Lsweat Priced! Bight Pawrrfal Slgk^asiprpMlra Esghw (•taUhkrd Ersssay, Lsag Ufs aai _ High K*-sale Valie - IXMptiMsl ilMrisg sad Psrldig Baa* *OptMm*l it txtr* (K OVERTON CADILLAC - PONTIAC CO. 400 Front Street Mcftenry.IH. • •• • • •• - ••• -- - - Phone 17 <«,•

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