Wonder Lake News By Vanessa Sell* i|| Wilier Lake OmlHitw ^When the people of McHenry wwutfilp fO to the polls to vote April 7 there will be four Wonder Lake mm running for office OH three different tickets. The only man running for Justice of the peace from Wond »r Lake is Gerald (Bud) Siberian. • .Bud has been a resident of Wonder Lake for the past thirteen years. He worked for some week. The wound required eight stitches. She Is recuperating at home. Wonder Lake Boys ;/% ;/!" , See Golden Gloves BMk. VO?' • Thirty Wonder Lake boys were in Chicago last Friday night to see the finals of the Golden Gloves tournament at the stadium. The trip was made through the courtesy of Chief of Police Emery (Tiny) Hansman of Woodstock, Who gave the tickets tine with the Preond dairy out | to Fred Zaftdter, physical educa* chairman; Pens Pacta*. Jnt Setsler, Stephanie Van Sells. Refreshment committee for the annual meeting will be Umjpna Haught, Jennie McDerm^tt, Ruth Redman, Ruth Kolar, Isabelle Swanson, Jane Setsler, Sarah Ann Corbtft, "ardfd Stephanie Waynne. <* Ringwood, later became a niflkman for the Bowman Dairy Q»., and is now a co-partner trith Richard Ruzicka In the operation of the Sunrise Dairy Co. df Wonder Lake, which distributes Bowman products. Bud is very eivic-minded and 1f a member of the Ktwanis elub and of the Wonder Lake Men's club. For two years he served as secretary of the Wonder Lake branch of the American Red Cross and was road comihlssioner for the Indian Ridge Subdivision tot several years. " |He was married to a Wonder ike girl, Geraldine (Jeri) iash, in 1961 and tkey reside with his mother, in Indian Ridge. ' Bud is running on the Citizens' flirty. *?|Anothfcr Wonder Laker on the' Ottizens" piarty is Elmer Murphy, limning for constable. la well ' known for his police work in McHenry and his untiring civic service to the community. "he was active in the Rod and Gun club for many years aid in the polio drive for years. He has been an officer in the Peep Spring Woods subdivision aSsociatibn and for some time l&ld a rflfle club for youngsters. _ r Running on the Progressive Harmony party for constable is Sigurd Jacobsen of WickMne Bay and for constable on the People's Choice ticket is Fred Marks of Indian Ridge. Sigurd is well known as distributor of Kraft products in this area. Ife is active in subdivision affairs and in the Vikings at Crystal Lake. He is the father of two small daughters, one of 3om is . attending Harrison ool. Fred Marks, a plumbing contractor, was in the Red Cross drive this year; has been active in subdivision affairs and has 4Me son in school. Wonder Lake has, at the present time, an assistant supervisor from McHenry township. H*.is.Carl Hallstrom 6f Woader Center. Supervisors are elected for four-year periods and this Ip an off year. tion teacher at Harrison. The Wonder Lake lads accompanied Woodstock Crimestoppets to the bduts. The tickets had been donated to the Crimestoppers by Chester Gould, creator of Dick Tracy. In order for the boys to have transportation, the hoard of Harrison school donated the school bus. Frank Schroeder donated his time as a driver of the bus and Helen Reuter paid for insurance of the bus on the unscheduled trip. Robert Hoffman went along to aid in keeping the boys in hand. Fred Zandier also accompanied the youngsters. Those who made the trip included Warner Benson, Skip Mehling, Roger Benson, Richard Lundborg, Robert Miller, Alan Franz, Carl Walk r, Ron Miller, G. Corrado, Cat. Weisenberger, Roland Hoffman, Kurt Weisen- Murphy berger, George Erber, Tom Roti, Richard Hoffman, George Taylor, Jim Bell, Dan Lundborg, Fred Davis, Jim Mahal, Wayne Tronsen, Bob Biggers, Randy Sellek, Gary Vogt, A1 Horn, Gary Pearce, Dennis Moder, Charles Corrado, Billy Spuehr, John Wright and Kenneth Lukesek. Proposed Officers For Voters' League . , ' / A nominating committee from the League of Women Voters, of the Wonder Lake Region has recommended that Ruth Kolaz; present president of the group, serve again for another year. Named by the committee to serve with Mrs. Kolar, a resident of Wonder Woods, is Lillian Belshaw for vice-president, Jennie McDermott for secretary, Jean Booster and Dorothy McEachren for directors. .. v Has Operation . . si Mta Leah Cormier had a -cyst tsmovjsd from her cheek this . . 4 -- ; Mrs. Betehaw and Mrs. McEachren are Wonder Lake residents, the former living in Wonder Woods, the latter in Indian Ridge; Mrs. McDermott anjl Mrs. Booster are residents of the new village at the edge of Lake eoHnty, takemoor. • ' • These officers will be voted on at the annual meeting of the group on March 17 at 8 p.m. in the home of Mrs. McDermott in Lakemoor. The nominating committee was composed of Lillian Plotner, Has Surgery fharon Sinclair, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wallac^Sinclair, had a tonsillectomy it 'the Memorial hospital, Woodstocjj, JM* w e p f e , : - : , ) . < - - • AtiMnl VtMdMifev Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Cristy, residents of the Harrison School blacktcp, were among those present at the wiftdup meeting of the Farm Bureau membership drive held Thursday in West wood school near Woodstock. Cristy was a member, of tht second-place team in the township competition as McHenry township signed thirty-one members. Cristy signed eight of thr members personally and wa.c honored by receiving an iaseribed blue ribbon. Christ The King Makes Yearly Report In the yearly report fifed 'by the Rev. James Vanderpool cf Christ the King church, it is stated that His Excellency, Bishop Boylan, has authorized the commissioning of architects to draw plans for a new church, school, reAory and convent Which will be built in the parish on the blacktop road near Hickory Falls. The report of the church shows that total revenue for all purposes this year was $16,842.21, the largest in the parish history. Expenditures for the year totaled $23,240.74. This is $6,398.53 above receipts but the report points out that a large tract of land valued in excess of $10,000 was purchased for $8,500 of this ^total expenditure. Total valuation of the property now owned by the parish is approximately $47,500 and the total indebtedness is $9,560. By Mi*, (partes hwii, Oespel Church News Our Missionary Guild will meet this week at the home of Mrs. Herbert Jen?" on Thursday morning, March 12, at 10 a.m. Ladies of the community are cordially invited to attend. The monthly session of the I governing board will be held on Friday evening, the thirteenth, at 8 o'clock, when important matters Avill come up for discussion. Sunday services are at the usual hours: Sunday Bible School at 10 a.m. morning worship service at 11 o'clock and evening Gospel service at 7:30. There's always a warm'welcome at the Gospel church--And remembei, we have a prayer meeting every Thursday evening at 8 o'clock a meeting we deem really important. Mr. and Mis. Hank Brits and family have moved from a farm near McHenry to the farm vacated by Mr. and' Mrs. Gene Newer. The Newers have moved to southern Illinois. There was a good attendance at the card party sponsored by the P. T. A* at the public school on Friday night. Many prises were given away and cake and coffee were served. Frank Tinney and daughter, Kitty, Mrs. Frank Tiruiey and Mrs. Charles Freund visited Tom Freund and Buddy Tinney at Salvatorian seminary in St. Naz- '.anz, Wis., on Sunday. We were sorry to hear of the death of Mrs. Math Mullentoach, who passed away at her home in Johnsburg, Minn., last week. She was Aunt Lena to Charles Frennd. Elmer Smith artd Mrs. Nora Miller. Members of her club met at the home of Mrs. Edward May on Tuesday nlgtot. A supper was served ond the evening . was spent at cards. Prises were awarded those achieving high scores. Gifts were presented to those having birthdays in February. They were Mrs. George W. May. Mrs. Ray May and! Mrs. L. L. Kagan. The firemen held their regular meeting at the fi rehouse on Monday night. There was also an evening at cards and lunch was served. Those from here who attended a meeting of the Mother's club at the high school in Richmond on Monday night were Mrs; Harry Myers, Mrs. Bob Kautz, Mrs. Charles Freund, Mrs. A1 Sehmltt and Mrs. Lorrie Steadman. A card party was planned to he held after Easter in the town hall at Spring Grove and will be sponsored by the mothers from Burton township for the benefit of the band. Charles Freund served on the sad WaodiMMsk m Monday. Word was received this week by .Mr; and Mrs. Walter Brown of the Serious illness of his mother. She is in a hospital at Osage, Iowa. WEEKLY CROSSWORD PUZZLE Rtw Sftp It Ptrfermhit Wondirs for Siek Pwplt A new soup, which looks like blade > coffee, is performing wonders tar side people. It is building up human streagth before or after operations. It was 1 the only food for 461 days for one woman while plastic surgery built her a new jaw and mouth, removed in a cancer operation. It kept another person alive for a year during a coma. When laced with a little alcohol, a single quart of the soup supplies 1,000 calories--and proteins, minerals, sugar and salt. Many patients take three quarts a day, and eat other things besides. You wouldn't want to drink it; II has a vile taste. It is fed, drops at a time, through a small tube going through the nose to the stomach The tube isn't irritating--and lets people eat and drink other things, the tube can be left in for days er weeks. Known as Prolac, the formula was oeveioped by Dr. John Elliott, cf Jackson Memorial hospital in Florida, and the Dade County (Fla.) Blood Bank, Inc. It's made by breaking down proteins in defatted milk --and adding minerals and ether things. It' is germ free. Leads Symphony HORIZONTAL 58 He conducts Acts As s Seal Pottery containing flowers usual* ly ne»«?s water dsily. To prevent "sweating" on the outaide v Meh leaves a white ring on wood v. >rk underneath, give the pottery a coat or two of shellac when dry. The shellac acts as a «eal--Jyjt ai It does with wood. * " 1 Pictured conductor of '•M Boston Symphony . Orchestra. • Serge It Distent 12 Limestone form 13 Short sleep 15 Hydrocarbon radical 17 Fish 18 Greek commipw 19 State 21 Symbol for neon 22 He is considered a ---- musician 23 Negative 24 Three-toed sloth 25 Luster 28 Spiral bandage 32 Eternity 33 Convent worker 34 Squeeze 37 Civet, J9 We 0 Either 41 Hiding fttCe 44 While 46Mourntal song 50 Scent M Mountains 93* Brad 84 If umber 65 Clever §7Annoy In vertical 1 Short ridge SAfri an 3 Thus 4 Weep ' 9 Ardor •Endorsement on passport 7 Belongs to it • Tellurium M ^ SI r r >] JUklU: ? i.-j v vz\+* s «• i v.- > ,~i tnr->i1 (symbol) 9 Leg Joint 10 Hindu god 11 Obese 14 Ciress 16 Path 18 Fall in drops 37 Deity 20 Descendant 38 Ireland 22 Aeriform fuel 41 Folding bed 25 Stitch 42 Soft drinks 26 Gsrden too), 43 Rabbit fur 27 Finish ; J r 44 Singing vote 29 Lodging , 45 Whirled house « *1- 47Trsfn track 30 BiUisrd slfck 48 Female 31 Insect 49 Large deer 35 Earthy Sl^esidue of deposit . coal 36 Compasspoint 52 Pigpen. 55 Apud (abw> 56 Interjection Ko state in the tlnion hill ized the so-called "mercy de in case of incurable sickness/H Trap Tuffiuifl Livestock producers who havt been losing lambs, calves, and pigs to vultures can eliminate the birds by trapping and killing them. Plans for building a buzzard trap can be obtained through the local county agent. Want Ads, like freedom, are everybody's business. ST. PATRICK'S DAY DANCE TO BE HELD ON SATURDAY, MARCH 21st 10 P. M. 'TIL 2 A. M. . t J AT THE AMERICAN LEGION HOME *6ST 1169 WONDER LAKE, ILLINOIS Mnsio by Bill Moore and His Orchestra TURTLES - -- SKAND / A. F. k A. M. 107 N. Court St. Meeting i-3rd Tuas. Visitors Welcome Phillip Ricker. Secy, a Phone McHenry 417 O.E. S. / 107 N. Court St Meetings 2nd & 4th Tues. Visitors Welcome Myrtle Harrison, Secy. Tel. Won. Lk. 3641 P R 0 F E $$ i OflRL D I R E C T O R Y pK. C. ML dWANSON " Y ' DWtiit 139 8. Green Street Office Honrs: " """^ Jbaliy Except Ilmrsday 9 to 12 --- 1:90 to 5:99 V Moa^ Wed. and FH. EveaJtagft ; fBy Appolntnesit Oaly '• telephone McHenry tl rraocaoi VERNON KNOX Attorney At law Olh Green and Ehn Stnefe M<fltsr*, HL * Tuesday and Friday iflniim Otla Days By Melle--j 49 WILLIAM M. CAltOLL, Attorney Aft Law 119^ Beaton Otieet Phone Woodstock 1991 Woodstock, Win n Is JOSEPH X. WAYNNE Attorney At Law «|friraakegan Road ( Pbone MoHeary West McHexry, V"' IOBSOI BOLGER'S DRUG STORE GREEN STREET PHONE 49 MeHENST, 1LI* We give aredeem Gold Bond Stamps. FRANK & MAT SLACK DIET • Gravel - Excasstlag 1, : MeHenry HMM lOBOBsasaoi URN THMM Subscribe To The Ptatndealer V09 CAN WASH • Att VOW CLOTHES SAFELY! witi BARTON " WASHER from Strongtt Cotton$ To Dainty Utg+rfa COTTON . . . stands •trcauous wsshiaf K> tion; it hsrdest aui ferifj to wash deta. Swltdk BARTON "Controls Speed ^"lever to FA$^ • oot quite so durable ss cotton,'but easier to v«h and keep white. BARTON aaodjpm speed Js iSWgyewJ. rv.. % MIK ... s strosg finis, but vety miittrr, durable only when w«| cared for,washes easilf, BARTON slow speed is rssommended. 9AYOW ... mmMet silk in appearance, but Is store like cotton; srach weaker wee than dry. Use BARTON slow speed. peraaental of all fibres; can be SAFELY wsihedio a BARTON "Coatrola Speed** Washer. Move control to slow speed. « Tk ONLY 3-SPEED WASHER Jmt flick a lsrtr and Barton MCotttaoU Speed" Washers give you the safe speed (Mtquired for the fabric you want to wash. You also get controlled wringing speed for easu#. (handling of heavy bulky articles. Other big features are separate bowl for washing smalt DrfectOrteb for cleaner clothes in less time, and liberal Lifetime Guarantee!™ aiid wat^iJjlControla Specdldemonstrated! LEE & RAY ELECTRIC SIS Mate StoM* PHONE 882 McHeorr, •!. Th« car with the most wanted features "sockst" in ems HYSBA-MATIC seen saivs* PMII ST»kl«e< I POWBIK BRAKIf* AUTRONIC IYI* PRIOIDAIRI CAR €ONDITI9lllll## POWIR-RIDI CHASSIS CUSTOM-iOUN^i CUSHIONS* These things you're uled Ciir 19 a motor car: A truly esrittng mgkte . . . Fully automatic trans* mlrtiew ... EJfmibu timing. ., Safer* mmkt braking... i4aaOTHNis dimming ... Air " tioning ... Smoother ridt... S Luxurious comfort* Oldtunobik provided all theee moot mianted intares in the Super **88" for this aeosational MPower Featur4r esr. Make a date to eee u> *oon. " « O C K I T I H O I H I Mums Smptr "U" i-D--r fnlaa A Ct wiri Sum fain. O L D S M O B I L E . S l l Y O U R N I A R I S T O L D S M O I I l l D I A L E R R. J. OVERTON MOTOR SALES 403 FRONT STREET OK TELEVISION! CBS New* Wttb PHONE & Edwards - Monday Warn Mfcf at 9:99 PJL, Courtesy of Your Oldsmoblle Dealer. McHENKY 4. Tei. McHenry 588<B-« er UB-W-I Boa 172, Rt. l, IfUmmj, BL Excavath lacking, A. P. FREUND * MA <***&>* Cueits b>si i , Hjft--IM s^'1. H Crane Ouiki ' -- ROAV MJILDINO -- Ital 994-M Miflasj, BR INSURANai EARL R .WALSH five, Anto, FSrm A life 1 Representing RELIABLE COMPANIES . When You Need Insaraace it Any Kind Pfcoae 49 or 981 A COMPLETE BOOKKEEFlMf ; - SERVICE A v •; ^ r AM the small business awis.', V. - |' Reasonable rates. ' ~ |I meense Tax Returns MeHENRY BOOKKEEPING •* f TAX SERVICE , Professional Bldg. % 210 So. Green Street Phone 189 or *95-M '$ STOFFEL A REIFIAN8PER6RE Insurance agents far all property In the best West McHenry, Dhds Telephone 909 •$67 Main Stret MeBeary, flt SCHROEDER IRON WORK* Ornamental * Straetnval Steal Visit Oar Showrooms I Miles South oa Et J1 > lOBStOI B INO'S PLUMBING and HEATING BOB PRISES', ML Qnattty Fixtures-Radlaa* Heatlm Gas and Electric Water Heatars Water Systems - Water ffsitensea Repairs - Free Elatlssates Phone McHenry 389-M Al/a WELDING SERVIOB 991 Mala Street, Electric Portable Acetylene Wuldfaag and ALEX w. wans, Phone 91*-W-1 DL •y*5' ••••'. .y