Thursday, March 26, 1953^ w j v" **?r * s Story Of Hardwood Told In New Exhibit At Museum Of Industry \_ The story of hardwoods from' tree to finished products is t.V.d in the latest exhibit at Chicago's Museum of Science and Industry, 57th and Lake Michigan. Entitled "A World cf Hard- Jroods", the exhibit, valued in excess of $350,000 and two years in the making, opens to the pubtic on Friday, March 20, according to an announcement from Major Lenox R. Lohr, Museum president and a former McHenry resident. • • Compri3ihg,'one of the largest exhibits now in the Museum and covering 10",000 square feet of floor space, the industry-wide educational display was made possible by all segments qf the hardwood industry working together to .produce a detailed story on how hatdwoods serve the public. f Arranged in nine sections, the "i';';jsihibit combines the visitor-par- ' ticipation elements, for whici the museum is famous, with dramatic uses of color, design, sound an4 action. Starting with an animated "living tree" visitors may get an "inside" view of how a tree grows as well as the internal structure of the leaves, the wood, and the root system. In the next section animated miniature models show the production steps in making veneer? and plywoods while a synchronized sound motion picture details the operations of. the sawmill, veneer Aiill and plywocd < plant. f ' . lAlso in this section of the exhibit is one of the world's finest » Collections of hardwood specimens, totalling eighty-five va-- ieties, each type identified and finished naturally to show the wide variety of colors and erains available for many uses. Panels for tnfs display were garnered from all parts of the world and took more than a year to. ac quire! As part of the next section of the exhibit, devoted" to the development of adhesive.? evolved through the plywood industry, • "Vteitors may weigh themselves on a scale and at the same time demonstrate the streneth of the ntvwrod bond which supports their weight. Other display units „ demonstrate the water and heat resistance of modern adhesives as well as the stability of" plywood. Of special interest to home decorators is a section on wood figures showing how different . grain p3ttems are produced, and how they may be matched for interesting design applications. •- A color wheel shws the natural color range of woods ranging "J J'llUJp " JW 1>! .I-IIIIN-II'IIMJJIIBiiii I berlands, Paul Bunyan. As Paul relates some of his famous exploits in the great northwoods, visitors will enjoy an experience similar to that of a "fun-house" from black ebony to white ho!!y prodi,ced by a tilted floor Xhey and a display of 16 different j will also marvel at some of wocd figure types explains how Paul's personal, giant-sized posthese effects are produced! sessions and through knot-holes tnrough cutting techniques. Also! see black-light diawings of a in this section are a number of color transparencies of outstanding examples of hardwoods used r r. interior architectural treatments. The "world sources" room, next in the sequence, shows few of the legendary animals associated with him such as "Babe", the Blue Ox. and "the Pinnaclc Hen. The final section of the exhibit is known .as the "Hall of Hardwoods". Along one side of the where the principal varieties of j theme "you live your life hardwoods originate on a large with hardwoods' is presented woi ld-globe. As visitors press a button underneath the selected specimen small lights on tfee ?lobe indicate the country or countries from which they are obtained. Other displays nearby explain America's hardwood re- i sources, reforestation practices, and the protection and marketing of ha id Woods vp -this country. Farmers and small ^owners possess 57 per cent o£ America's hardwood resources, the government owns 25 per cent and industry has 18 per cent An accompanying sound-slide film tells the story of t-'mber as a "crop" if growing importance for " the American farmer. Next the visitor is given a demonstration of modern powersaw legging contrasted to the former hand tools method. Youngsters will especially tenioy the next section where on entering a real log-cabin, find themselves face to face with the I the application of hardwoods for legendary hero of the tall tim- various interior treatments. ---------- --i# is through' the life story of "Skee zix" the popular comic strip character of cartoonist Frank King., Three-dimensional scenes taken from Skeezix's life from when he was found, in an elm basket on a wooden doorstep, through infancy, school and college to the time he and Nina shopped for furniture £ or their home, relates the theme that hardwoods, play an important role in daily life at evei y age. Included also is "Skeezix's" fix-it shop which, as a model cratt shop will be in operation by a Museum demonstrator making hardwood items. Full-sized rooms in the "hall of hardwoods" will include an "office of tomorrow", a contemporary living-kitchen, a music room, a comfortable lounge showinsr additional miniature model rooms, and an unusual study where visitors will find interesting and practical ideas in. tfhc W ere will also be a section on the history of hardwoods in the j home from the days of the Pharoahs to the present and another devoted to the distinguishing characteristics of 18th, 19th and 20th century furniture oi the United States, France and England Beautiful hardwood floors »n n variety of different paut-rns are aeo featured ill the exhibit areas. ' : THE McHENRY PLAINDEALEB WHISK STAINS FROM SILVER "THOSE "WERE THE DAYS' I SEEjTSOOHllNjmiSl PAPER/ Tuesday, April 7th - Election Day Will give you the opportunity To Vote For ALBERT H. SEVERINGHAUS For JUSTICE OF THE PEACE Tuesday, April 7th - Election Day Will give you the opportunity To Vote For 0 SIGURD JACOBSEN For CONSTABLE WE RECOMMEND A SPLIT BALLOT IN LOCAL ELECTIONS In announcing my candidacy for the office of JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, • I feel the voters of our Township should know certain facts about my ac- ' tivity of the past. ZZII 1 have always taken an active part in the political welfare of our country. In 1916 I was elected a delegate to the Republican rational convention, nominating Charles Evans Hughs for the Presidency of the United States. In 1920 again elected a delegate to the Republican National Convention nominating Warren G. Harding for President of the United States. In 1924, I was elector for Calvin Coolige for President of the United States,also campaigned for our good roads with Gov. Len Small and a life long friend of our Honorable Governor, William G. Stratton. 34 years ago I became a resident of McHenry Township, at Pistakee Bay, spending many thousands dollars improving our beautiful subdivision, all labor ^nd building material purchased in our Township, increasing our tax valuation from the then low of $150.00 annually to the new high of $1500.00; thus enhancing adjacent property values l00,%. &lso working energetically for better roads, schools and buses for our growing community which has become Bigger and Better. N Let us keep pace with the progress which is being fostered by our Schools, Churches. Chamber of Commerce and Progressive Businessmen and all good citizens of our community. Calling attention to the city of Chicago/They are ridding themselves of the UNDESIRABLES. They will seek the place of least resistance and may try to locate here, dumping their GARBAGE and other debris on our .roadways. THIS MUST BE STOPPED. Recognizing the fact, McHenry Township is destined to become an ever increasing populated area of fine homes to serve the ever increasing population which brings prosperity and must be protected by capable and experienced men. Cast Your Vote For ALBERT H. SEVERINGHAUS for Justice of the Peace SIGURD JACOBSEN for Constable 9 Furniture A U C T I O N Located at 307 Jtf. Court Street. McHenrv. 111., on SUNDAY. MARCH 29th at 1 P. M. 2 Living room sets, 1 dining room set, kitchen table, rugs. Speed Queen washing machine, combina tion coal and gas stove, excellent condition; G.E. refrigerator, beds and dressers, 2rburner gas range, odd couch, sewing machine, floor lamps, 1 new Lewyt vacuun clearer, curtains, mirrors, Silvertone fadio, odd tables, chair? pictures, pots and .pans and kitchen- ware. v . 8 room house;- full basement hot water oil' heat, also offered Public Auction. Good location and in excellent condition. Terms: Cash. Herman Bchm, Auctioneer 4i>-46 Mrs. John H. Stilling owner Buttons were first put on men's coat sleeves by Frederic the Great, to keep his .soldiers ] from wiping their noses on their sleeves. John Wanamakcr rriginatrd the saying, "The customer is always right." . DECREASE IN FLU Both official and unofficial MEN OF VAEOR |tra il, no nuthin'! Just steep a»- ^ ( Dfa*en we drive across the j cent through boulders, rumbling' sources of information indicate i Rockies we are. amazed at the down canyon sides, fording a marked decrease in tjhe pre-" engir^ring ot the highway But'streams.' repairing broken wheels, what about Marcus Whitman | f A ac*f ^,d b<?aStS and Indian*- „ ; Ana in the wagon with Whitman who drove the first wagon over and Jason were their youn^ them to Oregon? No road, .no < brides. What a honeymoon! I . : 1% Those breakfast eggs fast* wo. -'-rful especially new when the supply is at its best. But the spoons and forks you've used to eat them -- ah, that's another storyl Here's a quick trick to keep silver bright and shiny between regular cleanings. Sprinkle dry baking soda on a damp cloth and rub stains lightly. Soda Is both inexpensive and non-abrasive, safe for your treasured sterlina or slate. FULLER LAUNDERABLE DRY MOP U S E I T ALSO L I K E A D U S T I N G MIT PSf/ftj r\ H T. E. RIETESEL Wonder IMinois PHONE 4'»<13 valence of upper respii aitory in-' feet ions, including influenza, in Illinois, according to the state Department of Public Health. Department officials pointed out that although many mild cases of influenza do not receive medical attention, and are unreported, the trends (f reports do reflect the overall prevalence of the disease in relative fashion. Absenteeism in schools, at first due primarily to common colds and influenza, is now being reported as caused by the increasing incidence of measles. Khaki is a \vdrd meaning "dust-colored;.",' ^ Stop Taking Harsh Drugs for Constipation End Chronic Dosing! Rofiin Normal Regularity This All-Vegetable Way! Taking harsh drugs for constipation ! can punish you brutally! Their cramps and griping disrupr normal bowel action, make you feel in need of repeated dosing. a When you occasionally feel constipated, get gentle but sure relief. Take Dr. Caldwell's Senna Laxative contained in Syrup Pepsin. It's ali-tegetablt. No salts, no harsh drugs. Dr. Caldwell's contains an extract of Senna, oldest and one of the ti nest natural laxatives known to medicine. . Dr. Caldwell's Senna Laxative tastes gqod, acts mildly, brings thorough relief comfortably. Helps you get tegular, ends chronic dosing. Even relieves stomach sourness that constipation often brings. Try the new 23i si2e Dr. Caldwell's. Money back if not satisfied. Mail bottle to Box 280, New York 18, N. Y. Easter Candy Mcm rouging from JOc to $1.29 DecoraM •litter Crtam cn YI pounds Cocoanut Crum E{| - pound, each 79c MsrshmaUow Eft* v> Tray foil Wrap, *Kh 39c fait k Nut [|p in Trjf foil Wrap. Mch 49c Buttw CrMfn Ens 3 flavors, <acti lOe Easttr Efts N«;ted la BMutilul B*k»l. Mc Marshmallow Rjbtxb Foil Wrap, tach 49c BOLGER'S DRUG STORE We give and redeem Gold Bond Stamp*. ItS3 NASH STATESMAN 4-DOOK SEDAN \ Q Smart new Continental styling by Plain Farina! New potoer and performance with amazing economy I n AH Moduli Availabh WHh N*W"DUCI-Hang* Hydra-Mafic On*vo. •IffS'NASH AMBASSADOR "COUNT* r ClUC The most luxurious compact cars ever-- the new Nash Ramblers! New low hoo4 ... new, bigger windshield.,. new, roomier custom interiors! Radio, Weather Eye, directional signals--even rear tire mount are standard equipment on Rambler Country Club and Convertible. Drive the new Nash Ambassador or the new Nash Statesman-- most spacious cars built today. Try the new highcompression engines ... new Nash Power Steering... Airliner Reclining Seats and Twin Beds. THIS BIG 3-IN-1 GIFT I Bring in Mom and Dad and get this fascinating Nash dealership "cut-out", complete with 8 minia ture model cars. Fun for the whole family .. . and itVFREEI Supply limited. HASH STATION WAGON Take the Key ancfSse You'll find None So New As Look I Elevator movoi up and down1 toy cari I WMi turn on off can Th»rt'» «von o rtveIving car platform in Hi* showroom. AMBASSADOR • STATESMAN • tAMtlCR Noah Mo fort. Division Ntafc-XaMaotor Corpora***, Mail, MIA Cotne drive the Rambler -- compact custom companion to the NASH Golden Airflyte Ambassador and Stat DOWN'S NASH SALES 405 W. ELM STREET 4 PHONE McHENRY 484 .7