% Thursday. March 26, 1953 ' y'V:, ~*r TEE McHENRY PLAINDEALER P Page Fl*9T '**1 JOS. W. FREUND, BUSINESS LEADER 50 YEARS, IS DEAD Continued from Page 1 Henry's first exclusive men's wear shop. Highlights of news happenings during his many years" in business include vivid recollections of the two devastating West McHenry fires of 1906 and 1926. Fortunately his building was spared both times. On Oct.. 23, 1940, he completed fifty years in business in the same location and in 1942 sold his stora to his son-in-law, Homer FitzGerald. However, he continued to ?*slst in the operation of the business for sortie .time, thereafter. Mr. Freund, even as a young1 man, was interested in civic progress. He acted on the high school board of education for twenty-three years, serving as secretary except for eight years He fetired from membership in 1942. The deceased was one of: the founders of the McHenry State bank and a director for many years. He, also served on _ the City .Council' for a number of years. He was a mentber of the Modern Woodman arid of the Holy Name society. During the past few years Mr. Freund resided with his sister. Mrs. Kathryn Barbian, in an apartment in the Elmer Freund home on Center street. Mr. Freund was preceded in death by his wife, Anna Miller Freund, and a daughter, Cornelia Nye. He i§ survived by six children, Mrs. Julia Kent and Mrs. Floyd (Lenore) Cooley of McHenry, Mrs. Rosina Lee of Belv i d e r e , E l m e r , M r s . H o m e r (Flora) FitzGerald and Mrs. J. Eugene (Rita) Sayler of McHenry. He also leaves one brother, Stephen H. Freund, and three sisters, Mrs. Emma Barbian, Mrs. Kathryn Barbian of M?Henry and Mrs.J__Gertrude Davis of Freeport. The body rested at the Peter M. Justen funeral home until Tuesday morning at 10 o'clock, when last lites Were held from St. Mary's church, followed by burial in the church cemetery. Eugene Cochrane His fadtnily and friend^ \vere shocked last Thursday, March 19, to learn of the untimely death of Eugene Cochrane, 47, who died of a heart attack while vacationing in Miami, Fla. He was a native of Jackson, Mich., where he was born Jan. 25, 1906. Mr. Cochrane had been a public accountant in the McHenry community sifice he ^ returned from service with the Navy in the last war. He was also a trustee of the Riverside hotel in this city. Prior to coming to McHenry, he served as building manager for a Chicago f-qal estate firm. The Cochranes came to tills community in+ 1941 and pur-' chased a home at Pistakee Bay which they have maintained since that time. The following year he joined-the Navy and served as a lieutenant commander in North Africa and in California. Survivors include the widow, Burnis; a daughter, Zoe; his mother, Mrs. Eugene Cochrane, and a sister, Mrs. Percy, both of DesMoines, Iowa, and another sister, Mrs. Harry Smoot, of Evanston. Services were held Tuesday of, this week at Arlington National cemetery in Arlington, Va. Roy H. Hankermeyer Old friends of the Roy H. Hankermeyer family leartied with regret this past week of Mr. Hankermeyer's death, which occurred in Chicago March 17. The body rested at a funeral heme at 318 N. Central avenue. Austin, until 1 o'clock Friday afternoon, when last rites were conducted. Burial was in Forest Home cemetery. « The Hankermeyers operated a grocery store on the site of the Buss Motor Sales building in West McHenry for a number of years in the 'twenties. Old timers will recall that it was while they were in business here that a fire started in their sfecond floor apartment across the street from7 the- store and their son, Donald, was burned to death. The family has been gone from McHenry for many years. Their Chicago address is 5501 Washington blvd. » Survivors include the widow, Belle Watling Hankermeyer; one son, Marshall Roy; and two grandchildren, Donald and Marsha Hankermeyer. John E. Beliike John E. (Jack) Behlke, who lived in. McHenry' for several years and operated a store loyally. died on Saturday in Park Ridge. He is survived by his widow, . the former Catherine Buch; one daughter, Mrs. Jane Stearne; a grandson,, Edward J. Stearne; his mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Behlke; two sisters, Dorothy Ingraham and Gladys Beusman; and two brothers, William and Arthur. - • The body rested at 120 S. Northwest highway, Park Ridge, until 10 o'clock Tuesday morn* ing, when rites were conducted frcTri St. Paul of the Cross church... in Park Ridge.' Burial was in All Saints cemetery. FORTY INTERESTED RESIDENTS HEARD RECREATION REPORT (Continued! from LEGAL NOTICE N O T I C E Notice is hereby given that on the 28th day of January, 1953, a petition was filed with the County Board of School Trustees of McHenry County, Illinois, praying that the following describee property be detached from Schoo District No. 34 of McHenrv County, Illinois and annexed to School District No. 36 of McHenry County. Illinois: The West Half of the Northwest Quarter of Section 8; and that part of the West Half o. the Southwest Quarter of Section 5 lying south and west of the public highway; all in Township 45 North, Range 8 East of the Third Principal Meridian, McHenry County, Illinois. Notice is hereby given that a hearing will be held on said petition before said County Board of School Trustees of McHenry County, Illinois, at a regular meeting thereof on Monday, April 6th, 1953, at 7:30 P.M., OST., at the McHenry County Court House, Woodstock, Illinois, at which time the prayer of said petition may be supported or resisted. Dated this 12th day of March, A. D. 1953. County Board of School Trustees of McHenry County, Illinois. By: R. L. TAZEWELL, Secretary. (Pub. March 19-26, April 2) per cent of the population over 65 years of age which cannot be overlooked in an pver-all program." In the survey, Mr. Homey found „ that the community of Johnsburg has a memorial build-, i|ig near completion, well design-1 ed, such as every community should have. The spacious joom in the V. F. W. clubhouse and the shaded grounds lend themselves well to a community program. The Legion Home is also a good all-purpose building and the shore line has possibilities. The school buildings have some of the finest facilities., to be seen but are not yet fully in service. The Masonic building has its place in an over-all' program. The Roller Rink has many potentialities. ? Lakemoor, he said, has desir-j able play area "fur all age.levels! in Fritzsche Estates. The Charm I House offers a desirable meet-j ing place for teen-agers. The Community house under construction will haVe adequate all purpose space. The Ringwood area, he added, is high and desirable for ehildrens' playground. Wonder Lake, though now without a large room for meeting, is ideal for aquatic activities. The like is true of McCullom Lake. The McHenry shore line, too, is not yet developed. Here Mr. Homey suggested close check on water tests. The municipal ball field needs shelter and drinking water. Mr. Horney praised modern thinking of the school superintendent and the cooperation of his boards. In his observation, he found well designed school buildings and many desirable depaitments in the' educational program. In summing up, Mr. Horncy suggested working up a master program or schedule with a coordinator and correctly bringing it to each hamlet through a selected leader. He advised working with existing organizations at first. The program should reach all children first; mornings should provide for little children; . afternoons, may serve older boys and girls; evening programs should provide for teen-agers and oldsters. A summer program can be started iin- LEGALS N O T I C E AN ORDINANCE FIXING THE POLLING PLACES AND DES mediately with out-door nctivi- j IGNATING THE JUDGES AND ties; it would be rather easy with present facilities. Plans for a fall program could soon be under way for in-door activities. With the cooperation of the N!R,E^Al. as a source of suggestions, desired activities should be available to every individual in the community. The coordinated program jAd provide for creative, edMptional and recreational irtforests. How can money be raised? For the first year, Mr. Hbrney said, in other communities not far from., McHenry contributions came from organizations, individuals and memberships. How a b o u t t r a n s p o r t a t i o n ? There are school busses available nd can be properly scheduled under a well outlined program. Mr. Horney came to the McHenry Community > without charge. Mayer George P. Freund will recognize Mr. Horney's contribution to the community with a letter of appreciation for time And thought devoted to M.T.R.A., Inc. :. *= L ' FILE $35,900 SUITS £ Lynrt Smith of Roekton, - HI.! filed suit in circuit court tv.is past "week asking $20,000 in behalf of his son's estate, $15,000 for himself , and $900 for a c?r d imaged in an accident near Lakemoor Christmas ' Day. Smith's son. Dennis, died two days after the crash. The suits are against Steve Danko, driver of the car which struck the Smith car. THE CLERKS OF ELECTION FOR THE CITY ELECTION TO BE HELD APRIL 21, 1953. BE IT ORDAINED by the City Council of the City of McHenry, that: Section 1. The polling places for the City Election of the City of McHenry, to be held April 21, 1953 are as follows: First Ward - City Hall. Second Ward - 531 Main Street (Buss Motor Sales) Third Ward - 301 E. Pearl Street (Blake Motor Sales) Section 2. That the Judges Of to be held April 21, 1963 in the third ward are: Ellen Phalin, Beatrice Justen and Gertrude Schaefer. Section 8. All Ordinances and parts (ft Ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. Section 9. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval And publication, according to law*.;'""*">«• Approved: GEORGE P. FREUND, i Mayor. Attest: ' EARL R. WALSH, City Clerk. . .. Passed: March 16, 1953. 4;" Approved: Martfo 16, 1958,. Published: March ^6, 1953. " ,v _ TOWNSHIP ELECTION NOTICE director wilfe be held at the voting, place on th/ day of the election NOTICE OF ELECTIONV ; Notice is hereby given that on April 21st, 1953, at the firehouse Notice is hereby given that on Saturday, the 11th day of- April, i preceding the opening of the polls 1953, an election will be held at! aijd beginning at 5 P.M. o'clock the High School, McHenry, 111., j to i P.M., on Saturday, the 11th and Winter's Store; Ringwood, Illi- j day of April, 1953. " nois in Township No. 45, Range, Notice is hereby given that on No. 8, County of McHenry and, Saturday, the 11th day of April, State of Illinois, for the purpose i 1953, an election will be hfld a* of: electing , " Johnsburg School in School Di*» One School Trustee • trict No. 12, County of McHenry For The Full Term The polls will open at 2:00 o'clock P.M., and close at 4:00 o'clock P.M., of tlve same day. By order of the trustees of Schools. Dated this 26th .day 6f March, 1953. ' . c R- PAGE, ; Township Treasurer. and State of Illinois, for the pur pose of electing One School Director for the full term. JOSEPH G. HUEMANN The polls *.v;ll cpen at 5 o'clock' , P.M. and close at 7 Ot'clock P.M. of the same day. * By order of the Board of Dire©* tors of said district, dated this 2«!rd day of March, 1953. ' JOSEPH G. HUEMANK, DISTRICT ELECTION* NOTICE President." Notice is hereby giveij that the ' Attest: , • -- -- - -t . c . „ , caucus for the nomination of can- EDVVlN ' iC^^HETTTEKMANN, . election for the City ejection Grove, Village^ of Spring didates for the office of school C'rrk. to-be held April 21, 1953 in Grovc< County of McHenry and . ' ' the first ward are: .State of Illinois, an election will Hllll!lllllllllllllillllUlllllllllillllllllinitlllllllllllltllllll!l!l!lllllllllllll!lillllliHIIIIIIIIIitllllinimiHltlllllll!inuaiMg Vera Purvey, Margaret Si-i1* heid for one (1) VtllaSe Presi 3 _ « mon and Clara Miller. | °ne (1) Village Clerk, Three Section 3. That" the Judges of i (3) Village Trustees, and One <1) | election for the City election Police Magistrate, which election j to be held April 21, 1953 in the' wiU be opened at six (6:00) o'clock VOTE FOR ELMER R. MURPHY COLORED EASTEJl CHICKS FARMER'S MILL 46-2 second ward a,re: Vera Kane, Susan Olsen and Marion Schoenholtz. Section 4. That the Judges of election for the City election to be held April 21, 1953 in the third ward are: Nick Weingart, Lillian Huck and -^Evelyn Freund. Section 5. That the Clerks of election for the City election to be held April 21, 1953 in the first ward are: Delia Freund, Alida Wirtz, and Margaret Smith. Section 6. That the Clerk® of election for the City election to be heid April 21, 1953 in the second ward are: Elsie Smith, Ella Buss ahd Alma Anderson. Section 7. That the Clerks of election for the City election A.M. and continued open until five <(5:00) o'clock P.M. of the same day. Dated this 21st day of March, 1953 by order of the village clerk. CHARLES J. FREUND, Village Clerk. Candidate for C O N S T A B L E , CITIZEN'S PARTY Township Election , Election: TUESDAY, APRIL 7. 1953 PLAINDEALER WANT ADS iHll tltlimilllllUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIilllllllMlllllllllllllllllllllllilllllllllllllllllllllUlllllllllfllillHIIIIIIIllllinilllHIHIBHIII "7a4e Ifou/i @&oice from the ONLY COMPLETE LINE of FARM TRACTOR TIRES Gardeners! Home Owners! CQXTPNjoriids and'a mmtQ PATTfcftN Season Sale Master Craft Garden Hose • Unconditionally Guaranteed For 5 Years! • Lightweight -- Easy To Handle -• Stain Resistant Colo*t= ~ The Sensational Ttetv one OPEN CENTER CURVED BAR RACTOR TIRE The Famous Patented fir* stone TRACTION CENTER CURVED BAR TRACTOR TIRE LIBERAL TRADE-IN 50 Foot Roll *4 Buy Now and Save! GUARANTEED TIRE AND TUBE VULCANIZING- 69 RECOVERS FROM INJURIES Mrs. Ethel Quaintance is recovering at. her Johnsburg home £rom injuries sustained in an automobile accident which occurred near Harvard on Dec. 31. COLORED EASTER CHICKS FARMER'S MILL 46-2 BOYS! Su Was W McHenry Dept. Store GEO. COLLETTE, Owner 103 Riverside Dr. McHenry PHONE 459 We ^ve and redeem Gold Bond 0 Stamps. McHENRY TIRE MART Main Street - Phone 294 or 295-J West McHenry WALT FREUND. and BOB THURLWELL, Props. WALGREEN AGENCY 1S9 N. Riverside Drive PHONE 26 McHenry, 111. ^ •' : f •' ^ x ; :• -/iL .<v- . . There's nothing like it for beautiful, smooth room decoration. Gorgeous colors that dry in one hour, make painting easy--even if you've never painted before! $165 Qt. $5W GoL (Sht Colors SligMy Hlflh.r) 20 Regular Colors -- --Hundreds of IntermixturM l TMF'BEST 4L£SS GEO. COLLETTE, Owner 10S Riverside Dr". McHenry PHONE 459 We give and redeem Gold Bond Stamps / V .n -,\MRP IN O U K Monogram Wodel BuOding CONTEST U TROPHIES AND MEDALS mo ACE CROUPS Wi arc sponsoring another of the popv lor Monogram Modal Building Contests. Come in and gtt one of these 28 famous models -- Flying and Solid Airplanes, Jet Power Race Cars and Fighting Ships. Build a Monogram Model and wiir a beautiful award with your handiwork. ENTRY BLANK FREE with eoch kit. Juniors, up to 13 years oM. Seniors 13 years and older. Ifs easy to win with these easy-to-build models. Models will be judged for appearanee only. Your model does not have to fly or operate. Come in and get. details and see the tensottowal trophy and medal award*. Com* In Today! Contest Closes Sal., April 28, 1953^ Albert Krause & Son NEWS AGENCY STATIONERY - ICE, CREAM SOfi Elm St. McHenry, III. Announcing the opening on Wednesday, April 1, 1953 of our new offices - Main Floor > 23 SOUTH SPRING STREET - ELGIN CORNER OF SPRING AND DU PAGE STREETS TELEPHONE ELGIN 7360 V ' Something new has come to Elgin. It's our new and complete brokerage and investment offices, as modern and as complete aa will be found anywhere. On April 1st, you will find here # Every facility for quick and accurate stock; bond and commodity transactions. / . # Direct private wire to Chicago and New York. # The only New York Stock Exchange ticker serviceJn_the Fox River Valley. # Every service in supplying the latest ^information on any security or industry. We invite you to inspect the new, conveniently-located offices we have provided for Elgin and Fox River Valley residents. There is no obligation to inquire about any investment or commodity matter. If the information you seek is available we'll get it for you and you incur no obligation whatever. DAVID A. NOYES & CO. Established 1908 Members New York Stock Exchange Midwesi Stock Exchange Chicago Board o^, Trade and other principal exchangfa DAVID L. HEATH. MANAGER Registered Representatives S. L. Boeman - Fredrick C^ iJreiwel a . C0«0N£T V-CISMI CUM COWt 1 I WITH A PURPOSE L Now recognize a true "original" in automotive W styling.. .with a sleek continental flair that drops a hint of surging V-8 power and flashing performance. Here is beauty with a purpose . . . graceful in every contour, generous in roominess and riding comfort. Here is beauty diat brings with it a dirilling new sense of road mastery and control. V all new Power Packed Beauty 5 Dodge V-fighf or Six SfKcifteatiotm and subject to chant* anlfctmi neMe*. A. S. BLAKE MOTOR SALES, Inc. 301 E. PEARL STREET 30.000 MILE (iVARANTEE PKONF. McF -MRY 156 80,000 MILE Gl ARANTEK