Pmndar- April 18. 1853 THE Y PLAIWDBALER By Mrs. Georgg Shepard Evelyn Harrison entertained A sw of her little girl friends at a rty * at her home Tuesday 'ternoon in honor of her birth- ^y. Games were played and nch was served by her mother, rs. Prank Harrison. The Bunco club was eritertined in the home of Mrs. izzie Thompson at McHenry rednesday. A 1 o'clock dessert ncheon was served and prites ere awarded to Mrs. Grace Mcannon, Mrs. Nick Young and rs. George Shepard. A father aijd son banquet >onsored by the Ringwood ethodist church was held in the urch hall Friday evening at 30. The program waa as folws: M.C., Mike Kane; Oomunity sing, accompanist, Gor- >n Fossum; "The Lord's Pray- A. Oonk; Invocation, Rev. urell Sample; Dinner; Comunity sing, tribute to fathers, ick Pearson, * tribute to sons, arence Pearson; accordion, >m Holochwost; musical comy, Jay and Paul Walkington; ly Boy and his Bank", Jerry d Joljn Hogv>; speaker. Rev. ilph Kafoed; "End of a Per- :t Day", Albert Oonk. The Home circle was ehterinedf in the home of Mrs. Ben alkington Thursday. A one lock luncheon: was served by fc-s. Walkington and her costess Mrs. Darrell Sample. The siness meeting was he'd and (fine program in charge of Mrs. hn Hogan was enjoyed. The 4-H boys and girls enzed a party at the McHenry ;h school Saturday^ evomng. The Community club and the urch organisations will spona program in the church 11 Tuesday evening, April 21. ss Mary Loh, a second grade inese teacher of Dundee, will the speaker. A free-will offer- * which she will use to help ; Chinese people will be taken, eryone is welcome to come d hear her. The W.S.C.S. will meet with L,ezia Peet Thursday. Wis. Flora Harrison and Mrs. C. Pearson visited Mrs. Luella »phenson at the Viila Rest Jxie at Pistakee Bay Monday ernoon. Mrs. Tollefson of Crystal Lake I i ted Mrs. Grace McCannon esday. In the afternoon they re callers at McHenry. e pupils of the third, fourth, h, sixth, seventh and eighth des chartered a bus and went Chicago /to the museum of ,f-ural arts Tuesday. They were ^ o m p a n i e d by M r s . John gan, Mrs. Pa.ul Walkington, s. Assen, Mrs. J. C. Pearson, s. Clayton Bruce and Mrs. rold Bell. School election was held at the fiool house /Saturday evening, hn Hogan and John Skidmore fre elected. firhe Round-up club went see ' Scottish Highlanders at the jjodrstock high school. It was nsored by the University of r a Saturday evening. They 1 lunch in the church hall erward, with Mr. and M?s. rold Stanek as host and hoss. Irs. Fred Wiedrich and dailgh- Mary Ann, and Mrs. Davis "*lted Mrs. Louis Winn at the sanltaritiih at Waukegan Wednesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. I^ester Carr left Friday morning to spend the Weekend with their son, Ctarles, who is a polio patient at Camp Atterbury,. Ind. He is slowly gaining. MI'S. Irma Sherman of Woodstock is spending a couple of weeks with Mrs. Grace McCannon. Mrs. Clayton druce and Mrs. Harold Bell attended a union meeting In Chicago Friday night Mr. and Mrs. ffm, Heine of Chicago were supper gueSts in the Ceorge Shepard home Sunday. John Powers and Kenneth Powers and son, Glen, of Chicago spent the weenend in the Fred Bowman home. Mrs. John Skidtnofr and d a u g h t e r , B e t t y , M r s . John Ehlert £nd daughter, Mabel, and Mrs. Tony Senkerik attended a bridal shower for Phyllis Ehlert at Bassetts Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ackerman and Mrs. Ada Blume of Waukegan were callers in the Wm. Cruickshank home Saturday, evening. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Marlowe and: family and Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Donahue and daughter of Huntley, Howard Wattles and son, Donald, of McHenry aiid Mr. and Mrs. Frank Harrison and family were Sunday dinnerguests of Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Harrison. Mrs. Ardin Frisbie and daughter, Ann, visited her mother, Mrs. Flora Harrison, Saturday afternoon. , Mr. and Mfrs. Wm. Cruick- 4hank were visitors in the Rjy Meyer home at Marengo Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Tony Senkcrlk of Chicago spent the weekend in the John Ehlert home. Miss Jean Block, Miss Audrey Schriber and Miss Jeanette Hensel spent Sunday afternoon and evening with Dr. and Mrs. Wm. Hepburn. They Vrere on their way from Sheboygan to Naperville, where they ire attending college. Mrs: Louis Hawley spent Tuesday in Chicago. Mrs. Fred Bowman and daughter, Nancy, spent Tuesday evening in the Floyd Yardley home at Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs. Webster Blackman and family of Chtcago spent Thursday with Dr. and Mrs. Wm, Hepburn. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hawley of California and Mr. a»d Mrs Andrew Hawley of Fox River Grove spent Saturday in the Louis Hawley home. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence 'Adam* and family spent Sunday everting with her parents at Richmond. Mr. and Mrs. MacWill'ams (if Waukegan and Mr. ind jars. Wnj. Cruickshank went to see the Scottish Highlanders at Woodstock Saturday everting. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Volkert of Kenosha, Mr. and Mrs. Phelps Saunders and daughter of Sycamore and James Wegener of McHenry were Sunday dinner guests in the Fred Wiedrich, Jr.. home. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Lenard and family of Lake Geneva . en? supper guests. W.EEB GENT 0F. MATTO>1N Al income O FARM PEOPLE Farmers are doing a belter ;?ob Of increasing their efficiently oi production than any other segment of business or industry, Charles B. Shuman, president of the Illinois Agricultural association, said last week. Shuman spoke at a meeting of the Chicago Farthers club. "In the last fifteen years, farm production per worker per hour has been increased V0. per cent," he said. "I doubt if any other portion of our economy has done as well." Although farmers arft producing efficiently* they are itot being adequately . rewarded for it. Shuman fcaid. Since January of 1952, farm prices have declined 11 per cent while the things- farmers have to buy have gone down only slightly, he declared. This means farmers are getting a smaller and smaller shaft of the total national income, the IAAA president stated. "For example, the 18 per cent of the American people engaged in agriculture last year received only *5 3 per cent of the national income Of the estimated 1952 Benjamin Franklin deMgwed a dollar made of silver, brass and pewter, bearing the motto, "Mirtd Your Own Business," and minted in 1776. Prescription Pharmacist* Hi * Certain Self-Zretfrnettt Should Worry , you, Zoo...' '* \ fuwertWtifMl effective, many new drugs ran produce remarkable resrit*. likewise, much damog* can ^ result from Improper use or overdose. Dangerous Immunities con develop. Permanent injury can be done gt •^even fife con be endangered* \ /** good reason, fhere are restrictions on the use y of penicillin, CMoromycoWni, certain sulfa compounds <r \ y *nd odier drugs wMiout the cere and prescription - of a phytfdan. When your health requires it, consult - your Doctor. He will prescribe these new and jtwh*S» wbw He feek Hiey ore req«lred» BOLGER'S - ( hi ; llfcHENRY 1$$ PHONE 40 '/ DRUGSTORE / w (jetting A New Car t FINANCE IT THROUGH THIS BANK With dp FriMdReir More Convent SEE US BEFOBE THE DEAL ON TOUR NEW CAR McHenry' Member Federal Reserve System Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. Paid On Sayings Dq$g||£s. PHONE 1040 ' I limi i f or , PfANOS or ORGANS See Ike largest and finest selection In the Fox Valley We bay, sell, trade, Md service all makes. Open Mob. * FrL 'til 9 P. M. 80-88 N. Grove Phone 6-8148 ELGIN, ILL. MKome of 268 billion, th4 farns- »s' share was 14.3 biUion." 1*be IAA president challenged business and labor management to increase the efficiency of their production so that "farmer?" -?an continue to produce abund- <tatly at cheaper costs which car be reflected in prices to the consumer." One way to do this, he said, i- 'o control monopoly power in business and labor to lower th< costs of manufactured items. "If these things are produced more ifficiently, farmers will be able to buy more of them. This will bring about better economic conditions for labor and industry groups, whioh will then be Ible to buy more farm product! and win bring about general Agricultural prosperity." Three other connditions which Shuman termed necessary for general prosperity in agriculture were: - (1) a high level of economic activity throughout "the country; (2) healthy foreign trade; and ! Who Said taxis j ! Are A Luxury? Add tike cost of tills man's rain - soaked clothes and youll agree door -to-door taxi actually saves money. A cab can help la a hundred differ* ent way*. When you need ? McHENRY CAB § a • " t1 1 (3) more expenditures for ag- Icultural research and extension to that farm production may be iven more efficient. "About 10 per cent of our farm traduction is sold abroad now,' le said. "Another reason for the 'ecent decline in farm prices is that our exports have decreased 10 per cent in the last year. And laving healthy foreign trade neans we must also be willing to buy some things abroad*" Shunan concluded/ 1 . i ' ii I'tjii riiif Pagt HIm NATIONAL SALES The consolidated- sales of National Tea company for the four weeks ending March 28, 1083, amounted to 834,001,687 as coinpared with* 827,782,533 . tor TLe corresponding period of *952. an increase of 22.38 percent. Sales 'or the year to date amounted to $105,530,563 as compared with $81,255,393 for the corresponding period in 1952,, an increase of 29.87 percent. --* ; AbVeiTISEMENt T CALVES tn NEEDED CU0IBES FROM NEW MIM FIT REPUEER Krafat introduced by Phenix Fowls Company f ribed at the ideal replacer for milk, fat In etttf feeding, at gives calves needed fat for their proper growth and development. Krafat is a specially processed vegetable oil, the putrUktoal equivalent of butterfat in whole miU^- „ v;-. \ y Cmh9a need tat ' If calves do not get the proper amount of fat in their diets they become more susceptible to disease, are weaker, and gfowth it retarded. Ca!f starters not enoujfi The average calf starter lacks about H of the calories in whole milk. When Krafat is added to a commercial calf starter gruel or to skim milk,"it boosts the caloric content up to that found in whole milk. Krmfat promote* health Krafat in a calf's diet helps reduce scours and helps prevent other diseases, too. It also helps give the calf a better general appearance, and helps it grow stronger. Just a small amount it needed and it's so easy to use. See the simple directions on the Krafat can label. See the Krafat dealer neareet you--todayt * ifarne ' Phone R. O. Andrews Co., Woodstock, 111. *28 Big Foot Peed Co., Big Foot Prairie, ffi,; P.O. Harvard, 111 517R& fttmond & Douglas, Chemung, 111. 339J 0. Hereley At Sons, Harvard, 111 % 10 B. P. Kraft Feed Co., Hebron, 111 3901 McHenry Co. Farmers Co-op Assn., McHenry, III. ..... 729 McHenry Mills, Inc., McHenry, 111. 815 Shaw & Baker, Union, III 2171 rnmpany. Marengo, 111. ............w,3 A. F. 8c A* M. 107 N. Court St Meeting l-3rd Tues. Visitors Welcome Phillip Ricker, Secy. Phone McHenry 417 O. E. S. 1 Kit M, Court St; Meetings 2nd A 4th Tues. Visitors Welcome Myrtle Harrison, Secy. Tel. Won. Lk. 3641 PROFE^mnflL DIRECTORS' DR. C. B. SWANSON Dentist '• ISO 8. Green Street V ' Office Honrs: Dally Except Thursday , ' 9 to 12 -- 1:80 to 5:8* - . Mon^ Wed. and Frl. Eveaifi ' : By Appointment Only " Telephone McHenry 160 - VERNON KNOX • Attorney At Law .j. Ctr. Green and Elm Btrttll McHenry, ID. Taeeday and Friday Aft ems ana Other Days By Appointment Phone McHenry 48 idr-- iQBOi i a DUjrr Vr'ini vOIiiiUtJiCd> iuicr emeus HOOf •wur i«¥tik riM^oi. ^ <> WILLIAM M. CARROLL, Jr. Attorney At Law 1101 'i Benton Street " Phene Woodstock 188# • Woodstock, Illinois locao JOSEPH X. WAYNNE Attorney At Law Waukegan Road (RFD Bex) Phone McHenry 498 ' West McHenry, I1L FRANK & MAT BLACK DIRT t _ - Gravel - Orliustf Excav«tlng Route i, Johnslmrc1 , Phone: McHenry 6M-H4 Band YERN THEUDf Tnsek^ E^cavatlRX M. MeHenry 588-fe* «r aSB-W-l Bex 172, Rt. 1, Misery, HL >'JL P. PREUNP £ BONR •V. Excavating Oentraelara Trucking, HyflraW an#. Crane Surtfcii -- -- ROAD BUILDING -* TeL 204-M" McHenry, It 's only fair to warn you. When you tr^ a new Bpick with the Sensational Twin-Turbine Dyiiaflow Drive.* you'll tingle all dver with thrill. You'll sweep your speedometer needle from zero to 30 mph so quickly, you won't have time to breathe but twice, You'll move from a standing start to legal speed so quietly, you'll practically hear your frtaft beat. You'll experience such complete and utter smoothness every step of the way, you'll be wholly relaxed, refreshed, and ~eady for more. This is not dream stuff. This is real. This is what actually happens when yoil'ro at the wheel of a new 1953 Buick with ¥T Dynaflow. Twin Turbines in the Dyna0oW unit, instead of just a single one-in addition to other engineering advances -- make the tremendous difference. .* \i- 4vV •' J •• So you feel a firmer and more immediate "take hold" get far faster getaway, new gpiet and efficieney, plus infinite smoothnsw to and through every speed range.) ' lnere's $ lot more to be had, of course, hi these great hew Buicks. Higher horsepowers and compression ratios. A still finer ride. Easier handling. Improved visibility. More comfort and richer interiors* But start with take-off -- the greatest In Buick's fifty great years--and learn the rest of the story from there. Can you drop ia oa us this week? ^Standard om Roaimasttr, optional at axtra cost on other Serits. Mstst faSummw ATRtONDITIONER for 1953 SUPER and RoAWMilTf* Riviera and Sedan models, available now at extra cost. WHIN terra AUiOMOStiis AM SHUT BUICK WIU simo THIM R. I. OVERTON MOTOR INSURANCB *ARL R .WALSH % Fire, Aato, Farm A Life lasnrai Representing RELIABLE COMPANIHS When You Need Insurance 0 Any Kind Phone 48 "98 • Green * Elm McHenry COMPLETE BOOKKEEPING SERVICE R«- '4^! fsr the small buslneea Reasonable rates. Income Tax Re tarns MeBENRT BOOKKEEPING TAX SERVICE Professional Bldg. 210 So. Green Street Phene 78$B or ?65-M ocao OTOFFEL A REIHANSPERGER I--nrsnm agents for all rlssess e< property In the best coinpaalea West McHenry, IUnola Teleph<ne 800 8b7 Main Stret M<ffeniy» A. .1 . 1 1 • A f l A I - ' <>«• SCHROEDER IRON WORKS Ornamental A Structural Stetl Visit Our Showrooms 8 Miles South on Rt .SI Phone 950 BING'S JPLCMBING and HEAHN# BOB FRISBY, JR. Quality Fixtures-Radiant Heating Qaa and Electric Water Heaters Water Systems - Water SoftsMlK Repairs • Free Estimates Phone McHenry 289-M 1- IOE IOE AL'S WELDEVG and REPAIR SERVICE 001 Main Street. McHrtiry Electric Portable Welding Acetylene Welding and Cutting ALEX W. WIRFS, OperaMr Phone 615-W-l or 464 * McHenry, 11L 1 IOBOC= • ogr ANNOUNCEMENT ' Sn. Eleanor Matteoni rinhlstliann Private Lessons hi 403 FKONT STREET PHONE McHENRY. ILLINOIS ' J,. ^ •