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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 16 Apr 1953, p. 10

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m* "W W" r^5 t-OrSa * * v J;f •*««. ^ * "WT| *'#y •£A :';&-"SV'rv'^> • ..;<• »-,«• •":-% Lake News By Vfcnegge Sells I held the limelight in Lake all of test week the vigorous interest in the local scene was pointed up in lha fact that the Wonder Lake pUKtaCt had the best percentage Of votes in the entire county • afalnst their registered voters' llat and the school election vote topped that. Wonder Lake has a total of 1,162 registered voters and 366 of them voted in the township Section. In the school election twenty more cast votes. , In the Tuesday election Wonder Lake acquired its first jus tice of the peace when Gerald (Bud) Elbersen was elected to A Office and its first constables in .. Qie persons of Elmer Murphy. Fred Marks and Sigut^Jifcnbsen. '/"\ 1 Light County Vote The entire county vote was light and, in comparison to last Hovember, the Wonder Lake •fbte was light. In the national {flections last fall there, were 890 •fonder Lakers who cast ballots. Acquire New Area *In action by the school trustees of the county last week, an iura in Indian Ridge valued at $53,957 was taken from the Ring wood school district. No. 34, and added to the Harrison district, No. 36. The people of this area, which goes around the Benwell farm past the Stromski toad and up to the Hogan farm Wist and on to the Ringwood blacktop to the north. The assessed valuation of district 36 prior to the annexation " was called $3,708,037 prior to the transfer and that of Piatrjct 34 w&a set at $1,902,136. V ^ Are New Directors Mr. and Mrs. Roy Swanson are fetw directors of the McHenry County Theatre Guild. They were named to the board at the annual meeting of that group held in the Woodstock opera house last Wednesday. They were present at the meeting with their daughters, and with Betty Holo- 4glW08t. ! Other N^Vonder Lake members tthe Guild board are Mr. and ra. Louis Belshaw. Has Birthday Susan Grasser, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Grasser of Wickline Bay, celebrated her fifth birthday April 7. , . In the afternoon eleven , of her playmates gathered at the Grasser home to play games. A cake decorated with a circus motif graced the center of the gaily decorated serving table. In the evening. Susan's grandparents, Mr. and Mrs: A. L. Nelson of Woodstock, were guests at <$• Grasser home. Election Personnel Lillian Belshaw, uldifta Haught and Pat Wrede, were judges in the Harrison school, election. Satufday. Alice1 Noren was the clerk of the election. y Attend Banquet Slie American Legion jit" Itc- Henry sponsored a party Monday night for the boys of the six schools that had participated in the little basketball league this winter. A group of the players from Wonder Lake attended, accompanied by their Coach, Fred Zandier, and two fathers, James Bell and Harold Hoffman, who helped with the transportation. Those who were present included James Bell, Roland Hoffman, Dick Hoffman, Jim "Brown, John Wright, Roger. Benson, Bob Biggers, George Taylor, Wayne Tronsen, Kurt Weisenberger, Dick Lundborg, Dan Lundborg, Jim Mahal, Gary Vogt, Randy Sellek, and Tom Roti. Oh Tuesday night Zandier took some of- -the- high school'-group in to play baseball. Baseball practice is held each Saturday morning at the Harrison field and all boys of the Wonder Lake area are invited to attend. Last "we'eK' both Fred Zandier and Jim Bell were sick so the boys had"' "to practice alone, but they • -were issued equipment and had batting practice. - Hone From Korea -- As we write this we do not know, whether or not Master Sgt. Carl Cihos has arrived at his Wicklihe Bay home as yet, but he was listed aboard the Gen. C. C. Ballou due to arrive at Seattle,' WS*fc, flora4 Korea either Thursday orri Friday of laft week. , . "_;#i»spel. Chore* NWfp* The Youth Rallies, conducted by "'Uncle Win" Johnson, proved very successful. More than one hundred registered. With other people, young and old, coming to the meetings, the attendance was exceptionally good. The children will never forget this week of unusual meetings. The impressions received of sane, wholesome Bible teaching conveyed in a most interesting way, will not easily be erased. Next Sunday, April 19th, we have our regular Sunday Bible School at 10:00 a.m.; morning worship service at 11:00 and Evening Evangel at 7:30 o'clock. Little children will be p^esentgd to the Lord in dedication at the morning service. THREE APPOINTMENTS Governor William G. Stratton has appointed three men as members of the Illinois Public Aid Commission, and two to the Illinois Racing Board. George McKibbin and Stuyvesant Peabody, both of Chicago, were named as new members of" the I.P.A.C. to succeed Simeon P. Leland and gamuel J. Bradfield. Harold Baker of East St. Louis was reappointed to the commission by Governor Stratton. The Governor appointed Paul Serdar of Lake county as chairman of the Illinois Racing Qoard, reappointed William S. Miller of Ottawa to board membership. The third board member is Frank R. Warton. Commercially speaking, the Douglas fir is more valuable than any other tree. William Tell was it Swiss patriot who lived- in Xhe 14th century. f v • toi..*, *' ;.*% r // , wH **. " ' * •!» * ^ • r - - t " - - r\ if -, " +"!*• i 1 . r s it' kit." 'f- '* .Vt"""* A tj'r ' t'.v'Vr* VsCIi* , '-** L P v.-***? "Tho Judg* «ay»lthelps to keep Him awako during dud cases." 1/ DRiijJJOHN T. GRAY 1 OPTOMETRIST I (yesight Specialist Compleie Service , Eyes Examined ' Glasses Fitted " Contact Lens Examinations and Fittings ? CLOSED J|\ja>NESDAY A number of supervisors were elected in McHenfy county last week, in several townships, the vote was extremely close. Probably the morft spectacular was in Hartland, where Leon Hager won out by one vote over Lyle Paulsen, the count being 132 to 131. Hie veteran Frank E. Beck of Chemung township defeated Robert Stoxen by 54 votes, 720 to 666. In Coral, Roscoe Glenn was returned to office but only by 18 votes, Mr. Glenn having defeated Harvel Fedrowitz 223 to 205. Frank McConnell retained his membership in Richmond by winning over Gladys Bower by 30 votes, the count being 278 to 248. In a contest brought out 1,- 796 votes, Ted Sterne won Ms second term on the board in Nunda township by defeating Charles F. Gumprecht, 1,633 to 724. Also in Nunda, Nels Pear* son, unopposed, polled 1,357 votes. A second new member in Hartland township is George Lowe, Marengo. He defeated two opppiiawti, Lkiikm fimittt, 361, and 6H«iUr Knfefy, , 381. -Loire potted sit *otes. < Hie county board will orgmlze April 28, when it is expected that Stanley Cornue will be elected to head the group, succeeding August Ruth? PASSION PLAT TO , BE wrflMESSED BY COUNTY WOMEN The sixty-five scenes ofv the American Passion play at Bloomington, will be witnessed April 19 by * tour group sponsored by McHenry County Home Bureau. The Passion Play, now in its tlrfitSMfciifc tea, authentically pgffepys, < vit a cast of S5$, the Ahings Christ in BiUical sequences. Anyone is welcome to join the group if a reservation is sent ta the Home Bureau office, Woodstock; immediately. The group will leave Woodstock oni* a chartered bus 6:45 a.m. Sunday, April lflf, and will return around 10 p.m. The group will have their noon anj evening meals together in Bloomington in a restaurant near the Scottish Rite Temple, scene the Passion Play. Want Ada, like •verjrbodvV bnsinesi freedoife, 7 Carpentry Specialising in All Kinds of Building and Remodeling Dormers - Canopies and Oarages For information or Free estimates, call Elgin 4881 or write DENK, Sr. Paritway AveNfs ELGIN, ILL. • • • a • •• a i 9 a h'tNot What YouDo It isn't your lack of sales appeal that's at fault when it comes to getting that license, lady, It's that rumpled dreas and soiled collar that's making him keep his distance so stubbornly. ' - , . ; , " It's The Way You Do It . . . and the answer is simple. Let us do your deeming for you. When your clothes are neat, he'll come, running. P. S. You'll win all through married life, too, by making steady use of our cleaning services. ' na. LOCALCLEANERSi 206 Green Street Phone 20 Phone S. Green Sh i i McHenry 186:: Althoff's Sell Burpee Seeds FREE Public LECTURE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE: IT CAN HELP YOU" ^ • - ARCHIBALD CARET, CAB. ' of DETROIT, MICH. Member of The Board of Lectureship of The Mother Church, The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Mass.* Crystal Lake Grade School AudLitiotorriiii fm THURSDAY EVENING, APRIL 23, 1953« p.m. Under the auspices of fbst Chturch of Christ, Scientist, Crystal Lake, 111. ALL ARE WELCOME NYE DRUG STORE! COUPON 12SN. Riverside Dr. McHenry, 111. ON SALE THURSDAY, FRIDAY & ~Wo.a<J1CCh DRUG S "Ok Epsom Salt 16 Lux Soap ""-323 Napkins fe^lOX OF 89 (Limit 1) CLEAN-UP SPECIALS! Olive Tablets 43C Luswry Mints or EFruit Drops j S*v« new! (Limit 3) 3' 101 a-- iBfant'Advtt Glyctrit SspposHorios Jar ef 12 (Limit 2) 33e ^ I-ox. Bottle Tincture Merthiolate For First Aid c Speeds woH(-sam money--hel|<« t . builders deliver quality work •But fcoapt mm), Mf dosMd tot your jok 1 plac* •Full itfength, reliaW% SHeme«iodeaaep;*mped nnlibrmity in ererj load. when wasted* §L«w pric* #«Mis8l icciniilf ynfeh famble on COM. Yta mi your builder will both benefit bj using ou 1--dy^lfiTod Cooam. Phone as before 70a build McHenry Sand & Gravel PHONE McHENRY 920 Bills or Flslttt 29- BOLPH fOR MOTHS 2L" 49* Limit 2 sole. ioclrmt Strony 10* DISH CLOTNS Quirt Bottles CLOROX ILUCH 3«« 23* 3 <" 35' Limit 6 sale. Limit 2 sale. WOOD CREAM POLISH CQc "Glass Wax". 12-ounce can . . vw 2-IN. PAINT BRUSHES «Q, Genuine 100S pure bristle . PICTURE HANGERS ~ «Qe No-Nail type • very strong I v *2.50 VALUE CHAMOIS ' 198 Oil-tanned, big • 17 by 23 inches I • GUEST SIZE| Shair brisnS JlSUttAfil • OteilD '(•Mm fondomt Bmnd j StetfoMfy linen . OQt finish... mrn9/ M Priced low. *, d-incA Strven 4 Get DnJniff? 1 SUM FtMMUZt Mm TIUTMEIT 4^l2s'Srr.8y Fine hardwood 8-ounce bottle. Giip. Flexible HoUs s MEAL! CANASTA UMCN KIT cards ; * nm* «&i 11* 92T to. 'I--, S d r i n k . . 4 A Po-Do brand. Pi »«• botUa. Chrome Doors ELECTRIC TOASTER) UL AM. opproved. Sm~~m AC or DC 4-oz. Sise PEPTO BISMOL For upset stomach,1 COUPON "Mll-ZIP" ZIPPER M6 Willitt 039 pUid Or- Vitamins for Health F--ling "Loft Out" of LIU? If Vitamin Deficiancy i* H»Uin| You Dawn Than ll'« Tiwa far "i 'j 'v* 036 FRONT STREET -- rf- •' • it ' ~ .. McHENRT. ILL. 120c Valour POWDER . I PUFFS I • pl«l (wpn /limit J) I krisj with Liver. Iran. C«*p^ Crystalline VITAMIN 1-12 See what can happen when you give your body a rich supply ol vitamins, liver & iron See how dynamic B-12 can help banish lrritability due to vitamin deficiencies Bottle of SO potent copsules . ,7. ^, _ Bottle of 100 tipw/ej 7^.. 525 349 Make Our Store Headquarters for SPORTING GOODS! For Pocltot or Purse "Ebonite" Binoculars Priced 51.19 low . . Black finish SOFT BAU. PO-DO Brand GOLF BALLS Me 3 for »!.•» 12-ln. CttrWt SOFTBALL J£/..'85P THERMOS JUGS Plain or Pour-Spout ** TENNIS BALLS 3I92S "Gold Crown" brand »#••• • • IveryHiing for a grand and glorious crop I 16-0*. MVi LAWN SEED Ml permanent ij^e for new leneee aw. CandMant hr MM m4 •nwtk of aaeds. Water seluble plant lead. Cantains all feed ale wants needed faf growing plants tank, gahrentoed agalnrt cor nsfse--nen dag nassl«, e ^ROOM RAXC tTEBL WMOVm HAND fRUNtt CANVAS GLOVBS Separ valeel Twenty spring Sliarp reand edge blade of Ugfct - easy »e handle. Toegh, ragged, long wearsteel tines. Smooth «wnd heat tiaated high tsftes Hardened steel blades, iron ing. W»ll cut of «-o*. white hardwood handte. stoeL long ash handle. hondh. SMng safety ledu canvas. Knit weisliels fit wwgty Timely Bays fat Lawn Hn# IMachaU* HOSE REEL Special faucet for attachment ta howve evtiet. Hose oncools while water nms. Holds 100 feet plastic heae, 100 feet reb> t**P'ing$ McHENRY COUNTY'S LEADING HARDWARE MAIN ST. PHONE 284 McHENRY, ILL. I" a, y V-i

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