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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 16 Apr 1953, p. 2

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' - ; ' r • ' • . 'v " ' * "• *r ^ , : * ' • • - §?yH§?f **W& V ' . J> ,k *e * * . -u« ** . _ < > ' • W7?m _ feTK^SlP yiywpwii1 'J,*IM' S•A'• -:• '*%• * THE McHENRY •'O&At Tmw WW. f * ' J ,?'* -v "*y' v ,v»? mmmswr *i"r"* ^ *-"t> ""^Ti ^^^'V'"VV> £ "*\:*. V£f* ~ C, > ' ?<. &> •# * * ^ " * ' ' ' V s • ' . • ' • °*fi*^. t^tt;mil' «*mp Apt 21 lifters of Riverview Camp, -1#1; A., are a&ked to remember If, regular meeting date in thetL of C. hall on Tuesday, April 31. Oolf Owup , . Utdiroi' The Ladies' Qolf association of ;»cHenry Golf club is planning « spring luncheon April 28 at 1 Stn., to be followed by a short eeting and cards. All women Members planning to attend are Ifcked to please make reservations at the clubhouse by April 1*5. Co-hostesses are Mrs. Elmer . I^eund and Mrs. Gus Freund. Forester }.i; ; #1Hr' Party April 57 The Juvenile Forester girls are holding a party at St. Mary'f ibhool from 7 to 9 p.m. on Mon- >; day, April 27. Election of officters will take place. , , ' Vtaal Plans Made •; for Movie Showing Members of St. Patrick's - Mother's club have made final plans for (be showing of "The Naked City," a movie which art!! bt shown on April 17, 18 and 19 tl the school hall. Hie movie was filmed against S Background of New York City landmarks, with two detectives •Diving' the murder of n young iteman. This picture has been •try well reviewed in all National papers and magazines. -Tickets are available at Hc- <**'s Men's store. Rosalind Rees r i t Baptised Sunday v , Rosalind Sarah Rees, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Earl J. Rees, was christened last Sunday, April 12. at St. Peter Damian church at Bartlett irt a 1 o'clock service, Rev. Thomas !p. Home officiating. The church is the same one in which the Baby's parents were married. Sponsors were Mrs. George Barbian and Emil Simon, Jr. A family dinner was served at 5 o'clock at the Rees home at 108 N. Park street/* •; v../ . Mrs. M. U S^oenhdt* and Mre. Joseph Waynn#f ^ ; Frost Infant , Is Christened , The infant m&to? '# Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Frost was christened Jane Marie Rt. Rev. Msgr. C. S. Nix at a baptismal service solemnized at St Mary's church last Sunday afternoon ' Sit 2:30 o'clock. Sponsors were the baby's uncle, Harold Schmitt, and Mary Lou Bckstrom. At 5 o'clock, a delicious dinner was • served at 'the Frost home. Present were Mr. and Mrs. John R. Schmitt and family, Mr. and Mrs. Rolland Eckstrom of Elgin, Betty Burnell and Harold Schmitt. tions by calling Martha Itoufe!, phone 91-R, or Mathilda Gerftcch, phone 258, not later than Memday, April 20. vw Aittlt Girl Sront "Cook-eut" •"/; The April meeting- of , th^ Adult Girl Scout association1 Will be held at* the V.F.W. clubhouse on Wednesday, April 22, at 9:30 j'clock. This will be a "cookout" and; each member is asked to bring a large empty can/'a tuna fish can and old, canJ es. The m e e t i n g w i l l c o n t i n u e through the noon hour. Food to be cooked may be purchased from committee members, who will have all supplies on hand. Co-chairmen for this meeting are Jeannette Vance and Helen Miller. ' 4# et 8 Sponasr Skatteg Party "n»e 40 et 8 of the American l£gfon will hold a midnight rol- Ifr skating party at the Mc- Hfenry roller rink on Saturday. April 18. Proceeds of this affair win be used to sponsor a student for the •arses' training program. The gala affair will start at Midnight and will last until Sj30 am. Everyone Is invited to attend tfcis affair, with a good time as- Stored. Woman'*' (Ml MI Peter M. Jtmtens The Woman's city 1M& last Friday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Peter M. Justen. An intersting program was presented, ncluding a fine book review of Forty Odd" by Mrs. Bishop and lovely organ solos by Mrs. Cornelius Quinlan. The committee in charge included Mrs. Justen, assisted by Mrs. Carl Hoyte, Mrs. Paul Doherty, Mrs. Albert Vales, Mrs. N. J. Nye, Mrs. Gus Freund. Mrs. Arthur Smith, Mrs. James Smith, Mrs. Norman Dinner Benefits ; School Bus Fund .-«£*£-. <•' The public is invited to partake of a roast beef dinner on Sunday, April 19, proceeds to benefit thp Christ the King Catholic church school bus fund. Dinner will be served family style from noon until 4 p.ih. at St. Mary's .school hall in Mc- Hehry. •, °' •' ' V. O. of A. «W»S Social Meeting ( . The business meeting ijf the Catholic Daughters of A.u.rica was held Thursday evening, April 2, when the final winners in the card tournament were announced. They were as^foltows: Pinochle, Frances Bauer, first; Margaret Simon, second; Ann Rodenkirch, third; and Rose Freund, fourth; canasta, Marie Corso, first, piaire Miller, second; and Ros^ Kennebeck, third; contract, Colletta Adams, first; Carolyn Bauer, second; Ella Buss, third; Helen Dobyns, fourth; and Ethel McGee, fifth. A social meeting will be held April 16. Install Officers Of 8t, Clara's Court St. Clara's Court, Ho. <69, W.C.O.F., will hold installation of officers Thursday evening, April 23. Dinner will be served at 6 o'clock in the school hall. Those wishing to attend the din- Eggert, ner are asked to make reserva- St, Agatha's Canity Holds Installation ' t >- > St. Agatha's Co^rt, No. 777, W.C.O.F., will hold installation of officers at the new community hill on Tuesday eVefttng April 21. Preceding the ceremony,, there will be a 6:30 o'clock banquet at Hettermaim's. ReserVa* tions. should be made not later than next Sunday by calliag Hilda May, 580-J-2, or Virginia Pi teen, 659-J-l. , ^ PAN AMERICAN : PROGRAM TO BE i HfLD IN McHENRY' Costa Rica is the country being studied this year by the American Legion Auxiliary. As chairman, Mrs. Eddie Myers, who recently attended the Pan Amer- \ card of rtiANidi ' We wish to take this opportunity to express our thaflks to j-:'i , the many, many friends who "' supported us at the polls last Saturday; We are most grateful to all of them. • It is only natural that in a contest which evokes stich inter* est on the pa.rt of the public, many issues become controversial. With the vote of confidence expressed Saturday, we *hall endeavor in the future, as in the past, to conduct a school in which this community may ^have justifiable pride. It is our belief that scholastic matters be left to an efficient faculty and disciplinary matters to administrators and faculty, the board to intervene only if necessary and then only as arbitrator. Hundreds of families have moved into the McHenry .high school district and erected new homes. We feel they were attracted to this ideal locality in large part becatise of our fine elementary schools and a good high school. „ The high schoo. hoard and faculty shall remain ready to assist in any way possible those in charge of our elementary schools to maintain their high 'standard of educational and health programs. *49 A. I. Froehlich . B e n Justfc* M ii irii mi Residence Changes Mr. and Mrs. Lester Smith and son have moved from Chicago to the Country Club subdivision. DOLLY MftR lean conference in Chicago, is planning to display articles and posters depicting the mode of living there. A number of Spanish dances will be the highlight of the entertainment. * THREE FROM HER£ INITIATED INTO £ MOOSE LEGION 't# Mecca Legion, No. 9, held its spring meeting in Slgin's Moose ledge Sunday afternoon, with fifty-seven \Moose members initiated into the Legion, Three of them werf from the local lodge, Donald Howard, Lawrence Brusso and Otto Wolff. A Representative of the supreme Legion council was present and gave a talk about Legion activities in conjunction with the work of the Moose lodge. The Legion degree of the Moose is called the "playground of the MOose lodge" and a portion of its funds go into entertainment activities^. The •" remainder helps support Moose Haven, a home for old people in Florida. Following the ceremonies, the members and their wives were treated to dinner and a fine floor show. ' i George Wirfe and son, Stephen returned last - weekend) from Florida, Where they had been vacationing. WE DRESS YOUR ROORSIWHDOWS i • See Our Compleie Line • LINOLEUM - TILE - CARPETING • DRAPES - CURTAINS - RODDING • VENETIAN and VERTICAL BLINDS 917 for Free Bsttmfejfc TdNVAN S HOME FURNISHINGS J 208 E. ELM STREET ' McHENRY, ILL. PERSONALS 11 1 1 K 1 1 1 I H i t »11 f Dolly, tiny danghiar of Mrs. H m U M U H M I I I I M l l l Myer and a young lady who is kept busy in the entertainment ftild, be oA haMd to sift# and dance. She recently captured the hearts of many with her acrobatic specialty and baton twirling for the Legion- birthday party in Round Lake. Anyone interested in the South American country is cordially invited to attend the April 20 meeting at 9 p.m. at the Legttn Home. Mrs. Eleanor Young spent two days last week in the home of her sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Schoewer, *ia Waukegan. . . Mr. and Mrs.' E. ML Letcher visited Knox college at Galesburg, IS., last weekend, where their daughter, Nancy, took part in the water ballet presented by the college swimming group. Miss Lena Stoffel returned home last weekend from Augustkna hospital, Chicago, where she had been confined for several days.. Mr. and Mrs. Iforbert Yegge and son, Jack, and Mrs. Margaret Sullivan Were Sunday dinner guests in the Louis Ye«® fcoftie at Woodstbck. While Jiere, they witnessed the christening the Yegges' new baby, JUdilh Ann. Other out-of-town guests at the ceremony were Mr. aw* Mrs. Harvey Frank and daughter, Mary Beth, and Frances Lea Yegge of DeWitt, Iowa. Frank and "Mrs. Harold ,RiH& j Woodstock were sponsors the baby. - M Dr. and Mrs. Robert Bateau Of Newport, R. I., are spending the week visiting her p«ren$p. the William Justens. % _ Mr, and Mrs. Donald Phalln & Rockford visited her parents, fibs Fred Svobodas, this past week. I0ontinued on P MEVEIWIY iAWWtt i)j"j ' " .as' KEIFS DMT IT MEANS TO YN Use pen, never pencil; wi amounts at far left--fill bli spaces with heavy Hnes; make amounts, in words and agree; ddn't sign blank clicks; never alter or erase; guard your unused and cancelled checks. Paying by check helps you avoid many of the dangers of using cash; following these rules will, help to reduce risk still further. ht safety's sin, Mto M, prop* m of a ctektog amort Iwe. McHENRY STATE BANK MEMBER FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM ' ; #TEREST PAID ON SAVINGS DEPOSITS T , PHONE 1040 •T at Wattles Drag Mora, McHenry, HI. tt-tf IMIIEMUTEI UZY sisii now we re getting this cafl-for-my-fufs message from smart women aft over town. And we DO mean SMARTI It's smart to get the GUARANTEED PROTECTION of our cold storage vault for priceless furs ,.. complete protection against heat, fiumidity, moths, Are and theft. It's smart to let the cold, crisp air of our vaults preserve their precious beauty and lengthen their years of wearabHity. It's smart to . . - entertaining, California style, sunshine-bright, five Lazy Susan rotates on a wooden stand, dinnerware, makes Phone 92T For Pickup Store your furs nop . >/. pay next Fall. Evety fur • & hrored to the full amount of your evaluation* SAVE 10% On Dry Cleaning by Using Our CASH & CARRY SERVICE SPECIAL SALE ^$1|95 ^*785 TWO WEU^ONLY at our plant or Branches eantx Ringwood WINTER'S STORE The Friendly Cleaners Lakemoor RU08 BEAUTIFULLY CLEANED by EXPERTS LAKEMOOR HIJWE. PHONE 927 NORTH FRONT ST. -- Around Cornet If, MllMHlMl.'ltt aoi aoi aoi locaoi Ml FEATURING FAMOUS BRANDS mm. •• • The year's biggest merchandising event in hardware and housewares brincjf you famous brands and featured values. Come in now for your Spring homi^ farm and shop needs. It's Hardware Week, April 17 to 25. Do Jobs Faster MO PfItU TmNbK mI atXmTmRmAb* • MR-I* Mm* • ftaclil IMnH •ImMM* Plumb Autograf $3.25 ; 'Plumb Advertised Finish, $2.39 WBE; RUBBISH BCHNER Rust resisting: finish. Conical Bottom. ' 0*CEDAR SPONGE MOP Fine Quality Cellouse Head Head is Replaceable • SPADING POR1C ftegulai* 4 Tine with •D' Type Handle* t cur Percolater Polished Aluminum. Quick Heat Bottom. Reff. $1.35 n.M M1LCOR PICK-UP CART? Reg. $8.50 J7.89 ltl K. BtwnUe DHv» V; WiOlflt M» • m K BAMBOO tAWN RAKE 24-in. wide. Reg. $2.00 M.59 ALARM CLOCK Reg. $2.88 SPECIAL *2.29 m MZIT DOAI CKCTR0NK till IVTR CAN OPENER Cuts evt entire lid of round, aquar* or oval cans. Lifts out of bracket or iwinji flat against wail. Ftatum ptrmantnt type magmtic lid lifttr to prevent can lid from fatting imt» content* of can. Doxft* $449 0*i*0AfirCm0$^<pJfmt6.9S 26-Ft, SWAN PLASTIC HOSE %-inch size. Guaranteed In writing for Five Years. 20 GAL. GARBAGE CAN Large Roomy H Handles with ~ Correlated Hot Dipped, Leak-proof Body.] Reg: H*30 5 FOOT STEP LADDER Sturdy Construction, Rodded Steps. Reg. $5.00 SXtOPMASTER - S INCH" TILT ARBOR SAW 22"x26" with table extension, f ilgular $64.86 * TACKLE BOX Five Compartments 1.3%"long, 4%"wide, 6V4" deep] ^ Ragutatr $8.25 *1.79 M9.9S LEVEL WIND CASTING REEL Reg. $3.85 $2.98 PAINT .ROLLER and TRAY Sturdy Metal Tray witfc 7" Roller. Reg. $1.98 ocaoi *1.49 KOESIOI VYCITAL'S HARDWARE SHEET METAL SHOP Oreea St. PHONE M McHpary. 8L^ "W# Service Wk«| We Sell" ;,. , NYLON CASTING LINE i 50 Yards. 12 H Lb. Test Reg. $1.20 89* r KOBOI i

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