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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 16 Apr 1953, p. 5

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Published every Itiuraday at McHenry, Dl., by the McHenry fniblishing Company, inc. NATION At EOITORIAI BURFBUNDT, Gen. iduiszcr AbELE FROEHLICH, Editor Plalndealer Want Ada No ads counted lass than 25 wdnfc 11.00 minimum 1, insertion $1.00 < Count 5 words per line) 26c service charge on all Mind ads. Cash yrtth order 'Card of Thanks--$1.00 Mtntmuwfi Want Ads close promptly at 10 a.m, Wednesday ^ SUBSCRIPTION RATE *«*»• 9S.00 Entered as second-class matter it the,-post office at McHenry, IH, under the act of May 8. 1879. AUTOMOTIVE ItEFLACEMiE NT PARTS FOR ALL CARS Accessories and Seat Covers COMMUNITY AUTO SUPPLY 400 W. 13m Street Open Week Days 8 am, - 6 pjn. Sundays 9 ajm. to 1 pjn. SAFETY CHECKED USED CABS 1951 1950 1960 1949 1949 £; IMfi 1948 194$ 1947 1947 1946 1946 PLYMOUTH 4 Door Sedaa PLYMOUTH Cauto Sedan PONTIAC Catalina PLYMOUTH Convertible CHRYSLER New Yorker Sedan HUDSON Six 4 Door Sedan FORD Six 2 Door; Sed&n DODGE 4 Door Sedan PLYMOUTH 4 Door Sedaa OLDSMOBLIE Sedanetfc BUICK 4 Door Sedan KAISBJR 4 Door Sedan CHRYSLER Windsor 4 Door Sedan International Panel Truck CHRYSLER New Yorker Club Sedan PLYMOUTH 4 floor Sedan (two) 1942 FORD Club Coupe L941 PLYMOUTH Club Coupe L941 CHEVROLET 2 DoOr Sedan 1941 OLDSMOBILE 4 Door Sedar L940 CHEVROLET 2 Door Sedan L940 BUICK Club Coupe M COLBY MOTOR SALE$ Crystal Lake, Illinois Phone 1111 ^"OR SALE--'41 Pontiac; terrible ^cBditlon, good tires, $50. Call (VBnder Lake 3994. • *49 | BUSINESS SERVICE JOHNSON MOTORS Maw and Used -- Terms. Motors and Boats Service, Refinishing and Storage BILL'S OUTBOARD MOTORS | 104% S. Riverside Drive | Phone McHenry 1076 U V . MUSK? INSTRUCTION In Your Own Home Piano and Piano According Clarinet and Saxophone. - KARL P. KOPH |^r Phone Pistakee 633-M-l * 5-tf I PIANO TUNING •klso for sale high grade Spinet Manos, overhauled upright pianos prompt Sarvice. c. J. H. Diehl, ihone 2Q8-W, Woodstock, 111. 51-tf OR SALE -- TYPEWRITERS, IDDING MACHINES. Service «n all makes, also ribbons for all nakes, carbon paper. L. V. Klltz, Tlay St. Woodstock. Phone 549. 7-tf * ^ARAGE DOOM WOOD SJDCTIONAL Residential, Commercial or Intustrial -- Standard or Specially pesign^d. KEN LE1BACH (Sales. Installation and Sarvice * McHenry 1187-R 14-tf IjiUS. SERVICE--Interior Paintop;: and Paper Hanging. All '/orR guaranteed. Free estimates. yeY. 525-M-2. 85-tf VELLS DRILLED OR DRIVEN VATER SYSTEMS--We sell, repair and install pumps. Bill iacon, 206 Math Street, Mctlenry. Telephone 167. 26-tf ! RALPH L. CLARK j Piano Technician Repairing -- Tuning |02 Garfield Road,' Harvard, 111. Phone 748-R S7-tf GRAPHIC WEDDING CANDBMB - iroughout the whole eventful 'Jay * from Home, Church, Recepjon. m full "album form. MAX F. KOLIN McHenry 566-YV-l Chicago RA 6-1557 *' S-tf WANTED -- Down or crippled tttle. $20 to $60 cash. Call L. jrnside and Sons, Marepgi 907, ollect. 39-tf |EAD ANIMALS--Hi^teat cash Ices paid for cows, horses and js, no help needed to load, and night, Sundays and jays. Call Wheeling fteMer- Works. Wheeling No. 8; recharges, 36-tf FARM DRAINAGE -- Also sewer and water contractor. Ben J. Millar, 502 Mill St., McHenry, 111. 45-5 FARM DRAINAGE--Also sewer and water contractor. Ben J. Miller, 502 MHl St., McHenry, m. Tel. McHenry 53-W. , 46-5 SEPTIC TANKS, Grease Tr\ps, Dry Wells and Seepage Beds Built. P*t«r A. Freund, Fox 3t. McHenry, Itt. Phone 877-W. 46-tf C.S.O. SALESMAN SERVICE -- Page Fences; WorthIngton Rotary Power Mowers; Creeping Bent Mowers; New and Used Howard Rotary Hoe and Rototiller for the home gardener. Fences Erected and Repaired. Materials sup plied if you can do your owi work. No job too big or too small. Complete repairs of ail power mowers. Sharpening, $3.50; Hand $1.50. Factory trained mechanic of aH motors including outboard and catapiller diesel. Also dealer in Page Fences; new and used power mowers. For information : Call McHenry 575-W-2. 49 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY -- To be leased. Wen established Filling Station. Business District, McHeary. Write Box 843, Plaindealer. 49 FOR SALE FOR SALE--SO Shares of McHenry state Bank Stock at $250 per share. Book value over $500 per share. Phone 43. 43-tf FOR SALE--ALUMINUM WINDOWS. The Wallfill Co., Leo Stilling, MO BL Pearl, McHenry is. 48-tf FOR SALE--Year *rotmd COMFORT and ECONOMY with FIRE-PROOF JOhns-M a n v 111 e HHM mnktkn. Installed by the W&urm Co. Call Leo Stilling, 200 B. Pearl, McHenry 18. • 41-tf Retail Factory Outlet Store Women's Girls' aiid Boys' slacks- Dresses - Skirts - Blouses - Big selection of remnants. Also faotory seconds. RIVERSIDE MFG., CO., at old bridge on Riverside Drive, McHenry, HI. 41-tf FOR SAL& -- REXAIR CLEANER, Sales and Service. Free Trial R e f r i g e r a t o r D e f r o s t e r s . C a r l Barnickol, Box 111, McHenry. •48-3 FOR-'SALE -- We specialize in First Communion dresses, $4.95 to $19.95. The Toddler Shop, 312 Elm street, McHenry. - - 48-2 FOR SA.L£3 -- Ten ton of Baled straw in good condition. Stored fn barn. Phone: McHenry 142-W .4 48-2 FOR SAMB -i~; *7" Estate type power mower with sulky, excellent condition, timken bearings throughout. $185.00. Call McHenry 445-M. 108 So. Riverside Drive. 49 Hummer Jackets in matched sets for ladles and men, in beautiful plaids at the Merrill Wool Store on Rou|tes 12 and ISO, Volo. McHenry 682-M-2. 49 FOR SALE--Draw draperies in modern flower pattern, used onljr 4 months. One pair, 102" wide, $18. Other pair, 72" Wide, $12. Both extra long. Call 690-W-l. 49 FOR RENT FOR RENT -- Newly decorated rooms, home privileges, near depot and schools. 109 Main Street Phone McHenry 100-R 20-tf FOR RENT -- Sleeping rooms with or without bath. Special weekly, monthly or year-round rate. Riverside Hotel, Riverside Drive and Elm street. 19-tf FOR RENT--8-room apartment; partly furnished, heat included. Enclosed porch, located in west side business section. Write Clara Campbell, 100 B. First St., Elmhurst, HL • 47-4 FOR RENT -- 65 acres of land. Nunda Township. Phone: Dickens 2-2927 or write: J. Sharkey, 2929 Fullerton Ave., Chicago, 111. *49 Jak-Aiw Heights AHoow'Sw JAK-ANA HEIGHTS In Johnsbturt. Yon CM gel a modern home on a 100 x 200 foot lot* overlooking the beautiful countryside. Near church, school New Memorial Hall and shopping district ' ' ; JACOB FRITZ REALTORS In Johnsburg TeL McHenry 37 Rt. 5, McHenry, Illinois FOR RENT -- 4-rm. apartment, unfurnished; oil heat, hot water; enclosed porch; at McCullom Lake. Available now. Tel. McHenry 673- R-2. Call evenings or weekends. 49 ROOMS FOR RENT -- Kitchen privileges. Phone Richmond 394 after 5 P. M. 49 FOR RENT -- Small apartment. Call McHenry 12 and come in person. Buck's Town Club, 201 Riverside Drive. 40 HELP WANTED vt" ILLINOIS BELL TELEPHONE CO. 'a good place to work" TELEPHONE •--«« OPERATORS Good salary * to .start; frequent increases. YouTl be Working with girls your own age and you'll be doing interesting work in fn important industry. See: Miss R. Marshall, Chief Operator at 102 Park Ave. 43-tf ItELP WANTED FEMALE -- Sewing machine operators. Experienced. Unexperienced - we will train you with salary. Steady employment. Pool rides obtainable. Next to Northwestern depot. Magic Slacks, inc., Box K, McHenry. 38-tf FOR SALE--Small Westinghouse refrigerator. Best offer. Electrocute vacuum cleaner, $15. Call 596- M-l. 49 FOR SALE--Used doors: 2'-8" x 6'-8"; 2'-6" x6'-8". Used windows, 4 light, l'-lO" x J'-5". 4 oak dining chairs. Bookcase. Call 292-R. 49 FOR SALE--Kelvinator 4-burner electric range, good condition. Tel. Park Ridge. Ta. 3-6912. *49 FOR SALE--1 6-can Victor electric milk cooler in excellent con dition, $235.00. 1 mile east of Vol, on 59-A. Ray Bieschik/fe, phonr Round Lake 6-1467. *49 FOR SALE -- Approximately 15 tons baled oat straw. 1 mile east of Volo on 59-A. Ray Bieschke, phone Round Lake 6-1467. *48 FOE SALE--2 wheel #tWty er; bench saw; 1 "boat (18-ft. tury). Call 476-J. trail- Cen *49 FOR SALE--1 lO-fl. refrigerato? meat display case. A-l condition. Best offer. Also addttg machine, $50.00. Phone McHenry 544-M- 49 FOR SALE--3 large Holstein 1st calf heifers. Close springers. Call 647-R-l. 49 iry i automatic Westinghouse Laundromats. Carey Electric. Phone 251. 119 S. Green St. 49 FOR SALE--Large trailer in fair condition. Reasonable. Call 551- J-l. " ' , *49 FOR SALE' -^-,' One four-burner, table-top gas stove; large 17 inch oven and oven control. $50.00. E. W. Jensen, phone McHenry 1119. •49 R SALE--2 green, 1 stripe, 1 ,y chairs, snow fence, 8 new car chains, lawn table and umbrella, iron and reed chairs, lounge and pad, umbrella clothes dryer, picnic table, new vent fan, garden cart, fertilizer spreader, grass whlpper, new garbage can, electric roaster ai\d coffee maker, Deep Fryer, folding chairs. Phone McHenry 575-R-2. FOR SALE--Automatic gas space beater with safety controls anc tbanaostat; «t*o jeip trailer, both like new. Tel. McHenry 682-M-2. 49 HELP WANTED -- Laborers and truck drivers. Apply Ivar Fredrickson, Wonder Lake, Illinois. 46-tf HELP WANTED--Men for Nursery Work. Apply In person a' Pitzen's Nursery, corner of Wilson Road and Rt. 120, or or" Round Lake 6-1570. ' 47-tf HELP WANTED--Waitress. Tel. McHenry 377. «6-tf HELP WANTED--Man to take care of lawn, part time Or by week, on Pistakee Bay. Tel. Pistakee 187-R after 6 p.m. James F. Mrax. 48-2 HELP WANTED -- Woman ti keep house and drive ear for elderly gentleman; steady work; private room and bath. For detail write Box 335, in care of Plaindealer. ' 48-tf HELP WANTED -- Man, part time, to cut grass and take care of shrubbery. Call after 6 P. M., McHenry 662-W-2. *48-2 HELP~WANTTSD -- Sales Ladies. Full time or part time. Ladies' apparel Pleasant working conditions. Paid vacations. M. Cohn & Sons, phone Crystal Lake IP- . 49 HELP WANTED HELP WANTED--Extra Money at Home. Women to work part time selling home appliances for a local distributor. Liberal commission. Exclusive territory. All "Famous Brands". Give age, telephone number and address. Write c/o Appliances, Box 284, McHenry, 111. 49 DRIVERS WANTED-- Highway experience preferred. Ages 24 t. 40. Write Operating Department Greyhound Lines, 3418 Cottage Grove Ave., Chicago, 111. t WANTED-- Carpenters and oar penter's helpers. Phone Wonder Lake 2793. 40-2 HELP WANTED--Man to work as labor, full or part time, in yard and premises at 45 Orchard Ss?"* G. Harry Smith. 49 HELP WANTED--Truck drivar, steady work. Apply McHenry Lumber Co. 40 HELP WANTED -- Handy man for general all around work. Permanent. Room furnished, also one meal per day. Pleasant surroundings. Apply at 201 Riverside Drive, in person. 49 REAL ESTATE ANOTHER SKmA SPECIAL! 3 bedroom cottage on Fox River in Chapel Hill. Furnished, only $1,000 down and $60 per month. First $7,000 takes it. ' Orchard Beach -- 3 bedroom year 'round home; full basement, 2-car garage. Large lot on River. Needs arm muscles. Only $12,750. Keys at offioe of P. J. Sktba, Riverside Hotel Bldg. Phone 013. JOHNSBURG FOR SALE--K!esen's subdivision; year 'rourii, 2 bedroom home. 8unjorch suitable for 3rd bedroom. Utility, lull bath. Garage. Lot €0x130. Phone McHenry 585-J-l. •45-5 FOR SALE -- At Wonder Lake; House, garage and &; 5 scenic lots on black top with creek running thru. 1 block to shopping center. $12,500.00. Wonder Lake 4273. *49 FOR S^LE--Fox River frontage 80 feet all or 50 feet at $69.00 per front foot. 219 feet long ip Mineral Springs Park subd. Also t>eautiful homesites, 100'x275.1\ plenty shade and fruit trees $2,500.00 each in Hillcrest Acres: with access to Fox River, mile south of McHenry on East Rivet Road. Call Mr. Seegert or Mr. Hutson on grounds or write Ben J. Dietz, 350 N. Vermont, Ave. Olendora, Calif. 49-tf FOR SALE -- 3 bedroom home, fully insulated, fruit trees, berry Shrubs, deep well. 2-car garage. 2 large lots. $11,500. at terms. Phone Wonder Lake 2793. 49-2 FOR SALE -- 5 room house at McCullom Lake, plus unfinished upstairs room, tile floors, basement, screened-in porch, automatic hot water heat. Corner lot. Will sell furnished or unfurnished Call McHenry 569-M-l. 49 TREE AND BARN SPRAYING-- White wash or Fly control. Frank W. Henkel, P.O. Round Lake, 111. Residence: Volo, I1L Phone McHenry 54VJ-1. 45-tf MISC.--You Can own a fabulous Pfaff Zig-Zag Sewing Machine by doing simple sewing. For details phone McHenry 569-M-l, or write Box 172, Barrington, 111. 48-« APRIL SPECIAL OAK F L ' O O R I N G Even color. The finest Clear grade, Ozark Oak - $265 M 'Rezo' - HC Flush Birch Doors, grade A - 2'-6 ?-- 1(15.50. Stock all sizes l'-O to 3'-0. Cabinets - Formica Tops - Picture Windows - Plywood - Hardwood lumber. CRYSTAL LAKE MILL CO. GARY. 48-4 D A N C E Sponsored by Altar and Rosary Society of St. Joseph's <Churfeh at Memorial Hall, Richmond, 111. SATURDAY, APRIL 18th Barbara Horick's Orchestra Donation 75c 48-2 MISC.- -Accordion Lessons in your home. Accordion furnished. For information call Wonder Lake 2793 after 4KM) P. M. 49-1 for ; . . and you Save Safely on our Cash & Cauy Plan. ^McHENRt- CLEANERS WE NEED MORE BOATS! LOT FOR SALE--Corner lot at Island Lake; large trees; ideal location; reasonable. Tel. McHenry 682-M-2. 49 For Rent -- S bedroom brick cottage with basement, not heated. 2-car garage. 1 year lease, with option to purchase. $00 per month. WISE ftEAT, TCSTXTfc AND BUSINESS BUYERS, ALWAYS TRY SKIBA FIRST. r P. J. SKIBA Riverside Hotel McHenry 918 49 HELP WANTED, -- D$v«r far cleaning trucks. Apply at Local Cleaners, McHenry 20. 49 HELP - WANTED--Girl for checking and waiting on counter. Apply Local Cleaners, McHenry 20. 49 REAL ESTATE Aw HOMES FOR SALE McHENRY • 4 room brick, automatic oil heat, full basement, 2- car garage, newly decorated, near church, school and shopping Price $14,900.00. Owner will sell completely furntshed including automobile for $18,900.00. For, information, call our offioe. FOR SALE--8 room modern; gas heat; 2-car gsrage with 20x30 ft. Work shop on 2 acres ground. Located within city limits; near schools and business district. Acreage suitable for subdividing. Will sell furnished or unfurnish- 'fetfT Priced for quick sale by cxwher. 909 So. Green street. Phone 51-J. 39-tf McHENR^T - Golf* Course Subd. 4 large rooms, full basement, garage, 3 lots of 50 ft each, Price $14,000.00 of will trade for 4 bedroom home or 2 flat in McHenry, Woodstock or vinicity. McHENRY - Vacant corner in Golf Course Subdivision, nicely wooded, priced for quiok sale, $1,500.00 HELP WANTED--Women, If you need a good steady income and can work only half days, sell Avon Products. Demand greater than ever. Experience unnecessary. One territory open in McHenry. Write: P. O. Box 56, Rockford, 111. 46-2 HELP WANTED -- Woman for general housework. One day r week. Must furnish own transportation. Phone Fox Lake 7-6231. 49 HELP WANTED -- Auto mechanic; must be experienced. Good pay, "paid holidays, free insurance and ideal working conditions. Tel. 6. R. J. Overton Motor Sales, 40$ Front Street, McHenry, III. 40 SMALL FARM - 12 acres, 6 room house, 2 car garage, chicken house can hopse 300 chicks, North of Johnsburg, a nice location, Price $14,500.00 ALSO 4 room .summer cottage, ! Johnsburg, gas %nd flbctric. Price $3,500.00 PISTAKEE LAKE - 1 mile north of Johnsburg; 4 rooms, tile bath, oil heat, garage attached. Near bathlftg beach. Price $8^00.00. Jim Hettermann ' All aboVe homes will be shown by appointment with our offioe. We Also have many othar properties for sale. JACOB FRITZ - REAL ESTATE In Johnsburg Tel. McHenry 37 43-tf FOR SALE -- Quality 2 bedroom ranch style home, 1 year old with approximately % acre, attached garage. Large kitchen-dinette with Crosley cabinets. All large rooms. Call McHenry 034 for appointment. *49-4 GARRELTS & ROGERS SftPTIC TANK SYSTEMS INSTALLED DRY WELLS -- SEEPAGE BEDS inching & Fdoiiags Daft (UT ft 36" Wife) V/^-^haijs imrt* J&i- vtA-mi o* ni* * ; PHONfc MCHENRY 563-W-2 Bids are being received for fcale of old Hebron, Illinois Exchsnge building on Prairie Street. 34*X54' two-story brick with basement. Completely modern. in good condition. Ideal for business or residence use. Inquire General Telephone Company of Illinois Business office it Richmond, Illinois. Phone Richmond 3. 47-tf. Country Club Subdivision FOR SALE -- House and large 24x24 attached garage, 3 large rooms and 9x20 enclosed porch, living room 24x12, cabinet kitchen, tile bath. On 110-ft. frontage. Also Kenmore washing machine, R.C.A. large screen television. Reasonably priced. L. Umberger *49 SITUATION WANTED SITUATION WANTED -- High school girl would like steady work two days a week as a mother's helper or baby sitter for the months of June .July and August. Jteplyt c/o Plaindealer, Box 341. 48-tf WiU sell your boate for Cash. . Cat Chuck Coles MrHENRY BOAT CO. Correct Craft Agency TeL MMcHenry SOS or <fc*S-J-l 49-2 SITUATION WANTED--Reliable man desires work as caretaker, full or part time. Call McHenry 497-R. 49 wXSyed FARMS WANTED All Sizes, from 5 acres up too YOU WANT TO SELL YOUR FARM If You Do, CaU GEORGE D. WATTS--Realty VM, No. II at Stoplight Fox Lake, IK. Pheae 7 -1911 27-tf FOR SAL E--HOMES--FARMS CHOICE LOTS -- BUSINESSES " ^fcESORT PROPERTY f Knox Real Estate " 4 405 Richmond Read MeHeary, IB. : McHenry 421-J 24-tf REAL ESTATE WANTED We have cash buyers for your koines, summer homes, farms, and business properties. We. can sell your propvty if your price Is right. • JACOB FRITZ . REAL ESTATE In Johnsburg Tel. McHenry 87 ' 27-tf • •" GUS'S PLACE ISO S. Green Street ,. ' IAMI Frys Friday Nlgttf fry Our Italian Plsza 8a(turday Night 7 to 10 *49 SOMEBODY SAY "WORK" ? Then I'd bettfer get out my triple-tanned WOLVERINE SHELL HORSEHIDE WORK SHOES! They're the TOUrfhEST, SOFTEST, most COMFORTABLE work shoes I ever wore -- dry out that way after soaking. TOPS on ANY work shoe job. See them at FITZGERALD'S MEN'S SHOP 208 S. Green Street McHenry, I#. * 49 MISC.--Shan-gra-la, a real home for the aged. Loving care, supervised by reliabe nurse. Come and see for yourself what an ideal home this is. Reasonable, Rates. Mrs. Helen Bisbee, proprietor. Idyll De)L~..Raadr-<oft*4loute 31. - 1 mile south of West McHenry. Tel. 691-M-l. 49 103 Elm Street Fhofe U .We give and redeem ' 'Gold Bond Stamp!."' . ' ' jar MISC. -- Woman physical education instructor wishes to take care of small children during morning hours 8 to 12 at her home. Mondays thru Friday*, flf desired will teach children preschool games and songs. Gall lf^ penry 122-W before 12. MISC.-- Solon Mills Manor Rot Home. Rooms available. Reasonable rates. $30.00 a week. SolOa Mills, lilinois. Richmond 394. 40 HELP WANTEDt v Turret Lathe Operators * . ' Other Machine Optntotl > Some Unskilled Fadcrr * Workers ^ Stenographers ^ ^ | Typhi. Clerks Apply 9 aon. to 4 Mat tftgjt Frt.; 9 uo. to 12 noon Sa*. ' BARCO MANUFACTURING C& 500 Hough Streqt BARRINGTON, ILL. ! ' *>: ' -V WANTED -- Men, Women and Children. Little Chef ResUCnrant 188 N. Riverside Drive. Opening Saturday, April 18Mi. 49 wXnted toTjuy WANTED TO BUY--Top price paid for iron, metals and junk cars. Ed Marsh, phone McHenry 563-R-l. 33-tf TO BE GIVEN AWAY TO BE GIVEN AWAY -- 6 week old puppies, would make excellent farm dogs. Can be had by either calling in person above the Mc- Hcnry Laundry or calling 130-R-4 or 298-J. *49 TO BE GIVEN AWAY -- Water Spaniel, house broken, good with cjiildreij; good hunting dog; for good home. Call McHenry 239-M. 49 "Ask The Man Who Owns One!" STOP IN! -- SfcE and DRIVE THE WONDERFUL NEW PACKARD CUPPER Priced lovir as $258& Somsel & Meersman "ALWAYS AT YOUR SERVICE" at -A.V 104 E. PEARL STREET PffONfc 1010 FOR SALE At beautiful Pistakee Bay, modern 2-apartment; gas heat; insulated; fireproof; storm windows and screens; large electric w^t/sr beater;, bargain; #so othef properties. Call SeveringKaus. ftstalcee 194. Worwick's McHenry Camera Center ^ Ctmaras Bought Sold and. Exchanged 5 PHOTO SUPPLIES Oar Free Expert Service Does Not Stop With A Bafc. t,.•?,<? SM US before you buy. WORWICK'S STUDIO j « • F I S H FRY . ; • " EVERT FRIDAY. STARl'Oiti FRIDAY, APRIL 17* . j; AT MCDONALD'S TAVERN? I MoCULLOM LAKE . . ...........-.iit,---------i-i-l ^ ^ I " I t PHONE . r • THE FOR All Cars Reconditioned and Sold ^ With Written Warranty":.. II? N. RIVERSIDE DRIVE lOEBBSaOBOl PHONE STl ! -- 1 . . . . You. Can't Beat These Pricts Anywhere! • Ajf -J.i . to1 .'i'^411' ;',r '•* 'ft*- » ; • i.,. '52 - DODGE Coronal CL Cp*. $1075 Just nicely broken-in - Perfect all ways '51 • FRAZER 4-Dr. Swlan <*-H - ODHV.) $1995 Save almost $600 from former ceilinff price 'SO-DODGE Club Sodan < *U98 Combine luxury with low price *80-DODGE 4-Dr. Sedan <H-FLUIDDr.> SJJBK Don't overlook this beauty - Neat and clean *48-DODGE Station Wagon (H) _ *895 Ideal all service car for business and pleasure '48-DODGE 4-Dr. Sedan ,R"H-Equip* $70$ Excellent condition - Real clean - Equipped '48-MERCURY Club Coupe (R'H> Any mechanic will surely "OK" this one '47-PLYMOUTH 4-Dr. Sedan A good bet with this attractive ca*,"7 '46-PONTIAC 4-Dr. Sedan (R^~ Real hi^h quality at very low cost MOM Pan War and Many ruTIV Abo May Be Seen At : , -, ... ^.1. A. S. BLAKE MOTORS. I McHENRY 15* m WW • /• - r-' •

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