fcjf' !aS •t'W hnsburg News By Mr»». Betty Hettermmnn •!• L9* S-*S Mrs. Kenneth Zeller, to announce the arrival ^ baby daughter, born on April 3 at St. Frances hospital in Bvanaton. tm little girl was named st Ann. She was christat St. John's church on Sunday. Sponsors were Mr. and Rayfnond Zeller of Island & The Zetfer's reside in the Pit- JMn building on Main and Spring Wove road. The infant has? a brother and sister who are happy welcome her heme. tlr. and Mrs. Jqfc.H|iem&nn fnd Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hue- Wiann were Chicago visitors over weekend of April 11 and 12. attended the thirtieth wed- #*ig celebration of Mr. and Mrs. Huemann. A double birthday' celebration Was in session cn Sunday to . 'honor Mrs. Christina Lay and •Mrs. Mamie Kin?. The festive Occasion was held in Mr*. I*ys' jiorne. . * Those who were there to wish '.jfrell to these two congenial ladwere Mr. and Mrs. Ray lorick. Mr. and Mrs. Alex JpVeund and daughter. Nancy, Mr. and Mrs. • Herman Kreutaer. |Mr. and Mrs. Pete Smith and daughters. Phyllis and Marilyn. Jura. Catherine Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Cfetie King. Mrs. Plcrencc J§eier and son. Larry, and Mr. And Mrs. Kenneth Hamsher and ughters, Debbie and Sharon. * Dinner and supper werp senr- ;'m to all these hungry people. - Once again the ladies will pat their bailing balls and shoes in Aiothballs. so to speak, for another summer. Some wonde fjl times were had during this past feascn. It was a fight to the ftnish though. The three top teams were so close that it took {he last night to tell the talg. 'This is how it turned out: first. Central Garage. Rita Miller, Lor- Jaine Smith, Lu Ann Smith, Vidian Smith and Joyce Jackson. . J L e o ' s P a m t e r e t t e s : M a r i e • Weingart, Laura Schmitt,- Diane Keiss, p -prnary Young and Isa- , belie Stilling. Jim and Claras Tavern: Lu Huemann, Laura Mayers, Esther Meyers, Marie Fox and Bonnie Meyers Incidentally. Jim pd Clara'f and the Palnterettes ended in a dead heat for second and third Fourth. Hettermann's Tavern: Mary Hettermann, Betty Hettermarin, Betty Freund, Dorothy Hetteimann and Rosemary Stilling. Fifth, Lay's Tavern: Lorraine Freund, Connie May, Lorraine. Pitzon, Betty Fieund and Leona Meyers. Sixth, Bowling Bar: Zelda Malocheb, Rita Daly, Hanhi Boston, Pat Frisby &P4. Iris Boston. Seventh, Geo. Breier & Son: Glo Jackson, Jackie Freund, Cathy Kozicki, Fiances Klapperich and Dorothy Reinboldt. Eighth, Adam's Market: Dolly Schmitt, Marie De Silvestro, Anita Freund, Shirley Huff and Dolores Michels. That is how the team standings ended up and now some really terrific scores- Laura Schmitt took high single game for individual with a sensational game of 220. Rita Miller bowled a terrific three-game series of 539. Hettermann's tavern hit the high game for team with 868. Lay's Tavern bowled high for team three-game series with 2221. ( Birthday wishes this weak for I Mrs. Mamie King and Mrs. Tina | Lay, also Richard Dehn. A special delivery birthday with for Jack Keenan of Pompsmo Beach, Fla. Many happy letuaus to a$! A very speedy recovery to Harold Fox, who is once again confined to the Woodstock hospital. Hurry and git bade m your feet, Harold. Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Jackson are here to visit their parents, the fX>rd Jacksons, ol Johnsburg Another big dance Will . be coming around on Moy 9. This dance will be put on by the Johnsburg Tigers baseoaM team in the Community C!ub building. Music \py Geo. Freunde ou-hestra. Mr. and • Mrs/ Edwm Hettermann and tars. Cora Herdrich were accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. John Herdrich of McHenry on Saturday evening, when they attended the silver wedding celebration of Mr. Tony Herdrich of fchlcago^?:*';-,; x daline Woolfe and N»f»y 'inking; virtues. Nancy Smith, Judy Michels and Susan Daly. The meeting was held on April 13, with sixty-eight members, in attendance. Jtemember the grand opening of the Johnsburg »Community Club building April 24, 25 and 26. More details appear on the f r o n t p a g e . 1 ' . ' • • : £ HOME BUREAU OF COUNTY RECORDS 85 NEW MEMBERS Mr. and Mrs. Otto Adams left early Saturday morning to visit their son, Joel, who stationed in Kentucky at Camp '3reckenridge. Pvt. Adams . contacted pneumonia while in training I'm sure he will feel much better after seeing his parents. Election cf officers was hel? at the last meeting of the Juvenile Foresters of St. Agatha'f Court. Those elected to offices . were Chief Ranger, Peggy Whit- Next week the girls will all be , Vice-Chief Ranger, KalMeef in condition for the innnles |preund; recording secretary, event which will take place next ( Joan Young; Treasurer, Carol week. Then it will MeI "so Iong | Schmitt; conductresses, Ardele until next season. I Oeffling and Beverly May; flag I., wonder how it wilt end up (bearers, Arleen Oeffling ard next year, don't yon? Janice Wakitsch; sentinels, Mag- Eighty-three new members were reported when the McHenry County Home Bureau officially ended their successful five-week membership drive last week, with a dessert luncheon in the Farm Bureau meeting r6cm. Thirty-seven membership workers attended the svent to hear eighty-three hew members reported in the twenty-five units in the county. Colorful carnations were presented tc the workers, as they discussed the results of the drive and suggestions for future work. Mrs. Ray Deneen, Rush Creek unit, entertained the group with a showing of colorful slides. Among units gaining new members was Ringwood, Mrs. Walter Troxell, chairman, five new members. The U. S. Children's 'Btmwr !s under the Denartmcnt of Labor Folks We Knour by Marie Schaettgen Jack ^aiid Marion Ritter of Orchard Beach, McHenry, wife honored guests recently At a dinner at the Palmer House given by the Chicago Association rf Credit Men. The reason for the honor was the fact th#4 JjlcJc has just been made a dlwkStoref the association. Mr. Ritter explained th&* the association is composed of men chosen from different fields of business and industry. He, himself, is credit manager for the Shell Oil Co. in Chicago. In discussing the general economic conditions in Europe, Mr. Ritter sounded a hopeful note on business conditions in Germany particularly. He said that in tte recent unsettled economic conditions in Europe, Germany conducted business under the cartel system. This system is a sort of crmpromise pact which allots business to different companies on a non-competitive basts; that is. Shell Oil got the business one week and some other company got it the next week. Under the more normal competitive system Jhey will all be allowed to go in and bid for it under the good old American system of COtnpetitive enterprise. Fair competition serves tc stimulate business because eac.h bidder will give his buyer the best price and the most service as well as the best product. DRESS YOUR FLOOR? $ W1M00WS • Sm Our Complete Line • LINOLEUM - TILE • CARPETING • DRAPES - CURTAINS - RODDING • VENETIAN and VERTICAL BLINDS PHONE 911 for Free Estimate TONYAN S HOME FURNISHINGS 206 E. ELM 8TREET McHENRY, ILL. Central Garage FRED J, SMITH •• 1 SALES fERVICE Complete Motor Overhauling The mUfm have beta $>erti»- nent feetakftty of Orchard Befteh for several years and take ui actixe ininrect in the matters pertaining to their subdivision. Jack is secretary of a Property Owners Association in Orchard Reach. itarion, who la employed by the Standard Oil company in Chicago, takes a lott of goodnature ribbing about being in competition with her husband. Marion's deepest interest is, however, in her home, which was recently remcdeled into a very attractive modern interior, tastefully decorated and furnished. Their interest in the rLver was the thing that drew them to McHenry as it docs a& many people, but now the Ritters have been assimilated into the community and are just as enthusiastically interested in the town as any native McHenryite. -':* out Modified hailed l»y women as C to the one coal problem. ^ fit over dress or suit eitfif they have a modulated (are, deep sleeve that give and a bit of detail In tkdr trimmed coU»r «id enfll. leleetinf gloves? White 41^ ways a good color because you can wear them with anything, as well as at any time of the year. You may choose either short or long ones, according to your taste, and they may be tailored or decorated to be in fashion. wild Plaees Jttdgad by chains of active eanos, parts of Indonesia among the wildest places tnhaMted by peoples seldom visited by outsiders. In other jartp of the islands, modem manufacturing plants turn out an Increasing flow of goods. . -- ; -4=^ Natural Instinct Natural instinct usually enables domesticated livestock to take care of themselves when they are lp familiar surroundings. They are prone to become nervous, however, when introduced to strange lo^s, loading chutes, moving vehicles and new handlers--range animal* mar become panicky. Norway, Sweden* Denmaflt Ithd Iceland comprise the Scandinavian countries. ' , / The River Rhone in France is the swiftest in the world. . % LARK II budget. 5126.50 $18.00 Do*m Mowir priced for tn« avtmv mooai M" Md II" cat St and of d Md medel*. •WPTN .n'M I emng Johnsburg Community Club j*or £bn«lil of Memorial Building Friday, Saturday & Sundaf " April 24-25-26 Fish Fry Friday Nite Serving will begin at 6:00 P. M. Entertainment will f^lour^ JOHNSBURG, :..h McHENRY 200-J ALTHOFFS • * * MoMRmry County's leading Hardwa|* 601 QCnln SL McHenry, 111. toiotts: 2S4 Dancing Sat. Nite to the music of Bill Moore and His Orchestra. Everything from Square Dancing to the Latest. Open House Sun. to anyone wishing to view the interior of the New Club House. Open to |te Public All 3 Days ir H "W "81 m, h '-'i „M"g CROIERIES Hc f ' , * [RiinED GOODS <4pUCEN OlANf PEAS. i m cui, >f*f* - ^A:&. 'Whole kernel NIBLETS SOS S)ae Can Flour LIBBY'S % IBA^S YELLOW jjawn intnui WA Q*. pw 2 1^5 sparagus 46 OX. Free Recipe Book wf Pufdiaet of S cans FROZEn FRESH Sandwich Tavoriles Plctsweet Brands Heba TomaMr, ' nxmiDA -j-k Tube Family Oscar Mayer •CJNK18T NAVAL Cniii Sauce mw GREEN YOUR CHOICE NEW TEXAS Choice Beans • * 8 Oz. Rolli Peanut Butter and Bacon Smoky Snax Spread Sandwich Spread Liver Sausage HOME CURED Corned Beef *. 55c PEAS & CARROTS 2-37* CUT CORN .. 2-3? CHOPPED SPINACH 2-37* STRAWBERRIES 3-97* ORANGE JUICE . 2-17* HOITIfc HEEDS Itfj, i m Spaghetti Macaroni It 0*. Can . - kj§ ^ " ulderRoast n> 55c Chili Con Carn^:. $1 SUPER MARKET 2 for 35* 1 Block North o| » Rt. 120 "Just East *f Old Bridge , A;- Paper TOWELS DoeaUn Dinner NAPKINS Northern Bathroom - . * TISSUE . , fc tor tt* Bty One! Grt Qnel % aixe BLU WHmi 2 for tS<