TWFyT^^WW^rT^ - ' ' - • ' • . ' . ' f ? M ? ^ » ; : 3 w i ^ a w n r a *- w - ^ * n Tfcnndw. April 80. 1993 *V ••;V:v*V- '»: ; .$• "• ••;/'" "' 4 '.--! " :' '.' '. ; ': «'*•-' * %ma£x."7**;*»*- : > . i ' - » ^.flv*: JteHENK* PLMWEALEB ',4," ' T^T". . *'.- V. v tmmm 't% V'! a..-' •K*ii \« Ptge Thirtotn :!« By Mrs. George Shepard [ Mrs. Pete Sebastian entertain- | ed her five-4iundred club Wednesday. A one o'clock dessert luncheon was served and prizes were awifded to Mrs. Viola Low and Mrs. Lester Carr. Mrs. Chase Koch entertained a group of little folks at her home Tuesday afternoon in honor of the birthday of her son, Edward. Games were played and lunch was served. The Community club held their ? meeting in the Methodist church Tuesday evening. Mrs. I'aul Walkington opened the meeting with the pledge to the flag. All joined in singing "America the Beautiful." Mary Ann Wiedrich, accompanied by Bonnie Holiday on the piano, sang "It is lio Secret." Miss Mary Loh, a Chinese teacher- at Dundee, gave a talk on china, which was very interesting and made us all thankful that we lived in the U.S.A. (graduation exercises will be held in the church hall May 25 and the school picnic will be held in the school yard May 31. At the close of the meeting refreshments were served In the church hall. Miss Mary Hogan entertained a group of girl friends at a pajama party at her home Friday night in honor of her birthday, which was on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Phelps Saunders and daughter of Sycamore were callers in pie Fred Wiedrich, jr., home Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Adams entertained Sunday in honor of the seventh anniversary of their son. Those to attend were Mr. and Mrs. Joe Condon and family of Richmond, Mr. and Mrs. Irving May and family of Johnsburg, Mr. and Mrs. Parfary of Spring Grove, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Adams and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Adams and family of McHen-y, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Adams, Ronnie and Jimmie Schaefer, Donnie Justen, Andy Died rich and Gary Miller. • Mr. and Mrs. Jack Lenard and family of Lake Geneva were Sunday dinner guests in the Fred Wiedrich. Jr., home. Mrs. Gordon Fossum and Mrs. Nelson Cristy entertained at a benefit party for the Evening W. S. C. S. Saturday evening at the home of Mrs. Nelson Cristy. Five tables of alarm cloejc canasta were in play. The cemetery association will hold a card party at the Ringwood school Thursday ^everting May 7. Come and enjoy yourself. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Hawley were visitors in the Flojd Howe home at Crystal Lake Tuesday evening. Mrs. C. L. Harrison and Mrs. Flora Harrison were Woodstock, callers Tuesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Pete Sebastian visited relatives in Chicago Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Peterson of Watertown, S. Dakota, spent Wednesday in this Mrs. Lena Pjpet home. Jim Wagner of McHenry waB a supper guest in the Fred Wiedrich, Jr., home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Walkington spent Friday evening in the Harold Jepson home at Dundee. Mrs. Earl Sherman returned to her horru> in Woodstock Friday after spending a couple of weeks with Mrs. Grace McCannon. .. Mrs. Lester Carr and son, Joe, and Miss Mae Wiedrich spent the weekend at Camp Atterbury, Ind., with Charles Carr, who is a polio patient. He is slowly gaining. Mr. and Mrs. Cart Peterson of Watertown, S. Dakota, and Mrs. Lena Peet spent Thursday afternoon in the Joe Coates hon»e at Wocdatock. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Berg and M r f i . Grace McCannon were visitors at Woodstock Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Brown and daughter and Mrs. Louis Scheuer. of Waukegan were dinner guests of Mrs. Flora Harrison Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. John Blackmail, Jr., and son of Antioch spent Sunday with Dr. aiid Mrs. Win. Hepburn. Mrs. Tollefson of Crystal Lake visited Mrs. Grace > McCannon Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Brenner and family cf Arlington Heights spent Saturday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chancy Harrison. Mrs. Flora Harrison and Stanley Jepson were dinner guests of his aunt at Wauconda Thursday evening. Audrey and Duane Andreas of DoKalb spent the weekend at their home here. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Becking of Woodstock and Mrs. Flora Harrison are visiting relatives at the Ozarks this week. Mr. and Mrs. George Shepard spent Sunday afternoon and evening in the Henry Seegert and Wm. daxton homes at McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. Pete Sebastian entertained relatives from Buchanan. Mich., Sunday and Monday. Mrs. Miller, who has been visiting in the Sebastian home, returned home with them. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Peck and Mrs. C. G. Huson of Elgin were Sunday dinner guests in the Ben Walkington home. Supper guests were Mr. and Mrs. Lee Huson of Libertyville. Mrs. Fred Wiedrich, Jr., and daughter, Mary Ann, Mrs. Davis and 'Janet Winn spent Wednesday in the Don Smart home at Waukegan. " Mrs. Weldon Andreas and daughter, Darlene, and Mrs. Marian Schwemm spent Saturday in Waukegan. Mrs. Bobk Brennan and son; Bobby, Mrs. Fred Wiedrich, Jr., and Mrs. *Davis spent Tuesday afternoon in the Jack Lentfrd home at Lake Geneva. Mr. and Mrs. Weldon Andreas and daughter visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert FJbel, at Algonquin Sunday afternoon FOR THE BEST IN TV ' ' 0 SEE YOUl MUNTZ TV REPRESENTATIVE Our Society • - * Problem To Youth When "that awful Peters kkl" stole another car or broke another window, it used to be the accepted procedure to blame the boy. We had grown to expect it of him because of his past record or possibly because of his family history, and we said "good riddance" to him when he was trotted off to training school. Historically, that WM the pattern of our thinking. The boy himself was the problem, and we accepted his punishment with a sense of duty--even if it meant banishing him from the community. Today, an enlightene-J citizenry is taking a second look at the problem of the youthful offender. It's looking beyond the boy to the problem society which has made him what he is. Perhaps, reasons the new philosophy, our society presents as many problems to young p&Qfile as the Miss Marian Peet of Elgin spent the weekend at her home here. Miss Jean Block of Naperville spent the weekend in the Dr. Wm. Hepburn home. They wer^ all visitors at Antioch Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Bruce and family visited relatives at Woodstock Sunday. young people themselves present to society. This week, men and women from all parts of the state aad from all walks of life met in Chicago to ponder that question --"Society as a Problem to Youth." The occasion will be the twenty-second annual Governor's Conference on Youth and Community Service, held (at the Hotel Sherman) Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday (April 28- 30). The conference, presented annually under the joint auspices of the Division for Youth and Community Service of tne Illinois Department of Public Wei fare and the Big Brothers and Sisters Association of Illinois, is open to the public without charge. In the three days of forums, addresses and discussions, the conferees considered many facets cf delinquency, its causes and its prevention. On the program were noted authorities on criminology and education, experienced field workers and lay volunteers, all of them emphasizing the community and ts responsibilities ts youth. Why is it when you start searching for a claim check you misplaced day before yesterday, you are able to find a license fot a dog that died five years ago and the key of a desk that was discarded a decade ago, Hut you can't find the check? RtULVE "SHOE PINCH With _ MOLESKIN ^Fes, extra soft Blue,J*y Cushion Moleskin instantly reduces shoe pressure and friction. Use it on the andersi<J«f of ash triys, lamps, and bookends, too--protects highly polished surfaces. Three convenient sizes, 3*X4'(4P1hm). ... S$cI T0* 10" SSc 7'k lyonl 18© BOLGER'S DRUG" STORE Green Street • ' PHONJC 40 McHenry, UL We give and redeem Gold Bond Stamps. « • t t I * • By Marie. Schaettgen Child Welfare" flM problems of children arc not always those associated with "problem children". There are thousands of children who have inherited their problems from the messed-up adult world. Among these are the war orphqps of many nations. The highlight of this particular problem focuses, at present, on the needy ouphans of Korea. How can you make a child understand that freedom is a good thing and a wonderful blessing if they are underfed and lack the necessary clothing to ke*p their young bodies warmf "A square deal for every child" Is an American Legion Auxiliary slogan and In order to fui-ther the cause of help to the needy child, tha Auxiliary has announced a new project being conducted this year, under the child welfare program. The project is known as "<Aid to the needy children in Korea". All Legion and Auxiliary members have been asked to collect new slipover sweaters for these children to be sent through department headquarters to one of these four orphanages in Kotea: Kyongnam Children's institutions; Gullo Hak Won orphanage; Masan inae Won orphanage or the Chinju City Children's orphanage. Units all over the state have organized knitting g'-oups and are knitting these sweaters, as fast as they can, sending them to the Auxiliary's state headquarters in Chicago, where they are wrapped properly, addressed and sent to the institutions named. Some of the child welfare funds of the Auxiliary go to the Illinois Soldiers' and Sailors' children's school at Normal. Bl. Another addition to the Auxiliary's program this year is the project that provides for artificial limbs for needy children. The needs of unfortunate children seems to b* ever growing and the Legion and Auxiliary strive to keep abreast of th4fM needs. Chicken Tower Restaurant NOW OPEN TO SERVE YOU WEEKENDS 11:30 A. M. To 3:00 A. M. WgE^PAYS 4:00 P. M. To 3:00 A. M. (Closed On Mondays) MENU DINNERS and CURB SERVICp One Half Fried Chicken . *1.25 One Fourth Fried Chicken . 95' CARRY-OUTS One Half Fried Chicken , <1.13 One Fourth Fried Chicken . 85* FRENCH FRIED SHRIMPS $1.25 per ortUr. Carry Out Phone Orders Ready When You Arrive. Above Orders Include: Cole Slaw - French Fritfi • Bread an4 Coffee r^\ A. F. & A. M. 107 N. Court St. ' Meeting l-3rd Tuea. Visitors Welcome Phillip Ricker, Secy. Phone McHenry 417 O.E. S, TTf! 107 N. Court g* Meetings 2nd A 4th Tiies. s, Visitors Welcome Myrtle Harrison, Secy. Tel. Won. Lk. 3641 2'/, Mites "East of McHenry on Koute Dft, - 2'i Miles West of Route 12 on Route 1*V LAKEMOOR. ILLINOIS Fee-Maker Refrigerator --»a' PHONE 799-M The 1913 Servel AFTER 5 P. M. S07 N. GREEN STREET . hi * PROFEHIOnRL' 0IRECTQRV ito C. R. SWANSON Dentist S. Green Street Office Hoars: | ttlly Except Thursday » to 12 -- 1:30 to 54* k Moiu, Wed. and Fri. • Evening* Ry Appointment Only Telephone McHenry 1M 1 VERNON KNOX •, • Attorney At Law Cut. Green and Elm McHenry. III. Tneeday and Friday 1 fir iHindi Other Days by AppotaitwatP Phone McHenry 4S of l(t Cvb$t «nd yw never faye OMflT Saves up to 10 gallons or moi water with every wash .. . also substantial soap savings! Saves endlesa hours of grinding to^... • to say nothing of wear and teak on clothe** ' New ami l/« MlGH-TO-SAVE D00ff£ New, exclusive jumbo-sized Weigh-to-Save Door accurately measures size of load . . i Small, Medium, Regular. Mew, kwHmmtk. WATOt SAVBtl Regulates exact amount of water needed for washing! Saves time, money! Aa41 and softener, too! bnhstv* WASIhnmf, UMSEmwmy ACTION I Famous Inclined Basket gets clothes cleaner! Drains dirty water away from clean clothef --never through them. 5M fkt FMIMS "500 R#FF" •f Ymr WwlM"» iitalhr'st TAN h~n» mi WINNYR" W*(tlnghoui« brings you history-making debot«j sv*ry W«lc... PLUS Election Night later*...<M CBf TV --d MAKE WASHDAYS COMPLETELY AUTOMATIC WITH AMERICA'S FAVORITE LAUNDRY TWINS I What a handsome pair--the '53 Laundromat* aiid the Electric Clothes Dryer! New--a Singing Signal "Croons a Tune" when clothes ate dry. New--3-Way Dry Dial. New--laigef leading shelf. See" the "Twins"--today. 1037 Height 60% in., 32% in.. Depth 3114 In ; 110Vt Benton StrNfr • #"l iJlltone Woodstorfc MM ' ' \4;.i : Woodstock, Illinois . • * r JOSEPH X. WAVNNE Afttarnqy At Law 910 Wairitegan Road (RFD * Phone McHenry 48S West McHenry, UL iS*^ FRANK S. MAY » BLACK DIRT - Gravel Drhrewmgr* "7* Escca\*atlng Raute 5, McHenry, BL : McHenry 8W4f-l 40 Gravel VERN THEI^EN Trucking Excavatli Black DM ^«A»MS4mi...,»rtmStin^iouse CAREY ELECTRIC McHenry, QL . t , r J^HOME 051 119 S. Green Street TVs T^p Drwnatic Show . . . WESTINGHOUSE STUDIO* OWH6 . . . Bvery.We^c • • • .4i - .... How the ice MAKER WORKS-- 1 When "ice-circles" becom* frozen, ejector blades sweep Ibem from mold. 2 "Ice-circles" Test on blades as mold refills itself with water. 3 When next batch is frozen, blades again rotate, dropping dried "Ice-circles" into basket. WATER „.$fart«te«jf... refills itself... ««f Stop ilstlf when thi basket is Mil New 1953 GAS REFRIGERATOR with the Automatic ICE-MAKER ... It'» o REFRIGERATOR ... FREEZER . .. and an AUTOMATIC ICE-MAKER! Now you can enjoy a continuou* supply ef - >erfect "ice-circles" ... without trays! lubes are loose. Take out one or a handful, exclusive new Servel ice-maker v automatically keeps the basket filled wMi .. extra-big, longer-lasting "ice-circles" .. , $nd they never stick together? •*» . fUPER-SIZE FREEZER COMPARTME|p reezes meats and other foods... holds up to 45 Vi lbs. AUTOMATIC DEFROST is completely carefree. During defrosting the temperature in freezer drops even lower to safeguard frozen foods. ^PACE-SAVING ADJUSTABLE SH€LVpS ... to fit your storage needs. FOOD-SAVING FRESHENER DRAWERS -- Moist-cold keeps fruits and vegetables dewyfresh ... longer. THREE IN-A-DOOR SHELVES include two wide shelves for small items and a removable plastic egg nest. RIGHT-TEMP BUTTER DISH built into door keeps buttec at spreading consistency. $99 thm lc*-Malcr in Action! It's really fascinating to watch the fast, efficient operation of this Servel ice-maker at work. And you can see its amazing action for yourself right in our nearest store, or your dealer's. Drop in today and see the wonderful new SERVELS .. . Hi* the only refrigerators that make ice cubes without trays! LOW DOWN PAYMENT- Convene* Mortty Team TeL McHenry 588-R1 or 588-VB Bwi 172, Rt. 1, McHenry, m. A. P. FREUND • SOWS " Excavating Contractor* ' i Tracking, Hydraulic aai ' Crane Service f ^ -- ROAD BUILDING -- Tel. INN McHenry, ri -T r •• INSURANCE V;-"- EARL R. WALSK,^V" vim Anto, Farm & Life Representing COMPANIES '. JWken Yen Need Insuraaee mi Any Kind IHONS « «r 953 Oreen A Elm McHenry, S|' ,fX)MPLETE BOOKKEEPING SERVICE , CM* {lie small BMIIKW ma " Reasonable R»tc« Income Tax Returns JfcHfNRF BOOKKEEPING an TAX SERVICE Professional Bldg. V So. Gm*n Strewt Phone 788 ®r 265-.U » } -si PUBLIC COMPANY U" ; / »•»-- * 8TOFFTL * REIHANSPER61 Bjfeurance agents for all classes r . property in the best oon^males. " if,' ,i Went McHenry, IllLnois j Telephone S00 * | 97 Main Street MtHenry, Dk-' # 'I 8CHROEDER IRON WORKS ital & Structural fitted. Visit Our Showrooms S ipies South on ft*, tt Pteoe 95# rrr RING'S ' ^PLUMBING and HEATING BOR FRBRY. JR. ^ ; Qullt^' Fhtom .Radiant Hentin*.; ta aad EleetHc Water Hea«m Water Systems - Water Softroeif Repairs - Free Estimates MeHeaary ; > "h*. ANNOUNCEMENT Mrs. Eleanor Matteoni Pxfcftte Liaewne in fkun«|l:: Piano Accordion , .!'v >'or Inforuiitkia -X-..'* McUewrv it 9 -t " 5^4 . J. V: