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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 30 Apr 1953, p. 14

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\ X, i-- ii ^^f|r ^1 ' *y!9x* ^3 >7|p£*#% 1 %« 7§f Lake News )gy Eve Levee^^ •:.•• • -, Oaflom-Kaofl Mrfttif ^-lli The monthly meeting of the ^"fcullom-KnoU a s s o c i a t i o n was •*' J>«M at the home of Frank f®oledna on S|turday, April 25. '% 0.:^ The road program was discus- •••v$*«d. A verbal commendation was ?%tven to Elmer Glosson, who has done such a magnificent job l|-esurfacing the roads in Knoll- Wood. This, in spite of terrific fpbstacjjep. One party actually ob- %-V r^cted to having the road* rec' 1 * ipaired on the silly theory that * (children's lives would be in I'%.}>opanJy. ' r - '. The roads in McCullom Lake \ "will be repaired also but the * big problem is trying to get a 'gigantic task Accomplished for - . mere pennies. ^ In this respect, Mfj Gftosson i-| has had wonderful co-operation l-from his employer, Wes Tonyan. :"" It cannot be stressed too wound up the enjoyable party « gift for each little guest. The Rescue Squad Last Friday, a poor little kitten found its way up a very tall tree in Cable's Yard but couldn't manage to climb down. Bobby Cable dashed to the rescue with a large ladder but couldn't coax little kitty to jump in the waste basket which he was holding. Billy was offering words of advice from the ground to nis older brother tout still no results. Along the road on gie way to school came Eddie Caron and Johnny Vycital. Eddie, being the tallest of the boys, accomplished the impossible ana retrieved little kitty from his precarious perch. Good work, boy3. The Happy Eight Pinochle club met at the home of Mrs. Anastasia Uhlir on the river on Wednesday. The lucky gals who walked off with the prizes were Mrs. Ella Benson, Mrs. Carrie Kurth and Mrs. Olga Schuebert. The other ladies who consoled themselves with the thought that there is always a next time were Mrs. Celona Kane, Mrs. Mary Lekowitch, Mrs. Ethel Smith and Mrs. Margaret Davidson. Delicious refreshments were served by the hostess, Mrs. Uhlir. Clean-up Week Vacation Miss Pat Tamburrino is enjoying a week's vacation at the home of her sunt and uncle, Theresa and Willard Schultz, of Knollwood. Patty is enjoying good times such as parties and {denies to make thle a trip she'll long remember. Birthday Greetings ,®» Johnny steinbach, who will be 11 on the third of May. To Bobby Cable, who will be 11 on the seventh of May. Coming Event What? First Public Meeting of 1953 of the Cullom-Knoll association. Where? At the Beach Borneo. A laughable sight was | when ? Sunday, May 3, at 10 Donny Vycital as the Bearded a.m. Lady. Something that shouldn't j who ? Everybody--Be There! ! happen to anyone was portrayed • strongly how desperately back dues are heeded to complete the job. An outdoor meeting will be held at the beach on Sunday, May 3, at 10 a.m. All members and friends interested in this worthy organization are urged to attend.' Many problems and activities will be discussed at this time, so you, the residents of McCullom Lake and Knollwood, can have a voice in your government. Please attend?! Cub Scoots Mardl Gras The Mardi Gras presented by Pack 362 on Friday night at the high school was a huge success. Quite naturally, we are very proud of our own Den 6, which .contributed a freak show and a take walk. =* Johnny Vycital, who is den chief, did an admirable job as the barker. Wally Aufrecht was really "out of this world" as the man from Mars. A real horror was Dave Miller as the Leopard man. Kenny Homo frightened old and young, alike, with his portrayal of the Wild Man from Spring Grove Rev. John Daleidea and the ushers of St. Peter's church met at the home of Charles May for their regular meeting on Wednesday night. There was also a social evening at cards and a delicious lunch >/as served. The Christian Mothers and Children cf Mary sodalities met st St. Peter's hall for their regular meeting. An election was j held and Mrs. A1 Schmitt as p r e s i d e n t and Mrs. Walter Brown as secretary were voted in to take the place of retiring officers, Mrs. Frank Tinney §nd Mrs. Charles Freund. A potcf m*ny very jtic# to make up this Dick Buehrer, Danny Freund, 'Billy and BoMiy Lay, Billy Olsen, Oary JgBler, Eddie Jessey and Jimmy fUnl^p. Mr. and Mrs. Chfcrl«« VMNud and family were <|t&Mr gttrtls in the George P. Freund home at McHenry on Suhday. Pan American Night Observed Pan-American Mrs. Bob Myers ot Round Lake, former McHenryite and a still active member of the McHenry unit of The ' American Legion Auxiliary, as the Pan- American chairman, gave us a . , wonderful program at our Auxilluck supper was planned for meetlng on Monday evening their annual meeting in May, at which time plan 9 for the school picnic Will be discussed. Plans were also discussed for a bake sale and flower sale to be held on Friday, May 29, at the fire house. After the meeting, cards and bunco Vere playfed and prizes went to Mrs. Arthur Kattner, Mrs. Edward May, Mrs. last week. She gave our president, Mrs. Luella Graham, a beautiful Costa Rican orchid Cown here especially for the occasion. Mrs. Myers had other Gosta Rican objects to show us. Since the Auxiliary is emphasizing Costa Rica in its Pan- American program this year, Eddie Myers read a letter from Arnold M a y, Mrs. ^ Lorraine a friend who has lived in that country for about eleven years. The letter compared Costa Rican customs -^with ours ai)d the writer found that the things that had seemed so strange in the beginning had now become so much a part of her daily living that it Was really difficult to point out the differences. One thing she stressed was the fact that Costa Iticans were ffcr more leisurely in their mode of living. We Americans always have more to do than we can handle, Mrs. Myers provided entertatnment with a Pan-American flavor. Several of her friends from Round Lske helped her to entertain us. Mrs. Kay Brlcfcsdn "Wish You Were Here" and "Tea for Two". Jacqueline Sims sang and gestured through an amusing rendition of "Hokey Pv key". Jacqueline is a member of Girl Scouts Troop 30 at Round Lake. Janice Check was cute in her costume and song of Chiquita Banana. Dolly Myers, whom we all have learned to know as an artist of song and dance and who makes up in talent what she lacks in years and size (she is a tiny creature of about 4), did a Spanish dance and sang "Cause I Love You". Eve De Grazia was very funny in her dkrky costume with her act "It's in the Book". Among those who represented us at the patriotic conference in Chicago was Mrs. McGee. She gave an interesting and informs ive resume' of the speeches heard there. Among the amazing things they heard was the fact that women were contributing about 65 percent of the civil defense workers. An officer who had seen a couple of hundred bombs dropped in Italy said the women were the ones to clean up the rubble afterwards. He stated, too, that one atom bomb would' create as much damage as those 200 cr more bombs did then. One thing that shocked us was his estimate of the damage enemy planes could inflict upon us. It was his opinion that if 100 planes left the enemy country seventy of them would successfully complete their mission. This should awaken us all to the dire need cf an adequate civilian defence system. The entertainment gave of a feeling of kinship with tour neighbors, the Costa Ricans, and the serious facts brought out by Mrs. McGee's report made us thankful that there Is friendship and understanding with our neighbors on the American con-) tlnents. v Past President Parley Last week the past presidents of the McHenry unit of the American Legion Auxiliary of the county held their semi-annual dinner at Algonquin. These dinners are really enjoyed by the women who helped to make the Auxiliary the fine thing that it is today. Being president of a unit requires a great deal of r and #ICMt tit ewtar te« bring hroigfi a suoceMftil JNier. The suorftt is not nets--arlly reflected U» the balanee m our treasury hgotos btft rather hi tile -kind «nd amount of service given to needy mankind in the community. tCeSsftry county dairy farms**] revived $340,053.14 for milk de-l ttVered to BoWmfcn Dairy con*| pariy receiving stations during] tile month of March. Central Gara r.\ & -LJ £ eifi-.i*. ft • * Complete Motor Overhauling Q JOHNSBURS, MttJ ,, by Johnny Rourke as the Ifead- >:/ less Man. No freak show would be complete without a Strong M a n, ably represented by '^| "Butch" Stacknick. The most unusual freak was Edwin Reid as-a normal Cub Scout. Mrs. Helen Harth, den mother, would like to thank all the mothers of these young lads who made the cake walk a success by contributing delicious past- Killed in Train Wreck Mrs. Celcna Kane attended the funeral on Thursday of her very good friend, Mrs. Elizabeth Schatz, of Evergreen Park, who was killed in the Denver train wreck. Mrs. Schatz was a frequent visitor at the Kane home and had many friends in this "leeamty Doetsch, Dorothy Paulok and Ljll Woods. A lovely lunch was served by the committee in charge. Dr. and Mrs. Duane Ford and children of St. Paul, Minn., are visiting the Mickey McGiverns this week. Tho3e from here who had been attending the night sewing classes at the high school the past ten weeks joined in the party which climaxed the course on Wednesday night. It was held as a surprise to their t«»cher, Miss Cynthia Hinrichs, the 'home economics teacher at the high school, who was presented with a steam Iron. Refreshments were served. Those from here who were present were Mr«. Frank Tinney, Mrs. Charles Freund, Mrs. Dan Miller and Mrs. Phil Parfrey.. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Gardner are the happy parents of an 8 pound boy born at St. Ther^se hospital. Waukegaq, on Sunday, April 19. % Those who saw the junior class play at the high school auditor-; lum on Friday night are still talking about the wonderful performance of the members of the cast in presenting 'tpear Ruth". It was really considered one of the best ever presented." Mrs. William Britz entertained members of her club on Thurs- MOOS^ LODGE" day afternoon- Five-hundred was played and prizes went to those achieving high scores. Lunch was served by the hostess after cards. Once again the firemen's dance was a huge success. The town hall was filled to overflowing and all those who could find room on the floor enjoyed the dancing. Refreshments were served. Wesley Smith celebrat#u his birthday on Monday night by in- •» <•» $ Complete Service Whether you want a cqmpetealj ^analysis of your investment holdings, to buy or sell secuit*] ties, or reliable information a certain industry or inveet-" rnent issue--whatever you .re-1 ^jquire in investment service--weJ have the complete facilities nec-j Pessary to render it. Call anyn time at our new office at 23j 4«outh Spring Street -- on thc«| \ [ground floor, just across Sears Roebuck. Congratulations to the new members of McHenry lodge!' On Saturday evening the lodge initiated twenty-seven members. We were very f ortunate in securing the Elgin lodge decree staff for the ritual., After tiie initiation ceremonies a party of- fun and frolic was enjoyed by che class, members and the ladies. Our next initiation will be held some time. , ^ . in May so let's all sign new ™tln* schoolmates and members and make this a record friends to his ho™e ,or a Party clagg Games were played and ice Special note to the women of cream and were served, the Moose. There will be initi-1 Wesiey was the happy recipient j [For information on any invest • »ment matter, with ho obligation [whatever, mail coupon below. David L. Heath, Mgr. David A. Noyes 8c Co. < 3 S. Spring St. Elgin, HI, , .2ftBlepaione 7Miu ' Members v- ^ New Tfork Stock ExCTiang-e hand Other Principal Exchanges) [ ttfame [[Addreae . . . » . . . . . . . . . . . . . Information .- ^Desired .. , . * ,}• s keeps Us shape! ation and the officers installed j *5* *!* *1* *3* '5* i^ » ^ i ^i^, i| , i ^ i o n the third Tuesday in May. The Woodstock chapter I will be present to perform this duty for us. So keep this date open ladies. Don't forget the grand opening] celebration on May 2. Music and free smorgasbord are on order. Check ycur card to see if yon j are delinquent. Many are. P fr v W* ' • Seventh Milestone Miss Chryssie Levesque was the proud little hostess at h*r birthday party on Tuesday. The guests were Rcberta and Geoffrey Houck. Sandy Passalaqua, Patty Tamburrino, Lynne Schultz Red cedar wood is> used most irnd J. R. Levesque. commonly in making lead pen-1 Games and r e f r e s h m e n t s c i l s . r»«» »tui 5-Starr . T-Shirl ALWAYS MADE TO ORDER The prescription" your doctor" writes for you is written especially for you. It is an order that must be filled exactly as written with the best obtainable medicinal products. Only the finest and purest of ingredients .with eaact potency guaranteed by "such trusted names as SQUIBB Can be used. And always the proper equipment is at hand to compound the prescription perfectly. These are some of your assurances of getting just what the doctor ordered ' when you bring your pre* scription to us. ~ JFor your home medicine cabinet, AS Veil, you will And here products that meet the moat exacting standards... |»r example, the Squna ANSLS TOOTHseoSH . . . the only toothbruah beat Hke a dentist's mirror to help you 4fach thoM hard-to-gat-at ytacea. It Makes thorough brushing surprta- Jhfty e*sy. Your prescripfons^are'our specialty HereYa T-ShW that's tops, ft Vas a NYLON reinforced collar that will always keep its shape* No curling or stretching,. . always lies flat ' and looks neat. The full length body of the shirt provides a real comfort feature in a shirt that "stays put. Light weight cotton, fine for sport wear or use as an undershirt. Packed in cellophane for your protection Get a supply today. $1.25 Oth*r T Shirts $1 to M-tt McGEE'S DRUG STORE PHONE 40 tGJMiWWmi JOHNSONS 1 BABY TALC 25c Med. Size ContrSwp jc* Castile, bar • Cotton 2 ez. AbSOfMllti e • • e Mennens Berated Tele YOUR CHILD'S HEALTH At tte first sign of illness call your doctor. He Is best qualified to diagnose Illness and recont mend treatment. 16 Oz. MENNEN fS Lanolin Baby Oil 98c 2V-i oz. Sue ZONITE PERSONAL Antiseptic With 1* or. S»^f KLEENEX TISSUES BABY SPECIALS quality C R I B SHEETING 89c DAY Qmp\m EVENFLO BONBON 27x36 inch.. 25 CRUX Diapers Tonette HSSM Pin----1 8. Ounce HYGEIA N tfrser Complete )35c STERILIZER A 29<. Ti.hc " MENNENS Shaving Cream I MvEiAtD"tS DnEnXrTaRiI HMAIITLTSOSSFE., ma. • 74c H LATEX RUBBER PANTS, mm BABY BOTTLE WARMER, b^......52-50 MEAD'S OLEUM PERCOMORPNUM, m *. 3" Brushless stylt 58c Value JUST ONE MOTHER' S DAY WEEK AWAY MAGIC SKIN CARE Oiant 98c Size. .. Castorii oiu FUtdMr, 2] J Glfciriw ««. 12 Suppositories St. lasipli **. se Aspirin Zinc OXIBE Ointment 1 oz. tube BABY^l VITAMINS MEAD'S TRI-VI-SOL 50cc, A92 bottfe..A OIlHIR 10CC ftK Percomorphum Dreps, ISec • W/2 Oi. SCOTTS Fortified Emulsion 12J v. % "STORE FOR MEM" "(B ». fiUEN' STREET €)pen Daily 8 un. to 6 pan. -- Fridays: 8 * --* • Open Sundays: 9 a.m. 'tfl 12 ' ' We give and redeem Gold Bond Stamps. Say It The Sweetest Way To Mom on Her Day with Our Choice Whitman's CANDY: Specially Boxed Assortments to delight All Mom* § S1 >5 $ x-. MILL NEWEST METAL COMPACTS. ita»«i«.i~. .l" DANA TABU COLOGNE - $2.00 LENTHERIC TWEED PERFUME, a ^ 5s* COLORFUL BOXED STATMMERV, PiMbw...lw LENTHERIC RED ULAC (MprttUkiM.. ...2" PIRFUME ATOMIZERS, Is LEATHER BILLFOLDS, fcwMittoto.... Is* ^ .Plws >0% F«<tf«l Escite Tes es Teile»ris»^ QfiflO I Green St BOLGER'S jpHONE 40 •; McHenry, I1L 89c BettleX Fitch Bandraff Rea over Skmpoo With 50c Value Jiffy Hair Shampee Brush ¥~n...98c Yeu save 41c on this $1.39 special valuel | i I rte v.'-"*- I; ,ff. "V - v. ' - j ; - / • wf,f• • St '•yf,r- i,

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