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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 21 May 1953, p. 13

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* Sf ; K ft* $ . m? ti. 1 . .Ja^'j2asES^i4k_-- Y PUJBBBXUOi MMMjtiMl F. F. A. PAHLIAM6NTABY TEAM By W. H. Tammett* Kurt Waaieck, Jr., recently of the commercial artist business, now Hfcrtland township farmer, has thirty-five acres of new ground this year to farm just nom the Simple process of lay- .ng out and digging a ditch with the helff of the soil conservation district. Of course the conservation district boys didn't dig this ditch but they staked it out *o that a ditch maker could. This land is a long way from the buildings and was very hard to get to for pasture. Anyway, it wasn't any good for that either. My Way of thinking says, if land isn't good for , crops it Just doesn't have Uttxch value for pasture either. This is a picture of the M.C.H.S. championship F.F.A. parliamentary team, which wort first place in Section 8 aii'd advanced to district competition, where they placed second. Left to right, rear, members of the team are Dick Nowak, chairman; John May and Gregory fYdfrak. , In frtmt, they are Arpold Freund, secretary, and Loren FYeund. I. . :-- . I . I " -- HIGHWAY ADMINISTRATION 1 maintenance serVkte. OoVternoi Illinois taxpayers will profit j Stratton has asked the General by two changes in highway ad- Assembly to appropriate $244,- ministration recently ordered by! 964,000 for road construction Govern. William G. Stratton.} during the hext two years. The Highway maintenance truck chief executive's purpose is to headquarters ar$ being htbved to, spend less jtor road maintenance new locations closer ito their, J H-- jlroad sections, thus .. vedtiefng truck mileage. The ten district highway engineers cf the state have been instructed to hire only and more for rebuilding the primary ffighwfcys. Ibnew Alt soMbrlpHbn to the Do you have plaits to mow your pasture? Do it about June 20, artd again the last week of July. Get rid of the maturing tregfet&Mbh the cattle didn't ieat. If they won't eat it gTeen they certainly won't eat it ripe. Blmer Pierce, west of. ^o<Jdjtock, said he wished he had listened when we told him to lay off putting nitrogen on blueorass pasture. It made it greener when it was green anyway %nd everybody has a surplus of pasture--in spring--and browner when blue grass is dormant. Bluegrass and red clover are two cropS we can't use much of in MeHenry county. Bluegrass is a "jj>uppy love" grass--it is wonderful while it lasts but just the nature df the stuff causes it to ioof fitM iciioB. Red tfcWT Jiifc doeatt't produce the tons «t BMA per acre we need here to |wO*Me * profit like alfalfa doe*. ' We jiiat completed 11SWakdoWh Of where the county fair afltt 4-H show premiums go. They lire well distributed all over the county to every corner. This proves the county fair is definitely hot a Woodstock fair. As soon as We get the F.F.A. figures we will publish these. As it looks so far, the most money goes down Marengo way, with Wbodatgej^ necond «a4 HflHawy third. • ;- Thuriow York of Chemung township says he get down to some Silage that was 5 years old and found it just as good as rtiore current stuff. In fact, he couldn't tell where one left. off and the other started. enough men to carry on efficient Pbttadefcler bow! •i. -iSii mm 11» Michigan on HdrrHon Strfeil Slop Taking Harsh Drags fit Constipatioa End Gtoafc 0adn|! Ripta (tap* Mpiriari^ TWt M Vn&bh **! Talcing harsh drags for constipation eta pantife you brutally! Thdr afcmps tod gtiping disrupt normal bowel Action, m*kc you fed ' ' * ~ pea ted doitag. When yott occasionally fed consols* ted, get pnth but *rr» Miief. Ttfte Df. CdfireUYfenot Laxative contained raurairtf iMttmwSeou, oldeit tad ndc*ao ceutaias OUfc oft&efiant mtiurtd l*x*tive» kMfan FOR1 CONVENIENCE-- Ideal downtown" location. Coffee Shop ... reasonable prices. FOR COMFORT--Every room with bath,cir« cvlating ice-water and FREE RADIO. FOR ECONOMY-Homeof famous HOOSIER ROOM. "WHAT TO SEE" (tots of it FREE) in Chicago... Interesting booklet... Send for it! ANDREW C. WEISBURG, Owner . Clifford T. Phee, Manager A STEP RIGHT FROM YOU* CAR JfNIQ TWfe HOT€L LOBBY 600 Car Gar«g# UNDE* ONE ROOF ttttktBS ft teedWae. Dr. Senna Ltxajive tastes good, acts inMlf, bcia#^ tb»rtmgh tehef fm/trtdfy. Helps you get regUlar, endf dttomc dosing. Even fefiwes stomach sottmesa that constipation often brings. ' Try the new 25^ site Dr. Caldwdl a. Money back if not satisfied. M*il bocde to Box 280, New York 18, N. Y. Dr. Jessness, eeoncmiStat the University of Minnesota, . says Korea can claim only oneseventh of our economy and therefore it is not very import ant price-wise. T"1 »' 'TW-W: rlgl i ft seems to us the chief duty of the United States Department Of Agriculture should be to get the dope on production and let the farmer know how much is being produced and how much should be produced next year so the farmer can make up his own mind. In other words, outlook information should be accurate and available through the county farm adviser. Of course, second ih importance should be research on new uses for products to keep up demand. "r~.l .. »i .nil, . . • ,t What is your salaryt it you went to work for someone else you would want to know just how much, yet as a farmer working for himself you know very little about it. Recently we got letters from a farmer stating the dairyman was only earn- 80 cents per hour for hi^ ,Work, so Why should he pay the IX H. I. A. tester twice that much ? Of course, saying the dairyman is only making 80 cents per hour is as absurd as can be. Everyone earns a different rate from losing a dollar or more per tiour to making perhaps four dollars per hour or more. A day a month should be spent on records, 'With experienced and trained guidance looking over your shoulder periodically. A professional summary at the end of the year with observations, as to unprofitable practices, etc., is a must if you are going to know what your salary i*. ^ This J» what Farm Bureau Farm Jtlanagemeat service will dO for you. Can you afford not to have it? Those who have had the services tor a number of years refuse to do without it. Art Calt of Greenwood, in his second year of it, says its worth ten times the cost. He says the value lies in the fact that Norm Sjpecht gets him by the nape of the neck and sits him down at it when he comes, While otherwise it could be put off another day indefinitely. shoes, dresses, etc., kit 4>ati-- gdt new shoe laces. The Illinois Farm Supply company moves a gallon of your tractor fuel from the Gulf area by barge, to the terminal, and out to your local bulk plant by truck for a cost of less than the ccSt of a 3 cent stamp. Gasoline is purchased 18 months in advance of the time you use it. If all refineries closed down the nation would be out of aviation gas in 10 days and UBt of regular in 45 days. At the Boston Tea Party 342 chests of tea were cut open and emptied into Boston Harbor. George Washington laid the cornerstone of the national capitol. : From 1613 to 1917 the Romanoff family ruled Russia. A bflated note from my note bodft %ay% ' ^ou 8hbul<St WeaV something new for Easter. My wife and kids got new hats, Read The Waat Ada! 8 nxfurag dual exhaust PARTS CAR PLATE & V £ Don't buy auto insurance blind! ' Let your own comparisc(n v: prove the greater value tt Allstate's protection and service. Allstate, the auto insurance company founded by Sears, Roebuck and Co., fa nationally famous tor its • N«w •a«i*r-to-und«fttand pifcy • 14 edd*d bmfih at no *>ln coal e Special low rates for farmtn^ • NbHonwid* claim service | MAR TIM COVMM FRANK E. LOW, Affri. ;09 Maple Ave., MoJxeary, I a^3r*TY REPORT ' The Department of Public &af«ty reported that during the foUr-week period of April 6 through May 3 state highway police weighed 258,849 trucks and made 968 arrests. The highest total in a single day during the period was 58 arrests oa April 21. A. F. ft A. M. 107 N. Court St. Meeting l-3rd Tutt. Visitors Welcome Phillip Ricker, Secy. " lihone McHawy 4lt «acfc. O.E. S. v107 N. Court Sti t Meetings 2nd * 4th Tues. Visitors Welcome Myrtle Harrison, Secy. Tel. Won. Lk. 3641 * % pRGFEmonfli. D I R t C T O R V I >f- V. *"• j hbn j Mm \ I I WW4VI Mliaatieit, plMM nM A* telib mi | I I I I I j^city--: ; ^----i-sm ^ : | Woodstock residents and those living nearby cajj. see or phone their Allstate Agent -- GEORGE W, PTtANGKE 124 Douglas Ave., Woodstock, 111 PhftAe: 1898 VboYvfc by Sears, ROUTE 120 & 31 PHONE 778 A wi&lly-owned wbtMlary of S«ari, *o»b«et end Co., wim ousts and KabUHMt dMnct aiMl K1>ora»» from fh* parent lurtpany. NM•io( sicn^CrM- Single from $4.50 Doobl* from $7.50 crujxj READY MIXED CONCRETE Speeds work--saves money--helps builders deliver quality woi* •Vast, tfiiM, aaj plw^. • No flftCM to cleaaap; dumped where wanted* accurately propoc> MMcf, iljf tSbned for yter job. •Fait strength, reUabfllty fcM oniformiQr in every load, •tow price dellT^t«4-- ^unble on cost. •ad yout builder will both benefit by using our before jo* & Gra >w;: PHONE McHStiftY 820 6dl t i , • For to tportt<of-miaded- ~ COWS. qp#0*o/ at extra cost, Wbnttomaln 0 quick getaway 9 I I utter smoothness of a 1953 Bmck with TT Dynafiom It takes more than the advanced new engineering of this fully automatic transmission to produce such thrilling performance, of course* It takes power, toi| ' - And that's here in full measure-* the highest horsepowers and compression ratios, Series for Series, in Buick's fifty great years--with the world's most advanced V8 zfing getaWay with whisper quiet-- engine powering the SUPER anj and with one smooth, progressif® RQADMASTERo rest we can oome to word* picturing for you how it feels to drive a 1|953 Buick witj^3^fin-Xurbiiie D^nAflow» is this; Wlie^ yOU toe the gas treadle, yoo can get away like silked lightning in a silent hun^r. J ^ r- More specifically, you can sweep y<Hir speedometer needle from zero to a legal 30 mph in the time yep normally talre two breaths. Equally important, you get this da» )^lild-up velvety power# The literal truth is--no other carln all the world can get away with ikfl. quickness, quiet and There's a lot more you get in any" J953 Buick in generous and hard-to-' match measure--room, comfort, ride steadiness, visibility--fcnd, above all, value. But these are things you must discover for yourself--as you must the greatest Buick performance III history. Why not drop in on us real soon? We'll be happy to put you at the wheel of a new Buick and let our points prove themselves. * Standard on Roadmasttf, optkwd S txtn cost #0 other Series. ^ SWtoitfir&mme/* AWCONDITIONER for 1953 SllMR and ROADMASTER Riviera and Sedan modbis, available now at extra cost. . I.Wfrion U»at-tht BUICK CltCUS HOUi-m^lo^kTMvhr iwtiwni.v: £3^ BUICK W B«L C. R. SWANSOil Dentist 120 S. Green Street Office Hours: ^«r vl% Delly Exe^>t XtamdMT ' 9 to 12 -- 1:*0 to 5:1® r ^ * fCofeu, Wed. ana Frl. Eveutags^V Appototawat OMy * *L' " ' ' tit By Appol iMephwt^ VERNON KNOX Attorney At Law Cor. Green and Elm MeHenry, HL JVueaday and Friday Alt Otker Days Iqr Appohanal Phone MeHenry 4S i<?fui WILLIAM M. CARBON Attorney At Law-- llOVz Benton Street '1 'V* •e Woodstock ISM 5 ^ Woodatoek, IBinol. ' s r J] AX m Lr4*** #06EPH X. WATNNB \ A|Keraey At Law gp WNpk«S» Road (RFD Vtione MeHenry 49t West MeHenry, 11L i f-7 'w" * t JOHN F. LOFT at. I, Box m Fkona ST BfdHenry, flnneb ||4«ON OONTkACnp| j.-'^lnaured Wailunen, : Free •7 ; FRANK & MAT BLACK DIRT Gravel - Excavating Route 5, *y, BCoHenry ¥3 • • •.? ; i&< * }.-r % i'V*-": «* VERN THKLEN ' thieUat f Excavatlnf TeL MeHenry 58S-R1 or IMMfl < 1 Box lit, Rt. 1, Meiteniy, W>t S * ^ '• I 4 . . m r n r n . . . • , n i A. F. FREUND A WW* . Ekoava^ng Contr*eton» ! |. ' Tracking, HydrmuBc an# Crane Service -- ROAD BUILDING -- TeL MUM Mefidffl '.•M '5: iNStntAjrcE EARL R. WALSH 4HT», FINN * LIFE Representing RELIABLE COMPANIES Yea Need ln»ur»afl* al Any Kind >HONE 48 or 95IVJ ? _ i Bta MekHH^ m ?M . f-- -- COMPLETE BOOKKEEPttfO SERVICE (of ihe small business Reasonable Raltea ne Tax tV BOOKK1 TAX SERVICE Profe«iQnal Bkl p. 1 SlO So. Green Street Phone 788 or 265-M * mm 'WW ima AUT(M^Q|||US ASUIIT MUCK WILL SUliO THW" AlWAYi WW CAREFUll,t .. N» 8TOFFKL t REIHANSPERGE* Insurance agents for all classes *f || knpnt} in the best compaalea» f; West McHenrj', Illinala ^ 5 Telephone SOO .. H:y"< NT Main Street JklcHenry, Bk I 1SCHROEDER IRON WORKS # Ornamental A Structural SteeR i4 ... Visit Our Showroom®, ' '| y llw South on Rt. 8 Phone 950 • • • • •• 1 RING'S PLUMBING and HEATING BOB FRKBY, Flxturt*- QM and Electric Water Water - Free MeHenry .. .. ' r;? '< r R. I^OYERTQW MQT&ft 403 FROWr STBEET . ^ fH0NE 8 . ,< ,, id! McHENRY. ILLINOIS tsse- \:Jt • ^ .t- ' •t' . i. i.... > . i lajriiMSif-" , ( i •

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