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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 21 May 1953, p. 2

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Bltec* Officers The Mother's club Of ^{Patrick's Church elected officers at a meeting held last week. • Reelected were Mary Frett, president; Marie Corso, vice-president; and Vivian Howard, treasurer. Mary Klapperich was elected secretary to replace Mrs. DelMonte, who did not choose to serve again. ; A lunch of strawberry sundaes cookies and coffee was served at the close of the meeting. The school picnic was announced for May 19 at the V.F.W. grounds, at which a large group of mothers and pupils were piesent. lavrailp Foresters .• To Held Installation The Juvenile members' of St. Clara's court. No. 659. Women's Catholi: Order of Foresters, will hold installation of officers on Monday eyening, May 25. at St. Mary's school hall. A pot-luck dinner Will be served at 6 o'clock. All members are asked to bring their mother or a guest Everyone attending : mtlst bring a dish to pass. Large Crowd At C. D. of A Btnqwt The annual C. D. of A. banquet honoring mothers was held on May 11 in the high school cafeteria, with guests present from Chicago, Belvidere and Elgin. Ethel McGee acted as toastmistress find introduced Mrs. Ethel Rcnan, . Mrs. Maud Jones, Mrs. McGill and Rev. McGowan, who gave talks. Following dinner, cards were played and prizes awarded for each table. A plant was given to Mrs. Michael Knox for beiAg the oldest mother present. A plant was also presented to Mrs. Kathryn Bart>ian,' a guest and aunt of the ' grand regent, Bertilla Freund. Tables were attractively decorated by Dorothy -Adams, Eleanor Freund. and Suzanne Marshall. Helen Mauch and Alvina Walsh had charge. of the baiiquet and party. «0£ber& <Ha the committer, included Dorothy Weber, Elvera Durland, Laura Martin, Anne T h e r t t t e s , C a r r i e J u s t e n and Mary Kinney. Entertainment Was provided by the high school boys' octet. Garden Club To Meet On May 26 The McHenry Garden club will nold its regular monthly meeting on Tuesday, May 26, at the heme of Mrs. Betty Nielsen in Country Club Drive, starting at 1:30 o'clock. . * McHENRY GIRL , JOINED NURSING STAFF .IN HAWAII Mitt Dbrothy A. JUSten, registered ilurse, has joined the obstetrical nursijig staff at Hilo Memorial hospital, Hilo, Hawaii. She was formerly employed at St. Anthony's hospital, Rockfcrd. After spending a week with her family and friends at Easter time, She flew from Chicago to Los Angeles on April 7. The following day Dorothy boarded the S.S. Luriine and arrived in Honolulu April 13. Her friends will be interested to know thfit Tony Martin, Sid Charisse and Marie MacDonaid were also aboard the ship. Miss Justen spent three weeks in Honolulu, sight-seeing and swimmiqg at Waikiki Beach. On May 3 she once more boarded a plane and flew to Hilo, Hawaii, where she plans to stay indefinitely. Since then she has been kept busy, between working' and touring the island. • Mr. and Mrs. Ben Diet* of California, residents of McHenry Until a few years ago, have been visiting friends here. Mrs. William Freund of Fox street and Mrs. Josie Smith were Wednesday callers At Lacon. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Reardon visited Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Reardon in Oak Park last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Reardon attended a luncheon given at the home of Mrs. Ted Roesche in Park Ridge on Thursday of last week. Sunday goests in the Robert Thompson home were Mr. and Mrs. Edward Gage of Wllmette, Mr. and Mrs. Ney Lamb, Mrs. William Hughes and Mrs Raynond Brown cf Gurnee and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Alexander of Hebron. Mr. and Mrs. William Burfeindt are vacationing in the Ozarks this week. Mrs. Joe Nimsgern spent two weeks with her brother, William Kennebeck, in Ravenna, Ohio. The latter underwent surgery there recently. George Adams of Elgin visited McHenry relatives last weekend. Among those from McHenry who attended the Madous-Staines wedding at Kenosha last Saturday were Mr. and Mrs. William Staines, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Glasson, Carol and Patsy, Mr. and Mrs. Joe May, Joann and Lojs, Mrs. Irene Guffey, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Steffan and Mr. and Mrs. Nick M. JuSten. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Berkley of Elgin visited Mr. and Mrs. Joe Glos9on on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Reginald R&, Sr., returned home last Thursday after enjoying a ten-week trio through the West. They visited their soh in PhOenix, Ariz., arfd her brother in North Hollywood, Calif., before continuing on to Oakland and San Francisco. iHiflHiinwHiiuiiiiiiiiiiiituitniiiiimiitiiiiuiiimiMiiP AMONG THE SICK , nmiiiuiiiiHniintHiitmimiMiiuiimuiiiniiimHiiiniin Mrs. Celia Blake is a medical patient at-; the ,Woodstock hospital. ' \ i V' Ronald Fredricksen of Wonder Lake is now convalescing at his home from a long illness with i which he was stricken shortly after the first of the year. In March it Was necessary for him THE KDWAJID She is the daughter of Mr. and [to leave his studies at Purdue Mrs. Nick M. Justen of 505 N. f college, after which he was hos- Green street. Ipitalized. * Prior to her marriage on April 11, this lovely bride was Miss Marion Sarner of McCullom Lake. She Exchanged nuptial vows with Edward Kane tei Warren Park Presbyterian church, former parish of the bride, in ft 7:30 o'clock ceremony. V.. The bride, daughter, of the Glenn K. Sarners of McCullom Lake, was attended by. her sister, Shirley Kosan, as matron of honor. The bridegroom is the son of Mrs. L. Kane of Chicago, formerly of Itasca. Following a honeymoon trip to Kentucky, the newiyweds returned to make their home at McCullcm Lake. NAVY CLUB TO SPONSOR TRIP FOR COUNTY YOUTH The Navy club of the U.8.A. Illinois squadron, of which President Floyd Freund has been state commandant for the past year, is sponsoring a cruise (&us trip) again this year to points of historical interest in the state. Annually they select thirty boys between the ages of 14% . and 16% years of age to go. This year, because of Mr. Freund's important position, the Illinois Navy club has invited Local 2087, Carpenter's Union of McHenry county, to sponsor a boy from the organization to go with them. The money has already been voted for this purpose and the boys will be selected in the near future, NOSHA GlfcL SATURDAY BRIDE OF ARTHUR STAINES A very lovely wedding was performed in the parsqnage of St. George's church, Kefnosft*, Wis., on Saturday, May 16, when Miss Luella B. Madaus, of Ke- Iio9ha, daughter of Mrs. Otto Madaus of Genoa City, WTs., became the bride of Arthur A. Staines, of Kenosha, sen of Mr. and Mrs. John W. Staines of McHenry. The service was solemnized at 2 o'clock in the afternoon. . The attractive bride was attired in a blue suit, with white accessories and a white camellia corsage. She was attended by Misa Betty Jeanne Madaus, a niece, as maid of honor. She Wore a pink suit and white accessories and a corsage of pfiik and white roses. Robert Lee Whiting, nepheWof the groom, served as best man. For her daughter's wedding, Mrs. Madaus chose a navy blue dress with which she wore white accessories. |frs. Staines Wore a navy blue print dress and pink accessories. About thirty-five were in attendance at a bridal pinner served at the home of the bride's tnother. I^at>er, a reception was enjoyed at Twin E&kes, wis., by About 250 guests. The bride is a Simmons employee and tite bridegroom an employee of a Nash plant in Kenosha. They will reside at 5152 6th avenue, Kenosha. The couple is touring through the South on their honeymoon trip. Residence Changes Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ilopkins have moved fro^n the Lasch subdivision on north Riverside Drive to their new home on iTox street. CARD OF S*|ANK8 to t$ank the jnany, many friends for their kihdneafses shown to me during my stay in the hospital. They were all greatly appreciated. 2 " MAUD ROTHERMEL JolpiistMjrg P. T. A. 1*111 Meet May 26 T'" The Johnsburg P.T.A. will ineet Tuesday, May 26, at 8 p.m. it which time there will be gradr "c r TRH> J. SMITH WIN A NEW BULOVA SfeRVICE t LAMP »*4 Complete Motor Overhauling Welding tJ JOHNSBURG, ILL. McHENRY 200-J J 301 vi era Show Place of the Middle West LAKE GENEVA. WISCONSIN WHY! Buy New Lamp$, Virhen all 'you need are New Shades. Come in and see the Large Selec- We have all sizes, j atoftpes arid colors. ; $1.19 to $4.95 t Montgomery- Photo Miss Wilma Florence Fee*el of Ringwood and William Albert Mathison of Hebron were married in a lovsly spring wedding performance in St." Joseph's church, Richmond, on May &. They will reside near Hebregi. CAS6 OF TIIANK8 I Would like to thank friends fo£ flowers, visits, inquiries, gifts, prayers and other kindnesses while at the Woodstock hospital and ^during my convalescence at home. The many kindnesses were very much ap predated. *2 RONALD FRBDRICK9EN ROMIM Mt Wattle* Drug more. McHenry, HI. .42-tf IF ITS WORTH DOING •mi i yinil i'»i »>»i< Hi i > CMBK ' Ibar si McHenry 6onUnunity w.B.Q$. Annual Spring -- 2 P.M. -- High School Cafeteria < May 24 Third Annual Music Festival- High School Gymnasium '• -i > O. is. s. MeetiUr '2~- i P. XI.'-- Acacia Hall , Way . Baked Ham Dinner -- Rmgwood Church -- family Style High School Baccalaureate ^ BIRTH? , Ji daughter, Susan Jane, WBS born May 15 at the Woodstock hospital to Mr., and Mrs. Herb Rsthansperger. Thomas Joseph is the name selected by Mr. and Mrs. James McAndrews for their new son, born May 6 at the Woodstock hospital. They haVe one ot&ir ehild, also a son, 2 yean* old aad foamed Patrick James. AJt the christenlhg service :which took place May 11 at St. ^Patrick's church, the maternltl krfuidparents, Mr. and Mrs. JohB TTebatcski, of Rosholt, acted as sponsors. Wis., EVERYMT SE SERFS WHAT IT iKANSTflTW) times... in bad weather i distance is a factor-- many dtepo^itors here bank with us by mail. We supply f<xms; customers fill them Out, enclose deposits, and let the postman make the trip here for them. YTO cah enjoy All tKe benefitt ed thk exjtra banking convenience Withoui charge--your ot^y expinte will be the postage you tofe. 1 "* It's Worth Dohig Right. There is No Suhlillule For Good Plastering. ^ Phone McHenry 1169 tWs trmiWi-sptafc free service. t&m . MBMJBBR FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM INTEREST PAID ON SAVINGS DEPOSITS 1040 ' THc-'EEt T ' S CHEO. COLLEfT®, OWMT 108 lUverside »Hve ' PHQN* «•» SMART MEN SHOP AT. Jr \4 sport coAnt sucu... Large SeleicUon to choose from, all sizes, colors and weight*. Sport Coal* ^ frlt.85 to &5J5 to til * tNitR OUR CiOCK CONTEST oer oedicentMt. Come in -mlnw your name on the big dkfL Here's your chance to wtn o Bvtova Wqtch abtoMely AaSCl You can t find a more comfortable piece of clothing for golf, ing boating and a smart way to * • f MISS AMEKKA 17 Jewel* •xpantion bracelet •357» BEAT THE HEAT H8S to IMS MRECTOft txpamton band »3S'» must be registered Friday. Miy The Night Before Memorial Day. o Afi 'Bntrfces noon, 1 STEFFAN'S ' J*WELRY and RECORD SHOP m Main Street phone 123.1 MtMCu FMMl To* E^ery Saturday Hlghl «nd HU OrcfaMfatP 808 a OREE& STREET pstt&0$wm wise tiding to presenif i fur? by storing them throMflft the worm weather in d thert-prool YOMII*. ill last Ibngir • . i m ^•Tic jUSTrHQNE**' 'JCall-McHel^27 ;Will call, for your furs ten ^43 our -scientifically storage vaults? j . . protect ^beauty *til you tteed them, their i? small cost. Don't wait,. Call JBANS SAVE 10% On Dry Cleaning by Using 'Our CASH & CARRY SERVICE at our plant of Branches jACiifi All colors, sizes and patterns . . reversible. This will team perfectly with a pair of bur SUiHt# of* Hobby Jeans Ringwood WINTER'S STORE The Friendly Cleaners BEAUTIFULLY CLEANED by PMOtikSZT mattm rtORt ft. 4 Around Ooner Ni of Kfctte--I tw $S.9S and up RUGS Lakemoor LAREMOOR HOWS.

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