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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 21 May 1953, p. 5

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Plihdealer »ed every Thursday at fenry, m., by the McHenry Company, Inc. £01 TO* I, 3gfel BURFElNDT, Gen. Manager DELE FROEHLJCH, Editor Ptaindealer Want Ads ' No ads counted leas 25 words $1.00 minimum. 1 insertion $1.00 (Count 5 words per Mile) 25c service charge on all blind A-ds. Cash with order. *rd of Thanks--$1.00 l|Iinimum Want Ads close promptly at 10 Wednesday. SUBSCRIPTION RATS * 9SM filtered as qecorid-class matter f (She post office at McHenry, under the act of May 8, 1879. .. \C AUTOMOTIVE ^PLACEMENT PARIES FOft ALL CARS Accessories and Seat Covm IMMUNITY AUTO SUPPLY 409 W. Elm Street «*» Week Days 9 ajno. - • p.m. Sundays I ajn. to 1 p.m. COLBY MOTOR SALES Miety Oiecked £ Used Qkra >2 Chrysler Windsor jl Door Seddgi. '•*>1 DeSoto 4 Door S^dail 1950 Plymouth 4 Door Sedajt J 949 DeSoto 4 Door Sedan 1949 Oldsmobile Station Wagon 15*48 Plymouth 4 Dftor Sedan 1948 Ford 2 Door Sedan 1948 Buick 4 Door Sedan j 1947 Chrysler 4 Door Sedatf ,v • 1946 Chrysler 4 Door Sedan | 1942 Cadillac 4 Door Sedan \ 1941 Ford 4 Door Sedan 1 1941 Plymouth Club Coupe j 18 U Chevrolet 2 Uoor Sedan 1941 Chrysler.4 Door Sedan' 1940 Chevrolet 2 Door Sedan SEE US BEFORE YOU BUY* COLBY MOTOR 8 ALES W Hie: Crystal Lake 1110-llil ' SPRING TtRE SALE *40% OFT on NeW Tires and Tobee- In Stock. Re-Tire Now and Enjoy jttiat Vacation. COLBY MOTOR SALE#- Crystal Lake, Illinois t BUSINESS SERVICE 566-W-l McHenry, 111. ' * idid Weddings from Home, i 1 Church and Reception' kr-OLlN Photographer^ imercial, Publicity, Sport* V and Photostats JOHNSON MOTORS Ifid Used -- Ternt [otors and Boats ftefinishing and Storage OUTBOARD MOTORS S. Riverside Drive 'lkona McHenry 1074 44 > ANIMALS--Highest 'cash t>*ld for cows, horses and no help needed to load, and night, Sundays and tyfe. .call Wheeling Render- >Vdrk4. Wheeling No. 3; recharges. w-tr tlUSIC INSTRUCTION lh Your Own Home •mo and Piano Accordiaa Clarinet and saxophone KAJKL P. KOCH 'hone iHstakee 33&-M-1 Y IV L SERVICE--Complete Septic Systems. Dry Wells, Seep- ' dft, Trenching and Footings ir"x36" wide, 7-ft. maxipth). Prompt Service, a St Rogers. Phone 5&9-R-1 V-2. McHenry. 51-tf LANDSCAPING mod GARDENING Lawns Cat •2* O TH and BRADLEY Con plete Decorating Sendee Fur Free Estimates Ca8 enry 675111 or 774* 2-tl ALL & FLOOR TILING only business • not a sideline. Prompt guaranteed work. ^ee Estimates C*ry 6164 or Bfirrington 1276 2-tf l\--*Power lawa raow«r reumplete rebuilding by facained mechanic. Also reof all outboard motor# by mechanic. Special: $1.50 n« any hand mower; $3.50 any 21" power mower, ormation call McHenry . Dealer Page Fences 51-tf TANKS, Grease Trips, ells find Seepage Beds . etar A. Freund, Fax 3t. /, m.> Phone 877-W. 46-tf SALE -- TYFEWRrfSRS, NG MACHINES. Service [l makes, also ribbons for all jrbon paper. L. V. Kiltz, Woodstock. Phone 549. r-tf GARAGE DOORS W0$D SECTIONAL ftyaide&tial, Oomnfercial or Indil^ rial -- Standard or Speojklly LKlBACll Sales. Installation and Service McHenry 1187-R 14-tf WELLS bfalijfcD UttlVEN WATER SYSTEMS--We sell, repair and install pumps. fctil Bacon, 206 Alain Street, McHenry! Telephone 167. 26-tf BUSWESS SERVICE BALTB 1. (UH JPUMO ffadNtolian. Repalrlitg --' Timing 60S deHle)d RojuS, Harvard, HI. *»hone 748-R 37-tf TREfi AND BARN SPRAYING-- White wash or Fly control. Frank W. Henkal, P.O. Round Lake, Ql. Residence: Volo, 111. Phone McHenry 54t-J-l. 45-tf FOHSALE IX5R. SALE -- Dry electric Coca Cola, cooler. Meat slicer. Call 5fe0- M-2. 2 FOR SALE -- fceautlfiil English Setter, male, 3 years old. Lovel^ disposition. No hunter, $35. Cut*5- ran's jfcerinela on Rt. 12. Call 662* M -2. I 2 FOR SALE--Servel Refrigerator, 6 cu. ft., converted for bottle gas. Excellent condition. Ideal for summeri cottage. Also space beater, 50,000 B.T.U. Call 717. 2 FOR SALES--Large 2 wheel trailer capable of carrying good size inboard. Gall En 4-9891, Chicago. BUS. SERVICE--We buy old cars for junk. Also tractors and farm machinery. Highest prices paid. William Staines, 53-J. »52-4 FOR SALE ANTIQUES. MISC. ITEMS -- Clothing, good condition, for entire family. Formats. Open Tuesday through Saturday, 1 p.m. to 10 p.m.; Sundays 11 a.m. tb 6 p.m. Mrs. R. Dietrich, Terra Cotta Rd. Consignment, Resale and Antique Shop, *4 mile west of Terra Cotta factory on Rt. 81. Phone: Crystal Lake 1346-R-l. 22-eow FOR SALE--Jtfajr and vused sewing machine*. We rent, tray and repair all makes of seWing machines. See our large selection of yard good*, over a thousand sarnies to choode from. Freuitd'a, 64-J-2. 36-eow FOR SALE?--20 shares of McHenry State Bank Stock at $250 per share. Book value over $500 per share. Phone 43. 43-tf FOR SALE--ALUMINUM WINDOWS. The Wallfill Co., Leo Stilling, 200 E. Pearl, McHenry 18. 48-tf FOR SAIJS--Two oil stoves; one with two 50-gal. drumB. Price $50.00. The other with one 50-gal. drum, $26.00. A. G. PAulch. Phone 272-R. 2 APPLIANCES FOR SA£i Bendix Automatic Washer $35.00 to $95.00 Whirlpool Washer $59.00 Weatinghouse Automatic Washer $159.00 Maytag Waaher $49.00 Servel Gas Refrigerator, 9 cu. it. $125.00 Kenmore Electric Ironer $59.00 Frigidaire Electric Ironer $49.00 G.E. Portable Ironer .... $49.00 Crown Gfs Range .... $79.00 CAREY ELECTRIC 60OP Phone 251r McHenry, 111. 2 W'ji PL"." i'j FXMt SALE G&rden Patio & Stepping Stones Colored and Plain Electric Cement Mixer For Rent Richmond Cement Products U.S. 18 * 173 Richmond, Dl. Phone 1304 1-tf FOR 8A]LE--Dab Beer imported fron} Germany on draft and in bottles. Also large package goods department and ^11 $indf of cast Doer. Sportsman's Inn, 513 Main street. *52-4 FOR SALE--N a&on wsiJher with wringer; studio cotldi; electric roaster with broiler attach.; 2- burner hot plate: 6-ryi. oil burner; reasonable; good condition. TeL McHenry T513-W-1. 2 FOR SALEr-1 chicken hotAe. Call McHenry 963, eVcnihgi.* 2 FOR SALE--Brand new Lawson love seat. Never been used. To be shown on Saturday and Sunday at PiotroWfki, Country GlUb Dr., McHenry. Price $100.06. *2 FOR SALE -- Halt bottom row boat. lteaaaoaible. Call 665-J-l. 2 FpR SALE^-Ueed Refrigerators and Ranges. Priced from $10.00 to $70.00. AH In good cpadition. Althoff's Hardware, 501 Main St. Phone 284. 2 FOR SALfc--MaIco Heariftg Aids. Free demonstrations by skilled representative by appointments. Batteries, cards, supplies for all makea of instruments. Loaner instruments. available. Rena Schaid, 207' N. Green St ffam* i26-R. • 2-2 Ladles Pure Wool Spring Co§^ Plaids, Solids and Checks All Sizes - Values to $24.95 While they last - *11.96 Merrill Woolen Mills Branch Store fet. 12 4k 120, Volo. Tel. 682-M-2 2 FOR SALtt -- Drop leaf Duncan Phyfe dining tatrte with pads. Buffet and 6 chairs. 24x36" mirror. Radio phonograph. 38x20" oval cocktail table. 2 oval lamp tables, davenport and chairs. Call McHenry 512-J-l. 2 FOR SALE -- Boy's suit, brown slacks, tweed Coat, like new, si*e 16, $12.00. Nylon golf bag, never used, $10.00. Lawn mower, $3.00. Lounge chair, $5.00. Phone 791-W. 2 FOR SALE -- Uiliversa!" eltedric bantam range. Oven broiler, surface units. Combination storage compartment. No 220 ltet£ needed. Call 513-W-l. 2 FOR RENT FOR RENT -- Sleeping rooms with or Without bath. Special weekly, monthly or year-rqtUld Drive and Elm str lO-tf FOR RENT -- 3 room basement apartment, treasonable. Call Q62. 2 FOR RENT--5 room heated apt , near Northwestern dfpot. $^0 per month. Call McHenfy £>99. 2 FOR RKNT--1 furnished a|id 1 unfurnished duplex apartments. Call 917. 2 FOR RENT -- Johnsburg. 2 bedroom home, $70 per month. Call Jacob Fritz, McHenry 37. 2 FOR RENT -- Newly decorated rooms, home privileges, Hear depot and schools. 109 Main 8treet. PhOne McHenry 100-R 20-tf FOR REf^T--Large residence, 4 bedrooms, near graimmar and high school. Available July 1st. Rent $100.00 per month, call Jacob Fritz, McHenry 37. 1-tf HELP WANTED , M R N W A N 7 E 9 * TO WORK IN OUR PRODUCTION DEPARTMENT Liberal Bonus for Shift Wotk. Paid vacation; paid sipk Uave; grou^ insurance «n4 hospitfiiz^- tion plan. . See itt Xorn'ay thru 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. The Edwal Laborartorles, I^cs. Ringwood, 111. Wonder Lake ^41| HEL# WANTED--tlaedSy man on part time. Must know about gardening. Good wages. State age and give telephone number. Reply c/o Plaindealer, Box 354. 2 HELP WANTED -- High School boy, to help work on laiyn after school. $1.00 pet hour. Call Pistakee 711. 2 4^ Admiral Corp. <• AN ALTZERS - WOMEN - MEN ' BOYS Bur Transportation •-- ^ree HospitaUzatioa Md Holidays * •: fmid Vacatta*: *- (Niglii Work Availablo) 190 EXPEBSNCE HECESSABY OfUca ^oar6: 8 to 4:30 Moaday thru Saturday ADMIRAL CORP, ' ToL McHenry 940 and 941 I*:. r ' 0 Bvforfe Yen Btiy A Home Sd JAK-ANA HEIGHTS In Jroluubpuurg. You can get a modorn horn* on a f 100 x $00 fbot lot* overlooking the beaotilu] countryside. NOar church« school* Mew Memorial Hi! and shopping <ft*t*Sct. Ou HmI A«tihbife£3. JACOB mtz • REALTORS In Johnshurg ' Tel; Mcfipimry 3T Bit 5. IdoHenry, Illinois HELP WANTED ILLINOIS BELL TELEPHONE CO. W-'- "a food plAce to work'* 4; TELEPHONE OPERATO<lS • .Good salary to start; frequent increases. You'll • Working with girls your own age and you'll be doing interesting work in an importi ant industry. . ^ ^ See: Miss R. Marsha^ Chief Operator it - ' 102 Park Ave. OUTDOOR MEN % 18 to .W ~ To Trim Tre«p Also Older M|§ For Ground Work. PHONE WAUCONDA 2238 <rt- cn^tU Lake 2117-* wm HELP WAITED--WaltrjMf. t«l. McHenry 3fl 4S-lf HELP WANTED -- Young man, mechanically inclinjed to learn heating and sheet metal work. Permanent position. Vycital's, tali' ©8. HEIJ> WANTED -- Man lor bi door work on a1 gaxne finn. Chain-O-Lakes Game Field. Rt.1 134, 1 miles west of Rt. 12. Appl; in person. *•. HELP WANTED HELP WANTED--Need hmuq for operating hosiery machine. Good pay. Excellent working condition*, experience Qecesniy. McHenry Hosiery Mills. 2-2 REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE -- FOR SjtfJS -- Cottages -- Lqtfe PiMilMss Property l^er and Lak<* Properly McIIENRY REALTY . 510 Main McHenrv 1-tf FOR SALE -- Jfcve ro6m year 'round home; 2 coiner lpts; IVi car garage. Price <7,000. Call Wonder Lake 2854. 1-2 FOR SALE--Fox River frontage 80 feet all or 50 feet at $69.00 per front foot. 219 feet long in Mineral Springs Park subd. Also beautiful homesites, 100'x275.1'. plenty shade and fruit trees >2,500.00 each in Hillcrest Acres with access to Fox River, mile south of McHenry on Blast River Road. Call Mr. Seegert or Mr. Hutson on grounds or write Ben J. Dietz, 350 N. Vermont Ave. Giendora, .Calif. 4&-tf FOR S A L E--HOMES--FARMS LOTS -- BUSINESSES ESORT PROPERTY Knox Real Estate _ 408 Richmond Road McHenry. IU. Phone: McHenry 421-J 24-tf HELP WANTED -- Woman for genera* housework and assist with childfen. Full or part time. Coll McHenry 084. 2 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE OR RENT--6 room stucco house, furnished, beautiful grounds. Mrk. A. Koch, telephone 558-J-l. 2 FOR SALE-- 2 bedroom house on Crystal Lake Blacktop Road. Available for showing after June 1st. For information, call McHenry 1011. 2 FOR SALfc--Indian Ridge Subd., Ui Wonder Lake, lot 46x110 on Hiawatha Road, left of County Road. 'Sacrifice, $650.00. B. C. Weber. Phone Waterfall 8-5014. 2 REAL ESTATE -- V*M SALE % McCULDDM LAKE - * room,'ill year home, dnly $5,000.00. HELP WANTED -- Men, B A S automatic screw machine set-up men and operators. Rate: $1.90 and up. Paid vacations and legal holidays. Overtime hours. Call Crystal Lake 2075; 8 tOr5 week days, 9 to 12 Saturday or write tyu-Metal Products, 705 E. Prairie St., Crystal Lake, 111. 2-2 $ELP WANTED--Waitress, also nook's helper. Must h%ye own transportation. $all Pink Hard- on's, Pistafcee Bay 323. . 2-tf HELP WANTB1>-Part-time helper as salid girl ^Uid waitress at Buck's Town Club. Apply in per<> son. Phone McHenry 12. 2 HELP WANTED -- Mechanic or mechanic's helper. Apply at Downs Nash Sales, 405 W. Elm Street. Phone 484. 2 HELP WANTED -- Higtl school girl to help a few hours a day in private home. No heavy work. Call 804. 2 fcNTi mechanic. EExxcc ellent pay. Paid holidays. Paid vacation*. Free hospitalization insurance, $1,000 Life Insurance Free. Excellent working conditions. R. I. Overton Motor Sales;, Telephone 6, 403 Front Street, McHenry, 111. 2 WONDER LAKE - Nice 5 room cottage, living n>om 15x24, fireplace, overlooking lake, garage, c o m p l e t e l y f u r n i s h e d . P r i c e $8,000.00. NEAR McHENRY - 4 room house, 2 bed rooms, garage. Price flO.M0.00. : JOHNSBURG FOR SALE - !N:esen's subdivision; year 'rourd, 2 bedroom home. Sunlorch suitable fpr 3rd bedroom. Utility, full bath. Garage. Price $9600.00. Phone McHenry 58S-J-1. 50-5 t a mmm mmm'mmmmt • deltar at m low, kw price* • fyicHENRV ^ CLEANERS l Elaa Street Mcil#^ fe i. , 1 PHONE 104-M _ : " We give and redeem* ' Qold Bond Stampsi E WANTED TO BUY WANTED TO BUY--Top price paid for iron, metals and junk cars. Ed Marsh, phone McHenry 1563-R-l. 38-tf TO BE GIVEN AWAY : LOST AND FOUND liOST--A well-pipe driver, 2H" 4-ft. long, with ring on one end. Weight about 60-!bs. Reward. Tel. McHenry 332. 2 TO BE GIVEN AWAY -- EngtMl getter, 5 months old, male, houaefrroke. Must live tn your home. Call McHenry 632-R-l. J TO BE GIVEN AWAY-r2 _ 3months old. Phone McHeniy 170 |uid ask for WiHard Grant. || SITUATION WANTED SITUATION WANTED -- Will care for Infants and children by hour, day and week; convenient for mothers traveling to Crystal Lake. Tel. McHenry 691-M-2. 2 WANTED REAL ESTATE WANTED We have cash buyers for your homes, 'summer homes, farms, aad business properties. We can •ell your property if your price la r&it. JACOB FRITZ . REAL ESTATE In Johnsburg Tel. McHenry 87 27-tf MISCELLANEOUS MISC.-- You can own a fabulous Pfaff Zig-Zag Sewing Machine by doing simple sewing. For details phone McHenry 569-M-l, or wri£e Bail 172, Harrington, 111. 48-tf WANTED -- Down or crippled attle. $20 to $60 cad). Call L. Burnside and Sons, Marengo 907, collect. 39-tf WANTED- --- RBAL ESTATE We have buyers for Lake, River, or Channel Front Property, if you want to sell, call . GEORGE D. .WATTS, Realty Fox Lake, 111. Fox Lake 7-1011 2-tf For appointment call our office in Johnsburg, phone McHenry 37. JAOOfc FRITZ - REAL ESTATE Rt. 0, tycHenry, Illinois 1-tf MdS are being received for sale of old Hebron, Illinois Exchange building on Prairie Sty-eat. S4'xK4' two-story brick with baaement. Completely modern, in good conditiort. Ideal for businaaa or residence use. Inquire General Telephone Company of Illinois Business office at Richmond, Illinois. Phone Richmond 3. 47-tf. FOR SALE -- 2 bedroom, year ':ouitd house; 'modern conveniences, 75-ft. river frontaga, 2-car garage. 2% miles south of river bridge. Price $14,500. Call McHenry 572-R4. 52 tl FOR SALE -- By owner, year 'round 5 roOih home; 80-gal. hot water heater; electric stove; garage. Very reasonable. Call McHeniy 1198-J. l-tf Is ailHfflHIIHIlllllllllHIUIimilllllllUlllllllllWlllllHIIIIIIIIHIII!IHllll»ll1tllHliaill|UimHIIIHIItHHIHimHlBIUIIIIII!H Shop and 0ffic« Openings Production Machine Operators Lathe, Drill Press and Automatic Screw Machine Operators < ' - Gasket Packers - unskilled Some TrUnees with Metbantoftl Appiitode Typists cihd Clerks . 1&M» Tabulating Operator* SkUled Mwhim# OpanUw v'f «/lq ptai«3 OOHYa f • ' $5000 ia 1951 ' Apply: 9 fa 4, Mea. thru Fri,! f\9 to 12 Sat. BARCO MANUFACTURING CO. 500 N. Hough Street Harrington, Illinois | < • " • V 1 " ^ - i WANTED TO "BUY--Old wagon or buggy wheels. Ctfll WB3-R-1. 2 IMITATIONSr -- PLENTY! ~ DUPLICATES? -- NONE! -- No Other work shoes in the world made and tanned like, WOLVERINE SHELL HORSBHIDES! Soak them, freeze them--a day. a week, a year -- they dry put buckskinsoft, rh|no-tough- Try on a pair today at S MEN'S SBDP 206 S. Green Stre«€ McHenry, 111. $ COLEMAN BOTTLED GAS -- Do like hundreds of housewives do, use it for cooking, baking, refrigeration and water heating. Prompt service and deliveries. Vycital's Hardware and . Sheet Metal Shop. Call McHenry 98 today. 2-4 "Here's That Band Again" None other than £ #HE GOLDEN TONES" - at F>; ib tUymoor, Rt. 129 LTURDAY, MAY 2trd Broadway avenue in New York City is the longest street in the world. , f ,f Head fee What A4s SCLEROSIS WEEK Multiple sclerosis is a uiip» jpling, mysterious disease which attacked seme 250,000 Americans. No cure has yet besn found. To direct attention to i*e movement backing medical BSsearch designed to find an tt<i fective remedy for this ailment, Governor William Q. Stratton proclaimed May S4 at Multiple Sclerosis Week ia XHl» nois. "-1^1 . •--"**t 4%tt.*y;. r'i 'tl M - . • • .• IU:I1L -•--j u • . i f . .'f.'i.Tr*!--- Immediate (^esisp 4 : ... FtaU TUn# - Dwr Wi INCENTIVE PLAH WELDERS Flat Weldiag -- Pi) i inlaw 1 iSET-OP It!*? OPERATORS ',=^; iubk mm. vm in^- > : . MMg men met iimfeifly iBaMH||Ki°' 4wigr to Mr. DeTkonaa ; ( ^ Employmeat Offl^ _• ^ ; PACIFIC 8HSL »OURt PAHRINGEB BOAD tAVkBOAN, nxiNoas MICtMNIOWMIUMW ALL CARS R*co*4Uioa«d aad SaB with A WHtiMi Vunalf. You CANT Beat Thaw Prica* -- Anywhanl '51-DODGE 4-Qr. Sadas 0» »9<"pp«« $1S4S A Hit In Looks - Styla - PerformanW '51 -Stndabakar Tudor V-t M'™"1 $1495 Raal High Economy Plus Real '50 - DODGE Club Sedan <«-"* SlIOS A Beauty That's Perfect All WajTS '49-MERCURY Station Wagon ""i-oro $1045 An Ideal One Owner Utility Car For '49-FORD 4-Dooi S«du You Can't Miss On This Popular Model *•18-DODGE 4-Door Sedam (R-»-Equipped) teae As Clean As It Was When New - Perfect *995 •47 -CHEVROLET Town Sedan U7E You Take No Gamble If You Tafctf Thte One •47-FORD Tudor SwUn <««H) ttje You'll Never Find A Better Buy '46-PONTIAC 4-Dr. Sedan $575 You Buy Real Quality When You Buy This Tkaaa and A Wide Selection of Other Modela Mar Be Sean Aft m r. " *, . AS. BLAKE 901 E. PEARL, STBSET 1 --JKt -^s4 * ,«?r ^ t ***$'&• I h imalhartlfcyi'ys'rg

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