*•*&, :-t Wffl A "•«" V' t ^l 'C 'i(f/" "trw->^ "v® '>--.^'V-v* *fc.'-"'.' '"• '";' '* ;:V' r"!y' ' :--v";"i TOM* A|0 »t one time super "It of the Borden factor} been transferred fron Hhfcefleld ra, Wis. McHenry citizens whe the petitions for gas have ft letter from Congress rOopley informing them tha congressman will be in Illi ttets in a few days to give the ritttter hto personal attention, H. E. Buch opened his ice oraam parlor and confectionery rtore In the old Colby block or Wfcter •treet last Saturday. Mr Alfih conducted a similar business in the Buch block last sum mer. Work on the new Bowman bottling- plant at Ringwood is progressing very favorably. Tht wilding will be one of the largest and most substantial of iti kind in McHenry county. Brick, cement and steel will |t>e used in its construction. Hie program of the movies at the Central on Saturday evening at this week is as follows: "Courageous Blood," a Lubin western drama; "He Swore off Smoking,' an Edison comedy; "How Upset a Happy Family," an Edison comedy and "The Signal of Distress," a vitagr&ph drama. A petition is being circulated about town for the purpose of ascertaining how much tnoney can be raised by popular subscription for the purpose of purchasing oil for our streets. It was a jubilant bunch of Germans that left the ball yard last Sunday afternoon. That our German friends had good cause to be in that mood we do not dispute as they had the satisfaction that afternoon of once more hanging defeat over the of our young athletes. Ctapel Church News Atrro CHECK-UP AID TO . SAFE VACATION TRIP Preventive maintenance now, with a pre-trip auto check-up >an mean the difference between a. safe and a tragic vacation Yarns Chas. M. Hayes, president >f the Chicaao Motor club. Hayes explains that the win- .er months place a strain on all jars J old and new, which can esult in serious mechanical dif* acuities later on if they are neglected now. Among the chief points streamed by the Club president are liese: 1. Conditioning and tune-up of .he engine. 2. Complete lubrication and change of oil to summer grade 3. Draining1 antifreeze from the radiator ;v 4. Disconnecting Jfeeater and defroster A check of tlje ignition system should covcr inspection of he battery's acid level, cleanliness of the wiring, distributor, battery cable and terminals. The tarter switch and generator may need lubrication, and spark plugs may need adjustment, the Motor lub president warned. Since oil is cheaper than netal, make sure that your car given thorough lubrication. Wheel bearings should be repacked and the transmission and differential replaced with sumner- grade grease. If the car is "quipped with an automatic transmission, the level of the fluid should be checked. Door hinges, locks and other generally overlooked moving parts should also be lubricated. "Leave early, allow ample Mme to reach your destination," Hayes added, "but be sure your 'ights, windshield wiper, steering gear, horn, and brakes are In safe operation condition immediately before leaving. A defect in these could spell tragedy." We are glad to see some of the summer people coming back to this beauty spot In McHenry county. Especially do we appreciate that some of those friends have time and desire for things spiritual, which is indicated by their faithful attendance of worservices. We greet you Mends coming out from the cities on weekends or the entire summer season. We trust that the service we endeavor to render shall add to the joy and value of the time you are enabled to spend here. The next public meeting of the lfifisionary Guild will be held on Tuesday evening:, May 26. The JPiest speak-»r of the evening will be the ftev. Ebbe Bolin of Sweden. He will also present the beautiful colored film, "With Bible and Camera Through Swe den ln Summer Tims.** And remember that you are slvifays welcome to our Sanday Serrices at 11 a.m. and 7:30 pjn "DUSTY" RHOADES RESIGNS; L. BROWN v IS NEW POLICEMAN-- News from the City Council this week tells us that Clyde Dusty" Rhoades has resigned from the. McHenry police force. While the information did n-t tell of his plans, it is a safe bet that "Dusty" will continue in police work after his many years experience. Loran Brown, who has been a police officer at Marengo and Rockton, has taken over the duties of policing the parking meters. John Weichmann has been transferred to night duty. • III . a. V •• itr 4ACOB8EN CHILD HURT In the Wcnder Lake column, there appears an account of an accident in which a Munson child was injured when struck by an auto. Later information disclosed that the chito who was hurt was Thomas Jacobsen. CATTLE AUCTION • '- -- •• - - -- - -- Located on the Frank Ehrjfdt Farm, 6 miles West of flllljlfilli OL, ft mile East of lT«4o and RL 12, being, ftt the intersection of ftts. 09-A and 120, on ^TUESDAY NIGHT, MAY 26th Commencing at 8K» P. M„ D.S.T. 23 HEAD OF HOLSTEIN CATTLE - ^ First calf heifers, 2 fresh, balance close springers; 1 Holstein *** due in July; 1 Holstein cow mtiiriwy good. Be sure to attend this Sale, if you want choice and big Meets. vm FRANK EHREDT, Owner ft HEBM, Auctioneers • CO», CkrtL PHONE Iff KIDDIE RIDES! |1 , River Picnic Grove . Fox River Grove, Illinois • 1 OPENING j*; itr MAY 23rd! -- FH£E GIFTS FOR THE CHILDREN! -S " 40 Acres of Paradise! Plan Your Farity or Kg Group Picnic Here! Louis Oeraocky GARY 3621 tr IITjli II I iN v-* >4. InUBfc WhKfi Irtfc UATS HEAVENS- MOTHEk/ I THINK 1%\ ACTUALLY 6ETTIM6 A MUSCLE!! By AR'l BfifcMAN NOTHING BUT THE TUUTH kjtomkfPM | WHAT ARB >OU UP TO NOW, NATURE MERCY, CHILD// MXJ AAUCT^ WOftlOMS PLAMN6 HAftO/ THOSE % WERE THE BAYS 5UVWK4 COVINS- ^cm\0ET AU. MY MUSCtfS TOW60 M0W UP 11 VR «ke«4 av Snmui »n OIMIM, K L r s- BAfice, PKACTKbti a GOING WEST 5 By FRANK THOMAS * ALL SET. HOSSFACE? OKAiV, HOSSFACB ah^AO» -DROP'ER. HERE OKAY/ eVCN MUST m Of Doq Qruk, g.c. WHILE ONIV tS V6ARS svtmnm OF AGE, tH&ttqts Ofeofmbttwst SONNY SOUTH CATTLf KA&StSlh akVi mm. sick this M By COURTNEY ALDERSON thi Mteftc"--ik» kuqa MAVC *Clf?CLE'C,' WHICH Scientists are now VMOMCINO t>•.?: W A CLUE TH&T THE | ancestors OF mmSm >OFED MAMMALS// I Br A1 Smith AH THINK AH CAN MAKE IT N0W.6RANNV- ALL OP A SUDDEN AH PEEL MUCH BETTAH fOVNM* MCNIN, 6PANNY- AM PA\L« HATC T' MISS SCHOOL WITH EXAMS AN'ALL Q THAT TAtCt IS COMPRtSEDOF SERIOUS 364,000 AFTER PATIIS& A rOLLCCXJRSe. AN® THEN SOME, you DISCOVER THAT y*K) lEPT yout? wallet IN ANOTHER SUIT 1 By AL SMITH DO VATHINK HELL THE CEILINS WHEN HE SEES ME? HURRY RUSTY. STILL WAITING 11 i;. wr- J. % ; ',"VI-^r> • --X " -- ! >'•«§! •^•*2SK * s.- -i .WW LITTLE FARMER Byr KERN PEOERSON Uncle c A feller who has « car and fi kids Is called a pedestrian You hardly «yer learn taoch from folks who Jvst cone to set spell. » g There's nothio* easier to V>r- Yow than a cup of sogar. * • Some (nsbands anything aod others "anything. • Now since toe do have chlorophyll we don't need to live in a Millie Wright ?ays that likes a feller with a light s and a heavy pocketbook. f •. ».. »" Life always seems longer to: the feller who is arrays short • » Some fellers who' are alt OFF MAIN STREET By JOE DENNETT HOW'D VA LIKE THAT ? padlocked/ THEV DOHT TRUST ME! ONE LI'L SANDWICH WONT PUT ON MUCH WEIGHT 6RM* NOW I CHEESE OH-OH-ITS STARTIN'IN AGAIN.' LOOK A THAT HOT DOG WITH PICKLE RELISH 'N' MUSTA I CAN NEVER FALL as ASLEEP WHEN I'M ON A DIET/ I KEEP 5EEIN PICTURES OF FOOD ALL NIGHT LONG / wrapped up in themselves lee^ like the string broke AND MfiBAftW 0RANR SPAGHETTI AhiO . SAUSAGE / 9 sToP/r/ STOP/ mmwom •••Ei QPQ •a u QQaauBDa ••• UUQUtf QQQ JLiL on sioq a ••• aaau ••• ••• •DBB9 ••• fjaaa •••qu um ••• •••••••• auQC •••• ••• aaao ••aa ••• •••• ssipt «T TOM OKA ACROSS 1. Pau9» 5. Turf 8. Jab 12. Singing 13. Attempt 25. B« indabMd 26. Cnclatur* One who follows Malt b«v*ra<j« Crimscn Jewel 14. Greek civic qedoMt 32' jn|#t 15. Former Russian ruler 34 piateortt^ 16. Businesses 18. Ever 19. Young fish 20. Make amend* 21. Woody ptarrt ."3. Pronoun 24. Firm ,26. Companion 27. Distant 30. Feared 31. Obtain 35. Snoop v • - Part offlJWdSV Tip over Clip start S? Air (comb, form) Narrow pieot ol wood Dr Network Formerly ^6. Looked at 5 32. Part In play 33 Spread K>dw' «*,'• TV 34. Mcuee 3i. Heaped 36. Edge ol dr#K| , 37. Russian mourMla. range 38. Crate# 41. Secret agent , 42. Native metal « 45. Let's go 47. Pitchpr sr 48 SpoMk 49. Is 50. Allow 51. Cooking ' f" 52. Damp v 53. Worry GRANDPA'S BOY BY ARNIE MOSSLER Mkar^ DOWN" 1. Grade 2. Otherwise 3. Frightened DANNY 4. Craggy hill 5. Fixed 6. Drunken revrf;* «- 7. Co'or i'"*i 8. Agreements 9 Potpourri 10. Sharp II Com^rt 17. Tack ., 19. Gave food to 22. Free of £5 23 Head covennj| \\ >' L tTnkm Grove, Wls^