m IW vyj- '•.: j» 3* ^ „t. •» ity, ,' % , • ThurwUy, May 28.1953 >'WW V5" >, •...• ',f :^ " '" ^ ' " -:S" ' * " ' " '*•• : • .•* "•"' ' f*V? ,*' - **\ '* f i f •* *». ##»* ^ !»«• •>>•< *• - , • n * ' •'* '- | - "** , > i -1 • -V .< 4 • „ , •»-;* «. v. ; <• / W fi.. If „* 5;V * .! V" *•* -t i>-', > n. i 'tv*> ? T •-/,• «**' "> 'l ^^•'1 '<• •**<&£<'•' V'V-S! rl Ma 1 • %. H -k r.^r^> "<•'.• ?v »s t^rm -•»-^f: $y $•%*} vt 't/V " l'~ W-, X > ••',«* . * / ' *,<**• &&•*' '.••?• '""'wTrlV »• ' ' . ' I> ^'r>. V-»^. .-tr^ •.' T.'CyA"; YOU AN D YOUR FA MIL Y rrrpr' WHAT IS MTRA? "K l»v I.; i f ! / ^fc'. -^.-Tr The McHenry Township Recreation Association Is a non-profit corporetloii orgtoilzed by arttf for the of "McHenry Township for the purpose of coordinating present activities and anticipating' the recreational needs of the people at all age levels. Hie MTR^. is dedicated to the encouragement of all recreational activities, and to jxrovkle for the meana, sponsorship and guidance for any and all efforts aime^ toward that purpose. .-•- J.-" - ••- •' - ^ ^ 'ill " ' : - " • • • : " • • •/ ' . . i w i r S i a S i u S l ' .• • • . : . . v . . . . • ' • • . . . . WAS MTRA ORGANIZED? Commerce, The McHenry Township Board, The School Board for District 186, and the l^reekieiit of tfc» Village of Lakemoor. fe- # Under the By-Laws of the MTRA it is mandatory that at least one representative from each of the unincorporated populated areas in the township such as Wonder Lake, McCullom Lake and Johiuburg, also be elected to the Board of Directors. a; - This assures township wide representation on MTZ^A's Board of Directors. > . MTRA was organised by a group of citisens who •»» convinced mat this community l<riU benefit grotty from an organized program of tfveraiAed recreational activities that will appeal to our people itt tfae various age-level brackets. n\ ' - - > • ' " 4 ' S ' ^ V - • • .*•* '•'*'•• . iirf The Board of D^-ectors or its Executive Committee will act upon requqests from fts Advisory Board, future » ' Citizens' ClUb, or general membership, to determine the need for, and possible advisability of certain reereational activities. Whenever any activity is decided upon by the Board, the paid pmfnsslfiisl diractoy tf , coordinator of activities will be ordered to proceed to organize and promote the project. " r ^ HOW ViriLL MTRA OPERATE? ORGANIZED MTRA? The P.T.A. started the ball rolling when it called a mass meeting early last January to discuss the subject out of this meeting, attended by several hundred people, the following persons organised a Citizens' Cosnmittee to study the problem from all angles. ! |fcR»'- City Cleric: EARL It. WALSfi ,,, Mayor: GEO. P. FREUND ' Judge: ARNOLD J. RAUE|- (1K 1 BLAKE, A. S. - McHenry BUCKIE, J. - MCHenry CREAMER, D. R. - McHenry FftEUND, Q. P. - McH«iry HEIDE, F. W. - McHenry KAUSS, (Mia J. - McHemy LApY, COL. H. E. - McHenry LONG, O. - McHenry ROESCH, J. A. • McHenry SMITH, HENRY J. - McHenry WALSH, E. R. - McHenry AUDINO, A. - Wonder Lake HUNT, HAROLD - Wonder Lake iiliDREAS W. HOGAN, Mrs. JOHN - Rlngwood AUFRECHT, W. - McCullom Lal|i MlcDERMOTT, Mrs. C. F. - KICHL, C. - Lakemoor RAUEN, A J. - Pistakee Bay VAUPELL, H. H. • Griswold Lake SMITH, F. J. • Johnsburg WILL MTRA INTERFERE WITH ESTABLISHED PROGRAMS OF OUR SCHOOLS AND CHURCHES? No. it will not! On the contrary, MTRA will serve as a clearing house for coordinating and promoting present and future recreational activities of our schools aad churches. MTRA will "fUl the gape" to give us * well-rounded out program of leisure-time activities for all interested citisens. MTRA is now screening applicants preparatory to employing a full-time, experienced prof--tonal Ram tion Director. This full-time director's first job will be to organise aj»d put into effect a program of outdoor summer activities for school-age children. By fall and winter, he will have programs appealing to A wider range of age levels. Eventually a full scale program will be oper^tinf wi^T ftctivi^ -ftt* After months of research and many hours of weekly meetings this group applied for and was granted, a all •..^4 rw&- '.*• state charter to operate IfTRA as a non-profit corporation. •0 IS MTRA A READ WHAT PEOPLE ABOUT- M T RA ,iv t t No! Recreation Association are in operation to thousands of communities large and small throughout the .nation. Some communities have Park Districts which are the same thing except that they are tax supported programs. Many of our neighboring towns and dtles have already'Bad recreation organizations fuaoOnnhig suecasaftfty f i for Jim*. To name just a Mw: Ehranston, Wilmette, Wbmetka, Waukegan, fAiis(|»lBo and ^ WHY do we NEED mtra? In this complex civilisation we live in today, you and I have some leisure time to enjoy some form of ipfe reation of our own choosing, -- bat we don't have Hie time necessary to organize It. ', The result is that we are forced to spend our leisure time along the lines promoted and established fey commercial interests when we'd really rather be enjoying something else, more of ^r own choosing. What about the street dances, hay rides, skating parties, field days, community picnics and the host of other recreational activities not sponsored by commercial interests, that were so widely participated in and enjoyed not so many years ago ? They've all fallen by the wayside because eveiybody is too busy to be able to spend the time to organize and promote non- commercial activities. Maybe you'd like to be active with a small group of artists and would-be artists, or a basket-weaving group, or with other archery enthusiasts, or any one or more of hundreds of activities too numerous to list. You'd like to spend a couple of hours a week enjoying some particular form of leisure time activity with a group of others who tike the same thing -- but you don't know who they are or how to get such a group organized. These are problems being met and, s o l v e d by c o m m u n i t i e s which have o r g a n i z e d r e c r e a t i o n a l programs flNH*' tioning under the supervision of a paid, full-time professional Director of Recreation. Today, we either do without activities we donl have time to organize oursehre -- or We hire someone to Jf the organizing for us. „ That is what MTRA proposes to do -- hire a full time professionally trained, experienced director of recreation whose job will be to organize and promote all recreational activities desired by the residents of HOW IS MTRA ORGANIZED? A Board of Directors, an affiliated Organization's Advlsary Board and a Future Citizens' Club comprise tfee three functioning bodies of the MTRA. The Future Citizens' Club is the high school student body's organization in the MTRA. It is organised with ^Clarence F. Anglese of the high school teaching staff acting as permanent advisor to the club wfiKh has its jown officers and will function as a separate club as well as have two of its elected members serving regular Iterms on the MTRA Board of Directors. ^The affiliated Organization's Advisary Board is made up of two appointees from each of the social, civic, v |^V»fraternal and religious organizations in the township which are- or may in the future become memberf in -the MTRA. Six members of this Advisory Board will be elected to the Board of Directors of MTRA. The Board of Directors of MTRA is now made up of the original organizers listed in No. 3 above; the |gpe ~l'electe<i directors from the Future Citizens' Club as well as the (•) six directors from the Advisory Board; and five directors appointed one each by the following--Mayor of the City of McHenry, The Chamber of ,1^ ._-.nn .-J ' -• . . '• -fr' * 1 , . *i •• _ .. . Msgr. NIX, $ays> ..v "MTRA is a great undertaking desefviftg every civic organisations." as watt as Rev. J; ELLIOT CORBETT, soys . "The MTRA program can be of great benefit to the physical, social an4 moral development of the dMMrpi and young people of our area." < ;>** r£; % - f . . v j » ' ' * ^ • * * Fafher McGOWAN, says . . . v "MTRA is taking the 1st step in developing a recreation program worthy of all our to our young people to provide dean healthful recreation." -vit m * t' .7 Warden JOS. E. RAGEN, IHnob State Prison, says • • • when in McHenry several weeks ago to apeak to the Men's Club, said: "I'm happy to note tJWt MJMiiy area is developing a worth while recreation program. Such programs in operation in other cnmumttlea hewe ViolruxH mlnimitfl d»Hnn»i>wv 11 - r Five months of research and planning by many citizens of McHenry Township have gone into the develep* ment ot MTRA. Th» Association has the support o^ all chufches, and social and «Me the area. '/ ^ j • '• J It takes money to support a program of this magnitude. However, the cost to the individual is only1 niiii(MflK1 of a couple of pennies per week. Finances to support the program will be derived from the sale of memberships in the MTRA -- and from the proceeds of benefit affairs organized by affiliated organisations and MTRA itself. r A Membership Drive wiU( be jmt on In the vary near future. Help the cause along by *t*ing tho soUdWr a dollar in exchange for your reflatsred membership cardand get out and wpport the benefit fingrspw of affiliated organizations. t MTRA CAN GO A LONG WAYS TOWARD MAKING McHENRY TOWNSHIP AN EVEN BETTER PLACE TO LIVE A#? RAISE A FAWI^Y. UgyP T^ f^JJSE BY JOINING MTRA NOW! ± This Page Donated By The Following Civic Minded Vt • W - • 4DMIBAL CORPORATION Dm ui Frost SUwjI* i • CLARK CHEVROLET SALES 304 W. Dm (Sjfcrest /* -- S O I E . P e a r l 8 t r e e t BUSS MOTOR SALE* • v ttl.W. Mate SMi WNS N ASH SALE3 415 W. Earn Street JOHNSON TOOL & BSFG. CO. KS* "West THE KENT CORPORATION 11S N. Riverside Drive GARAGE «*- Wpys Salft 004 Front Street Street McHENRY LUMBER COMPANT , •. til m* Main Btre^^f? McHENRY SAND & GRAVEL GO. 000 Fnmt 8treefe RAINBOW CLEANERS Ami Omw Nerth at ITilliH H| SKYLINE OUTDOOl • %:««a» ef w ;i#>