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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 4 Jun 1953, p. 2

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Anli lfeeund May 24 |dra Ann, infant <?^ughter of IKr and Mrs. J arrives (J. Freund wma christened on ^ay 24 at St. Mary's church by Pr. Reu- „ land. Sponsors were Mrs. George -M. \ Preund and Lcren Freund. Dinner was served later at the James Preund home. Guests inas installing officer. Games were enjoyed following the installation rite. A picnic was planned, to be held June 24 at the Wilmot park. Mothers of members are invited and cach family is to bring a did) ,*to pass. TEACHERS' EXAMS eluded the sponsors and Mr. and ^^^^^^Lir^the of- *Mrs. George P. Freund, the paternal grandparents; Mr. and Mrs. Ben Freund, the maternal grandparents, and the George M. Freund family. v Art Hetitwiiefo JMlver Wedding Day Mr. and Mrs. Art Henschel of Riverside Drive observed their bilver wedding anniversary Tuesday of this week. The previous | award qF Q ^ A evening, accompanied by their. ( • - twin 1 fice of R. L. Tazewell, county Superintendent of Schools, Court House. Woodstock, on Friday, :-#une 12. starting at 9 a.m. Anyone intending to take this examination, please notify the county Office no later than June 4. DARLENE ANDREAS WON SPORTSMANSHIP daughter, Lorrayne. and sons, Ralph and Ray, they celebrated the occasion by enjoying a few hours at the Chez Paree. Lorrayne and Ray reside in McHenry. Ralph is "on a twentyday furlough from duty with the Air Corps and next Friday Will leave for service overseas. •* . "Three Seniors i To Give Party > A party is being five® by Pat | Owen, Sally Nye and Barb f Glcrney for the seniors and their £ friends «§ Friday evening, June " I 5. at the^ American Legion, home . following the commencement pro- . ".gram. '• ;v DannMj. will be enjoy*# and f Refresh n^Bts served. • Circle Iggl^aas ' •••. . --•--•-- ^--••iJFlMhiona^lsvwp' . ------- Circle 1 of thp W.S.C.S. is sponsoring a style revue of sport tuid play clothes and afternoon frocks at the V.F.W. clubhouse jjn Thursday, June 11, at 1 p.m. ;eeds Will benefit the Metho- ••jm T ' tProce tfttst church building fund. The . *how is t^emg planned by Betty K" " JJielsen, Who is in charge of prohiding outfits for the models. • i *Present to show what the ... - --- t-F t|\is co Marten Darlene Andreas was selected by a vote of the membership ct the Girls Athletic association to receive the coveted sportsmanship award at the annual banquet held Wednesday evening of last week in the high school cafeteria. The dinner is held each spring to honor those girls who have participated actively in numerous sports throughout the year. Pins in recognition of time spent in the various phases of the g i r l s ' s p o r t s p r o g r a m w e r e awarded by Miss Maurie Taylor, gym instructor. jennifu- Houda, chairman of Of Georgia Hurricane the board, acted as mistress of ' ceremonies and Kate Freund, president of the G. A. A., gave a on the work of the 'Organization. Surprise of the evening came when it was announced that was held on Memorial Day. Miss Kathryn Kortendick of Woodstock spent Sunday in McHenry and attended Baccalaureate services at the high school in the evening. Miss Mary Ann Bolger and a friend of Rosary college spent the weekend at the home of her mother, Mrs. John Bolget. Mrs. Molly Vollmer of Chicago is spending a week with her niece and family, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Jensen, and son. Miss Esther Siegmfeier of Crystal Lake spent Decoration Day at the Nchert Yegge home. In the afternoon. Miss Siegmeier and Mrs. Yegge attended a reunion of their high school cla«s at the Woodstock city park. It was the first reunion the diss has he}d since their graduation. Out of fifty-one members, only one has died. Mrs. John Sullivan spent Memorial Day at the home of her son, John, at Woodstock. ~~ Terry Krueger, who has been attending Wyler Military academy, Evansville, Wis., and during the winter months was at Ft. Lauderdale, Fla., returned home last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Roche and three sons ot Rockford visited in the No*b#jrt Mauph Sunday. Fred J. Muellers Tell • * I Miss Virginia Williams of the Class of 194? had been named to receive the citizens' award, given to a former G. A. A. member who is voted by the girls as having best maintained after graduation the many qualities which members strive to attain. Miss Williams is second winner of the award, which was given lady Will be wearing 1 ou^ jor ^ first time last year, season will be Karen Miss Patricia Rosing, a sophodi Roesch, Carol and j more was awarded the beautiful rvidson, Carol Per- tennjB trophy# having won in the finals from a senior. Doris 8*uer. * '» Announcement was, made' of next year's officers, who include Adele Schmitt, president; Donna Dowe; vice-president; Dorothy Hiller, chairman of the board; and Carol Engh, treasurer. Kathy Vissin, Mrs. ^ ^ Anthony Var ese, Mrs. Chris Jepsen, Mrs. William Edmeier, Mrs. Fred Wahl, Jr., Mrs. Jack Buckie, Sfers. Diane BaUotti and Mrs. wMr Haug. Mrs. HBce Barbian will „ fur nish m Mr. and Mrs. Fred J. Mueller of Warner Robbinsf Ga., visited Mr. and Mrs. Earl J. Rees and Mr. and Mrs. Emil Simon, Jr.. a few days last week. The friends and relatives of Mr. and Mrs. Mueller were happy to learn that they escaped unhurt in the recent hurricane disaster which struck Warner Robbins. They were also pleased and proud to hear of the fine work Mr. and Mrs. Mueller had dope toward helping .many cf their less fortunate neighbors and townsfolk who were left injured, hungry and homeless following the storm. Mrs. E. G. Siemon returned to her home in Shalimar last week after a month's trip to Ireland. She was . accompanied p¥- her daughter, who is an airline stewardess. Marion Sd» Hi Juvenile Foresters. A pot-luck supper and installation of officers of Juvenile Forester members was held last week at the school hall. The following were installed: Marion Blake, JBl|ief ranger; Dolores Blake, |l$e-chief ranger; Marilyn Andergqfai: secretary; Patty Miller anefgftenise Justen conduct- |ette Freund and Eiflag bearers; Frances Joann May, sentinels. Freund presided at for the installation, :e Schmitt and Ruth lenstill acted as escorts. Mr£ Helen Weber served CARD OF THANKS I W"t>uld like to take this opportunity to thank all my relatives, friends and neighbors for Tuesdays are Queen Days In flowers, cards letters and pray- McHenry. Some special event Is er8 while I was confined to the planned that day each week ua- hospital at Indianapolis. They til the finals, which win be of' all meant very much to me. particular Interest to candidates. 4 MRS. CHRISTINE BREFELD leen W Blake while Mr. and Mrs. Adolph 1$ lom Lake, celebrated their last month, the party hfayi: daughters, Vincent Erb*n» Ranos and Minnie kairest residents of KnoUweod, McCulen Wedding Anniversary early 'Wen planned by their son and four Schereck, Mary Sorce, Dorothy . and Mrs. Erban also have thirteen grandchildren and six gjpat-gTandchildren. Mr. Ertoan was employed" hy Inte,rnatipnal Harvester for thirty-three years, retiring eig^t-years' ago. His hobbies include fishing and gardening. : The Ertans returned rtiCemjtly from Chicago to McCullom Lafce, where they have reafml. for ten years. Mass was read in honor Of tile couple at Sacred Heart church on the anniversary date May 9, after wihch there was a family breakfast. An evening reception was enjoyed. About 300 guests were present at the celeiW*tk>tt. The Erbans were mfended* 1| the same church fawhich the . anniversary Mass was O.E.S. OBSERVES WORTHY MATRON AND PATRON NIGHT Worthy matron's and worthy patron's night at the O.B.8. chapter brought Edna Enstrom of Elgin to McHenry. Margaret Klingberg was chairman of refreshments committee. A large attendance from distant points marked the annual event among the happy meetings. Edna Enstrom was guest of honor. Guest officers were Grace Foley of Richmond, worthy matron; Frank Foley, worthy patron; Lydia and L: Klamin of Harvard, associi matron and patron; Edwa Anderson of Nunda, secretary? and Lewellyn Gray of Dundee, treasurer. Conductress and associate ' cond u c t r e s s , r e s p e c t i v e l y , w e r e Venus NienoW of Barrington ahd Ruth Romer of Glenview. Mabel Nicholson of Capron was chaplain; William Vacin of Marengo, marshal; and Alexis Ziegler of Woodstock and James Nichols n of Capron, warder and sentinel. Esther Hakansson of Nunda was soloist. Ethel Gobel of Hebrcn served as Esther; Lillian Schroeder of Woodstock, Martha; Geneva Lommele of Dundee, Electa. Mabel Johnson ' was organist; Alyce Hoeft, Adah; Katie Harrison, Ruth; all of McHenry. Mrs. Klingberg, with her com ;Wttee, arranged for serving a Refreshing salad in an iris-filled dining room Bet with tables trimmed in silver and pink. ' The next meeting will take place on June 9 at Acacia hall at 8 o'clock. This will be Members' Night. Mr. "ajsd Mrs. Donald Brenjsr pt Arlington Heights atp the parent* of a son, David' RHr, born May 22. Mrs. Brener is the former' Miss Amy Harrison of Ringwood. A son was born on May 29 to Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Donahue of Huntley. Mrs. Huntley was Miss Carol Harrison of Bingwood before her marriage. Mr. and Mrs. Chancey Harrison are tho grandparent* of both the Brener and Doftuhue infants. A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Benoy on May 27. Mr: And'Mrs. Vale Adams are the parents their third son, tjor.n May 27 at( tlie Woodstock hospital. . A girl was born May 27 at the WoodstpoH hospital to Mr. and Mrs. William Kreutzer. DltHUIIHIWiniUIHiniKHItnH!IM)MIUHUmi(NIUUHW AMONG THE SICK miitfiitiiuuitniiHiiniMimiiiminiumiiHHWiimiffiW . William B. Tonyan entered the Villa Best H6me on Junev 1. He was visited by his daughter and busband Mr. and Mrs. William Michels (Esther Tonyan) of Denver, Colp., and Other relatives last week. . Mins Beverly eilsh, Staff Sgt. James McKinnon of Calgary, Canada, Mr. and Mrs. A. <'. Kannenperg, Mr. and* Mrs. Bill Padget, Mr. and Mrs. John Padget and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Pitockie spent the hokday weekend at the home 6f Mr. and^Mrs Neil Blish of Elroy, Wis. 5 Mrs. Robert Becker and Miss Beverly Blish attended the Cub3 ball game in Chicago recently. --• ---- 1 G r a d u a t i o n Mr * pr. -fm 103 S. Green St Phone 40 The McHenry Garden club, in,Matt Brawn, Frank its second year, is functioning j John Blake cheerfully like a veteran orgairtiation ana is fulfilling its responsibilities as a federated chapter in the Oat* den Club of Illinois. It has been well represented by various groups of members at all qC the official meetings. Mrs. Gedrge H. Johnson Is the representative of the McHenj-y Garden club In . the Chicago Plant, Flqwer and Fruit gllijd. The purpose of the guild is to distribute flowersH fruit, toys, Jams, jeltteB, soap--in' fact anything that will provide cfcfter and enjoyment to patients in hospitals and homes for veterans, children , and the aged. Mrs. Johnson, with the cooperation of the club members, has succeeded in making regular collections of thege items and shipping them to the appropriate institutions. The planning and cost of landscaping of the grpunds qf the M c H e n r y P u b l i c l i b r a r y h a s been undertaken by the Garden club; the foundation planting of fine specimens of evergreens has already been done. Mrs. Fred their time and expert In planting the eve member^ pf the well as the Garden* grateful them for rosity. /• |'m The second Show will be hel{f on Aug. 21, and SatwdHjr, at t^ie McHenry Cor school. Plans are pleted for ft compreh4naiv»I«iow and will be announced 1^ advance in the Plaindealer. Pointed schedules will also be available. The interests of the eomziiAntty have been foremost in the |^a^- ning of the show and all local gardeners are invited to exhibit The May meeting of the harden club was held is the ne^r home of Mis. Betty Nielsen^ The members agreed to concentrate on business at hand,' before adjourning to delicious refreshments and a minute inspection of the beautiful house .and garden. The next meeting will be held cn Tuesday, June Lieberson an<f several other j 30, at 1:30 at the home of Mrs. members personally selected and'Nicholas Partipilo, Regner Road, carted the majterial. Mewrs. Pistakee Baa^'. - - rs H' ---- r--r : )•. • » -1;» '.yi'w. BatdUty, III EVERYDAY tyNGUAGE WWS WHAT IT MEANS to YOU The few steps necessary to open an account with us take little time. A few simple forms to fill > out... a few questions to answer < ...identification, if you are unknown to us--then you are C ready tq pay your bills by check. A checking account here will help you to spive time and hill-paying tripe; carry funds safely; and keep ! orderiy records of your finance®. «• wiMu aew dip«c)tirs-ciiM to art op* your accwiti McHENRY STATE BANK MEMBER FEDBRAL RESERVE SYSTEM INTEREST PAID ON SAVINGS DEfPOSITS PHONE 1040 Do you taww fin# ^ I Allstnto before ^ you buy Auto Insurance ^ ** All£tate is nationally famous f fpr its fast, fair ciaim Bettlej^- isents and savings to |>°licjjw holders. Ask about A1 -"4 O •o»l*f-to-onderttoml poUey. O 14 added b«n«fih at no •xtra ; - O Spaciql low rates for farmer* • Nationwide' claim service rMAIL THIS COUPON NOW! ! FRANK E. LOW, Agent » • 209 Maple Ave., McHenry/HL| \ Phone: 1004 ! « ¥ a It can set yuu atingle with thrill* It can move from zero to legal speed quicker and quieter than any Buick before it--and with the utter smooths ftess of a gull in glide--because this Js a 1953 Buick with the spectacular getaway of Twin-Turbine Dynaftow* r'^jft can loaf easily up a long steep hill " 4-swoop instantly ahead when there's Safe passing to be done--or whisper, along at highway pace with throttle. arely open -- because this is the uick powered with the world's mostv vanced V8 engine, with record* igb compression of 8.5 to 1. t can surround you with/comfort, luxury, restful ease. It can velvet a rough road with ksT even softer all-coil-spring cushioning' k--track true on curves with its solid torque-tube steadiness--handle like '# flyrod with its Power Steering? -- ' gentle to a precis* halt with H* f ow^r Br<tkes.\ 4*d it can seat you in the superb com- , fort of truf spaciousness -- because this big and brawny beauty is the • Quick SUPER Riviera Sedan -- roomhst six-passenger sedan made in love alt, i&li cat can give you Supreme value--more room, comfort, power and thrill for the money than you can find elsewhere. Why not come in and see it, drive it, Compare it? We'll be happy to •rrange masters. -. ^Standard on Roadmt&er, 6ptittnS 0 ftfw ,'C#st on other Series, tAvailable at additional it$st on Super and Roadtnaster models only. jyfytoo^ Ireof-lfre BUIQK CttCUS HO«Wy fourth Tuesday ..... \ I Without obligation, please J send me rates and full de- | • tails On Allstate Auto Insur J ance. • Name ... • Addresi ........ I CJty State Woodstock residents and those liviog nearby can see, or phone their •Allstate Agent -- GEORGE W. FRANCKE tfi Douglas Ave., Woodstock, 111. , f Phone: 1898 m Good Handt with Ipisim VV IMSHKANCC COMfAKY KnU anJ Ce. 'niemed igbaWtery ol Soon, to«buck ord I »W» and Uebtlttim ditHncl and Mporal* SSrantcoape*. HatMOWattChicete.lH. ' • "W t f": 69 Here is die finest xjuslity in iiousc fialnt--Martin-Senour vWonaxgh Paint--gives you years of beauty and protection--and •that's not all! With 6 gallons of Monarch, House Paint you get FREE this high quality, ptue nylon, tipped, 4* brush, worth fit least $5.95, a saving of beftet than 15% on your purchase. But hurry! This offer is for a tlmi'ted" time only, ao come Ja SPECIAL 2-0 6-Feesesger Se*W MODfcl 48D MODEL 52 (illustrated] Twin-Turbine Pynottow ami Power Sleefing as stand ord equipment at no extra co«t Optional tqulpmtni. o<c«uori«s. slal* ana local taxes, if any. additional. Pticos may vary illgktly in adjoining commtomfiM today toe die finest in psint-f to tapping charges. All prictt tubitcl to chongt wijhoul notice. Mpnarch House Psint, pltu iiiA bu "special offer" brush! ' Wfceii beWSf sKwiiMw we kmh BUICK wfl MM Hum fj " > 'i m r i; INK IRUffitr Mw-Tm Flat Tin luxury looir for' ALWAYS Excailoiit for wollr. Mi and c*ying> wtth Moro b durable hlfh flleHenenelrariMery IN SS SRUT YEASS b°rt*oom i<«*fn«.*asy-lo-opBlr »lo»» for Worior »»rf«c«-- ono coeT and kttdMn. ta^y to cm. Smart d«corator or «ilwk>r uH-Miy covors--solf-Uvoline CAREFUltr Pt£»it b£* *V rI"ly fW-0 y10o*u rf ?Ho °m*e w b,aut* loonudw a-- ftfllol*nvfol liva«it ipfirBic--«! Tkrayv Iaf It no brwlt »ork£ ' V' - -- "• p.; R. 403 FRONT STREET McHENRY, ILLINOIS ,r»^,ynul^r.UIU,.r,,,n11>tir,n|||||nH|H||)|t)|M)|t|1| «OAOMASTfR 44M> S >ni»ger kivtera Ma MODEL 72R

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