*• .< - ? ^ K ***• * • • > , „ -i, ' * "' „ * *•* /i'^r -'-rf"i- *-,?•> 1%A\<£ VPJ- >sj Thumfay, Jm, h, r,.W:W-' - «i< : • * 9K3WW * 5p.^U 'J »^'*'U|llf|l ^ The worfhen's five-hundred club out of town were from Chicago *** entertained in the home of Mrs. E. E. Whiting at Richmond Wednesday. A 1 o'clock dessert luncheon was served., Prizes were awarded to Mrs. Viola' Low and lira. Louis Hawley. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Donahue oC Huntley are the parents of a «9n, born May 29. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Brenner of Arlington Heights are the parents of a son b<rn May 22. Mr. and Mrs. Okancey Harrison are the' proud grandparents. The Bunco club was entertained in Ums home of Mrs. Nick Ycung %t McHenry Thursday afternoori. Prizes were awarded to Mrs. Geo. Shepard, Mrs. Lizzie t Thompson and Mrs. Thomas Doherty. Mr«. ( Grac^ McC&nnon has •old her home, to Barl Shaler of Woodstock. Paul Stephenson baa sold his mother's hoiW to Mr. and Mrs. L. Ortlieb of Pistnkee Bay. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Hawley have sold theif home to Edwal Laboratories and are building a new home. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Hunt held open houAe in the church hall Tuesday evening in honor of their daughter, Lois, who graduated from tthe eighth grade and Louise, whojis a graduate of the McHenry high school with the class of 1953. Installation of* officers of the evening and afternoon W.S.C.S., was h^ld at the church Wednesday evening with Mrs. Sample as ' installing pfficer. Refreshments > and a social evening followed. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bowman entertained a party of relatives and friends at ^ the home of he" parents, Mr. arid Mrs. John Ehlert. Friday evening in honor of the graduation frdta the McHenry high * school of their daughter, Nancy. Guests from Twin Lakes, Richmond, Boners Lake, Kenosha ahd Wilmot. Mrs. Georgia Thomas and son, Ix>ren, of Woodstock were callers in the George Shepard home Tuesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Glauser spent the weekend at Berne, Ind.t where they attended a family reunion. Mrs. Mildred Munshaw of Elgin „ spent the week with Mrs.: Grace McC&nnon. * Mr. and Mrs. George Shepard left Saturday fcr Memphis, Tenn., to visit their son, Howard, and family. Mr. and Mrs. Earl McDougal of Vista, Calif., are visiting their unole and aunt, Mrs. Walter Glauser. Mrs. Viola Low and Mrs. Walter Wilcox were Elgin visitor? Tuesday. Miss Virginia .Jepson Blcomington is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Walkington. Mrs. John Hogan and Mrs. C. L. Harrison attended Home Bureau- at the home of MrS. Condon at Wonder Lake Tuesday. Mrs. Louig Hawley and daughter, Marian, spent Tuesday afternoon at Crystal Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Pete Sebastian and Mrs. Cora Wobds spent Sunday, June 1, at the Robert Woods home at Genoa City and attended the grandson's graduation party and also the christening of the Woods' granddaughter. Jack Dewey of Armstrong in visiting his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Ben WaJkington. Mrs. Clark Huson of Elgin passed away at her home Tuesday evening. She was the stepmother of Mrs. Ben Walkington. She was buried in Ringwood cemetery Friday. Rev. Tilman Arnstutz cf India spent Monday night with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Qletiaer. | Charles Carr of Hines hospital spent from Thursday until Sunday with his parents* Mr. and Mrs. Lester Carr. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Berg visited relatives at Union Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Low and family attended Milk Day at Harvard, Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Charles of Woodstock were visitors in the Oscar Berg home, Saturday. Mrs. Shepard will be on vacation for the next two weeks. Anyone having news they would like printed in the Plaindealer is asked to Call 170. DAYU08T SAVING A record number of Illinois municipalities are observing daylight saving time this year. Out of the state's total of 1,157 incorporated and thirty-three un- Mr. and incorporated cities, towns and villages, 580 have adopted it for 1953, which is an increase of twenty-four over last year. The totals for the five preceding 0f years were: 1952, 556;. 1951, 517; 1950, 487; 1949, 518; 194Sr 511. In most instances, daylight saving time went into effect on Sunday, April 26, and will continue until central standard time is resumed on Sunday, Sep£. 27. . . To FCC For Channel' 11 Three out of four traffic accidents happen in clear weather on dry roads. . Saturday is the most dangerous day of the week tn traffic. Excessive speed was the principal cause oit traffic accidents in 1952. V.* ^ v . '-V ' The Chicago Educational Television association has announced that it has forwarded to the Federal Communications Commission in Washington its application for the assignment of Channel 11 to Chicago as an educational television station. Edward L. Ryerson, president of the association, in making the announcement, said that the drive for funds to establish and maintain the station will be extended beyond the original date of June 2. The Chicago application will include the fact that nearly $500,000 of the $1,100,000 needed for Channel 11 has been pledged to date. Of the $500,000 nearly $175,- 000 has been contributed by the public so far; $150,000 pledged by the Ford Foundation and $150,000 by the Board of Education in the fcrm of facilities. Originally, the June 2 deadline was set by Channel 11 sponsors to conform to an FCC ruling that television channels for non-commercial use would be reserved until then. New, however, this has been changed. Ryerson said advices j from Washington now indicate that such reservations can continue for sometime. Quoting from a recent public notice issued by the FFC, Ryerson stated, "The Commission held that because educational institutions require more time than commercial interest* £0 V PLAINDEALER •^prepare for television, a reservation of channels is neces.sr.ry to insure that such stations actually oome into existence. Therefore, the decision of the FCC, was to extend the time limit to give educational television organizations a longer period to prepare for applications^" Ryerson said he was confident that the PCC would look with favor on Channel 11's status in view of the strong showing made financially and the progress made in organizing a beard of control, advisory committees, surveys on programs and the fact that excellent studio facilities would be available at Manley Vocational high school. "Moreover, I'm certain the FCC will be delighted to leafn of the enthusiasm that has been exhibited in the scores of communities in the 60-mile radius that Channel Xi will serve," Ryerson said. "We nave but to tell them of the many different neighborhood and community • fund-raising projects yet to be "held to illustrate the intensity of interest in Channel 11 as an educational TV station here in Chicago. "Although, we have an impressive application to submit to the FCC and we have no doubt that we will be granted a license." Ryerson said that Channel 11 sponsors are prepared to put the station into operation in about eight months after the FCC license is granted. The station will probably operate six days a week, five hours a day. In a bulletin to workers advising them of the extension cf time, Ryerson urged all communities and special committees: "1. If your drive did not cover Why Buy Before You Try A Free Demonstration of the • • j-i BUTCH'S 'SAVE MONEY ON TOUR CAR _ Regilar.. check., ops., sad Maintenance by oar experts •leans lower ear easts for W* Dor Complete Motor 309 W. Elm Street Phone 811 YDUB 24 Hour TURTLES 1RAMO JOint ^ MAS! OHl» t« FAMED JAC0BSEN' In Your Own Yard? i1* . y »[S. . V •' HETTERMANN'S SINCLAIR SERVICE SHONE: JOHNSBURG 413-1 your entire area, we softest a "clean-up" campaign, 2. Where campaigns ire now just getting started, we hope campaign workers will make intensive but unhurried calls now that the pressure of a deadline has been lifted. 3. We recommend thorough coverage of potential larger givers who may have been overlooked." Mr. Ry&son praised the work done so far by the enthusiastic support of several hundred thousand volunteer workers, saying: "The prompt and energetic response of the citizens of the entire area enables us to forward Thlrt our application for jj U> Washington, confident that we f have' met all the basic renuli e rfments of the FCC." T RESCUE EFFORTS Friends of Martin Stoffel haft, called it to the attention of flfr Plaindealer that young Danie Schultz, who drowned over tht Memorial Day weekend at Me- Cullom Lake, is the third persar Mr. Stoffel has taken from waters in this vicinity in hU long residence here. Unfortunately, although the body was recovered in a short time, it was impossible, to revive the 5•yearold boy. Tf'"1 0 Featherweight Powerhouse WESTINGH0USE PERSONAL"PORTABLE RADIO i'#! .t -'j}'tSii&SlJii'& fits like a tyx>k in your luggage or g"i+/»aco Woighc locc than 3 lbs. * - . PLUS.!. Handsome 1 e a t h er carrying extra cost At 110 ••' > " -.m PLUS... Full compliment of, hatteneS) at no extra cost. p " v- A $38.55 Value lor ^ v<Mt only *29.95 act now! Save Lee & Ray Electric 516 MAIN STREET PHONi JBB: McHenry, I1L Residence 91-R SOLGER'S DRUG STORB OREEN im^ET ,v,' PHONE 40 MeHENBY, ILl» ! We give and redeem Gold Bond Stamps. 'ft mon Formerly Known As The 1 PARK VIEW LOUIKE < % , • Rt 134 across front fjAke County Wrestling Arenn f t | . ; wiMi -r^w--• i T * •• ' ' - i • •• »>•* . . v-n, -• .i s- Ti-f . a»Vv3-t' -ri&vb'i " -c' •v _. • THE MANAGEMENT ^ " CORDIALLY INVITES . ; ALL THEIR FRIENDS ,vi?t / IN V.: J*-: ^jrfcHENni|:;j17 - •: • AND •' f- ' SURROUNDING TERRITORY TO TASTE THE " £' • ' ' r V, . . , BEUCIOUS FOODS - U S -f: • AND . ' FINE LIQUOR ? SERVED AT TOE . , PERFECT LEMON On Route 134 , i ' A c r o s s F r o m T h e t#4KE COUNTY WRESTLING AREN^Il ^ Entertain You GENE REYNOLDS at le FRIDAY. SATURDAY and SUNDAY fr WATER'S HOT! r**' t-M WITH All 9 i W \ r-' • Delicious s5 OOV^M water heatir..!^ i - and it's STILL HOT.,. tfter showers and baths • friiltiht dishes ... EVEN the family laundry. That's because new Automatic Gas Water Heaters are faster--their "quick Jfccovery" gets you more hot water m a hurrjrto repla|e . you've drawn off. You're always sure to haft , j " : ^ ^ enough, even for the extra demands of today^ V automatic washing machines and dishwashe&. U- ^ou'U also like Gas economy. Abundant hoc water is yours for fUSt a few pennies a day. Low installation cost saves you money, tott.' , Start now to enjoy unlimited, low-cost hot water yfl * .. get a new Automatic Gas Water Heater. v> ;/ v: . • : Today's AUTOMATIC GAS ^ATO HBAtt$fe are built to save fuel and give lasting service. ': : They're solidly constructed and protected against corrosion -- a heavy jacket of insulatiott all around keeps heat IN, cold. OUT. Thermostat ! j automatically keeps water at the temperature ^ . ; you set. See the newest Automatic Gas Water HeAterS at our nearest store or your dealer's. •0" % • ' ^UBtfe SERVICE COM^ANf 'MM